Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 212: Territorial discussion

Conquering Angeline was just an unexpected gift for Rhodes, and the next thing was the highlight. With the influx of refugees, the framework of the Netherland gradually began to improve. At the same time, the surrounding territories and the Principality also began to try to contact the Lord of the Void where Rhodes was located, in order to obtain sufficient benefits. Exploring the land of chaos is not just as simple as adding a territory. Due to the chaos of hundreds of thousands of years, the entire chaos land is filled with quite powerful magic. It is precisely under the influence of these magic that almost every The interior of this newly opened chaotic land can be described as rich in oil. Various high-purity ores are connected one by one. As for other rare and rare magic plants, they are everywhere, and with the renewed order, those who are in chaos The broken ruins in the attack will also be seen again, but there are many ancient treasures and various documents buried in them, naturally they will also attract powerful adventurers. In the game, every time a player explores the chaos territory, many players will go deep into it to try their luck. Although in the real world, those mercenaries who dare not run like players are afraid to run anywhere, but they will try to penetrate the void. It is absolutely possible to lead a adventure.

The best evidence is that Rhodes has only just begun to resettle refugees, and applications for churches, alchemists' associations, mercenary associations, and the Tour de France tower have been received from the Atonement. I hope Rhodes can allow them Local chapters are established in the Netherland. The church values ​​new wealth gathering places and worshippers. The Alchemist Association values ​​all kinds of rare and rare magic plants in the Netherland. The main goal of the mercenary association is naturally those of ancient times. Ruins, and the Tour de France towers are for those crystal mines. All in all, there are too many factors that can attract them in this new territory.

This is only those non-official and non-governmental organizations. Although some principalities of the Principality have sent people to test it so far, they have not yet started formal diplomatic exchanges. The reason is very simple. At present, they have no idea what Rhodes is planning to do. Determine your location. Although it is said that by convention, this kind of thing is not impossible. It seems that in the era of "opening up wasteland", many pioneering knights were both knights and lords, but when they owned their own land, it was not that no one read out. This is why there are many principalities around the country of light. Although they maintain contact with the country of light itself, they are considered to be reading surnames politically, economically and militaryly. If traditionally, Rhodes will also Into such an existence.

However, that was while his Dragon Soul shelter was still the Light Soul.

Now, Rhode's identity has become the successor of the Dragon Soul. In this case, formal diplomatic relations need to be cautious. Organizations such as the Mercenary Association and the Tour de France do not need to care about this, because regardless of his identity, Rhodes is the only ruler here. These unofficial organizations must be approved by him before they can be here. Based on. So as long as Rhodes doesn't object to their presence, these organizations don't care. But those rulers were completely different, and they had to react differently to Rhode's identity. Regardless of whether it is economic, military, or diplomatic, a landlord is certainly impossible to compare with the ruler of a country, and the ruler of a country cannot naturally be compared with the ruler of a continent.

In fact, from Qilian's intelligence network, Rhodes has heard such a wind, and from the inside of the Kingdom of Light, a ridiculous rumor has been heard from Lidia, saying that she is an archangel, but even her own The lord is not as good as speaking like this and so on. Obviously, the kingdom of light is thinking about this, hoping to stir up the relationship between Rhodes and Lydia, but now ... Rhodes feels I don't need to worry about external relations anymore.

Because at this moment, in front of Rhodes, a "civil war" is erupting.

There is only one cause --- money.

With the influx of refugees, the various systems around Rhodes have also begun to integrate as never before, so the problem of money has become prominent. The first is that Ma Lin needs a lot of money for the resettlement and integration of refugees and the economic development plan. The second is that the heart of Bran said that because of the need to maintain law and order in various gathering areas, the local police team selected from the refugees. Members need new equipment to replace, otherwise they will only be able to hit the gopher with a wooden stick. But this is not the end. At the same time that Rhodes was anxious for these troubles, Rabis also approached the door timidly, indicating that the standard for magic guides to construct weapons had been established, and only the investment was needed to start preparing the amount. In addition, Qi Lian also expressed fear that the world would not be chaotic, and his intelligence network also needs a lot of money to support ...............

Of course, it is impossible for Rhodes to have so much money, and although his mines and mints have begun to take shape in his own territory, that is not to say that he can cast as many coins as possible, and the mine facilities are very worn and backward, everything Basically, they started from scratch and can now run smoothly, thanks to the presence of many skilled miners among refugees. Although the underground mines are still a bit dangerous to mine, fortunately there are also some open-air mines in Rhodes territory, which can at least guarantee smooth operation.

The problem is --- foreign funds.

Just a few days ago, Rhodes got the news that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance had finally shot. They indicated to Rhodes that they would help Rhodes develop the Netherlander, and the price was that Rhodes allowed their Chamber of Commerce to take root here. It was this news that caused a great uproar in Rhodes's subordinates.

Many people think that this is a good idea. All the chambers of commerce in the alliance are powerful chambers of commerce. The scope of these chambers of commerce is extremely wide and contains everything. If they are willing to help Rhodes develop the Void Collar, then the development speed of the Void Collar will be greatly accelerated, and the Chamber of Commerce will also open up the most powerful conditions and low prices. If they are allowed to enter , Then they can even guarantee to solve all the problems including commercial circulation in the shortest time. The risk is borne by themselves. Rhodes only needs to sit at home and count the money. Their only requirement was to hope that Rhodes could provide them with official support to facilitate their actions. This is not a particularly excessive requirement in An's opinion, and in this way, it can save a lot of costs required to build the territory, and at the same time can strengthen external contacts and commercial circulation, which can be said to do more than one thing. As for the armament, since the Chamber of Commerce is willing to provide Rhodes with equipment and weapons at a low price, the research on armaments on Rabbit's side can also be temporarily paused, save money and wait for the money to be re-researched.

