Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 214: Highland City

For the entire continent, the hottest news at the moment is Rhode's Netherland. No matter where you go, you can hear people discussing the new territory. The mercenaries were eager to take risks, and the businessmen were coveted by the rich resources there. Even the general public was enthusiastic about the topic of the territory, especially those near the Netherlands. It refers to the stranger who draws and paints his feet about the strange sky, the earth, and the moon and stars. Various news spread throughout the continent, and in the first place, Muen and the Kingdom of Light were naturally drawn into the whirlpool of news.

"Really, you haven't seen it, but the sun there is so big ......... !!!"

In the tavern, an adventurer drooled at the audience around him, drawing a large circle with his hands in the void.

"I will never lie to you. It is so big. It is much bigger than the sun here, and it seems to be closer to the sky. I tell you, the moon there can cover half the sky! With such a big sun, it should be very hot there, no! I can tell you, the place is not hot at all, and it is especially cool and comfortable. A friend of mine lives in it now, and he told me that it is just heaven Ah! The soil is so fertile that if you throw the seeds down and leave nothing behind, you can grow a large piece! "

"Oh oh oh !!"

Listening to the mercenary's narration, the crowd around him could not help screaming. They didn't care how the other party knew the news. For the local people living here, they couldn't do it. Freedom like a mercenary, go wherever you want. But just listening to the other person's description, people can not help but have some yearning. For most people, the emergence of the Netherland is nothing more than a chat after dinner.

However, for some people, this is a matter of life and death.

"The messenger of the Nether Lord asked us again to surrender to him under the leadership of the Nether Dragon."

Putting down the letter in his hand, the young man in front revealed some anxiety in his eyes. He looked up and looked at the old man sitting at the top.

"Master City Lord, I think we should really consider long-term. No matter what you think, now the entire Highland City is under the shelter of the Dragon Soul. We have no choice at all. As for the Light Council, I don't think they have the ability Your own promise, and it's not good for us, is it? "


Hearing the rebuttals of his subordinates, the old man's beard frowned and he frowned at the man in front of him.

"Don't blind your eyes for a moment's greed. The so-called Netherland is just a newly born territory. What ability does he have to fight against the kingdom of light? If you make a stupid choice now, it is unlucky It ’s still our people, have you forgotten, have those guys come to an end? We ca n’t afford such a blow now! ”

"Yes, Lord Lord is right."

"Compared with the kingdom of light, now the vanity collar is completely climateless. We just accidentally entered the sphere of influence of the other party. Now the first thing to do is to stay calm. If you ca n’t do this Then, how about leading the whole city? "

Faced with the remarks of the people who accompanied the old man, the young man didn't say much, he just shook his head, and then returned to the crowd. The old man glanced at him with dissatisfied eyes, then raised the gavel in his hand and knocked hard.

"Then, it is so decided. For the Nether Lord, we will not respond for the time being. As for the envoys of the kingdom of light, we can properly disclose to our bottom line, but not too obvious. Do you understand? Everyone, now is the most important time for our highland city. Whether we can get rid of our fate depends on the present !! "

The gavel was knocked down, announcing the end of today's meeting.

The man reluctantly stepped out of the hall and soon saw several figures greeted him.

"How is it? Cliff? What does Lord Lord say?"

"No, lord, he still looks forward to the Council of Light, and there are many people who support him. I have no way to persuade the lord of the city to change his mind ........."

Having said that, Cliff shook his head helplessly. As one of the Lord's deputies, he actually disagreed with the Lord's opinion, but now he is powerless. The original Highland City was just a city barely struggling to survive on the border of order. They lived a hard and poor life here, and endured the exploitation and oppression from the interior of the Light. Few people can no longer tolerate the explosion of the Council of Light, but they have no way. As a border area, the Highland City itself has no particularly strong power and no dependence. Most of the food needs to be imported from the inland. And it comes at a high price. Although here is near the land of chaos, many precious minerals are buried under the land eroded by magic, but the Highland City has not been able to become the second Solagang Mountain. Instead, they have become the Chamber of Commerce of the State of Light The fat in our eyes. Those precious mineral deposits did not bring much benefit to Highland City, but they brought disaster to them. Many people in Highland City make their living by mining, but their pay is only half that of miners in other regions. Not only that, even the inland chambers of commerce used to purchase ore instead of gold coins, but gold coins plus Grain --- just these grains are also some old grain! !!

