Remember for a second【】

In Shengjing City, in the hall of Liu Yan's Hou Mansion.

The Sixteenth Young Master had a smile on his face, and he believed that Liu Yan would not refuse his offer.

On the other hand, Liu Yan also had a calm expression on his face. He drank a sip of tea silently, and then said lightly, "I'm afraid that the Sixteenth Young Master will be disappointed, and you can't agree to your conditions."

Everyone on Liu Yan's side was not at all surprised by Liu Yan's answer.

At this time, the Sixteenth Young Master, who was sitting opposite Liu Yan, was obviously a little surprised, and a dangerous gloom flashed in his long and narrow eyes.

"Doesn't Liu Hou think about it?"

As soon as the Sixteenth Young Master said this, there was a faint threat.

Liu Yan smiled and shook his head slightly, his calm eyes did not make any waves because of the coercion of the Sixteenth Young Master.

"Don't think about it, it's not too early for this marquis to see the sky. The Sixteenth Young Master might as well smash the Shengjing to have a meal before leaving. This Marquis is the host, and the Sixteenth Young Master must be satisfied."

Hearing this, although the Sixteenth Young Master still had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Oh, no need, my son still has something to do, so I won't eat this meal."

The Sixteenth Young Master stood up slowly, and the smile on his face faded a bit.


After the sixteenth son of the Zhan family left.

There was no longer a smile on Liu Yan's face.

"What a Zhan Shi, what a shrewd calculation."

Liu Yan's tone was mixed with a bit of sternness, and the conditions put forward by Mr. Zhan seemed ridiculous to him.

Not to mention that the annual tribute alone is a staggering figure, but also to allow the Zhan's Chamber of Commerce to reduce or exempt taxes within the dynasty, and the local government must give support.

Compared with the benefits that the Zhan clan wanted to extract from them, what Liu Yan could not tolerate was that they continued to help in the name of being able to select warriors of the right age within the dynasty to go to the Zhan clan to practice.

It sounds like the Zhan clan helped the dynasty cultivate geniuses, but how many geniuses will return to the dynasty? Under the training and brainwashing education of Zhan's high-quality resources, most of these geniuses will choose to become Zhan's retainers.

In the past few years, the reason why the Zhan clan has become stronger and stronger is largely because they have taken away the high-quality talents of the dynasties in this way.

Isn't this tm just cutting leeks?

This is the foundation of fundamentally destroying a dynasty, but any monarch with a little brains understands that if things go on like this, the dynasty will never turn over again.

This is also the root cause of Chu Yi's resistance to the Zhan clan after he came to power, because he could see that the Zhan clan is a cancer as far as Dasheng is concerned, and sooner or later, the Zhan clan will decay and perish under the poison of the Zhan clan.

"It's just that the lord rejected the Sixteenth Young Master this time. I'm afraid we will also become a thorn in the Zhan family's eyes in the future."

Beside Liu Yan, Jia Xu said softly.

"Jia Wenhe, do you think this Zhan clan will directly interfere in the war between us and King Yunlan?"

Lu Bing asked with a frown, if Zhan's strength forced his intervention, I'm afraid this battle would not be so simple.

One of their so-called sixteenth sons was escorted by experts at the fifth level of Heaven and Human Realm, and the strength of the Zhan family was also evident.

At this time, Jia Xu slowly shook his head and said, "It is impossible to openly intervene, the Zhan family has to rely on this hypocritical balance to obtain benefits, and all the Zhan family will definitely try their best to maintain their detached attitude.

And when the Zhan clan openly ends up interfering in the dynastic civil war, it will only make the dissatisfaction brewing in the dynasties erupt, making him the target of public criticism.

No matter how dissatisfied we are with the Zhan clan, at most, they will only allow other dynasties to attack us as they did with Chu Yi, and sending one or two masters to support King Yunlan is already the limit. "

Then Lu Bu also snorted coldly and said, "Master, you can rest assured, there is only one Zhan clan, and Buke will cut it off for the master!"

The vigorous fighting spirit gradually dissipated as he spoke, and Liu Yan nodded slightly when he saw it.

"That's right, it's just a Zhan clan. Our goal should be the heavens and the world. No matter what King Yunlan or Zhan clan he is, it is destined to be a stepping stone under our feet."

Liu Yan showed a disdainful look at the threat that Zhan might bring.

The way of the emperor, the world is the enemy.

Liu Yan, who has a system, is destined to be the sea of ​​stars and the outside world from the very beginning, and on this road, there are only two paths for all those who block him.

Follow Chang, and those who oppose it will perish!


At this time, outside Shengjing City, the Sixteenth Young Master had already left the place that made him uncomfortable in his flying car.

"Damn! It's just a small prince, he really treats himself as a character!"

The sixteenth son in the car was obviously a little irritable, and his eyes were full of killing intent, and he was not as graceful as before.

"Okay, Liu Yan is not a simple person. He is an ambitious person, and he is supported by experts. He will not easily accept our conditions."

At this moment, next to the Sixteenth Young Master, the long-bearded old man named Duan Lao seemed to be a little disgusted, and said slowly.

"Master?" The Sixteenth Young Master noticed the key to the long-bearded old man's words, and asked, "Is there anyone around Liu Yan?"

The long-bearded old man nodded and said: "Well, although I entered the Hou residence with you, I feel that there are three or four not weak auras in the hall, all of which are cultivations of the Void-breaking realm."

The Sixteenth Young Master was shocked when he heard the words, although he broke the Void Realm

^0^ One second to remember【】

The masters of the Zhan clan are not scarce in their Zhan clan, but it does not mean that these ordinary dynasties can have such a number of masters of the Void Breaker.

As for the existence of the entire Dasheng, there will be no more than three masters in the Void-breaking realm.

And these three are also some old guys who are hidden from the world.

And the oldest person I saw next to Liu Yan today was no more than forty years old.

The sixteenth son's pupils shrank slightly, and the original anger subsided.

"Old Duan, it seems that we are going to the palace of King Yunlan."

The long-bearded old man nodded, but his eyes unconsciously looked in the direction of Shengjing City.

In fact, in addition to feeling a few Void Shattering Realms, he also felt the existence of another breath that he could not see clearly, but although he could not really feel the true cultivation of that breath, but that kind of instinctive aura existed. Ruowu has a sense of danger like a thorn in his back.

It is definitely not something that Shattering Void Realm can give him.


Obviously, the long-bearded old man did not want to tell the Sixteenth Young Master.


The night was A hazy mist rose in the night sky, and there was a crescent moon hanging high in the cloud and mist, looming.

In the quiet palace city, a little **** was walking through the long and narrow corridor with a paper lantern.

On his side is the high palace wall, and inside the palace wall is the queen's bedroom.

Of course, he was just passing by.

At this moment, a burning smell suddenly entered his nose.

"Huh?" The little **** was startled and wondered if he had lost his mind?

He hadn't reacted yet, and by the moonlight he could already see a wisp of black smoke floating out from the palace wall.

The little **** suddenly panicked, so he had to shout: "Someone, the queen's bedroom is drained!"

It was night, and in the palace city, the fire was soaring into the sky.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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