Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Angeline Sigh

"I see, Angeline."

Hearing Angeline's answer, Rod nodded in a chair, staring at the thick book in his hand, looking as if a quiet and slender lady was telling her maid to prepare afternoon tea, If you don't consider the **** topic they talked about.

Shan Lide never dreamed that the intelligence network that he had worked hard to build was actually broken from the inside and was used. With the help of Shan Lide's intelligence network that has been operating in the Highland City for many years, Rhodes has now The movement of the great forces is well known, especially the black elves sent by Shan Lide to monitor themselves. I am afraid that the poor guy can never dream of it. Those who are sent to monitor him are respectfully reporting to themselves the situation in the Highland City ... ...

The spiritual manipulation of the blood-sucking royal family cannot be overlooked.

Although Rhodes had previously dealt with the blood-sucking royal family and knew that their mental manipulation was very powerful, it was only after they had engaged with people manipulated by the blood-sucking that they found that their former companions had always been blood-sucked. What the royal family manipulates, as for how the vampire royal family manipulates them, in fact, most of the players in the kingdom of light are not very familiar with them. In the game, they can feel that the spiritual manipulation is expressed in the form of a game. When the vampire is manipulated, the body will not listen to the call, but for players, they still have time to type or tell their companions by voice "I am controlled, please disperse!"

But this is just the case. After all, the game is a game. If the spirit of a player in a holographic reality game will be completely controlled by the npc, then this is no longer a game, and it can basically rise to the level of strategic nuclear weapons. So after coming to Highland City. Rhode was also observing what was happening to the mind control of the blood-sucking royal family. Mind control skills are available in many races, as are high-level devil like Serestina, and the genie who was previously recaptured by Rhodes is also an expert in mind control. Hypnosis, mental manipulation, brainwashing. These are the skills of the control department. Of course, to say that the most proficient in mastering this skill is naturally the higher devil represented by Serestina. For the devil, language is a weapon and lies are their blade. The truth is their poison, no matter how upside-down is black and white, it will definitely make sense to them in the mouth of the devil. And the spirit control of the devil belongs to the map cannon type. If they want, they can control a large area at a time, especially higher devil like Serestina. Once she develops the charm skills. The whole city will worship her like a virgin, and if Serestina kills and arsons in front of so many people, they will only cheer loudly, without the slightest opposition and blame. This is the power of the higher devil. Except for those who are particularly determined and have bloodline bonuses, others cannot be spared.

But Serestina had no interest in it. As a devil, she prefers to crush the other party with absolute strength. According to Serestina, using charm to control the other party is "only the kind of incompetent low-quality talents will do", so at this time, Angeline was lying down and shot, and her knees hit countless arrows in an instant ...

And Angeline's mental manipulation ability is not bad, although Angeline can't put a map cannon at a large time like Serestina, but the concealment is stronger. When Angeline is manipulating others, most people do not realize that they are controlled. And Angeline's mental manipulation is carried out through the eyes. As long as she looks at her eyes when she is mobilizing, the entire manipulation process is complete. Compared with Serestina's powerful mental control that can distort the view of right and wrong, forcing black and white to distinguish. Angeline's manipulation is even more subtle. The moment she looks into your eyes, Angeline has planted a seed in the other's heart, and it is frightening that this seed does not It is not used to reverse other people's three perspectives, but to promote their emotions, amplify the emotions they originally have, anger will become more angry, happy will become more happy, stubborn will be more stubborn, the role of this seed is Pushing the other person's emotions gradually goes to extremes, and in fact, once a person goes to extremes, he is easily controlled and destroyed.

That's why Cliff's colleagues are so angry. In the last few days, Rhodes took Angeline to run around, apparently doing business research, but in fact, Angeline scattered everywhere. Seeding, this process doesn't even take much time, he just takes Angeline to someone to say hello, and then the other person looks at Angeline and praises the little maid's eyes for being so beautiful, Then Angeline's seed was planted.

After planting the seeds, an environment sufficient for the seeds to take root is needed, and because of this, Rhodes chose to attack the merchants to create this environment. As long as the fear and anger in these people are magnified infinitely, then He has a chance.

In fact, everything seemed to be as expected.

Cliff said the truth, in fact, those people understand how, under normal circumstances, they might make such a choice. Like Cliff said, they are not dead bachelors. They have family, wives, children, and parents. Once the Highland City is really in chaos, then they may be able to pursue their ideals. To die, but what about their family? Children lose their fathers, wives lose their husbands, and parents lose their children. Is this what they want? Why are they fighting, not to save their loved ones from this kind of poor life and live a better life? But if they all die ... then what are they fighting for? Just to take a breath?

As long as you don't lose your breath, you will understand this truth. But the problem is that the seeds sown by Angeline have already made many people angry. They finally broke free of the shackles of reason and stopped choosing to continue to endure, but chose to explode. It doesn't matter if the whole family dies, even in their eyes, the riot itself is their goal. Not a means anymore! As for what it would look like after the riots, they never even thought about it! I have no intention to think about it! !!

This is why Cliff feels fear. He is not afraid, but after all, the riots and uprisings are only a means to fight for their own interests, not a result and a goal. If you just want to breathe a moment. Without a clear plan, what will the Highland City look like next? Maybe it will be darker than when it was controlled by the Elanic family!

And all this comes from Angeline.

