Under the tower of Shengjing City.

Murong Shi is planning to prepare for the next wave of siege.

And right now.

I only heard screams and screams from the direction of the rear camp.

"How is this going?"

Murong Shi frowned and turned his head away.

Suddenly, Murong Shi had a bad premonition in his heart.

"General, Marquis Kaiyang's subordinates rushed into our army's rear camp!"

At this moment, one of Murong Shi's personal soldiers came over and said.

Murong Shi's complexion suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he shouted coldly:

"How is that possible? Didn't it say before that there was at least half a day's journey away? How could it be killed so quickly?"

And here, Murong Shi still hasn't got the answer he wants.

He saw a group of cavalry in black armor that had smashed through his rear battalion and came towards him.


Murong Shi had no time to think about why Liu Yan's cavalry arrived so quickly.

"What's the panic! We are the strongest Lieyang Army under King Yunlan! They are only a few hundred cavalry! You kill me back!"

Fortunately, Murongshi's mad dog's reputation was fought in battle after battle, and he still has quite a bit of prestige in the army. At this time, the effect is still very good.

But at this time, Murong Shi still didn't know what kind of monster the group of cavalry in front of him was.

"Who is coming! Don't dismount me and die!"

Murong Shi shouted loudly, steered his horse horizontally, and charged towards the person facing him.

At this time, there was also a figure in the black-armored cavalry, carrying a sword, slapping the horse out, murderous.

"How brave! Dare to provoke your grandpa Guo!"

Guo Si's face was fierce, and he made no secret of his aura.

"Not good! This is a real Yuan realm!"

Here, Murong Shi felt the true essence overflowing from Guo Si's body, so he stopped his horse in time and turned the direction of the horse's head.

At the same time, he also discovered that the result of his Lieyang Army against the Flying Bear Army was a disastrous defeat.

On the other side, Li Jue had already taken the Flying Bear Army to kill him.

Murong Shi watched his soldiers being slaughtered and harvested like leeks in groups, and his heart twitched.

Even if he was a mad dog, Murong Shi still felt a little bit of fear and trepidation at this moment.

The innate realm, the innate realm, or the innate realm, actually the whole TM is the innate realm!

What kind of monster army is this?

It's too scary, isn't it?


At this moment, Murong Shi once again used his decisiveness to save his life.

And although Li Jue and Guo Si wanted to chase after him, but after all, the number of people was too small.

In desperation, after chasing down hundreds of Lieyang Army, let them run away.

And soon Liu Yan's troops arrived.

"No need to chase, let's advance to the city."

Liu Yan raised his hand to stop Yuan Chonghuan, who wanted to pursue him, and turned his eyes to the figure wearing golden armor on the tower.

"Chen Liu Yan came late to rescue him, please forgive me!"

Liu Yan's voice was extremely loud, but no one could hear that there was no respect in this voice.

Above the tower, Chu Yuanqi also looked at Liu Yan and his party under the tower with a gloomy expression.

As for the other soldiers defending the city, they were not at all lucky to survive the disaster at this time. Instead, they looked as if they were facing a great enemy.

The fierceness of the Flying Bear Army just now not only frightened Murong Shi, but also shocked them.

At this moment, there is a strange tranquility up and down the entire tower.

Liu Yan was waiting with narrowed eyes, and Chu Yuanqi on the tower was also waiting.

Liu Yan was waiting for him to open the door, and Chu Yuanqi was waiting for him to leave.

"Lu Bu."

Suddenly Liu Yan said something softly, and Lu Bu, who was behind him, dodged and grabbed a Lieyang Army soldier who fell to the ground and injured his leg before he could escape.


With a loud bang, Lu Bu smashed the soldier towards the closed city gate with just a slight toss.

And how could this gate be able to withstand Lu Bu's enormous force, and it shattered with just one blow.

"Your Majesty, since the door has been opened, will the minister enter the city?"


Shengjing City, above the sky street.

Liu Yan and Chu Yuanqi walked side by side, talking and laughing along the way, as if there was no such thing as smashing the door and entering the city.

"Liu Aiqing, I used to have the merit of retreating from the southern border, but now I have solved Shengjing. I don't know how to reward you. If you say one, I will have nothing to say."

Chu Yuanqi looked at Liu Yan with a smile on his face, but there was a gloom in the depths of his eyes.

Liu Yan also laughed, and suddenly said in an understatement:

"By the way, your Majesty doesn't know yet, right? General Song Ji lost in Chizhou, his army of 600,000 people was defeated, and General Song himself died."

To Chu Yuanqi, Liu Yan's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and he froze in place.

Song Ji and the 600,000 army are his background! Did you lose like that?

"Okay, it's cold outside. Your Majesty, please go back to the palace. It just so happens that the minister also misses the old mansion."


Inside the palace.

Chu Yuanqi sat decadently on the steps under the throne.

At this moment, a **** walked in.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yuanqi asked gloomily.

The **** knelt on the ground, and said respectfully with a hint of fear: "Report to Your Majesty, the general named Hua Xiong under the Marquis of Kaiyang has brought his troops into the palace."

As soon as the **** finished speaking, Chu Yuanqi stood up abruptly and roared, "Is he Liu Yan trying to rebel? Who brought him into the palace? Drive him out!"

Chu Yuanqi's angry voice echoed in the hall ~www.readwn.com~ and the **** was still trembling and kneeling on the ground, motionless.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Na Huaxiong said that he entered the palace to protect His Majesty's safety. The Imperial Army had worked hard to defend the city before, and they should have..."


Before the little **** could finish speaking, Chu Yuanqi interrupted him, his eyes full of murderous intent.

But then the anger gradually faded away, but the resentment in his eyes deepened.

"Liu! Yan! You are a mess! Minister! Thief! Son!"


Liu Yan looked at the filthy mansion in front of him. In just three years, he once left in humiliation from here, but now he has returned in the name of the first prince of the Southern Border.

"My lord, Hua Xiong has already entered the palace."

Lu Bing followed Liu Yan in a black brocade robe.

"Well, how did the palace react?"

Liu Yan asked casually.

Lu Bing sneered and said, "It is said that Chu Yuanqi lost his temper in the main hall. Now I'm afraid many people in the city say you are overbearing."

"Hmph, all you want is domineering, and where is this going?"

Liu Yan's long and narrow eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

He just wanted to imitate what Dong Zhuo did in Chang'an.

In his opinion, although Dong Zhuo was defeated, it was not because of his perverse actions and his arrogance and domineering.

Dong Zhongying, who dared to be the enemy of the world in front of Hulao Pass, was the real one who swallowed thousands of miles.



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