Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 273: Where is the oppression ...

The veterans gathered in Liberty Square soon attracted the attention of the Light Council, which originally thought that this was just an ordinary protest and demonstration, and let them make a noise and pass. But soon they were surprised to find that things were not so simple, because not only did veterans gathered in the square not decrease, they even increased. In just a few days, the number of veterans in Liberty Square has increased to nearly 20,000. Many of them also dragged their mouths and started to live and camp in Liberty Square, waiting for the Light Council to give them the last clear answer.

In the face of the current situation, the Council of Light has finally no way to remain indifferent. The gathering of 20,000 people is not a small number, let alone their location is in the center of Casablanca, Liberty Square. If they are allowed to continue like this, then the entire Casablanca will be in crisis of stagnation. Not only that, the evaluation of the Council of Light's original crumbling will be even worse. So the Council of Light had to convene members again to discuss whether to pay the veterans immediately. but……………

"We don't have extra money to pay this relief right now!"

Slamming the table hard, one of the legislators stood up with a red neck and a thick face. The original personage was long gone, and it was replaced by a anger like a gambler.

"How much do you think it is? Hundreds of thousands? Millions of millions? Not just these soldiers on Liberty Square, we have also received reports that soldiers have arrived here and there. These people are just among them. It ’s just a part of it. The Light Council today ca n’t afford that much money. At present, our finances are very tight, and everyone knows that! ”

"But what about the soldiers outside?"

Although another member of Congress did not yell as if he had lost money in gambling, he was full of anxiety and anxiety.

"They are not ordinary citizens, but veterans with rich experience in combat! If they do n’t get the answers they want, and they make trouble. Who can guarantee to stop them? Do we rely on our city guards? Not only that The arrival of these people has brought considerable trouble to Casablanca. Now the roads around Plaza Liberty have been completely banned for safety, but this is not enough. "

"What's the reaction over the military?"

"What else can they do? The group of guys turned their faces because of the reduction of military expenses and now they are watching the show cheerfully. According to the messenger's return, the group of **** said that they could do nothing, after all, the relief money They really ca n’t afford the share. It ’s useless to sell iron .... It seems that those **** are not going to help. "

Hearing here, a councilor in military uniform frowned, and then he raised his head, glaring at the former complainant.

"Help? How do you want us to help? Before the parliament cut funding, the military did not raise this issue with you, but what did your **** say? Um? Now the people ’s livelihood is most important. Military aspects during the armistice Expenditure can be cut a little-a little, you **** cut by 30% is also called a little bit !? Fuck, you bastards, let us rush ahead when we fight, wait for us Throwing the military aside when it's useless, do you think we can't be bullied? "

"Please be restless, Senator Ryder. There are also reasons for our reduction in military spending. As for the military side, I don't want to say, but in the battle against the kingdom of night, your appearance is actually ........."

"If it weren't for your hindrance, how could we have lost so badly? The Intelligence Department hadn't reported to Parliament that Munn was strengthening strategic defenses against the kingdom of the night, but what were your **** doing at that time? You didn't bother with this information at all, did you? And you also focused on the meaningless struggle for power ......... "

"What is meaningless, don't you think it would be good to let the Dragon of Light regain power and rule this country again?"

"Take care of his good and bad things. When he died, there was nothing. Because of the incompetence of your waste group, how many soldiers did we lose! Even the defense line was not able to be built. Now you have accused our military not of it, you Do these **** talk about conscience? Now these soldiers are outside. They are protecting your safety. Without them, can you still sit here and have a dog-like meeting? I hope you think about it clearly Now, in addition to the 20,000 soldiers at Liberty Square, there are 100,000 veterans gathered from all over the place! And they are still increasing. They are all experienced veterans with weapons in their hands. If the council cannot find a way Pass the proposal. Do you know what they will do? "

"Is there a problem? The weak command of the military ministry instead puts the responsibility on the parliament, and it is you who directs the battle against the kingdom of the night. Why should you come to blame the parliament when there is a problem? And those who are gathering outside now Veterans, is there really no way for the military to take them? Without your fan, how could that group of wastes come here to protest? Besides, what can they do if they really dare to do it? It is a group of thugs who want to receive some subsidies from the country without any effort. They are all a mob! The country of light is inherently financially stressed. If they are really soldiers willing to donate their lives to the country, then they should not come out at this time. Trouble! There are just over 100,000 people. How many people are there in Casablanca's urban defense forces? These mobs are not at all concerned. As long as they take the lead, the remaining guys will run away like dogs ......... wow what!"

