Shengjing, in the palace of the palace.

Today's morning meeting is a little different than in the past.

First of all, the time was not right. Historically, the court meeting was held in the morning, so it was called the early court.

Second, it was the full hall that used to stand in the past, but today it's a bit loose and scattered.

Just when the ministers in the court were wondering, the sound of steady footsteps came from outside the hall.

The ministers do not need to look to know who they are.

In the grand grand court meeting, except for King Sheng and the prince of Chaopin, all the ministers had to walk in the hall. Now the prince of Chaopin has rebelled and divided one party. As for King Sheng, he will not walk in from outside the hall.

Then there is only one person.

Today's nightmare in Shengjing City, Kaiyang Marquis Liu Yan.

Thinking about it, this fierce **** was the only one who could make the court meeting change in the evening.

"Have you all arrived?"

Liu Yan walked into the hall, accompanied by Jia Xu and Lu Bing behind him.

"I have seen Liu Hou."

The ministers present said in unison.

At this moment, Chu Yuanqi also walked into the hall.

The ministers immediately knelt down and bowed.

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

Only Liu Yan was the only one who stood out. He didn't kneel down, but just nodded slightly while standing, which was considered polite.

And Chu Yuanqi was a little less angry and a little bit bitterer than the first time he went to court.

"What's the matter with you, Marquis Kaiyang?"

Chu Yuanqi asked with a hint of helplessness. At this time, there were obviously less than half of the courtiers in the hall, which made him a little puzzled.

At this moment, Liu Yan, who had been calm just now, changed his face instantly and cried out:

"Your Majesty, you must be the master of your ministers!"

Liu Yan's sudden cry made Chu Yuanqi and the ministers a little confused.

Who dares to bully you, sir? You are going crazy in Shengjing City, right?

And let me call the shots for you? Are my own masters made by you?

Chu Yuanqi resisted the urge to curse and said coldly, "Marquis Kaiyang, tell me."

And just when Chu Yuanqi's voice fell, Liu Yan's crying voice and crying expression also stopped abruptly.

Even Jia Xu and Lu Bing next to him looked at him.

Everyone scolded in their hearts: Really TM drama!

Of course, Liu Yan ignored these eyes, but said to himself: "Your Majesty, this minister wants to accuse some virtuous and capable villains in the court of concealing evil intentions, and actually plotted to assassinate Weichen in the street.

The gods are pitiful, since Wei Chen has been in Beijing, he has been dedicated to serving the country and His Majesty, expelling traitors, and purging the gang, but Wei Chen's painstaking efforts have been exchanged for the distortion and hatred of these traitors. Originally, Wei Chen has always endured , unwilling to increase the killing.

But judging from today's events, it's clear that these gang of traitors have intensified their efforts and are already hopeless, so the minister thought that they would definitely be severely punished! "

Liu Yan's generous remarks were naturally nonsense, and the surrounding ministers were also amazed at Liu Yan's shamelessness.

Wholeheartedly for the country? Purge the Chaogang? Painful? Don't want to kill in vain?

I bother! Want a face or not?

Of course, they only dared to complain silently in their hearts, but they still had to show a heartfelt expression, express sympathy, and spurn the conspirators.

The previous ones are all fake, but the last one is true.

Rejecting the incompetence of those conspirators, why didn't you kill this kid? And let him come back and disgust himself?

At this time, Chu Yuanqi, who was on the throne, faintly felt an ominous premonition, thinking that more than half of the courtiers were missing from the top at this time.

According to Liu Yan's usual style...

Immediately, Chu Yuanqi's face turned pale, and his eyes were focused on the seat closest to the throne in the hall.

Where is the position of his old husband, the Prime Minister Su Chi.

And now where is empty!

At this moment, Liu Yan gave Lu Bing a wink beside him.

Then Lu Bing took out a note full of names from his arms, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, there are some ministers in the court who plotted to assassinate Kaiyang Hou this time, please take a look at your majesty."

The little **** next to Chu Yuanqi immediately walked down and took the note full of names from Lu Bing's hand.

But just by looking at this list, the little **** was instantly scared out of his mind, but fortunately, he forcibly stabilized his body, so he didn't lose his manners.

Chu Yuanqi, who took over the list, was also pale and extremely ugly.

As he expected, nine out of ten ministers who are absent today are on this list.

And in the most eye-catching position of this list, Su Chi's name is written impressively.

"Kai, Marquis Kaiyang, the stakes are very important at this time, should we go first..."

Chu Yuanqi was only halfway through his words, when Liu Yan interrupted:

"Your Majesty, don't worry, although these people have quite a bit of foundation in Shengjing, the minister has already dispatched the next one to capture them. At this time, they have already been sent to the execution ground, and they will be executed in an hour."

As soon as Liu Yan finished speaking, Chu Yuanqi felt that his hands and feet were cold.

Sensen's chill surged behind his home.

He wanted to say something else, but he saw Liu Yan's unquestionable gaze.

Chu Yuanqi opened his mouth, but then closed it.

The continuation beside Liu Yan was also silently concentrating on this great prosperous monarch.

Obviously, this young monarch, who was only seventeen years old, has already been played by Liu Yan.

Just like Emperor Xian Liu Xie under the control of Dong Zhuo, but Chu Yuanqi was destined to be killed by Liu Yan.

And Liu Xie also fell into the hands of Wang Yun, Li Jue, Guo Si, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Rui, and he ended up in a happy ending.

If you want to say that one is more miserable, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


At the same time, on the execution ground in front of the gate of the Prison Department.

Hundreds of figures knelt on the execution platform, most of them didn't even change into prison uniforms, they were tied and kneeling where they were wearing official uniforms.

The afterglow of the evening poured over the entire execution ground.

Ye Ye's golden brilliance is exceptionally dazzling, and An Lushan, who is rounded on the stage, is quietly waiting for the time to come.


The time has An Lushan drooped his eyelids and threw a token to the ground. Jinyiwei, who had the same number of prisoners under the execution platform as the prisoners on the platform, also changed into machetes and left. come up.


An Lushan gave a cold order.

Hundreds and ten machetes fell in the afterglow of the setting sun, their flesh and blood intertwined with the blades.

More than a hundred **** human heads fell in response.

The blood soon dyed the entire execution platform red, and the guards in brocade clothes with blood splattered on their faces just wiped their knives expressionlessly.

An Lushan's face was calm when the prison was cut off. In his opinion, these 100 lives were not worth mentioning.

"By the way, you can go and release Luo Yushan's wife and children later. Since we promised him, we can't break our promise."

An Lushan remembered what Liu Yan told him before. Although he did not take the life and death of the Luo Yushan family to heart, since the boss had instructed him, he naturally had to follow it.

At this time, the lieutenant next to An Lushan said hesitantly:

"General, I just got the news that Luo Yushan committed suicide at home."

"Oh?" An Lushan raised his brows, seeming a little surprised, and said:

"It's okay, we don't need to stop him if he wants to die. Let's send his wife and children back."

Having said that, An Lushan's eyes turned to the front corpse on the execution ground.

What about the power of the generation? Still not a dead body?

PS: I drank too much yesterday, so I couldn’t update it. I’m really sorry. I didn’t get over it today, so I’ll update it first and resume normal updates tomorrow.


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