Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Knowledge is power

The flickering fire light shone in the dim corridor in front of her eyes, and the white-haired girl walked quietly in it. Her eyes were half-closed, and she looked as if she were a traveler in the sky. . The sound of lonely footsteps echoed into the depths of the hallway, and in the dark place where the fire could not shine, a pair of scarlet eyes were watching the prey in front of them with greed and killing. The dark hunter crawled silently on the wall, slowly approaching the prey in front of him, and the girl did not seem to realize that she was in danger at all, but was still walking slowly. . From time to time, observe the broken stone statues and some of the institutions that have been triggered, frowning and whispering something. At this time, behind the girl, those silent hunters were ready. They slowly opened their **** mouths, exposing sharp teeth, as if the assassin drew out the blade, only waiting to jump forward at the most appropriate time, giving the target a fatal blow.

"It was ruined here too ..."

At this moment, the girl took her eyes back and murmured, and then her right hand moved slightly.

"—————— !!!"

A breeze blew silently through the corridor in this way, even slightly so that it could not be detected, only the girl's hair fluttered slightly. But at the next moment, the splashing blood erupted like raindrops, and the smashed corpse stump fell to the ground in a "cracking" way, just a moment's work, and the corridor restored the original tranquility again. If it were not for the remaining limbs on the ground, it would be hard to believe that there were other things just now.

Carlian didn't even look at the underground monsters that had become fragments of corpses. Instead, she raised her right hand. Under the light of the fire, she could see a strange handle in Carlian's right hand. The entire handle is made of metal, with one or four weird buttons-like things installed on one side, which have been painted black and white. And at this moment Carlin's slender fingers just pressed a few times on the buttons on the side of the handle, very quickly. I saw the shape of the sword body quickly emerge from the top of the originally empty handle, and after a short time, I saw a slender sword in the hands of Carrian. It looks exquisite and gorgeous, and there is no mysterious inscription engraved on the narrow sword with a thick little finger. It doesn't look like a combat sword in any direction. Even when Rhodes started, he was curious how Carlin was going to fight. Because her own attributes are just ordinary humans, even after being transformed into a holy sword card. Her offensive and defensive value is also the lowest, almost the same as the soul bird. Coupled with such a fine sword whose ornamental value is obviously greater than practical value, if she is not recognized as the fourth place, Rhodes would even think that her combat power is the lowest of all holy sword spirits.

But now, after seeing Carlin's battle with his own eyes, Rhodes discovered it. Carlin turned humans into a group of angels, devil, and elves, and it was her own means to step into the fourth place. The thin sword in her hand is not an ordinary sword at all. According to Rhode's observation, the body of this sword is composed of tens of thousands of thin silk threads. They look even more subtle than spider webs, almost equivalent to no Similarly, unless the state of Rhodes is reached, it is impossible to feel the existence of these threads. Not only that, the threads themselves are extremely tough. And extremely sharp. Carrian also attached a strange rune on it. Although it usually looks harmless to humans and animals, once activated with the power of the soul, these silk threads can exert sharp lethality that can blow hair and break hair. Not only physical combat power, even if the opponent has a magic spell guard, it is meaningless because Carrian carved this fine sword, but the inscription of order. .

After learning about her fighting style in detail from Karen, Rhodes couldn't help but lament that Sure enough (Magic) technology was the primary productive force, and Karen's strength was very weak. Weak enough that even Annie could overpower her. But as long as you have this sword in hand. Even Grace Hill, Madaras doesn't make sense. Order inscriptions also appeared later in the game, other book friends are watching :. Belongs to the foremost of the forged inscriptions. As the name suggests, the inscription of order can exert the power of order. But because there are many orders, in addition to the most familiar ones, there are even many ordinary people who do not understand at all, but in fact they also affect the order power of this world. Moreover, because the inscription of order is the embodiment of order itself, when the inscription of order is activated, its effect is to rank first. No invincibility, no absolute defense, as long as it is not the condensed power of the belonging order, then they cannot be the opponents of the inscription effect of the order ranked at the highest priority.

This power, coupled with the countless almost invisible silk threads, formed an absolute killing trick unique to Carrian. It's no wonder that several other Holy Sword Elves have no power to fight back under her hands. Although each of them has his own unique strength, in the face of Carrian's order inscription, even the abilities of Grace Hill and Madaras will be ranked second, that is, only waiting It was only after Carlin's inscription came into effect that Greyhill and Madaras were able to use their abilities to fight, and for others as well. This feeling of being grasped by the opponent automatically at the beginning of the battle is definitely not a comfortable feeling. And manipulating those silk threads was even more accomplished by Carlin's key mechanisms on her own handle. From this, it can be seen that Kalian's fighting method can be said to be a completely high-tech product, and as an ordinary human being, being able to achieve this point is truly reverent.