Wearing a Chinese suit, the legislator who stood up and shouted in excitement was lying on the ground with a punch. Then the other man in the military uniform jumped over the table and chair and grabbed the unlucky one.

"What the **** are you talking about? Without this waste, you guys would have been **** up by undead creatures, I **** your whole family! Fart with your mouth full! I killed you bitch, you asshole! There is a kind of you His mother went to the front to fight the group of undead. Now you **** talk nonsense here, you can say so, I told you to say, I killed you **** ... "!"

This sudden scene left everyone in the council hall alone, and then not long after others also reacted and hurried forward and pulled them apart.

"Don't fight. Don't fight! Everyone is for the country, why bother, he's just a little impatient, Mr. Ryder, please calm down!"

"Calm down, calm down, it's not a matter of discussing the previous issues. The most important thing now is the issue of relief for veterans. Don't fight, and you will be out of breath after Dr. Collin! Hurry up, Hurry up and pull them away ... guard, where is the guard ?! "

"Quiet, quill !!! Quietly the body in front of the parliamentarian, give me some quiet !!!"

"Damn. Is it that heavy? Whoops, Dr. Ryder, don't come over here! Don't draw a sword, it's a life-saving ah, you're going to kill someone!"

"So far!"

With a thunderous rage, the parliament hall, which was so lively like street brawls, immediately became quiet. At this moment, the guards hurried to pull the two members who had been beaten together. Senator Ryder and the poor worm who had been smashed into a pig's head were soon "respectfully" invited out of the parliament hall. The others returned to their seats and looked up to watch Nake Vander standing up.

Although it was said that they were not convinced by Nakvad before, at this time, when they saw the Lord parliamentarian, they finally lost their heart. Anyway, the current situation is indeed beyond everyone's imagination. If it is just a demonstration of ordinary people, they will be able to deal with it. The problem is. The fact that so many soldiers are gathered now is unprecedented, which makes these parliamentarians tremble with fear. Just looking at the people outside, they all felt restless and didn't know what to do.

"Sonia, tell me about the situation."

"Yes, Lord Parliament."

Hearing Nakfand's orders, he kept watching. In fact, Sonia, who had been laughing deep in her heart, twitched the corners of her mouth, and then she stood up and said.

"According to the results of the City Guard investigation, the 20,000 people gathered on Liberty Square are headed by General Bled and Diffour. The current requests from their representatives include the relief before the redemption and the pension of the dead "..." Sonia paused for a moment before she explained. "... In fact, the payment of pensions was stopped two months ago due to insufficient funding. It should have been part of the military appropriation, but because of reductions in military spending. The military side temporarily suspended pensions. Payment of money. "

"... ……………………"

After hearing Sonia's words, the lawmakers fell into silence again. To be honest, on the surface, their request was very simple, just asking for money. But the problem is actually quite simple --- just no money.

Of course, it is naturally impossible to say that there is absolutely no money, but it is even more difficult than going to heaven to really say that taking out this money.

It's almost the last blow.

Seeing that the parliamentarians were still an old god, Sonia chuckled inside, and then she gave the most disappointing speech.

"Besides-Her Majesty Lilian has already begun to ask about this. And it seems that the soldiers also intend to petition her Majesty directly."

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, those members who were still pretending to calm down all changed their looks.

So many people are staying on Liberty Square, and Lilian's palace is on a mountain not far from here, and you can see the scene of Liberty Square even if you don't go out in the garden in a circle. Seeing so many people in Liberty Square right now, even if they were a little curious, it was not surprising that Lilian would ask about it.

If it was just Lilian's unilateral curiosity, the Light Council could still hide it. After all these years, they did it quite well. But if the other party has the same meaning, then ......... No, it is not that much trouble. Over the years, few people have met Lilian, except members of Parliament. So even if those soldiers want to show affection, they don't know who to look for. But this is not a question of whether or not they can do it, but rather the political significance of it-that is, the prestige of the Light Council has begun to decline greatly, and even some people have turned to the Dragon of Light for help. It's up! !!

