Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 193: Nether Collar

The brilliance of order rose to the sky, staining the original darkness into a **.

"His Royal Highness."

Amund stood on the balcony, staring at the color of order in the distance, representing infinite purity, and frowned slightly. He looked at the figure in front of him, and opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything. At the call of Amund, Lydia waved her hand indifferently, then narrowed her eyes and looked at the sky in front of her.

"There is no need to be anxious about this, Amund Qing, beautiful flowers will eventually give birth to sweet fruits. This is a natural process. No matter what we do, we cannot reverse this process. The trajectory of the world will always be It's fixed, and ... I never violate my promise. "

"But, Your Highness, in case there is ... the country of night ..."

"That's the problem he needs to solve. We just have to look at it quietly. Now that he is willing to make this choice, then there must be a way to solve the problem. If he is not careful, then he must pay for it The corresponding price. In any case, anxiety is the enemy. As a superior, you must always maintain a graceful manner, not be moved by the outside world, keep your heart, teacher, this is the truth you taught me. "

Having said that, Lydia raised her head, then narrowed her eyes. No one could see what was in her golden eyes.

"Perhaps this will also be a good choice for Her Majesty."

Then Lidia murmured to herself.

At the same time, on the platform of the castle under the red moonlight, the girl in a gorgeous evening dress stared at the light of order in the distance. The light wasn't dazzling, but the powerful power that came was undeniable. Even the **** red moon in the dark night couldn't help getting dim.

"It's funny, is that gentleman doing it?"

Yilin stretched out her right hand and pressed against her chin, with a playful smile. She turned her head, looking towards the dark city not far away, and on the tall and dark tower, a bright turquoise flame shone at this moment. That means that in this dark country, an important meeting is being held on something, and the content of the meeting is naturally self-evident.

Trail Blazers ......... In my own memory, there have been no pioneers on the mainland for hundreds of years? Whether it is humans, undead who have immortal bodies, and elves with long lives, they are surrendered to the threat of chaos, and no one has dared to go to chaos for centuries. Even his elder brother, the seemingly fearless Dark Dragon, has never made any decision on this. But Eileen is also very clear that he just does not want to consume power in such unrelated places. The struggle between the aristocratic gate valves can filter those abandoned beings and screen out subordinates who meet the requirements more. Fighting with foreign enemies can swallow up the opponent ’s land and people and come to strengthen their own power. But throwing troops into chaos is a dangerous and unwieldy operation. Indeed, an undead soul may have an absolute advantage in the face of other living creatures, but in the face of the chaos that devours the power of rules, it is as weak or even weaker than other creatures.

Does the undead dead soul have a fearful feeling even for a long time?

But ... eldest brother.

If you just evade and don't face it, no matter how right you are, you will only be crushed in the end. This reason, it seems that I, as a younger sister, cannot tell you.

Then, only let you experience the feeling of "failure". Before the big mistake was made, it was for me and for our country.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yilin's mouth was slightly raised, and a little smile appeared. Then she held out her right hand. With her movements, the dense forest around the castle suddenly began to make a "Salsa" sound. Suddenly flying out of the darkness, they circled around the castle and circled, and then flew towards the far end of the night.

In the temple surrounded by mountains, there is still peace and serenity as always, the only difference is that the elves who should have been kneeling on the ground and praying quietly stood up at this moment, looking at the complex and confused eyes. The white beams of light rising up from the sky, the ripples of the order are so strong that it is almost impossible to look straight.

"Sister, someone kindled the tinder."

A beautiful, nice and cold voice echoed in the solemn and simple hall of the church, standing in front of the window with a pretty back with a long knife that was as long as her own body, and quietly looking at the scenery outside the window, her voice was silent Sad and joyless, but full of perseverance and will that no one can oppose.

"And it's zero order."

"It's nostalgic, I thought I would never see that beautiful order again ........."

Another voice sounded, with a light, gentle and relaxed tone. The pretty back on the other side shook, and her long silvery hair dangled.

"Is the Void Traveler back? I don't know, what kind of surprise will he bring to us this time?"

"We don't need surprises, my sister."

Hearing the latter, the former seemed quite dissatisfied with it. The back holding the long blade paused, lowered his head, not looking at the beautiful and powerful light above the sky in front of him.

"Our mission is to maintain order from being trampled, distorted, and destroyed. No one can oppose this. Even the creator of the void is the same. We will use our lives to maintain the law of creation forever. "

The sound gradually disappeared again, and in the solemn palace, the former silence was restored again.