However, Ma Lin is firmly opposed to this plan, although it does seem convenient and in fact convenient, but this way is equivalent to handing over the entire territory to others, after all, what the leaders care about is not world peace. Continental trends and future military threats, they are simply eager for food, clothing and shelter. If these are all wrapped up by others, what is Rhodes ’dominance and existence? When the tentacles of the Houhou Chamber of Commerce infiltrate the entire void collar, it is up to them to decide what to eat, what to wear, and what they live in. Isn't that bad? As for the issue of armaments, Marlene is resolutely opposed to purchasing equipment and weapons. The Xenia family itself is the supporter of Muen's magic technology. As a heir to the family, Marlene naturally knows that she has control over her own hands. How important. This is the lifeblood of the kingdom, and the vanity leader is not the small territory of the vassal state. Once the dependence on the surname is formed, it is too late to cut off the trouble later. Although it is said that Rhodes' dragon soul is overwhelming, but after all, it is only useful to the people sheltered by the void dragon soul. As for the outsiders, it is not very useful. Once something goes wrong, it is absolutely impossible to deal with it at that time.

So both sides talked about each other, but no one was willing to make concessions. The former thinks that although Marin does make sense, she is also very dangerous. But at the moment they don't have enough funds to support the development of every aspect of the territory, they must give up part if they want to seize part. Otherwise, a lot of things need to start over, it takes a lot of time and energy, and it may not be able to achieve results. For now, they face a lot of dangers and don't have time to let them go step by step.

However, Marlene disagreed about this. Although she acknowledged that there were many difficulties, as long as she could have a good relationship with Munn and get the support of Munn to develop her foundation in a short period of time, these difficulties would not be impossible. Overcome. Although it will be hard, but it is much better than the blood flow afterwards --- she does not want to participate in a civil war between North and South after coming here. Not to mention, although the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is a seemingly neutral organization, Marin is very clear that it has inexhaustible commercial links with the country of light. No matter from what angle, Marin opposes allowing the Chamber of Commerce to intervene in the void The construction of the collar came.

The main issue arguing about this issue is the three men, Marin, Qilian and Ann. Only the three of them were able to speak, and the others were completely listening to the cloud in the mist. It was no wonder that it was like Sol, South, Lando, and Joey. The mercenary origin of his mercenary is not strong in his politically sensitive surnames. Alchemists such as Rabise are absolutely authoritative in their own scope. Otherwise, they are basically no different from ordinary people. Therefore, after listening to the arguments of the three, they only felt dizzy, and it sounded reasonable on either side, but there seemed to be shortcomings on either side ... It was really terrible.

As for Canary and Little Bubble Gum, they went into the theater mode very calmly. They had experienced too many similar quarrels on the Internet. For them, these didn't matter. The most important thing was Rod's own attitude and decision.

"All right."

At last, even Rhodes couldn't help but knock on the table and said. And when Rhodes spoke, the people who were still arguing quickly closed their mouths and turned to look at their Lord Lord.

After gaining the dominion of the Void Leader, Rhodes did not separate himself from the crowd. After all, he was not an aboriginal of this world. After all, he sometimes did not take the so-called status seriously. Rhodes was not used to that. This kind of rhythm sits in the middle of the Longting Hall, and then the civil and military hundred officials divide the two sides, "when there is something to play, but nothing to retreat." Originally he intended to hold a form like a round table-but after considering the tragic experience of a bad guy, Rhodes decisively abandoned this model. After all, he didn't want to be betrayed by his son and the whole country was divided. Ben isolated himself and was shot to death by his son ... or something else ... This is too unlucky.

So Rhode's approach was to arrange a rectangular conference table, sitting in the middle himself, and others on both sides, which made it look more like a family gathering than a serious political atmosphere, of course, because Rhodes also It is clear that it is very difficult for these men and women to create such an atmosphere at present --- look at Annie, she has fallen asleep on the table.

"Marlene is right. Although the joining of the Chamber of Commerce will leave us a lot of strength and funds, I am not used to letting everything be in the hands of others. Minerals and food must be in our hands and sold to them. , But they must not be allowed to put their ideas on us. These are our most important, and we must never give them to others. In this aspect ... it is up to you, Marlene, as to the magic furnace and tools needed It can be purchased from Moon. I think the Xenia family should be able to provide us with some. "

"Of course there is no problem, Rhodes."

After the development of the Netherlander, Rhodes learned from Marin that the Xenia family had already done the migration work. This was not unexpected from Rhodes. According to Marin, the Xenia family followed The Nether Dragons have been so long, and now the Nether Dragons are back. It would be weird that they would not return. From Rhode's standpoint, it would be even more powerful if we could get the assistance of the Xenia family. But after all, the Xenia family has followed Muen for many years, and now Rhodes can't say dig and dig. So, regarding the placement of the Xenia family, I am afraid that Rhodes can only be determined after discussing with Lydia. .

However, this does not mean that development work in Rhodes territory will be stagnated. In fact, Rhodes has long found a candidate. (To be continued.)

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