Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 190: Source of Tinder

After defeating the image of destiny, it means that everyone has broken the final obstacle. What they will next face is to step into this ultimate core and ignite the tinder. In theory, this should be the most exciting, exciting, and nervous moment, but ...

"Sister Li Jie, what's wrong with the head?"

Looking at the front steps and floating like a ghost, the whole person feels like a sluggish Rhode who has not slept for several days. Annie asked, lowering her voice. After leaving the Wheel of Destiny, everyone walked into a rotating downward ladder, surrounded by infinite voids and stars everywhere, looking very beautiful. But nowadays, everyone is more worried about Rhodes' situation. Since the previous battle ended and he got the loot, Rhodes has always looked like he was traveling in the sky. Looking at him like this, it really makes him worry if he will step on the air and He fell straight down the stairs, and ... there was no more.

"I'm not quite sure, maybe it has something to do with that crystal ..."

In the face of Annie's inquiries, Li Jie could only shake her head helplessly. She and Marlene looked at each other in confusion, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong. However, this is only for them, and for Rod himself, he is completely tragedy.

The trophy [Projection Crystal] that Ma Lin touched out is not even strictly equipment, nor is it a raw material like [Fantasy Magic Stone]. On the contrary, it belongs to a kind of props, and it is [building props], also That is, as far as the surname itself is concerned, it is the same as the Orb of Mystery, which belongs to the species that can only function after being embedded in the system.


Although it does have very powerful power, it is not useful to Rhodes.

Although it does have very powerful power, it is not useful to Rhodes.

Because it is very important, I have to say it twice.

The projection crystal belongs to a kind of construction props. Its ability sounds very powerful, but it is actually very simple. It will be in front of the holder after imaging everything in the system's range. , It is tantamount to adding an unlimited number of surveillance cameras in Rhodes territory that can monitor any place in all directions and will not be found. As long as Rod wants it, he can directly call up any picture at any time and any place, and he can also zoom in and out and flip up and down like a movie. Since the projected crystal is just as its name suggests, the reflection on the crystal is reflected by the magic wave, so as long as there is a magic place, whether it is in the sky or underground, it will be clearly presented to Rhodes.

But that's it.

When it comes to holographic maps, Rhode's own construction system also comes with it. What the current projection crystal does is just to visualize ordinary holographic maps, as if the simple satellite map pictures have evolved into streets that can be anywhere at any time The same degree of shooting, the final effect is the same. If there is any strategic value, I am afraid that through the projection crystal, Rhodes can monitor any place in his territory, no matter what kind of secret talk and conspiracy, there will be no meaning in front of him.

Although thinking about the benefits, this crystal can also be used to peep at girls bathing and sex, but for Rhodes, he is basically interested in watching and willing to wash with him and roll the sheets together, so he is completely You don't need to look at the **** image so sadly to curl up in the corner to exercise your right hand. In addition, the projection crystal is a soul binding, which means that other than Rhodes, this thing is impossible for others to start. But as a lord, Rhodes can't be in the house 24 hours a day to watch these things!

Because of this, after getting this "sounds great, but actually useless to himself" thing, Rhodes can only be speechless. If this thing is not a soul binding, then he can also find a few people who are responsible for using this thing to monitor his territory, which can be regarded as a special security system. But if only you can use it, then it's really only peeping at girls taking a shower when they are bored ......... For the benefit, voyeurism is fun.

Now Rhodes's only choice is to see if Sara can use this projection crystal. After all, as a corpse slave, she can move through the power of her soul. According to the truth, Sierra's soul fluctuations are now consistent with herself. If it can be used, Rhodes can let Sarah take charge of it. Of course, it can be better if it can be successful. As an undead, Sarah has a high level of confidentiality and does not need to rest 24 hours a day. It would be a good choice to put it under Qilian.

Of course, this is based on the fact that she can activate [Projecting Crystal].

If you can't start it ............... It's good to change the taste occasionally.

Thinking of this, Rhode sighed helplessly, and sure enough, this twisted black-handed halo, even if it had Marin's red-handed halo superimposed on it, was not much better. As a result, what's the point of giving yourself a thing that looks good but is actually similar to waste?

"That ... Rhode?"

Just as Rhode lamented helplessly, the voice of Marin came from behind him, which made Rhode's consciousness return to the real world from the tragic Sea of ​​Dirac. Only then did he realize that he didn't know when he had finished the spiral corridor, which seemed to go forever. At this moment, he was standing in front of a heavy stone door, which looked on the surface and opened before That metal gate was almost exactly the same, with all kinds of weird gears and bearings, and a gap in the middle of the gate.

Is it already here?

