Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Rebalance

Flesh and blood splash.

The hard, rocky claws pierced the human body in front of him without stagnation, lifted him up, and then flew away. Blood flowers traverse a trajectory in the night sky and scattered among the crowd. But the people in front of them were not fleeing in horror. On the contrary, they opened their bloodshot red eyes, raised their weapons like brave madmen, and flew bravely towards the stone ghost in front of them. Various irons were cut on the gargoyles, but they were not able to reverse their situation at all. I saw that the gargoyles in the crowd just flung their tails. Soon, with the screams, several people from Flying through the air, and then hit the wall outside the sentry, leaving a large piece of blood.

A group of assorted pieces.

Looking at the mob in front of him, the black robe sneered. Although he was a little strange, why did the mob still not back down. Originally, according to his experience, when he saw these gargoyles, the mob should be scared, and then turned around. Just run. In this way, you can easily order the gargoyles to chase and kill all the lower creatures. I didn't expect them to be so stupid. In the face of their gargoyles, instead of running away, they rushed up like an idiot. Send to death. That's fine, instead it saves you the time to follow them.

Thinking of this, the Heipao people sneered and watched the tragedy below with mocking eyes.

The time elapsed in minutes and seconds, but in less than ten minutes, blood was flowing in front of the sentry. Hundreds of corpses enveloped the ground, but the people were still fighting. This left the soldiers on the sentry. Some even chilled, they were the elite of the Holy Snake Society. There are countless lives on hand. According to the truth, these mobsters will not be taken to their heart at all. In the beginning, when those people were killed by gargoyles, the soldiers on the sentry even cheered. But now, the entire sentry was dead, the soldiers pale looking at the open space where the blood was flowing, and the corpses had piled up on a hill, which did not make them feel scared. It really made them feel scared. It's those mobs.

They are still rushing forward!

The mob did not insist on screaming for a while and turned to escape, as they imagined, but went on like crazy, as if they had not seen their companions slaughtered, shredded, and they still held up their hands. arms. Stepping on his companion's fresh warm body and silky internal organs, he snarled and rushed to the gargoyle. When they are killed, the people behind will immediately make up, pick up the weapons they threw on the ground, and move on.

The decisiveness is simply frightening. No one backs down, no one chooses to escape. Even if the gargoyle's sharp minions had stabbed them in front of them, and even if the gargoyle's huge and rough tail interrupted their waist, they did not recede.

This is no longer human! !!

If the mob ripped off his camouflage and turned into a monster at this moment, it might make those soldiers more acceptable. Even a retrained soldier will not make such a meaningless sacrifice in such a situation, because it is not worth it. This is human, no, this is the most basic instinct of all life, save yourself. Protect life. But these people don't have this concept at all, they are just sending death-no, they are simply sending death!

These holy serpent soldiers have been through hundreds of battles, but when they see such scenes, they can't help but feel fear and trembling. This is completely beyond the extent that all common sense can explain. Jumped straight to a level that is incomprehensible and acceptable. This is not a human like them at all, it is a monster!

"It's weird ..."

The abnormal behavior in front of him also attracted the attention of the Heipao people. He snorted, and carefully observed the mobs in front of him. Only then did he realize that things seemed a little less normal. However, at this time, a breeze that was almost imperceptible fluttered across the open space. Then, the gargoyles who had been covered with blood suddenly stopped one by one, and then the sound of "bang" broke apart completely. Come on!

how is this possible? !!

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on the sentry were shocked. How could those gargoyles be destroyed by these mobs? As the elite of the Holy Snake Society, they certainly know how powerful and terrible those magical creatures are, although they also have a way to deal with those troubles. But they were wearing the highest level of armor and holding powerful magic weapons. Rather than wearing tattered clothes like this mob, holding tools like iron hoes!

"Kill the nobles !! This is our home !!!"

"Kill the nobles !! We want to protect our city !!!"

"Kill them all! Lord Morey is with us !!! For freedom !!!"