"Ahhhhh, sure, the four sisters are still extraordinary. By combining various inscriptions of lower order to achieve such a powerful force, this is not something that anyone can do! Huh, even those who pull two or five Wan's four demon generals, if they are not careful in front of the four sisters, it is not a dead end! "

Looking proudly, after checking the surrounding institutions casually, toward Carlian who came here, Serestina shook her head proudly and opened her mouth. Looking at her like this, Rhode couldn't help but glance at her a few more times. To be honest, the lady Miss Devil has been keeping her eyes high since she was summoned, without seeing who she put in her eyes. Even herself, that is, in bed, can make her yell for mercy, what should Serise Tina do on weekdays. Although she was like a kitten in front of Greyhill, Madaras and Hiros. But Rhodes could also see that it was an instinctive reaction brought about by the trio. And admiring a person like this with all his heart, even Cerestina, who seems to have sent out the star-studded family of idiots, Rhodes really saw it for the first time.

"It's superficial."

Karen came by and was not very happy to hear Serestina's compliment. Like all technicians, she hated others only to see her inventions used for destruction and war. So after hearing Serestina's compliment, Carlin gave her a cold glance.

"Originally, the purpose of making Dragon Heart Piercing was not purely for combat, but to adapt to the possible dangers brought by various environments. In addition to being used for combat, the silk of the soul can also be used for combat. Change into a variety of different forms ... Either it is very convenient to eat and live, otherwise you thought that where did your soft big bed and tent come from when you fought outside? "

Speaking of which, Carrian's tone was a little bit more proud, and it was clear to her that it was better than destroy the enemy. These are the ultimate values ​​of their own technology. As for the powerful weapons that could defeat the angel, the devil, and the white elves, Carlian didn't go into her heart.

This is simply a versatile Swiss army knife.

Looking at the sword in Carrian's hand, Rhodes twitched his lips, but he still said nothing. After all, even if it was said, it would be a problem for Carlin to understand. So Rhodes chose to shut up wisely, but Karen didn't seem to notice Rhodes' response. She walked straight to Rhodes's face and said.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. According to my observations, the first three levels of organs have basically no use value. Although there were many considerations when building the maze, this is just the periphery, and the time passed is too long. Those alien underground monsters have also caused considerable damage to this place. According to my estimation, we are unlikely to obtain core control before the eighth floor. "

"This is also no way out. In this case, let's move on."

For Carlin's answer. Rhodes was not surprised. This is also the deepest maze in the original game. Most of them are native elite underground monsters. Only occasionally, a few powerful guardian puppets appear as bosses. But the further down, the fewer these monsters, the real deepest maze itself, I am afraid that it will be after the fiftyth floor. Originally, Rhodes asked Karen to check it out, and he just wanted to see if there were any "special means" that the natives of Karen did not know about, but now it seems that there is nothing like what the players have experienced before. Especially big change, good-looking novel :.

It is worth mentioning that the several Golem puppets used as gatekeepers still made Rhodes strong and addicted to bosses. After feeling the breath of the dragon soul on Rhodes, these Golems Suddenly, I stopped the attack on Rhodes and others, and obediently cleaned up the monsters in other parts of the area according to Rhodes's statement. The little bubble gum I watched was so addictive that now she didn't follow Rhodes, but instead she took Anne to chase these golems like supervisors to supervise them to complete the task-this is also considered a player's bad taste .

The benefits of the successor of the Dragon Soul to Rhode are not the only ones. With his own power, Rhodes can also master the map of the deepest maze. Now his system has fully accepted the map of the deepest labyrinth, and with this map, Rhodes has easily grasped the position of the apprentice squad sent by the other four Tour de France towers. Among them, Zagared's team is not slow, and has now reached the second floor, and the talented mage Stuka seems to have been completely abolished in the battle with Little Bubble Gum, and it is still No. 1 Rotating in the middle of the first floor, Rhodes wondered if he really wanted to continue this way, whether this guy would stay in it for ten years or not.

I have to admit that these guys of the Tour de France tower are quite capable, and they are indeed the elite among the towers. Although these people also encountered many accidents after entering the maze, so far there has been no combat downsizing. But this is a matter of course. Until the fifth floor, most of them are just ordinary low-level monsters. However, after entering the sixth floor to the tenth floor, they will encounter elite monsters of level 40 or 50, and there will even be Several boss-level bosses. At that time, it was the real moment to test them.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Hear Rhode's answer. Carlin nodded, then she turned her head slightly and looked at Christie, who was sitting next to her. At this moment, the little guy was drinking water with a small mouth in the company of Bell, and his complexion was not good-looking. Although it was really exciting for Christie to follow Rode's adventures at first, it really made Christie feel uncomfortable to ask her to attack and kill those monsters. She was pure by nature and didn't like to hurt people by hand. Although these monsters look strange. But that's a living life after all. Although with the help of "another Christie", Christie made rapid progress, but these are not enough to make her fully accept the fact of killing. In the past, Christie gave her body to the other herself, and she stood by and watched, so it was fine. It's time to do it yourself, for Christie. It was too difficult for her.

