Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 283: Followed by the phantom


The dark round crystal was placed on an empty stone pillar. Soon, the weak six-horse star array emerged from above. Geer retracted his right hand and glanced at the law array in front of him with satisfaction. Then he turned to look behind him, and there was his lovely student—or, once, his lovely student.

"What a pity this seedbed ..."

Looking at the front part of the eye, it has been completely rotten and deformed, and the mouth has become forward like a crocodile, split into four petals, and many trembling like a tentacle-shaped tongue can be seen inside. Looking at the student who was completely demonized in front of him, Geer could not help looking gloomy. Originally, he was still very optimistic about Stuka, and expected him to be the next seedbed after his reincarnation. But I did not expect that the previous unplanned battle completely destroyed his apprentice. Although the little bubble gum did not really kill Stuka, his body was completely washed away by the divine force, for a short time. Inside can't parasite at all, and after being defeated by that girl, Stuka has been groggy and can't be used at all. So he had to make him completely a victim of the lower demons.

It's almost time.

Glancing at the black crystal slate in his hand, Geer nodded. Everything is going according to plan. Although Geer doesn't have a system map like Rhodes, he also has a unique way to confirm the positions of several other teams. In fact, in terms of time, the team led by Geer finally reached the tenth floor, not only for safety reasons. It's just in case if someone in the other squad loses the beacon. Or be completely destroyed. Then Gehl had to send his demonic servant to recover the beacon. But now it looks like everything is going well. It's just a pity that after losing those little demons, he can no longer send them to observe the situation of the other side. I do n’t know how those outsiders are doing? If they are still here, I'm afraid things will get trickier ...

However, they should have gone deeper.

A few days ago, Gehr felt the seal he had placed on the tenth floor gate was broken, after he saw Rod and others. He deliberately sent his subordinate demons to arrange there. If Rhodes and others arrived on the tenth floor without leaving, the seal would not be broken. But now, this seal has been destroyed, which means that they should have left the tenth floor and gone to a deeper place, but that's fine ...

Thinking of this, a strange smile appeared on Geer's face. Once the channel opens. Then countless demons will surge in. By that time, no matter how powerful those people are, there is absolutely no way to fight so many demons! By that time, the humiliation they brought to themselves, they must let them pay everything!

Lengheng. Geer turned and left with his men, and shortly after their disappearance, a petite, elf wrapped in white robes all over the body quietly emerged from the shadows, and she turned her head. He glanced in the direction where Gehl disappeared, then slightly tilted his mouth and stretched out his right hand. Gently took out a small metal circle to cover the beacon crystal, and then the girl retracted her hand like this and jumped back slightly. Instantly disappeared into the darkness.

"The fish is hooked."

With a reply from Greyhill, Rhode hummed and whispered. When he heard him, the others didn't change their look. Those Tour de France apprentices, including Zagared, were even paler at the moment. They finally came through the final difficulty, but they did not expect to receive them bad news that they could never have imagined. Their trial will actually be a conspiracy carefully woven by the demons!

Hearing this makes Zagared and others as natural as a thunderstorm, unwilling to believe it all. But their mentors told them that all this was true. The two mentors possessed by the demon were eventually forcibly reversed by Christie's book of true knowledge to become the instant state before the demon, thus breaking away from the devil's. Bondage. And until then, they learned that the original mentors had also been counted by Geer, and the plane crystals they carried were also tampered with, so that the two mentors were eroded by the demon without a surprise, if not Christie Now, I'm afraid they only have the choice to die.

Although unwilling to believe, in the end, everyone can only accept this cold reality. The teleportation crystal was made hands and feet, and they could not leave the deepest maze at the moment, so they could only wait here according to Rod's order, and used it as a bait to lure the big fish into the hook. And now, everything is in its final stages.

"Are there really no problems? Rhodes?"

Leaning against Rhodes, Canary frowned, and asked softly against Rhodes' ears.