In history, the Highland City is not the only country that has not resisted the country of light. Those miners who once could not stand once gathered to hold protest demonstrations, demanding their own benefits and treatment. Eventually, the protest demonstrations became a momentum. The huge parade even drove away several representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of the Light.

But soon, the Council of Light responded. They designated the protests in the Highlands as a riot and sent troops to suppress them. Although the army of the kingdom of light is indeed not working now, the fight against undead is basically Just touch it. However, there is no problem in dealing with these highland city miners who don't even have formal equipment and are shirtless and wield a hoe. If even such a group of miners can't handle it, I am afraid that this huge country will really be torn apart.

In the end, the "riot" of the miners was suppressed, and several leaders were put in jail and subsequently executed. After that, the Kingdom of Light also strengthened the "management" of the Highland City. Now in the Highland City, almost all affairs are controlled by the five major consortia, whether it is food, water, ores, or even commercial trade. Here, the residents of Highland City are doing tiring work, but they pay very little, and even solving the problem of food and clothing is sometimes a problem. The representatives of the chambers of commerce, however, are eating the most delicious food, drinking the sweetest wine, and living a poorly luxurious life.

This naturally made many Highlanders, including Cliff, not accustomed to each other's actions, but they have no way. Since the previous riots, the number of soldiers in the Highland City has increased a lot, and they are all affiliated. The private soldiers of the Chamber of Commerce belong to the military strength of the Highland City itself. There are only a handful of poor guards ... What can people do? If it were before, they could only endure the oppression of each other, but now, with the emergence of the Netherlander, Cliff and other young people find that they have a new opportunity.

If they can get the assistance and care of the Netherlord, then they may be able to get rid of the current situation of being exploited by the kingdom of light and live a better life than they are now. This is an adventure, but young people are not afraid of adventure. After being aware of the current situation in the Highland City, Cliff had studied the territory carefully, and inquired a lot about the lord of the territory-Rhodes. . News from Elante.

Of course, in the kingdom of light, there is naturally more bad talk about Rhodes than good words, but for Cliff, this is good news. The ruler of the Netherland is a completely reflective parliamentarian. Highland City is simply an excellent opportunity. If they can win the support of that person, then they can definitely get rid of the current predicament bound by the kingdom of light and find a new way.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with this idea.

Many old people, including the city owner, are deeply skeptical about this. They don't think how powerful the void is. After all, that is a new territory, but the power of the kingdom of light is what they have witnessed- — Of course, on the entire continent, the country of light is now like an elephant that has become ill. If there is no medicine, no one can come and bully. But on the other hand, an elephant who is sick again is also an elephant, and it doesn't take much effort to step on an ant, does it? And Highland City is the ant. Therefore, the old people, headed by the city owners, are not willing to change the gates. After all, they have become accustomed to this life, and they have also become accustomed to finding their place in this life. But if you change the void collar, it means that everything has to be restarted. Will things go in a better or worse direction? No one knows, but in the eyes of the elderly, it is the right choice not to change the status quo.

What excites those old people is that just a while ago, the Light Council sent a representative to the Highland City to convey to them the news that the Light Council was willing to help the Highland City develop and build. This immediately made the old people thrilled, and they also understood that this was because of the Void Leadership at the moment, so the Council of Light, which had always been indifferent to it, began to show its favor to them. And this is also very good news for them. Many people, including the city owners, are considering taking this opportunity to enhance the status of the Highland City and make it the most important goal of the Light Council. They believe that once the Light Council Recognizing the important surnames here, the treatment in Highland City will be much better, and they will benefit from this.

But Cliff sneered at it. In his opinion, the old people were simply stiff-headed and completely bent over by fear, and they didn't want to think about it. If the Council of Light really valued this place, how could it be assured that it was important Let the city manage them? At that time, the Light Council will definitely send higher-ranking officials to replace the current city lord, and the city lord himself may be thrown away just like garbage thrown up when used up. I don't know where he is so confident now, so sure that he can certainly get the trust of the Light Council.

If Cliff is from the earth, then he can use one sentence to describe the performance of the Lord of the City very well-I would have turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines in the ditch. The so-called falling flowers are intentional, and the water is ruthless. How can the people's council of light trust a puppet?