Without the obstruction of the gargoyles, the people moved forward again, shouting chaotic slogans, and rushed towards the sentry, which made the soldiers immediately confused. Although it is said that for the sake of safety, there are hard stone walls and iron gates on the periphery of the Elanic Manor, as well as an arrow tower protection. However, watching the mob just gave up on the gargoyle's attack just now. At this moment, they stepped on their companion's corpse and launched a raid on themselves, which immediately made the soldiers in a panic.

"Give me quiet, panic-like !!!! My lord! Please give an order immediately! Your lord!"

The head of the defending captain scolded his subordinates, turned his head, and asked the man in the black robe not far away.

"Master! Please give an order immediately ... sir?"

But unexpectedly, the black robe stood there quietly, seemingly deaf to the words of the captain. But the next moment, his body began to shake slowly. Then, blue blood splashed out from the body of the black robe man. Then he saw that the original intact body was divided into three from the middle. , "Snap" fell to the ground. Then I saw that the body that was originally wrapped by the black cloth dried up quickly, but it took only a moment to find out that the black cloth was empty.

"My lord is dead !!!"

This scene is not only seen by the captain of the defense, but also the elite of the Holy Snake Society. At this moment they were even more frightened, and they knew very well how powerful this adult in a black robe was. But now, he didn't even say a word and died like this. The impact, coupled with the previous fear of facing crazy mobs, immediately made these guards completely confused. Actually, even the powerful existence of Lord Black Robe has been unknowingly dead, so they ...

"Run away! I don't want to. I want to leave here !!"

"It's finished, everything is done !!!"

"Shut up, shut up for me, pick up your weapons, and kill all the mob ---"

As the saying goes, blessings are perfect. Woe does not come alone.

The leisurely breeze flashed by, but only momentarily, the original noisy sentry became extremely quiet. A petite figure wrapped under the white cape flashed out of the shadow like this, she turned her head and looked behind her, only to be there. There are dozens of soldiers lying side by side. They still keep their eyes wide, with expressions of fear and anger, but they are the only ones left in the world to prove that they have lived.

"Woohoo ........."

The wind of the night passed by. The little figure disappeared into the night.

At the same time, the iron gate below fell to the ground, and the bright red fire broke into the door like a molten stream of flames, marching towards the manor not far from the mountain.

It didn't take long for the perimeter to be filled with blood and noise just now. At this time, a petite figure jumped down from the top of the house next to it, and fell gently to the ground like an elf in the night. Angelina raised her head, and those bright red eyes had become extremely bright at this moment. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in the air around her.

Ah ... the smell of blood. The taste of death, this is the most familiar taste.

"Everything is as expected by the master. This group of low-level residues is really worthless. They can become masters on the chessboard. You should be grateful to Dade."

Looking at the sea of ​​blood in front of the dead body. Angeline narrowed her eyes and whispered a beautiful smile. Then she turned her head and glanced at the sentry not far away, where it was already dead. But Angeline knew what happened just now. Because everything happened here was her manipulation. The seeds under An Jielin's speciality have completely blossomed in this extreme environment. If they can be slightly normal, maybe they will give up resistance in the face of the threat of death as imagined by the black robe At the very least, it is also necessary to make a strategic retreat. But now they have no sense at all, and extreme anger has completely burned their brains. They are now beasts completely controlled and trended by anger, without reason and without control. Coupled with their master, Angeline came to the scene in person. Although she does not have the power of Demon, it is still very easy for Angeline to control those humans who have been completely filled with brain. Things. Now that the first step of the plan has been completed, the next step is to prepare for the second part.

Thinking of this, Angeline retracted her gaze towards the sentry, and then sighed deeply inside.

What a terrible power ... …………

Angeline was also the first to see the power of Greyhill and Madaras. She knew that there were some very powerful and weird beings around Rhodes. These two were one of them. When they first saw them, Angeline only thought that they were just elven assassins, but only after seeing their battle in person, Angeline realized that they were powerful. The incomparable assassination technique is almost completely the embodiment of art. Although there are many people in the blood-sucking species who are obsessed with the art of assassination, compared with these two adults, it is almost a child's plaything. Angeline understands that even if she becomes stronger, a hundred times stronger than she is now, when they want to kill themselves, they still have no power to fight back, even she is no different from those humble bugs, Will always return to the embrace of death before perceiving the danger.