"If our goal is Grazte, it should be almost ninety levels, plus the demon lord wave ss template, I want to say that at least a group of twenty-five people to push it. Only you now , I, bubble. At most, plus your several Holy Sword Elves, even if we have made hands and feet on the teleportation team, I'm afraid this is not enough .... You know, after opening the portal, those demons are very It's a headache. Although these wizards say they will assist us, they are limited in what they can do. "

Indeed, as Canary said, purely on the level, Grazette is not a good wave ss. No matter how good the capped players' equipment is, they need to form a group of 25 people to push, and they need good command. Now in terms of numbers, my side is indeed enough. But looking at the ranks is a bit dangerous. Even with the help of Christie, it would not be very useful if it was not another Christie. Because Grazte must have several waves of mobs before coming out, and most of these demons are in the 70s, plus a lot of them, it is quite difficult to deal with. If only Rod and others rely on it, there should be no problem in clearing the mobs to the wave ss stage. But after that. Whether to win the wave ss is a question. under these circumstances. No wonder the canary is a little worried.

"Don't worry, they have sea tactics, and we have our reinforcements."


Hearing this, Little Bubble Gum twisted her head curiously and turned her head to look at him.

"What reinforcements? Master? Why have I never heard you say that?"

Facing Little Bubble Gum's question, Rhodes didn't answer. Instead, he raised his finger with a smile. Put it near your mouth.

"You'll know when that happens."

The heavy stone door shook and opened, and the fire shone in the huge empty hall. Geer strode toward the center of the hall, beside him, there were four demon-like demons such as Stuka. They surrounded him, walking slowly. As Gehr advanced, his body gradually changed—smooth skin cracking. Shedding from the body like stones, dark scales emerged from it, twisted and twisted, sharp goat-like horns emerged from the forehead, turbulent, the smell of infernal purgatory condensed from the depths of the body. A black smoke that forms like a substance is formed, completely covering Gel's body.

"Great master! I respectfully ask you to listen to my prayers and calls!"

Goel, who had been completely demonized, raised his four arms high and stretched towards the sky, and with his movements, the strange and intense purgatory breath became more agitated. at the same time. It can be seen that bright spots of light lit up one by one around this huge teleportation array. Quickly passed over the stone teleportation array. A mysterious and complex pattern was outlined. At the same time, at the ceiling above Gehr's head, the inertial condensate that emerged from him turned into a thick black cloud that kept spinning, quickly condensed and spread on the ceiling. Then Gell's roar turned into a weird, evil, hoarse abyss, the devil's screams and prayers echoed in the empty room, and with his mantra, the following magic circle became brighter, And on the ceiling above him, the dense overcast clouds were spinning more and more intensely, and a thunderous roar hit the floor, blending with the brilliance of the teleportation array.

Then, just in a blink of an eye, the dense dark clouds expanded under the pull of thunder and lightning, and in the middle of this dark cloud package, a fuzzy, twisted and shaking place emerged-there was everywhere It was thick black smoke and bright red flames, and the evil and strange buildings were clearly visible, and a sickening breath spewed out, covering the entire hall.

"Dear host, please listen to my voice !!! The channel is open and the connected planes will overlap again!"

"You did a good job, Master Gall."

A voice sounded, but it wasn't the sound that Gel had expected to hear. He turned his head and looked at where the sound was coming. However, it was found that in the originally empty corner, the space suddenly began to distort and tremble, and then the figures of Rhodes and others appeared out of thin air and came to him. And seeing the arrival of Rhodes and others, the other four demon in charge of guarding hurriedly turned to face them at this time, shaking their tentacles, and issued a hissing warning.

"Stuka ..."

Looking at the man who was wearing familiar clothes but was completely demonized, Zagared standing behind them was also a complex face, although Stuka was not a good person in the Tower of the Tour de France, But now being treated like this, is it a bit too cruel?

"You guys ..."

Seeing other people, Geer flashed a few cold lights in his eyes, he was not a fool, seeing that Rhodes and others did not leave, but kept ambush here. I already knew that my plan must be discovered by the other party, but now, even if I find my plan?

"It seems you already know what I want to do ..."

"Of course, connecting the passage to the bottomless abyss, and then summoning the demon army, I have to say that this is really a big project. I really did not expect that your devil group would be smart enough to use the group of the deepest labyrinth to teleport Make changes to achieve your goals. Honestly, I do have a completely new understanding of your IQ. "

"Whatever you say, it's too late now!"

Seeing that Rhodes still had the calm and indifferent expression, Geer could not help but look slightly changed. He thought things seemed awful, but couldn't figure out what went wrong. He can feel it. The breath from the Purgatory of the Bottomless Abyss has flooded his body, and that powerful, evil, and filthy energy is appearing fast, connecting his body with the world! !!