"His Majesty ......... I am sorry to pass. Although your original intention is good, Her Royal Highness is still young and weak as a human being. If you continue to penetrate into it, I am afraid it will hurt you. Father, should care more about some daughters ... "


Carrian's words were not finished. Listening to Rhodes, a spit of water spurted out directly. He lowered the water bag in his hand, raised his head with helpless eyes and looked at Carrian. Indeed, to the extent that Christie is similar to himself, it is not wrong to be considered a blood relationship. But the problem is ... It ’s more reliable to say that brothers and sisters are more reliable. They do n’t look like people with children!

Thinking of this, Rhode stared helplessly at Carlian, but facing Rhode's gaze, Carlian didn't react at all. in contrast. She just reached out and raised her glasses, then tilted her head curiously. And the canary, who was watching the movie next to him, was already laughing and holding his belly and rolling on the ground. Fortunately, Little Bubble Gum is not with Annie, or she will be indispensable at this time. Christie looked at Rhodes flushed, opened his mouth and said nothing. As for Bell, it doesn't seem to be a surprise at all-does she think so? !!

"Excuse me, is there anything wrong with me?"

"No, no, no, Carlin, Christie is not my child ..."

Rhodes thinks this misunderstanding must be made clear. He can be tolerated by being mistaken for brothers, sisters and even sisters, but if it is mistaken for father and daughter, it is another matter. So he hurriedly explained the life of Christie to Carrian, and at the same time completely cleared the misunderstanding. After listening to Rhode's words, Carlin was still indifferent, and she didn't seem to feel any embarrassment when she said something wrong.

"This is the case, Your Majesty ... I originally thought that Your Royal Highness is your child and Lord Christie's child, good-looking novel:"

"Why do you think so?"

After hearing Carlin's answer, Rhode was curious. As for Rhode's inquiry, Carlin didn't take it for granted.

"Because the power of the Dragon Soul is too strong, not everyone can bear it. The power of creation cannot conceive a child in the body of ordinary creatures. His Majesty is also the Dragon Soul, so he can only bear His Majesty's power His Royal Highness and other heirs of the Dragon Soul.

It turns out ...

At this point, Rhodes understood something. It's no wonder that the five dragons of the creation are basically inherited by reincarnation. It turns out that it's not that they can't give birth to children like ordinary people, but that ordinary people can't bear the power of dragon souls at all. Like the Dragon of Judgment, the Dragon of Sanction, and the Dragon of Light, every appearance is basically female. Even if they want to find a man, if they can't withstand the power of the Dragon Soul, they may not be able to conceive in the end. And the Dark Dragon is even better said. Although the Dark Dragon is a male, all his hands are undead. Even a fallen angel is dead and resurrected once again (not to mention that it is a man). There is no way to give birth.

Originally Rhodes had been secretly surprised by this. In this world, he did not use contraception, but for so long, no one showed signs of pregnancy. Dark elves like Leo may take decades to get pregnant. But Marlene, Annie, and Li Jie are ordinary people. They have been rolling the sheets for so long, and no half of them have won the prize. This inevitably makes Rhodes wonder if some of the body's functions are wrong when he crosses ... ……… Now it seems that according to Carrian, it is not that he cannot do it, but that the power of the dragon soul is too strong, and most people cannot bear it, so he cannot win.

If this is the case, then it is not difficult for Carlin to recognize Christie as her child. She must have seen another Christie during her lifetime. Although this Christie is similar to herself and another Christie, she is not Me. From this point of view, it is normal for Carlin to think so. but………

Thinking of this, Rhode could not help but feel a little weird. He suddenly remembered that Malin had now awakened to be a demon. According to Carrian, she should be able to withstand the power of the Dragon Soul, so she must work harder ... ... does it really win?

Forget it, it doesn't help to think about it now.

Thinking of this, Rhodes shook his head, and Carlin looked at Christie, who was slightly upset next to him, and frowned slightly.

It's really strange, obviously feeling the similar breath, but there is no blood relationship ... Master Christy, what is going on?


At this moment, suddenly, a dull and loud noise sounded, which immediately shocked everyone. With the dull sound, the earth began to tremble. The torch on the wall also began to dim, and then disappeared instantly. It was just a moment of effort, and the world was once again in darkness.

"His Majesty."

Carrian's voice sounded again, but this time, her voice was with unprecedented determination.

"Ah, I understand."

Rhodes stood up, and soon, the leisurely fire light emerged from Canary, forming a bright and dazzling circle of fire that surrounded them. At this point not only Rhodes, but even Grace Hill and Madaras also converged the smile on their faces, and a dagger appeared in their hands. Celia also held up the long sword in her hand, and the sacred flame burst out suddenly. In this bright and sacred light, the darkness around it seemed to shrink back and generally converge backward.

"I didn't expect Chaos was even involved here. It seems that what we think is too simple ..."

"—————— !!!"

With the roar coming from all directions, the original invisible darkness suddenly condensed into a tangible monster and rushed towards everyone! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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