Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 233: From the ...

Appearing in front of Canary and Little Bubble Gum were more than a dozen mages wearing magic robes and holding a staff. Most of them are middle-aged people. The black background with bright red lace robes is inlaid with three keys, which represent the three doors of wisdom opened by human beings. They hold a unified, made of ruby ​​and brass. The resulting staff, with a pointed black magic hat, looked like a very good and powerful look.

If it is someone else's words, I'm afraid that I can't stand it anymore because the mark of the light continent is only the mage guard of the Royal Magic Society. They are specifically responsible for cleaning up those mages who violate the creed and precepts of the mage. It can also be said that they are the actual combatants among the mages. Unlike those mages who study at home all day, mage guard mages are all masters of magic And they are ruthless and never shaken by anything. On the Continent of Light, almost no caster can remain indifferent to their appearance.

Almost ... because at this moment two people were silent about it.

The Royal Mage Association ...

Canary reached out and pressed it on Little Bubble Gum's shoulders (this is the only reason why Little Bubble Gum didn't get started immediately), while frowning, carefully watching the Masters in front of him. As a summoning swordsman, Rhodes doesn't know much about the mage faction of Dragon Soul Continent. Little Bubble Gum is a specialized church, so it is Canary's responsibility to deal with the caster organization. I have to say that when I saw the Royal Mage Association coming, Canary was quite surprised. Although the Royal Mage Association said the word "Royal" on it, in fact it did not have the Light Council and the Dragon Spirit of Light. What is the relationship? According to the rumors heard by Canary, it seems that the founder of this wizard association once belonged to an imperial family of a perished country. In order to commemorate his country, he added the word "royal" to the association. Of course, there is no way the caster organizations such as the Royal Magic Society and the Tour de France Tower can be compared, but it is also a big force in the country of light. But according to Canary's memory, the Royal Mage Association should have nothing to do with the Council of Light. Why did they come here to intervene in the matter between the Nether Lord and the Kingdom of Light?

"Mage Guard of the Royal Mage Association? Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

Looking at the mages in front of them, Canary asked softly. Although these people have an average strength of about 60, which is considered very powerful by human beings, but Canary and In the eyes of Little Bubble Gum, they are not even dregs, let alone, their strength has been forcibly lowered by about ten levels under the collar of the Nether. Maybe it is not visible now, but as long as the battle begins, Then I can immediately realize how strong my power is suppressed.

To some extent, this dragon soul shelter is as insidious as its owner.

"Are you two the casters who fought the [***] regiment of light before?"

Hearing Canary's inquiry, the headed man did not answer. Instead, he raised his head proudly and looked at the two girls in front of him. Although the abilities of the two have been heard in the rumors, after seeing them, they found that they did not seem to be as strong as they thought. Although the magical aura surrounding them could be seen, their strength It's just the level just stepping into the inner ring.

Hmmm ... at the age of the two of them, there is indeed a reason to be so proud to have such a powerful force. Even so, they did too much. As a caster, it ’s really dangerous to unleash his power so brazenly!

"Yes, what's your opinion?"

Hearing the man's inquiries, Little Bubble Gum raised his eyebrows and glanced at the casters in front of him very disdainfully, but no one noticed that the little guy was holding his mouth hard at the moment, trying to keep himself from laughing. Although Little Bubble Gum's surname is very annoying, her child's unique acuity still makes Little Bubble Gum feel that the other party obviously doesn't put herself in the eyes. If I change Ping Yueli, I'm afraid now Xiao Xiao Bubblegum has been thundering for a long time. But now, she has remained strangely calm, and has shown a rare degree of well-being.

Although it was only from her own perspective.


Hearing Little Bubble Gum's inquiry, the headed man didn't seem to put her in front of him, he just snorted and turned to the canary next to him.

"Did you, as the caster, know the" casting prohibition "? Such a random release of spells in front of ordinary people is totally against the way of casting! Do you know how panic your actions have caused? If you do such a thing, do you still have the dignity of the caster! "

"Casting rules? What **** is that?"

Although the other person ’s attitude is a righteous tone of righteousness, “On behalf of the moon, destroy you,” Little Bubble Gum has no interest in this. In the face of the other person ’s speech, she scorns her lips and then looks at Canary next to it. But when she noticed the little bubble gum, Canary smiled helplessly, and then explained.

"It's very simple, because the caster often uses a wide range of aoe spells, so if it shows too powerful power, it will make the public fear. In order to avoid the public's worry and panic about the caster, so in general It prohibits high-level casters from using a wide range of spells, just like our world's treaty on the prohibition and proliferation of nuclear weapons. "

"Hahaha, that is to say, my elder sister and I are the head of the nuclear weapon? This sounds really good, I like it!"


Having said that, Canary turned his head and stared at the crowd quietly.

