Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Dragon Spirit Gathering (Part 1)

The dark, dark clouds rolled over the sky, and the roaring thunder burst from time to time between the clouds. But only when you look closely, you can see that above the sea of ​​clouds, a ship is sailing down the river and sailing forward. It wasn't a magical warship with a heavy metal shell like Moon's, it looked more like an old ordinary ship sailing on the ocean. The tall mast pierced the sky, and the raised white sail was full of drums blowing in the wind. On both sides of this ancient ship, several huge dark Yalongs were stretching their bodies, using the power of the chains to drive the ships in front of them.

The rolling thunder and dark clouds represent only one thing.

"Every time I see this scene, I feel very uncomfortable. I prefer peaceful nights and full moons to this kind of thundercloud."

The woman standing at the bow and looking at the sea of ​​clouds gently opened the fan in her hand, and whispered. Although in the sky, she was wearing a thin and luxurious black gauze dress, exposing snow-white arms and a small half of her chest. The dazzling white light would make people feel angry and dry. Dry tongue. A smooth and beautiful blond hair straight down to the woman's ankle, accompanied by a gentle wind fluttering like a satin. The slender waist made people even want to hold her in her arms. The good-looking face perfectly blends the tenderness and maturity of the girl, with a mixed, sweet charm like poison. If she were to be anywhere, she would be the focus of attention at the banquet, and even her master would not be able to take away her glory. But unfortunately, no one here appreciates these 10,000 kinds of style.

"Because a quiet night is more suitable for you to fuck? **?"

Low, as if the sound of heavy cast iron friction sounded, with an unabashed mockery and disdain. But when she heard this sentence, the woman did not show any angry expression. On the contrary, she turned with a smile, turned her hands together and stared not far behind her. Her whole body was wrapped in dark heavy iron armor. There is nothing but darkness, a huge knight with a height of two meters.

"Ahhhh ... it's not like that, Her Highness Barend, a woman's body is a very good weapon? Sometimes it is better than a sword, no blood, no sacrifice, just use this body A little seductive, you can achieve the goal. Isn't this the best ending? Or, do men like to see blood? It's brutal ......... It's obviously not necessary to do this, but well, I don't Understand men's desire to conquer. "

As she said, the woman intentionally straightened her breasts, then laughed lightly.

"Huh, it ’s a good word for you. When you say you ’re taken away and you play in the slave field, I will go for it. Although I ’m not interested in your filthy and lowly flesh, I I really want to know how people who like to play with others will feel when they are being played. It must be very pleasant. "

There was a flash of red light in Ballend's helmet, and he just swept the woman indifferently, then turned to leave. And looking at the back of Barend, the woman chuckled and covered her mouth.

"Oh, Your Highness Barend, it really saddens me to say that. I never thought that people like me would still make you care so much, which really flatters me ..."

Although the tone is full of sincere joy, but because of this, it makes people feel more malicious. In the face of the woman's answer, Barend snorted. He no longer had the family name to chat with this woman here. After throwing a snoring, he turned and left the deck.

He would never have come here if it was not for this ceremony.

"Ah, alas, elder brother, your subordinates' relationship is still as bad as ever."

Standing in front of the window, looking at everything on the deck, Eileen smiled and turned her head, looking at the silent man sitting at the table not far from him, at this moment he was closing his eyes and seemed to be thinking. And meditating on something. And even after hearing his sister's words, the commander of the dark king still has no change in his grasp of the night dragon. The granite-looking face with absolute confidence and calmness.

"No need to worry."

"But it seems better to be more harmonious, especially this time, in order to let others read the joke, maybe our night's congress is despised?"

"Then go with them. The consequences of contempt are compensated by blood and fire. If they are really so stupid, then they should pay the corresponding price."

"Really ........."

For her brother's answer, Elin didn't hold any thoughts, but shook her head helplessly. Then he turned around again. Although his brother didn't say it, Eileen was also very clear that the scriptures of order this time were different. There is only one reason, that is, the emergence of a new dragon soul-and it is also a dragon of void.

The most important reason why the dragon soul continent can maintain a delicate balance now is the existence of the kingdom of law. Although it is said to be the "Five Dragons of Creation", the twin dragons of trial and sanction belong to one camp, while the dragon of vanity disappears. This also means that neither the Dragon Spirit of Light nor the Dragon of Darkness can fight against the twin dragons alone. What's more terrible is that the power of the twin dragons is a rule, which means that whether they are in the dark or the light, as long as it is a land of order, then the twin dragons can exert their power to the maximum. In the presence of these two obvious exceptions, even the Dark Dragon had to avoid its edge.