"The demons of the bottomless abyss have connected this world, and the plane channel has been opened. No matter what you do, it is absolutely impossible to succeed! Appear. Chaos demons, destroy everything you see before, kill Just these ants trying to desecrate my majesty !! "


With the roar of Geer, the boundless thunderous power blasted down. Immediately afterwards, the transmission arrays on the ground began to emit black radiance, and then these radiances merged into one and spread like water. Then, one by one, the twisted, weird demonic forms appeared in front of everyone.


"Well, the Boss battle is about to begin."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhode smiled, and then he stretched out his right hand. Several iron chains climbed up like poisonous snakes, pierced deeply into Rod's arm, blood appeared, bright red, and a faint and bright light shone on the huge blade.

"Little monster stage. Mt pulls strange, outputs attention to hatred. Good spiritual master!"

As Rhodes spoke, everyone quickly turned to everyone, although everyone except Rhino and Canary did not understand what Rhode was saying. However, they were ready quickly. The magic barrier appeared on the mage's body, and the heavy gold shield in Annie's hand opened instantly, blocking the crowd as the first haven. Behind her, Celia and Celestina clenched the swords in their hands and stared at the demons in front of them. Standing among them, Karen still folded her hands, but if you look closely, you can see that countless lines of silk threads reflecting the faint light are spreading around the girl center. Bell lowered her body slightly, clasped the short sword with both hands. Behind her, Christie looked dignified, looked at all this seriously, and held the ring on her finger tightly. Waiting for the last moment. On the other side, the Tour de France tutors and apprentices have also prepared for the battle, ready to meet this upcoming wave of demons.

"———— !!!!"

With the hoarse cry, the demons that emerged from the dark shadows screamed and rushed to the people in front of them, and soon, the beam of wind, lightning and electricity appeared in a vacuum, knocking these dark demons in front of them. Drive away. Then, the holy flame of purification and the brilliance of Holy White followed closely, whistling and raging on the bodies of these demons. Soon, under the joint attack of the two sides, the first wave of demon offensives was instantly disintegrated. But this is far from over.

The black tide is still spreading in all directions, and more and more demons are emerging from it. It is also unknown how many demons are in the bottomless abyss. In this case, the only thing everyone can do is to resist and eliminate them. These threats rushed to themselves.

"Oh!" Rhodes waved the bright red blade in his hand, and with his movements, a bright soul sword light staggered with each other to form a sharp and defensive line of defense in front of Rhodes, throwing those daring on The demons that came were all torn to pieces. The stink blood scattered and scattered, but it was quickly evaporated completely by the silver flame in Celia's hands, and she could not see the shadows—the war angel holding the sword in her hands spread her wings, and the whole person exuded warm and dazzling like the sun Bright shine. The demons who were illuminated by this light immediately became weak and weak. Their shells that were hard enough to withstand the sword began to soften, and their sharp teeth that could easily tear the human body began to become dull and weak. . Then, as the chanting sounded, the sharp blade of the wind and the huge fireball rushed into the demon group, blasting these monsters into pieces.

"Keep attacking, this is just the beginning!"

"Understand, master."

Serestina waved the long whip in her hand, and the erupting black wall of fire devoured the demon who dared to rush towards herself. At the same time, her left hand passed quickly in the air, accompanied by the movement of Serestina. A scarlet, round circle full of evil and death suddenly appeared at the feet of the demons, and then these demons suddenly screamed as if their vitality had been drained and turned into a pile of flying ash, disappeared and disappeared. . At the same time, the chain sword in Celestina's hand swept quickly, sweeping away all the enemies in front of her.

"In vain, everything you do is futile !!"

Watching these summoned demons can't stop being destroyed, Geer gave an angry roar, and then he stretched out his hand. Soon, four turbid and dark rays of light hitting Geer's fingers and hit them. A demon who was responsible for protecting him. After being hit by these lights, the demon angels suddenly began to grow larger and stronger, and the demon breath on their bodies became stronger. They opened their eyes and revealed insane madness and killing. Seeing this, Geer laughed proudly, and then he immediately gave an order.

"Go, kill these obstructors !!!"


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