[Completed reset]

[End of Nether Purification]


Looking at the redistributed three-dimensional holographic map, Rod was relieved. After completely evolving the chaos that lurks here, the realm in front finally appeared. Roughly speaking, this land owned by Rhodes is similar to what he has in the game. The meniscus territory, which began with the Fortress of Atonement, formed a small peninsula. From the outside, it looks like there is a semi-circular branch below the Principality of Munn. The original sea of ​​gold has now become the inland sea surrounded by the meniscus, and now the fire of Rhodes The source is a huge island formed in the inland sea in the middle of this meniscus peninsula. However, unlike the game, the meniscus-shaped peninsula is much larger. The rolling mountains, plains and wetlands form a perfect barrier. Looking from a high altitude, it is like a person gently stretches his arms. Like the island in your arms. The other side of the sharp angle of the meniscus is far away from the depth of the continent of light. It can be said that this territory of Rhodes is equivalent to reconnecting the Principality of Moon, which was originally divided by the ocean, and the continent of light through another way. Although the territory itself is not as large as the Principality of Munn, it is at least one-sixth of it.

Geographically speaking, Rhodes' territory can be described as good and can not be better. It connects the Principality of Muen through land, and due to the influence of the peninsula, the originally turbulent sea of ​​gold has now become a quiet inland sea. Looking at the map, in addition to the four or five waterways leading to the territories around Mun and the kingdom of light, the land passage through the fortress of the Atonement can also be combined with the road of the kingdom of night. Even the French country far on the other side of the mainland can easily connect if it can set up a fairway. This is almost the same as connecting all of his territory with all the major forces on this continent. From a commercial perspective, this is of course a good thing, but from a military perspective, before there is no self-protection strength, this is simply a piece of fat. Once the kingdom of the night sends troops to occupy this territory, they will not have much obstacle regardless of the angle of attack on the land of the light. It can even be said that with the strength of the kingdom of night, if the territory of Rhodes can be used as Springboard, occupying the entire continent of light is basically a matter of nails.

In addition, Rhodes also found a total of nine shelters in his territory. These shelters vary in size, with a maximum of 10,000 people and a minimum of less than a hundred people. As for the other refuges, none of them appeared on the system, it is estimated that it was completely finished in the previous chaos. As for what to do with the remnants in these shelters, Rhodes hasn't made up his mind yet. In the game, after being purified by the light of order, the remnants will be as obedient and obedient as the npc of the game. You can do whatever you want with the mouse. But in reality, only God knows what it will look like, so Rhodes only lifted the first seal of the shelter and allowed them to move around the shelter. As for what to do next, he still plans to wait for his own eyes. Look at it clearly before making a decision.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after turning on the ignition source, Rhode finally found a secret. A secret in the game that no player has ever discovered.

That is the existence of Dragon Soul Power itself.

In the game, everyone knows that the successor of the Dragon Soul is very powerful. Whether it is the Dark Dragon, the Nether Dragon, the Judgment Dragon or the Sanction Dragon, they have clearly demonstrated this. They use their own Dragon Spirit to protect this piece The earth is not affected by chaos. But players only know these things. After all, they are not the dragon spirits of the creation. In what form the power of dragon souls exists, they are not clear. Now, with the power of the Nether Dragon, Rhode finally understands the significance of the existence of the power of the Dragon Soul-that is, loyalty and belief in the Dragon Soul itself.

This is very similar to the kind of belief power that the gods collected in the novel that Rhodes once saw. The more people who believe in a god, the more powerful that **** is. Conversely, the fewer people who believe in gods, the weaker the oracle's power is. The power of the Dragon Soul is similar to this, but the difference is that the scope of its power collection is not to see the believers, but all the people living under the shelter of the Dragon Soul. In other words, the people living under the shelter of the Light Dragon Soul will unconsciously provide power to the Light Dragon Soul, as will the Dark Dragon Soul and the Twin Dragons of the Kingdom of Law.

But the source of strength does not come from respect and dedication, but from submission. Whether it is surrendering because of fear, or surrendering because of respect, as long as you are willing to subdue the dragon soul heir from his heart to surrender his command, the more power you can provide the dragon soul heir.

No wonder the Dark Dragon is so powerful.