She had no doubt that even if it was a blood-sucking species, even if it was Esther, she did not want to escape the pursuit of the two men.

Forget it ...

Think of it here. Angeline shook her head, and then she reached out her hand and took out a card.

Funeral move

"Go, Wind of the Necro!"

Speak softly. Angeline reached out her right hand and threw the card into the air gracefully. With her movement, the card disappeared instantly. Soon, a white mist emerged from it, covering the blood and the body with the earth. quickly. The icy breath and the immortal power slowly penetrated, and then I saw those corpses that had been torn and piled on the ground began to loosen. Then, a corpse slowly lay down, accompanied by their movements. The flesh of their bodies began to rot quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, they turned into white skeletons, and the red eyes shone with bright red light.


Seeing these skeleton soldiers, An Jie Linte poked her mouth dissatisfied, she had to admit, although the group of **** undead mages themselves are a group of idiots. But they are good at making idiots. In fact, blood-sucking species are not incapable of creating such a necrotic army, but they are family members created by mixing them with their own blood, and then spread by biting people like viruses. In the end, a large number of zombies were created. Although zombies are considered obedient, they are far worse than these bones. What's more terrible is that after the test of blood-sucking species, it is found that in this case of mass production of zombies, there is a certain chance of returning to the ancestors, that is to say, it is very likely that the dependents will be awakened and they will have the initial blood A blood-sucking power!

That is, after this, the vampires strictly forbid using their blood to make servants. They don't want their noble blood to suddenly wake up in the body of a lowly human. In the blood-sucking species, this is no less than a prince married to a princess who someday finds out that he has a son with a prostitute ... …………

In contrast, undead soldiers are much easier and don't worry about problems.


Think of it here. Angeline sighed, and then she reached out her hand. Soon, the card appeared in Angeline's hand again. At the moment, all those who were killed in the battle with the gargoyles have been turned into undead soldiers. They are standing quietly in front of Angeline, waiting for her order.

"Go, master's servant."

Angeline smiled chucklingly, reached out and pointed at the manor on the mountain. There was completely and completely surrounded by the flames at the moment. It can be seen faintly that the mob has now reached the last line of defense. As long as they break through here, everything is over.

"Kill all those untouchables who dare to surround the master ......... whooting, for the master's everything, everything for the master, dedicate his soul, and kill all the useless waste !!!"


Without answering, the dead army turned around and walked in a uniform footstep towards the manor. And Angeline narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly for a moment, then she turned around, and soon saw that the petite figure merged into the surrounding shadows, and disappeared.


Shan Lide stood up from the noble and soft sofa in surprise, and couldn't believe how he looked at the pale soldier in front of him. He couldn't understand. Wrong, he didn't want to understand what he just heard. The mob actually broke through the layers of defense of the manor? How could this happen? Obviously that adult is also there, hasn't he been able to stop the attacks of those mobs? Now things get troublesome.

Thinking of this, Shan Lide had a gloomy face. He originally thought that this was just an attempt by the mob, but now it seems that even the gargoyle and the adult can't resist the attack of the mob, things may not be so simple. If you continue this way, I am afraid things will become more troublesome. The rest of the power of the Alannick family is here. If the other party has any strong support, I am afraid that I will not support it for too long. So what to do next? Although I still have the most powerful force in my hand, for now, it is not good to use it rashly when it is not vital. Then it seems that I may really want to seek help from a third party.

Looking for the support of the Holy Snake Society? Forget it, the group of guys were anxious to die on their own, so that they could just sit in their place. The same is true of the Elanic family. If we go out for assistance now, maybe no one will come to help the previous year. So, next ......... only the old immortal things that use the council of light. If it's those guys, as long as they can get these mobs up, then they just need to keep the manor. It's just that for now, those unlucky merchants ......... maybe they should be completely abandoned. But wait, although it is said to give up, it is not to give up completely ...

Thinking of this, Shan Lide bit his teeth and made a decision.

"Start the magic turret immediately, close the whole manor, and contact the Caffee Corps through magic communication, and say that there is an unprecedented riot in the Highland City and they need their support!" Power of mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.)

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