What's more painful for Cliff is that in Highland City, in addition to the two parties led by Cliff and the city owner, there are neutral third parties, and their dreams are even more speechless-they I even hope that with the special status of the Highland City, I can benefit from back and forth between the Kingdom of Light and the Nether Lord, and then read out to become a key area that can control the existence of the Kingdom of Light and the Nether Lord. By that time, no matter who It depends on their winks. This reminds me of ......... hahaha, so cool ...............

Cliff didn't even think of refuting this. He couldn't think of anyone other than the idiot who would agree with this view. Indeed, after the dragon soul's asylum was unfolded, the role of the Highland City immediately became apparent. But because of this, they are also in absolute danger. Such a key place, neither the Council of Light nor the Netherlander, will be missed. Let your reading come out and take their noses away? Do you treat them all as fools?

As for the Lord of the City who is afraid of the Council of Light, Cliff can only show that he is really stupid to the extreme. The Council of Light is indeed horrible, but is the Nether Leader the right role? Although the country of light is full of smearing of Rhodes, it is always based on facts. From this point, it can be seen that he is definitely a ruthless person. If the rumors in the country of light are true, are you not afraid to mess with it? Do you kill the city directly after being angry? Anyway, for Rhodes, the most important thing is the geographical location of the Highland City, not the people who live on it. Although Cliff did not believe those rumors, but if these rumors are true, then it is certain that the young lord named Rhodes is a more difficult existence than the Council of Light. At least the council of light is embarrassing, but the young lord is unscrupulous for his purpose. You dare to mess with this kind of person. Is it really tired?


Hearing Cliff's answer, some of his subordinates also appeared helpless, but now they have no good way. After all, these young people do not have any rights in the highland city, and they are not willing to Walking too close to the merchants of the Kingdom of Light and converging, so although they are worried about the future fate of the Highland City, they are powerless in the face of this situation. After all, their power is too weak.

"Forget it, Cliff, those old guys won't give up their rights. I think we should fight for and change our own destiny. Now those old guys are swaying. Isn't this the most for us? A good opportunity? We should take this opportunity to contact the Nether Leader in private. If it succeeds, then we can get rid of the continuation of the oppression of the Council of Light! The opportunity is only this time, if we lose this time Chances are, we have no choice but to go! "

"Of course I know, but it is not the time yet."

Hearing his companion's eagerness to speak, Cliff frowned. He glanced left and right to confirm that no one else was overhearing his own voice, and this kept his voice down.

"The eyeliner of the Council of Light is now being collected everywhere. If we act now, maybe they will be found, and we will lose everything by then. We are not without opportunities, but we must be patient enough. If we connect this I have no patience, so what's the difference with those old guys? Don't be impatient, we still have a chance. "

With that said, Cliff waved his hand.

"So that's it. I still have to meet the merchants from the kingdom of light ......... Well, those guys, they are running very quickly, they never looked at us before!"

Having said that, Cliff couldn't help complaining a little, then he turned around, sighed, shook his head, and then turned to leave.

It's been half an hour since the welcoming guests came to the Highlands.

Seeing the luxurious, studded carriage of Phnom Penh rushing down the road, Cliff couldn't help but slip his lips. He has never had a good opinion of those businessmen. In their eyes, nothing matters except money. Only money is the most important. Anything can be bought and sold, without money ......... The thing that Cliff hates most is the self-righteousness of the merchants, but unfortunately, as the deputy of the city owner, he still has to do his own job.

Soon, the carriage came to Cliff's side, stopped gradually, and then the door opened. At this time, the indifference and disdain on Cliff's face had long since faded away, replaced by an unprecedented warm smile.

"Dear guests, welcome to the Highlands. My name is Cliff Babbett and I will be happy to help you."

He almost walked to the carriage almost mechanically, bowed his head, and enthusiastically said the lines that had been repeated hundreds or thousands of times, but at the moment when Cliff's eyes were thrown into the carriage, he could not help but stunned. a bit.

I saw in the carriage, a girl with golden fluffy curly hair and a beautiful young girl with black and soft long hair were watching her quietly, the look was so peaceful that even Cliff could not help but some heart tremor Soon, he heard the other's answer.

"Hello, Mr. Cliff. I'm Miranda Sellen from the Chamber of Commerce of the Light Country ..."

PS: Damn **** downstairs today are engaged in circuits, and as a result, my ps3 is smoking! !! It's terrible! !! I do n’t know if I can repair it again ... …… t_t (To be continued.)

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