Baiying Stream, Xu Da's military camp.

Inside the big tent of the Chinese army, Xu Da's face was a little gloomy.

In front of him were Li Jue and Guo Si, who bowed their heads a little in embarrassment.

"Okay, let the injured soldiers rest in the rear camp."

Xu Da said angrily, while Li Jue and Guo Si smiled embarrassingly when he saw this, then turned his head and walked out of the tent.

Looking at these two heartless backs, Xu Da also had a headache at this time.

The encounter between Li Jue and Guo Si and Yu Cheng's vanguard army, although the final result was that Yu Cheng lost to the fierce defeat of the Flying Bear Army.

But the Flying Bear Army was not without damage.

Relying on the cultivation base of all members of the Innate Realm and the fighting skills that have almost been engraved in their bones.

The half of the Flying Bear Army soldiers who followed Li Jue and Guo Si, who were in charge of the ambush, were able to counterattack against the rain of arrows even in the case of foot combat, and there was no death in action.

But in the end, the Innate Realm is only flesh and blood.

Even the warriors of the Flying Bear Army, with the subtlety of the innate realm, could not survive the overwhelming arrow rain.

For Xu Da, the Flying Bear Army is the only top elite under his command.

In addition to the five hundred flying bear army, his remaining 40,000 elites are not much better than the 500,000-strong army on the opposite side.

"It seems that we can't fight recklessly. We have to find a way to fight quickly."

Xu Da murmured, thinking about countermeasures.

Although Li Jue and Guo Si's ambush this time has many flaws in his opinion, after all, there are only 500 people.

And being seen through that night is enough to show that the coalition army that I faced this time has some talents in Ye.

And now that the Flying Bear Army is dissatisfied with its combat power, the tactics of the previous military situation will undoubtedly change.


At the same time, it was still thirty miles away from the White Eagle Stream.

Kangjia Town.

It was also the headquarters of the coalition forces of Huazhou and Yanzhou at this time.

At this time, it was in the central tent of the coalition army.

Sitting in the first place is the leader of this coalition, the prefect of Huazhou, Zhong Ren.

Of course, Zhong Ren can secure the position of the leader of the alliance. In addition to his status as the state shepherd of Huazhou, the Zhong family where Zhong Ren belongs is also the top family in Huazhou. In terms of strength and background, it is not inferior to the Yu family where Yu Cheng is located. .

"Yu Cheng, do you know the guilt?"

When Yu Cheng entered the camp, he was confronted by Zhong Ren's reprimand and scolding.

At this time, the representatives of various forces in other positions did not say a word at this time, watching the play silently.

On the other side, the representative of the Yu family, Yu Qiu, Yu Cheng's third uncle, who was sitting on Zhong Ren's left hand side, also had a gloomy expression.

Yu Cheng Xin knew that the news of his defeat had already spread to the coalition forces.

Immediately, Yu Cheng knelt down on one knee and folded his fists and explained:

"The leader of the alliance, Yu Cheng, as the vanguard, is indeed guilty of this defeat, but it is also because Liu Yan's rebels are too elite, and my Yu family's iron cavalry is not an opponent of that elite team at all."

Yu Cheng Xin knew that his responsibility for defeat as a vanguard could not be shied away.

But he couldn't explain it at all. In order to push himself to the top this time, the Yu family not only withdrew from the competition for the position of the alliance leader, but also reached a deal with Zhong Ren to support the Zhong family's competitor to sit on the position of the alliance leader of the coalition.

If I can't give you a reasonable explanation.

I'm afraid that in the future, let alone in the coalition, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold even in Yujia.

"Oh? What kind of elite are they?"

Zhong Ren has a close relationship with the Yu family now, and Yu Cheng has also contributed a lot as a pioneer.

At this time, representatives of other forces also pricked up their ears to listen.

After all, you can watch the jokes of your allies, but you still have to accept the lessons of your allies, or you will inevitably be laughed at by others next time.

"What I encountered this time was the vanguard of the enemy army. There were not many, only about five hundred people."

As soon as Yu Cheng said these words, the crowd immediately became noisy.

You must know that Yu Cheng was carrying eight thousand Yujia iron cavalry, so he was repelled by five hundred cavalry.

And what Yu Cheng said next shocked everyone in the crowd.

According to what Yu Cheng told, he discovered Li Jue and Guo Si's ambush ahead of time, and he was the first to wash the ground with a rain of arrows. With the addition of Yu Cheng's 8,000 iron cavalry, it was obvious that Yu Cheng already had the advantage.

Under such an advantage, Li Jue and Guo Si led the half-stepped Flying Bear Army soldiers to launch a counterattack against Yu Cheng against the rain of arrows.

And it showed what could be called a crushing level of terror.

When the other half of the Flying Bear Army on horses arrived, the difference in combat power became even more obvious.

Facing the strength of the Flying Bear Army, Yu Cheng and his Yujia Iron Cavalry were completely unable to resist.

Fortunately, Cheng reluctantly evacuated at the last moment, otherwise the losses would be even more severe if they continued to fight.

After listening to Yu Cheng's description, a gloomy atmosphere enveloped the camp at the moment.

This kind of elite is too invincible, invincible makes people desperate.

Once such a peerless elite appeared on the battlefield, the impact on morale was too serious.

As the leader of the alliance, Zhong Ren's face is naturally the most ugly.

"Are you sure that all this elite team has the cultivation of the Innate Realm?"

Yu Cheng also nodded seriously.

They are not ignorant of the fact that Liu Yan has a super elite They had heard of it as early as when Liu Yan was in southern Xinjiang, and also heard of it when Liu Yan entered Shengjing.

But they never met.

And this time, Yu Cheng's first battle was the only one who had truly seen the horror of this peerless elite known as the Flying Bear Army.


I want to compare the first confrontation with the coalition forces of Xu Da and Huayan.

On the other side, at the junction of Dingzhou and Chizhou, it is still in a state of undercurrent.

In addition to the 100,000 soldiers and horses that Liu Yan's main general in Chizhou, Zhao Kuo, together with the 150,000 troops that Di Renjie had just sent from the southern border, now also gathered 250,000 troops.

Although the overall quality and cultivation base are very general, and most of them have no experience in the battlefield, the overall military force is also beginning to take shape.

at the same time.

This time, King Yunlan also used the army of Dingzhou, with an army of 400,000 people.

At this moment, Chuyang City in Dingzhou, the palace of King Yunlan.

"Sixteen sons, please."

In the backyard of the palace, Wen Guanshan, the advisor of King Yunlan, made a gesture of invitation and introduced the sixteen sons of the Zhan clan into the courtyard.

At this time, Chu Kuo, the king of Yunlan in casual clothes, had been waiting for a long time in the courtyard.

"King Yunlan, in this battle, please don't disappoint our Zhan clan."

The Sixteenth Young Master said with a slightly evil smile.

King Yunlan nodded, although with a smile on his face, there was a trace of complexity in his eyes.


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