This is definitely the worst thing! !!

Although this period of time, the prestige of the House of Light at home and abroad has greatly reduced. In particular, the lords of the reflective parliamentarians outside of the country basically regarded the parliament of light as a joke. In the country, the people are actually quite complaining about the Light Council, but perhaps they are mostly ridiculed or helpless about the Light Council, but no one has ever thought of letting Lilian replace the Light Council. This is not based on the mess of dictatorship and freedom, but because it is in the hearts of most people. The Dragon of Light is no different from a mascot. The only one that has a relationship with the State of Light is the name of the "Dragon of Light". If it were not for the Dragon of Light, the name of the country of light might have been changed by the council. Become "freedom paradise" or something ... It sounds like the name of a professional workplace for women with some special skills.

But now, the biggest problem is that this mascot is no longer just regarded as a mascot. They sincerely expected Lilian to have power. To solve their problems.

In addition, the most important point is that Lilian does have the ability to solve their problems! The "contributions" of the Principality of Moon are all in Lilian's hands. If she wants, she can take a portion of those money to completely solve the problem of relief. Moreover, Lilian will never consider any financial crisis. The members of the Light Council know that she is very kind and simple. That's why I dare to use her so brazenly. But now ... but they are in despair because of Lilian's character.

These legislators can no longer sit still now, and the two roads facing them now are not good. Either they paid for it themselves to appease the soldiers. But the problem is that they can't take out the money, at least in a short time. However, if the problem cannot be solved in a short time, then the function of Casablanca will be paralyzed, and these soldiers may also make troubles-they are not ordinary civilians, and if they are troubled, they will not be handled as well as civilians.

But if they don't pay for themselves, then they are likely to go to Lilian. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if Lilian really knows about it and pays out the relief money. Then this is even more terrible than the riots-this will affect the foundation of the Council of Light rule! !! Those who took the money must be grateful to Lilian and even loyal to her. Conversely, because the Council of Light cannot fulfill its promises, it may even suffer hostility from the other party. In this way, the little girl living in the palace. You have your own power! Think about it a bit more. Although all the veterans gathered this time, they still attracted much attention in the military. And if Lilian helped them solve this trouble, maybe even the army would have a good impression on His Majesty the Dragon of Light. by that time……………

Think of the military department is likely to be Lilian backstage. Many people are trembling with their bodies. It seems that they all understand the truth of "regime in guns". In case Lilian really stepped in, and the military thought she was a well-controlled puppet (in fact), would they simply use Lilian's name to overthrow the light council, and then use this as an opportunity to form a new one? The military government ... ... Thinking of this, many people feel that cold sweat is coming out of their heads.

Have to admit that their thinking is really far away.

"Things are not as serious as we think."

When those members of the parliament had diverged their thoughts and wandered into the world, they even mistakenly thought that it was the army that forced the palace to give up power on their own. Then they wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads, and looked at Nakvad with help-seeing eyes. At this moment, facing the attention of everyone, Nakvad was still serious.

"Although the voices outside are high now, we cannot ignore the hidden dangers. Indeed, it is very reasonable for these veterans to ask for relief money. However, I suspect that someone is using them to achieve their goals, according to my time In this investigation, a considerable number of members who support royal orthodoxy are mixed in this group of people. Now they also occupy a relatively high position in this group of people. We have sufficient reasons to suspect that someone is trying to use this The thing has reached its purpose of not telling the public and subverting the regime! "

Speaking of this, Nakvad stood up, his eyes shining bright and fortitude.

"In such a situation in front of us, we have reasons to suspect that there must be something wrong, and I propose that measures should be taken immediately to prevent the situation from getting worse. As for the issue of relief, we will hold a meeting again to discuss it. And vote. Now, what we need to do is to temporarily soothe the mob, and at the same time to arrest those who are suspected of incitement, and only then can we really solve this problem! "

Speaking of this, Nakvadid paused, then he spoke.

"So I propose to send a garrison immediately to surround Liberty Square!"

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