Until this time, Rhodes completely collected his thoughts from his previous tragedy equipment, and even Li Jie and Annie, who were still relaxed, couldn't help becoming silent at this time. Although they have just faced a mirror image of their own destiny before, there is a more important issue to deal with at the moment—that is, Marin.

After being reprimanded by Rhodes, Marlene has confessed everything to them, even the most caressing Anne knows the fate that Marlene will face next. But even if Annie couldn't say anything about giving up, she just acted purely and was not a fool. Everyone came here hard, risking their lives, and even died. Just say it now, because you have to sacrifice Marlene, so everyone quits? how can that be?

But ... it's not something that two people do to sacrifice their friends so coldly. Although Rhodes once said that even when it was time to sacrifice Marin, he was sure to rescue Marlen, but after all, the thought of watching his friend die in front of him, no one would remain indifferent.

"Mr. Rhodes, how is the situation above?"

Li Jie frowned and asked. Hearing her inquiry, Rhodes frowned, and responded after a moment of silence.

"I contacted Justy just now. The Chaos people have attacked 98 times in a row. Although Christie has helped them fight for three more days, it seems to be the limit so far."

"Ah? Three days ?? How do I feel we have less than two days now?"

After hearing Rhode's answer, Li Jie could not help screaming in surprise. It is no wonder that after entering here, although there is an order to keep the flow of time, in fact, it is impossible to feel the actual length of time. At best, it is only when you are hungry that you can feel when you should eat. But the problem is that the basic people here are not normal people. Although the half-beast Annie is greedy, her blood makes her not to eat for two or three days during the battle. Li Jie belongs to a half angel, similar to an elf, and has a small appetite. Eating a few fruits is enough to restore energy. Not to mention Rhodes himself, although he doesn't know what his pedigree is, at least he is not human. As for Marlene, although she was "normally" a normal human, she seemed to have become less human after being manipulated by another in that weird space. At least she has been on the road until now. I didn't drink any drool, and I didn't have any sense of fatigue. Except that I had just passed through my shoulder and caused too much blood loss and pale, there was almost nothing unusual.

It is too difficult to count on these groups to rely on their bodies to realize the real flow of time.

"Maybe there is a difference in time flow here and above."

After hearing Lijie's inquiries, Rhodes frowned. Players didn't care about these in the game before, but after contacting with Esther just now, Rhodes was surprised to find that the time above has now passed for ten days. The chaotic offense has been pushed to the extreme step by step. Another Christie has used the True Scrolls three times in a row to gain time for them, but judging from the information just received by Justie, it has reached its limit. According to another Christie, now that the energy she can use has reached a critical point, and then using the scroll of true knowledge, Christie's body will completely collapse, so she will not participate in the battle again. But this is enough for Rhodes. If there is no other Christie's assistance, I am afraid it will be over.

But even so, the next step is the final stage. The guardians above suffered heavy losses, and the mercenaries he brought also lost nearly a third. However, the most headache for Rhodes was that Esther was sent by the Spirit Corps. Guarding the mercenaries, so that the arch knights who had their most high hopes also lost more than half, so Rhodes knew that there was no time to touch the fish.

Thinking of this, Rhodes realized that the eyes of the other three people were quietly staring at himself. Each person's eyes were different, but they all had the same meaning. —Now, it was time for him to make a decision.

"Forget it, everything is the choice of the stone door, let's see God."

Muttering to himself, Rhode raised his head and nodded at Marine.

"Marin, open the door."

"Okay, Rhodes."

Hearing Rhode's order, even the most peaceful Marin could not help but feel a little nervous at this time. She turned around and raised her right hand. Soon, the previously assembled metal staff appeared in It was in Marin's hand, and then inserted into the stone gate in front of her with the movement of Marin. Soon, the gears and bearings carved entirely from stone began to rotate, and then the door opened slowly.

No sound.

This thick stone door, which was more than five meters high, opened completely quietly, without a trace of sound, and in it, it was a scene that everyone had never imagined.

"Wow ..."

Looking at the scenery in front of her, Annie could not help exclaiming, even Li Jie was covering her mouth at this moment, showing a very surprised expression.

In front of them is the boundless starry sky. The whole world seems to have lost the distinction of up, down, left and right. No matter which direction you look at, it is the formation of void and sparkle. The stars are gathered together to form a river of light, slowly rotating. In the middle of this space, there is a sun-shaped sphere, which is shining with white light, but it is not bright or even a little dim.

"Is that Tinder ........."