"If I remember nothing wrong, it only applies to the casters in the kingdom of light. Whether it is a mage like me or the Tour de France tower, neither has accepted this agreement nor signed this prohibition, and, Please understand this. Now, the sky and earth you are standing on are not part of the land of light, nor are they dragons of light. "

Although Canary's words didn't sound furious, her attitude was very resolute and tough. This place is not the continent of light, but the collar of the void. Do not attempt to interfere with the collar of the void by the laws of the mainland of light. The so-called "casting prohibition" actually does not have much effect among casters. For example, the most powerful Tour de France association on this continent is dismissive of this. They think that the power of the caster is used to awe rather than to please those mortals, and the player naturally holds this idea. Speaking of, such a strange law may only exist in places like the kingdom of light that is extremely alien to "heterogeneous". They can drive out elves, dwarves, and even angels, so they are naturally wary of mages with powerful power heart. For the casters, in the eyes of the people of the kingdom of light, it is actually no different from those monsters.

"I'm not a mage belonging to any mage association, so I'm sorry, your rules are meaningless to me, and that's it. If you are here just to remind, then stop here."

As he said, Canary quietly released his hand holding the little bubble gum on his shoulder, and said with a smile. As for the canary's words and actions, those people don't seem to realize what this means, but if they can be more careful, they will find that the little bubble gum has now clearly shown a pair of "sharp knives." Sheep's excited look, even the petite body began to beat back and forth a little restlessly.

"Huh, do you think we would like to have any ideas for wild mages like you? If it were not for you to unleash the power of magic and destroy the army of the kingdom of light, our mage would not have come here for us Fighting for honor, to show those people that our mage is not that kind of dangerous murderer! Now, in the name of the Royal Mage Guard, I declare ......... "

"Who cares what you announce!"


With the shout of little bubble gum, the bright beam of light cut through the air for a moment and hit the ground heavily. With the abrupt utterance, the one who was still standing in front of the two of them was about to announce something high-pitched. In this way, the middle-aged magician was bombarded by the beam and flew backwards. He crossed a beautiful and beautiful parabola in the air and fell to the ground in accordance with gravity. It seems that the world still has at least A few scientific things.

"what are you doing!?"

Seeing this scene in front of them, other mages could not help hurriedly backing away, and at the same time raised their staff to watch the girl in front of them, not only that, until then, they were surprised to find that the two girls were still It's just that the dazzling magical brilliance is barely calculated, but now it is bright and bright like the sun, which makes people unable to look directly. This has completely surpassed the realm of the inner ring and reached the root where all casters have been seeking!

This is the highest realm that belongs only to the player, with supreme authority! !!

"Miss Ben, who listens to your nonsense and nonsense, is annoyed. Since they are afraid, they are afraid to go! It is best to scare the idiots! If you have no strength, you will accept the rule and obey the rule. Who dares not Come out with long eyes to find all the trouble and kill them all. In order to reduce misunderstandings, your waste is so brave! Now let you see who is the real fear! "

For a moment, countless golden runes spread out in all directions with little bubble gum as the center, and soon formed a huge rectangular enchantment, while the canary stood freely, watching the group of people watching it lively. The caster was panicked to the extreme. In fact, the most terrible part of Little Bubble Gum is not her powerful strength, but her special technique that can nerve out anytime and anywhere. A disagreement is enough to be synonymous with a big shot. Even if it is just behind the scenes, once it is heard, it is likely to anger and chase to the end of the earth to kill the other party. Of course, Little Bubble Gum's surname also brought her a lot of enemies, and even had many experiences of being surrounded by a lot of enemies, but the little guy's almost paranoid paranoia let her be defeated no matter what. I will get up many times, and even once, Little Bubble Gum is besieged by hundreds of players who seek her revenge for a day and night, and turned over and killed dozens of times with the resurrection whip corpse method, but even so, Little Bubble Gum She did not give up, and even at the moment of resurrection, she bit her teeth and seized the opportunity to explode once. She could kill a few and count a few, then killed again, and again when resurrected. It was killed like this for a day and night, even those players were scared by the paranoia and madness of Little Bubble Gum, and in the end no one dared to resurrect her-but I did not expect that Little Bubble Gum kept running around in turn. , I was proud to return to the guild after killing all the more than one hundred high-level players to the offline.

From a certain perspective, it is basically 10,000 times more terrible to get a little bubble gum than to get a boss.

"Drink ah ah ah !!! Come, fight happily !!!"

The petite figure flickered by, just a blink of an eye, the little bubble gum fluttered and came to the side of a mage, and the other party apparently did not think of a little girl who looked like a petite and fragile wearing a mage robe. With such explosive power, he could not help retreating back, and at the same time raised the staff in panic in panic. Soon, with the flashing of the magic rune, a solid magic barrier appeared in front of him. If it ’s an ordinary mage, I ’m afraid I ’m already overwhelmed in the face of melee combat, but now the opponent can actually return to God in an instant to create a magic barrier. You can see that these mages do have a lot of actual combat experience.