If Ion's ambition was only to destroy the kingdom of light, then there was no need to spend so much effort. But Eileen knew that her brother was a perfectionist. It ’s best to do it. If he destroys the kingdom of light, but allows the kingdom of law to exist in front of himself, it is tantamount to swallowing a stone while eating a bite of cake. Ion will never feel comfortable. So he was always seeking absolute, supreme, enough to fight the power of the twin dragons.

And now, a new heir to the dragon soul is born.

There is a possibility that the balance will be broken.

From the beginning, the Dragon of Light was not considered by Ion. The opposing camps of the two sides have represented everything. Although Ion also penetrated the kingdom of light to a considerable extent through the dark forces under his control, but if there is no way to win Mu Well, it doesn't make any sense to penetrate it. There may even be a chance for the Dragon of Light to turn around. Originally, there was such an opportunity before Ion. As long as he was almost in accordance with his own plan, Muen would be completely destroyed. But ... things went awry in the end.


"Yes, my brother?"

"Have you met him and talk about your views."

Hearing Ian's inquiry, Yilin smiled helplessly. Of course, she knew that she had always been seen by her brother that time when she went out in private. Since that time, she has been under house arrest until she was released. Now she knows that her brother hates this unorganized and undisciplined approach, but Well ... Eileen is also used to it.

"Yes, my elder brother ......... Well, how to say, I have only met him a few times before awakening. Maybe it cannot be used as a reference, but His Majesty's feeling is very calm, and Ping Yueli is also very Shows little affection, but seems to know everything. He doesn't seem to have any secrets in front of him, and from the previous battles he can see that he is also very familiar with our country of night, and seems to know a lot of inside information. This is just my guess. It has no basis. "

"is it."

The bland response sounded as if there was no interest in it, but Yi Lin knew very well that this was just his brother Ping Yue's attitude. He only needs to report, he doesn't need advice, as long as he makes a decision, he will be firm and convinced that he can win in the end. He never allowed others to shake his thoughts and mind. Any objections would be denied. His self-centered family name, even if he had only experienced a setback before, in Yilin ’s view, his brother still did not look back. intend. In his eyes, the previous failure to attack Munn is not worth mentioning. Just like now, the reason why he wants to participate in this ceremony, I am afraid most of them still want to know the new dragon soul heir in person, and see if he has any value worth attracting.

But in Yilin's view, this is more dangerous.

Still not enough.

If the wheels of a high-speed Mercedes-Benz carriage are caught by stones, they will shake. In order to stabilize the carriage again, you should slow down the speed as much as possible. However, Yilin was worried and found that her brother had ignored the danger at hand and had no intention of slowing down, but continued to run forward. It seemed to him that it was a sporadic incident without any threat, but Eileen knew very well that it most likely represented that the original flat road in front of it had become a muddy and difficult road. If you don't slow down, then the speeding carriage is likely to fall into the quagmire, or you may just roll over.

And that person seems to have such ability. If the first time I met, Irene just regarded the other party as a useful and interesting plaything. So now, in Yilin ’s view, that person is likely to really become an obstacle in front of his brother. Although he has only met twice, the girl can feel keenly that the person and his brother are in a certain degree It's very similar. They are all careful about themselves, it seems that they are in control, never express their expressions, and always believe in their own judgments and decisions. However, what makes Irene feel uneasy is that the person is obviously softer than his brother. From the name of his territory, he can see that he is more informal. This is the trickiest type, and in many people's eyes, he lacks what is called dignity or honor. But because of this, he seemed even more dangerous. Because once he realized that there was nothing to do, he would immediately stop. Don't care about other people's evaluation of themselves-no, if it is just this, it is not much different from your brother. But the biggest difference is that he can easily step over the threshold in his heart. This is the most important, and this is the demon that his brother has not been able to overcome so far.

Thinking of this, Yilin raised her head, her brother's figure reflected in her bright black eyes, with unprecedented fear.

If that person was still just a lord, maybe he wouldn't be so worried. But now ... Yilin felt that this test might be too difficult for her brother. This is not a comparison between the individual strengths of the two sides and the overall strength, but something deeper and purer.

What will happen?

Thinking of this, Yilin refocused out the window and sighed lightly.

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