Marily stared blankly at the ball in front of her, mumbling to herself. Although as the heir of the Xenia family and the destined sacrifice, she has heard of Tinder long ago, which cannot be ignored for the place of order, but only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel the unprecedented Existence. At this moment, Marin even felt like the grass and trees of this world. Every life, every river and even every stone exists for it. She felt that she could not even look away from the round fireball, like a moth fluttering towards the opponent, and then completely melted in it ... ... until she realized that Rhodes's palm held her shoulder, Ma Lin stopped now, only to realize at this time that she had entered the sacred hall without knowing it.

"Let me come first."

Rhodes winked at Li Jie and Annie, then he looked up and stared quietly at the fire in front of him. So far, everything is the same as I remember, without errors. As long as you follow the correct steps to complete it, you should be able to ignite the flame. However, if his guess is correct, it is impossible to ignite the tinder himself. But humans are always reluctant to give up that one-hundredth percentile possible surname, aren't they?

Thinking back, Rhode came to Tinder, and then he reached out and placed it on the burning little sun.

Soon, systemic prompts surfaced before him.

[Tinder activation function is activated, trigger is detected]

[Begin the verification process]

[Lineage Match Program Starts]

【Fire Seed Source ————】


Just then, a harsh sirens sounded in Rhodes' ears, which caused his heart to sink. Sure enough, the next moment, Rhodes appeared with a system prompt that he absolutely did not want to see.

[Seal system detected, system not in contact]

[Unable to forcibly lift the seal, Tinder source failed to start]


Seeing this line of system prompts, Rhode bit his teeth and took a sip. Sure enough, as expected, the **** seal was the key point. In the previous game, the seal was automatically destroyed because the Xenia family had died. For a while, in this form, the ghosts showed off their presence in front of them. If he could, Rhodes really wanted to be able to hack it with a sword. Unfortunately, Rhodes only summoned swordsmen and was not familiar with seals.

"Celia, Celestina, Grace Hill, Madaras, Helos, can you fix this seal?"

Holding the last hint of helplessness, Rhode asked his summoning card through the soul connection, and at the same time showed them the body of the seal, but unfortunately after a while, everyone said that they were unable to lift the seal. .

"This seal belongs to the demon level, and has been strengthened by the pure blood and soul of human beings. If it was forcibly destroyed, Lord Sirosi could do it, but there is no way to lift the seal."

In the end, Serestina, currently the most authoritative in magic, gave an answer. When he heard her answer, Rhodes frowned.

"Force destruction?"

"Yes, if the seal and the seal are destroyed together, it is entirely possible for Sister Siros to master the ability."

"……………forget it."

Rhodes had no doubt that Heloth, who could kill Therasgg's projection, could also kill the sealed source of fire, but the meaning of his presence here basically disappeared. Thinking of this, Rhodes bit his teeth and sighed, then he turned around and stretched out his hand to the girl behind him.

"Marin, it's your turn."

Hearing Rhode's words, Annie and Li Jie's faces sank, and they stared worriedly at the girl next to them. Feeling the eyes of the two girls, Marin shook her head with a grin and smiled, and then she reached out her hands and gently gave Anne and Li Jie their heads.

"So, Lijie, Annie, I'll come as soon as I go."

It's too easy.

For Marin, she never talked to the two in such a tone. It was as if she wasn't going to die, but she just had to visit the place to see the scenery. Instead, Anne and Li Jie couldn't say a half word at this time. They had the intention to hold Marlene, but their reason prevented them from doing so. In the end, the two were able to nod their heads in silence, watching Marin walk forward with a smile, and held Rod's outstretched hand.

"are you afraid?"

Although Malin's face had a soft smile as usual, Rhodes felt the cold breath and the slightest tremor when he held the palm of the opponent. After hearing Rhode's inquiries, Marlene bit her lip, and turned her head back to Anne and Li Jie, her expression finally seemed to show a struggle, as if she was about to cry.

"Anyway, this is what I have to do, right? Rhode?"

Speaking of which, Marlene raised her head and stared at the man in front of her eyes without reservation. At this moment, she ripped off all the strength, the fear of death, the fear of failure, the fear of failure of the plan, and the self-sacrifice The nervousness and anxiety of her fully manifested.

"Yes, and I assure you that I will be by your side."

Hearing Marin's answer, Rhode nodded, then he took Marin's hand, his eyes were staring at the screen in front of him, while the other hand fell down and put himself In his pocket, he held the fantasy stone. After hearing Rhode's answer, Marin blinked, and her wine-red eyes returned to an unprecedented calm again. She was silent for a moment, then raised her head, and a soft smile emerged. The sun will have a bright smile.

Then Marin reached out and put it on the tinder.

Soon, a new system prompt emerged in front of Rhodes.

[Person who detected the release of the seal ——— the release of the blood seal was started, the progress is 1%]

ps: There are actually so many people who think that the projection crystal is used to summon another Rhodes ......... It really surprised me ... (to be continued.)

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