But ...... it doesn't work for Little Bubble Gum.

"Stupid idiot!"

Seeing the magic barrier in front of her, Little Bubble Gum didn't mean to stop her hand. On the contrary, she clenched her right hand into a fist. With this action of Little Bubble Gum, soon, three rings of different colors were attached to her right hand one by one. Then Little Bubble Gum blasted forward like this.


The magic barrier enough to prevent the magical cannon from hitting it was completely broken like a fragile glass, and then the fist of the little bubble gum hit the brass staff in the hands of the mage in front of him, soon, dazzling white The beam erupted from her fist again, roaring and tearing everything apart, advancing forward. And the unlucky mage didn't even have time to make any action and was directly bombarded with no residue.

Little Bubble Gum battle rarely sees blood, because in her opinion, seeing blood is too brutal-can't everything be solved by directly bombarding into slag?

"Yeah, as far as you are concerned, I'm afraid that others will care about you. What is there in your waste group that others should be afraid of!"

While arrogantly taunting the enemies around him, Little Gumball narrowed his eyes and glanced at the mages who had fought for their escape time at the expense of their companions. At this moment they have flew into the sky, but this is a little bubblegum It wasn't a problem at all. She just waved her little hand, and soon, the dim light flashed through the sky. I saw those mage's figures suddenly deformed, either speeding up or slowing down. As a result, As a result, several unlucky bugs even collided together. If it weren't for their flying spells, I'm afraid that just one blow would be enough to make them fall from the sky into meat sauce.

But now they are no better off.

"Lushan Shenglongba !!"

Shouting some slogan, Little Bubblegum's petite body soared into the sky like a rocket, and after flying an unlucky egg that was too late to escape, a white and bright beam of light burst into the sky and lifted the one that had been taken from the middle. The corpse, which had been discounted into two sections, turned to ashes.


This scene in front of the wizard's casters was terrified. In addition to her pure compression and bombardment by the power of the soul, its power is comparable to the powerful attack power of the siege magic cannon, I am afraid they will Feel the frightening little bubble gum's weird and completely different surname. Obviously killing, but excited as if playing a game. When you realize that your most precious life is just some kind of fun and fun toy in others' eyes, that kind of fear and shudder will immediately follow. Come. And most importantly, they can't even escape now!

However, soon they will find that there is more than one enemy.

"Really, bubble, you should leave me a little."

Calm, gentle, without any undulating tone, it sounded like the general voice of a girl complaining about her cake being taken away at an afternoon tea party, but the ensuing hurricane was full of flames, howling, intense The air pressure and the tide were mixed with bright red and hot high-temperature flames that swept the entire sky. For a time, even the night sky above was completely shrouded. Only the dazzling red was scattered under the impetus of the airflow, as if some kind of horrible ancient monster Normal Shu unfolds his body, and then burns the tiny flying insects in the sky to ashes.

Canary stood silently as before, narrowed her eyes, and showed a calm and gentle smile. The girl stretched out a finger, and the lines formed by the magical glow of blue and red condensed, turning at the tip of her finger. As the highest authority of wind and fire, in front of the canary, few casters can stand. If they release the spell of wind and fire to the canary, they will still be countered by the canary-just like those guys do now.

"—————— !!!"

The flames covering the entire sky turned into a waterfall under the action of the wind, rushing to the ground from top to bottom, and with this final blow, those desperate flying insects in the sky finally disappeared completely. Trace.

"Ah, big sister, you blame it !!"

Looking at the scene in front, Little Gumball raised her fist in dissatisfaction and complained. It's no wonder that although Little Gumball looked powerful, but really it was aoe, she was no better than a mage born, and she was still specializing in fire and fire. Canary, but complaining of little bubble gum, Canary doesn't seem to care.

"Okay, take back the enchantment, bubble, we have guests coming."

"Hmm ... Miss Ben has shown such a rare power, and the old immortal still refuse to leave?"

Hearing this, Little Bubble Gum poked her mouth, but still retracted the enchantment as Canary said, then she stared dissatisfiedly at the distant hillside.

"Come out, you voyeurs!"

"Hehehe ..."

However, in the face of the little bubble gum's provocation, there was a gentle, no old laughter, and then the air began to tremble, and then a white-bearded old man in a white robe came out slowly. Appeared in front of the two.

"I didn't expect it to be discovered by you. It seems to be my fault ..."

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

The tone of Canary now seems unexpectedly milder than before.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you when you come to the Netherland? The President of the Tour de France-Master Pilenos?"

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