Thinking of this, Rhodes can't help but let go of his mouth, to say something of love, the kingdom of night must not have this thing, but to say the dragon of darkness, no one in the kingdom of night dares to resist it, because of this mighty power The surrender of pressure and fear brings the Dark Dragon so powerfully. If the player knows the details of the Dark Dragon, I am afraid that Rhodes will not use the decapitation tactics in the later stage. As long as he takes the player to kill all the npcs of the Night Kingdom, the Dark Dragon has lost the source of the power of the Dragon Soul. Naturally it's better to deal with it ......... But now this is just talking.

In this way, the monarchy of the Dark Dragon Kingdom and the religion of the Dharma Kingdom can be understood. No matter which one is, it will strengthen the Dragon Spirit's successor. But what made Rhodes unable to figure out is the country of light. If the information he has obtained is correct, the weakening of the light continent or even the artificial reduction of the light dragon soul's influence in people's hearts is simply naked death. behavior. For those who have no awe or surrender to the Light Dragon Soul, the power of the Dragon Soul given to the Light Dragon Soul will decrease, and with the decrease of the Dragon Soul power, the power of the Dragon Soul will be weakened, leading to chaos. Come in. Although it is said that even if there is no awe of the dragon soul, it will provide power unconsciously, but the difference between providing power 1 and power 100 is naturally self-evident.

Where is the courage of the Light Council to die?

No ...... thinking of this, Rhodes felt that another kind of surname might be bigger.

That is ... the Council of Light does not even know that it is dying.

It's no wonder that the secrets of Dragon Soul's power haven't even been dug out by players, and it wasn't until after Rhode himself became a Void Dragon that he learned about it. This means that whether in the game world or in the real world, I am afraid that only the heirs of the Dragon Soul are entitled to know this secret. The German surname of the Council of Light is probably the heir of the Dragon Soul telling them, "If you don't let the people believe in me, follow me, the land of light will be destroyed." I am afraid they will only treat it as light. Dragon Soul's excuse for trying to fight for power.

So, what is the wisdom of mortals ...

Perhaps this is the reason why the protection of the Light Dragon soul has not been defended in the face of the Dark Dragon's attack?

However, this matter has nothing to do with Rhodes at this time. After becoming a heir to the Dragon Soul, his body has not changed, so in principle, Lilian will not change in any way. According to the information provided by Sonia before, Lilian's body may have been surnamed with a large surname. Although Rhodes does not think that the Council of Light has such ability, who knows? It's not surprising that a guy who has been stunned by power can do anything.

And the power of the Dragon Soul itself is not just for resisting chaos invasion and strengthening the power of the successor of the Dragon Soul. In the construction system, Rhodes is surprised to find that there is almost nothing that the Dragon Soul Power cannot do. As long as there is enough Dragon Spirit power to consume, you can even move the mountains to flat land, create islands and reefs in the sea, and instantly turn the barren land into a fertile plain. Turn an empty beach into a rich fishing ground. It can even be said that under the continent sheltered by the Dragon Soul, the successor of the Dragon Soul is the creator god, who can change everything as he wants-but in fact it is not so simple.

When the plasticine is soft, you can pinch it into any shape you want. But when its shape becomes stiff and fixed, it will be completely broken when you try to change the shape again. If you make too many changes to an area, or try to modify everything here in some areas that have been fixed for a long time, then it is very likely that the balance will be broken, if only a small part is completely broken. If inadvertently breaking the barrier of the dragon soul's shelter, and opening a way for the chaos to invade, then I am afraid that it will be an inhumane end.

This is probably why Rhodes did not obtain the power of the Dragon Soul from the country that touched the night, the Kingdom of the Light, and the Kingdom of the Light to change the information. Their territory has been fixed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the power of the Dragon Soul is used again Making changes is likely to trigger a crisis of collapse. However, for the new territory, Rhodes did not have such concerns.

And he has more important things to do now.

In the game, after the player opens a new territory, there will be a wall of absolute order to protect the player's territory. During this time, anyone is denied entry into the player's territory. In game terms, it is the protection period of the new territory. During this period, even if other dragon spirit heirs come in person, they still do n’t want to break into the wall of order and enter it. According to the game, this is a rule engraved on the genesis code. Any people of order Must abide by this rule. Now in reality, it seems that this article still applies. After opening the wall of absolute order, no one can enter the new territory of Rhodes until the period of protection has passed and the order barrier responsible for guarding has completely disappeared. What Rhodesau needs to do is, in the shortest possible time, first make his territory have sufficient defense capabilities to avoid snooping and invasion from all sides.

Right now, the first thing Rhodes has to do is build a main city for his territory. (To be continued.)

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