Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1002

Greed is a person’s nature. Some people can suppress own greed and use reason and morality to control all this. However, some people will be controlled by greed and become a wild beast driven by desire.

Of course, this statement is not always absolute. In many cases, the boundary between the two is fuzzy. Just like a rational model, a moral gentleman will one day become an indulgent fanatic. A wild beast of desire, at some point, shows unusual persistence. This kind of thing is not impossible, but there are routines to follow. One of the biggest variables is profit.

Ethical gentlemen can insist on owning the bottom line, that is because the interests are not able to break their bottom line. The wild beast of desire can be overly indulgent, because the benefits are not enough to make them yoke oneself. And if the weight of the benefit is enough, then whether it is a gentleman or a wild beast, it can actually tear off the layer of own.

Smith Zhou is very sure about this. What he was even more certain was that Victor could never stand this temptation. Victor is a wise man, who knows many things in his heart. For example, how can we live better in such a world? In front of Smith Zhou, how can we promote oneself’s hard-won status?

He knows exactly what oneself lacks in all this? power! This is what he lacks. And it was this thing that led to all the changes in his fate so far. But as long as he can resist all the power imposed on him by fate, he will not become like he is today. Therefore, as a smart person, he will never give up any opportunity to gain strength.

And now, since Smith put this opportunity in front of him, although it seems a little dangerous. But in any case, he will not give up.

So, soon this tortured guy stood up tremblingly, and looked towards with a very strange look towards standing there impossible to move even a Mephisto of little bit, then step by step walked towards him.

He walks slowly, but his pace is firm. And this has brought heavy psychological pressure to Mephisto.

Because he is not sure whether the things Smith Zhou said are true. And if it is true, then this is probably his end. For Mephisto, who has enjoyed the life of millions and millions of years, this is obviously an unacceptable thing. So immediately, he left all the face of oneself and began to beg for mercy shamelessly.

“Wait, wait. I admit defeat, I admit defeat. Smith Zhou, I am willing to admit defeat to you, and acknowledge allegiance to you. As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to give everything I have. Smith . Zhou, no! Your lord, great lord. I can sign a contract with you, as long as you let me go, I swear, I can be loyal to you forever and ever. Please believe me, I am the devil king of hell after all, It’s the existence of millions and millions of years of life. The help I can provide you is a thousand times, tens of thousands of times more than this guy in front of you. Whether it is wealth or power. Whether it is a hero or a beauty, I can serve you Come on. As long as you are nodded, I promise that I can serve you wholeheartedly and dedicate everything to you unconditionally. My lord, my lord, as long as you give me this opportunity!”

Let go For all the morals, Mephisto desperately took out all the chips of oneself. In the face of this level of bargaining chips, Smith Zhou hasn’t said anything, but Victor is the first to worry.

He has to admit that these words of Mephisto are very deceptive. Regardless of the things he mentioned, or his own allegiance, this is an irresistible temptation for anyone. In comparison, his own value is indeed not worth mentioning. This point, as long as Victor is not stupid, can be perfectly clear.

When he wanted to understand this, he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of choice Smith Zhou would make. In all fairness, if he stood in the position of Smith Zhou, then he would definitely accept Mephisto’s surrender without the slightest hesitation. Because anyway, this is the allegiance of a devil. With absolute power to conquer this devil, the benefits it can bring can undoubtedly be ten million times that of a mortal. Therefore, as long as you are slightly aligned with your interests, you don’t need to hesitate how to choose.

And Smith. Zhou will not be in line with interests. Victor really didn’t know anything about it. At this time, he could only silently watch Smith Zhou with a longing look, waiting for him to make the final decision.

Smith Zhou, who keeps his eyes on Mephisto, seems not at all to see his eyes. He just moved his own pace slowly and walked around Mephisto two or three times repeatedly. When Mephisto’s eyes twitched because of his action, he smiled and said to him.

“Sounds tempting. But how can I trust you? Mephisto, you are famous for your cunning and insidiousness. I don’t want to at this time because it gave you a chance , And cause me in the future to be backlashed by you. That’s too stupid, isn’t it?”

“No, no!” Mephisto heard what he meant, and hurriedly told him. . “I can give my soul. As long as I hold my soul, my life and death are in your hands. In this case, I am absolutely impossible to betray you. So please rest assured, as long as you Let me go, everything is easy to say!”

“Is that so?” Slightly patted Mephisto’s shoulder, Smith Zhou’s smile was very bright. For this smile that was too bright, Mephisto could only show an unusually stiff and strong smile.

“Yes, that’s it. My lord, I have shown my greatest sincerity. For this reason, would you please let me go? I will be your right-hand man loyally Yes, with my help, your big plan can be realized faster, isn’t it?”

“You are right!” Slightly shook the head, Smith Zhou went three steps and two steps When he reached Victor’s side with his head down, and in Mephisto’s incredulous eyes, he pushed Victor directly and pushed him in front of Mephisto. “But I don’t believe you. Maybe what you said is true, but for me, what is the difference between not at all. Besides, compared with Victor, I think he can make me more trustworthy. Anyway, he is a human being, and you are a devil. Who to trust, isn’t it an obvious question?”

“I…” Mephisto still wants Excused, but Victor didn’t give him that chance at all. He knew exactly how rare such an opportunity was, so without the slightest hesitation, he grasped this moment that represented his future in his hands.

He gripped the hilt of the god-slaughter weapon, and then fiercely rotated the dagger. The blade stirred Mephisto’s heart, causing Mephisto to roar that didn’t sound like a human voice. And in such a roar, Victor did not hesitate at all and drew out the dagger directly.

This pull is like opening a seal that cannot be stated clearly. The billowing black smoke immediately surged out following the scarlet spell on the blade.

The black smoke is almost endless, but it is always confined in such a small space by the spell on the blade. Moreover, the black smoke was still being swallowed by these spells, and was absorbed into the short sword little by little.

The sword body began to darken with the influx of black smoke, but the spell on it became more and more conspicuous. This change surprised Victor, but he did not dare to let go of the hilt of oneself’s grip. And just as he gripped the hilt of the sword tighter and tighter, a tingling pain suddenly came out of his palm.

A scarlet mark appeared on the hilt of the sword, which was deeply embedded in his palm. And with the embedding of this brand, the black smoke that represents Mephisto’s power contained in the sword’s body suddenly seemed to have found a way to vent, bursting into Victor’s body.

And this immediately made Victor unable to help but roar in pain. This is not a pleasant feeling. The influx of power was like pouring hot oil into the body, making him instantly think of oneself’s experience of being almost burnt to coke.

That was his nightmare, and now, this feeling is actually repeated again. This really made him almost intolerable. However, just when he was about to give up, he suddenly saw the change on Mephisto’s face opposite oneself.

That is a kind of fear that has been frozen, from the eyes to the expression, completely shocked and unwilling. He has no strength to speak, because as the black smoke is so forcibly extracted, all of his power is already like bubbles, completely becoming nothingness. And this also made him the ridiculous appearance right now.

It’s really ridiculous. Remembering Mephisto’s torture to own in the past, Victor couldn’t help laughing. He laughed loudly and madly. And it was precisely because of this kind of happy and crazy smile that he directly forgot the pain of oneself.

At this moment, the senses of will override the body. And under this precondition of ignoring pain, everything went smoothly. Following the scarlet and dazzling spell, it extinguished completely in waves of indeterminate changes. Once the lord of hell, Mephisto, who has been stunned for countless centuries, was directly turned into a fly ash.

He has become a thing of the past. In the future, he will no longer exist.

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