It would be absolutely impossible for Rhodes to be reassured of Angeline without signing a card contract with her. Because he knows that Angeline is not the same as others, she is the first person to invest in herself after Rhodes became famous, and Angeline ’s motivation to trust Rhodes is also very simple-power. She wanted to fight against Esther. However, she is obviously unable to handle Esther in the weak country in the night country, but as a new dragon soul, if she can serve her well, it is very likely for Anjielinte to get a night country The four demons will have that status and influence. If they change to another race, then Rhodes might really intend to do so. But Angeline is a blood-sucking species. Then her so-called growth strength is actually equivalent to creating a vampire family in Rhodes' territory. Rhodes can accept angels, elves, half-beasts, and even half-demons, but blood-sucking species ......... He really said badly.

Thinking of this, Rhode glanced at Angeline standing next to her, and feeling Rhode's gaze, Angeline hurriedly lowered her head. Put on an obedient look. But what Rhodes doesn't know is that at the moment, the heart of Angeline is full of helplessness.

The reason is simple, she has a task.

That wasn't what Rhodes gave her, but little bubble gum.

The content of the task is also very simple, there is only one --- tempting Rhode to have a close relationship with himself.

At that time, Angeline was stunned when she heard this task. Although as a blood-sucking species, she was not unprepared for this. If Rhode really wanted to vent himself, she would naturally be welcomed. After all, Luo Germany has a high status, and if it can have a further relationship with him, it is good for the consolidation of his status, but not bad. As a vampire from the kingdom of the night. For Angeline, it doesn't matter what the virgin is, as long as you have sufficient power and status, what can't you give up?

But in Angeline's opinion. Rhode's interest in himself is completely different from tempting Rhode to himself. Now it seems that Rhodes is not very interested in her, and Angeline also knows that when it comes to charm, the women around Rhodes are all rivals, and they can't compare themselves. Unless she goes faint and uses charm and mental hypnosis, the problem is that Rhodes is completely immune to her hypnosis. And Angeline is not stupid. She knows Rhodes' previous deeds, knows that he is from Moon, and the continent of light's attitude towards the undead is naturally clear. Ashing is already considered as the ancestor of his ancestors. Now if she tempts Rod without knowing her life, I'm afraid she's on the fire and the torch is burnt to ashes is a matter of countdown.

So in all fairness, Angeline really doesn't want to take on this task, she has not stupidly wanted to commit suicide. But Little Gumball was just a word, and immediately made Angeline change her mind.

"If you refuse, I will kill you."

So Angeline immediately knelt down.

It wasn't foolish for so many days to be stuffed in the "elf ball" by this young lady. Angie Linte found that although little bubble gum looked very naive, her strength was indeed very very strong, which made Angie Linte To cry without tears, she is sure that if she refuses or fails, Little Bubble Gum will definitely kill herself. And Rhodes certainly wouldn't say much more. The fool could see the relationship between him and the young lady. Anjie Linte can be sure, even if the news that he was killed came to the ear of His Dragon Soul. In the middle, he would say at most "Oh, right?"

Although Angeline knew that this task was difficult to accomplish, it now seemed that it was more difficult than she thought. I thought it would be a good opportunity to travel alone with His Majesty, but it seems that His Majesty is only to observe his ability and loyalty, and not interested in himself, which is not easy.

Maybe you should take the initiative?

"Master, what shall we do next? Do I need to see the situation?"


At Angeline's inquiry, Rhode looked up and glanced at her. Feeling Rhode's gaze, Angeline was suddenly sweating behind her. There was no way she could do it. If she dragged on like this, she would only be able to choose between being burned and being killed. The problem is that Angeline doesn't want to die now.

"There is no need, Angeline, the seeds have been sown. As for the problem over there, I think they will be handled well by Marlene. We just have to wait here to watch the next good show."

"Yes ... the master."

Upon hearing Rhode's answer, Angeline hurriedly lowered her head and sighed. She knew that she had failed again. If she changed someone else, Anjielinte might dare to show her charm, but now she is facing a new successor of Dragon Soul, and the other person can stretch out two fingers. Run yourself to death, how dare you arrogantly? It's like Esther Weir. Although the **** is endless in the kingdom of night, but she dares to try to wink in front of the dark dragon? Isn't that fatal?

Why is he so unlucky?

Just when Angeline was complaining about herself, her face changed slightly, and Angeline turned her head and walked to the door.

At the same time, Rhodes, who had been sitting in a chair reading a book, closed the book in his hand. At this moment, the knock on the door almost rang at the same time.


Angeline reached out and opened the door. Soon, two fully armed guards appeared at the door.

"Hello, Ms. Miranda, and Mr. Hillard wants to invite you to a dinner party."


Hearing this, Rhodes stood up and stared curiously at the guard in front of him.

"Yes, this banquet was hosted by Mr. Shan Lide and invited all businessmen's representatives in the Highland City to participate. It can also be considered as an apology for what happened during this time, and I hope you can definitely participate."

The headed guard said as he handed an invitation respectfully, while Rhode reached out to pick it up, then narrowed his eyes and glanced. And just then, the guard said again.

"By the way, Miss Miranda, there is something for Master Shan Lide to convey to you, that your friend will also attend this banquet, and the other party is very much looking forward to meeting you."

Hearing here, Rhodes raised a slight brow. Although An Jie Linte next to her face did not change her face, she was still a little puzzled. Both were very clear about their identity, so what did Shan Lide say ... Thinking of this, Rhode smiled slightly.

"I see. Please convey my thanks to Lord Shanlide for me. I will be there on time." (To be continued. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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