Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1014

Galactus reluctantly stated. For him who caused all these problems, this is the only way to alleviate his fault.

And since he has already said so, then the Infinity and Ms. Death who joined later will naturally not have more opinions. They were originally involved because of Galactus. Although there was a slight affiliation, in the face of that kind of deterrence, it was not unacceptable to let go of this affiliation.

Getting the default of the own sisters, Galactus could only stand up, and then issued an own notice to the dark black hole of Infinity.

“Stop your Infinity destruction. We are willing to negotiate with you, so don’t continue!”

“Why, do you want to negotiate with me?”

Hearing Galactus’ words, the black giant avatar that Zhou Yi turned into slowly revealed his figure from the huge Star Domain swallowed by the power of his black hole. At the same time, his voice reached the ears of these creation gods very clearly.

“Then follow my request and let Infinity remove the damn curse from me. Use this method to prove your sincerity. After all, I don’t want to be in this way and be threatened by you all the time. This so-called peace negotiation can be carried out in the current situation!”

“This…” After all, it is not something that oneself can decide, so Galactus can only focus on Infinity for help. Body. In the face of this gaze, Infinity, despite being extremely unwilling, stretched out his palm in the direction of Zhou Yi, releasing his own power.

She has already removed the invisible shackles, and this can be clearly felt by Zhou Yi, who has stretched out his hand to the vast universe. So he immediately put away his own destructive power, and changed back into the introverted and harmless appearance before, and then confronted the so-called creation gods face to face.

“So, do you have no choice? You can only ask for peace in this way?”

“Don’t be too unsatisfied. We just want to maintain this The basic order of the universe. In order to prevent all the damage from becoming more massive and unmanageable, the method with the least consequences was chosen. This does not mean that we are afraid of you. If we are really torn apart , Then you can completely wipe out you desperately! So, pay attention to your attitude.”

Infinity said unconvincingly. Regarding her angry tone, Zhou Yi just grinned, showing a malicious smile, taunting heartily.

“Ha, it’s really nice. But, if you really have anything to do, I’m afraid it’s already done on me. Infinity, I don’t know anything about you guys. Under you oneself. Don’t think I don’t know what you can do. So, you can’t help me. If you don’t believe me, I’m here. You can try it and see who is the one who has the ability The one who takes the initiative!”


As soon as this sentence was said, Infinity immediately snarled. From the trembling voice and the terrifying aura that constantly spilled out of her body, it was completely possible to see what kind of anger she was now.

But this kind of anger not at all may explode, because at this time Infinity has been firmly pressed down by Ms. Death.

“Enough, take control of your temper. Don’t forget! What is the most important thing for us.”

Ms. Death said so, and from Infinity and Galactus took over their leadership. She gaze as if a torch looked at Zhou Yi on the opposite side, her eyes confused and surprised. At this time, she, not at all, continued the previous topic, but directly switched the topic to a place that seemed irrelevant.

“Have we met. Why do I feel that your look looks familiar.”

Familiar? That is inevitable. Although the nature of power is completely different. However, the incarnation of the giant god that Zhou Yi turned into was not significantly different from him in this World. Except for the dark black flames in that body, they were almost carved out of the same mold. As Ms. Death who has witnessed Zhou Yi’s awakening of the stars and has always maintained a certain friendship, she will naturally have a certain impression of this appearance.

It’s just that, no matter what, she can’t connect the guy in front of her with Zhou Yi in this universe. So she can only stay at this deja vu stage.

And Zhou Yi naturally does not want to be recognized by Ms. Death. So he immediately interrupted her imagination, and said to them very frankly and stiffly.

“Madam, I don’t want to have any friendship with you. So you’d better not come to this set. Since you asked for peace talks, then let us have a good chat, this so-called peace talks. The specific conditions needed. The initiative is in me, so you don’t want to be able to fool around easily!”

“Okay. Since you said that!” Stopped oneself’s irrelevant thoughts, Ms. Death also said straight to the point. “Then let us listen to your terms.”

“I have to admit that your power is only what we have seen. It is powerful and possesses incalculable destructive power. Plus you It is not the nature of life in the universe. We would never allow this kind of negotiation to happen if possible. But as you said, we are temporarily helpless with you. And if we do not negotiate, we will continue. If the stalemate continues, the damage will be too great for our universe. This is a loss that we cannot accept, so we are willing to negotiate. However, this does not mean that you can overcharge.”

“The basis of this negotiation is based on the premise that we have lost too much of our interests. If you offer conditions that exceed our psychological bottom line. Then even if it pays a huge price, we will terminate the negotiation. , Declared war on you. Don’t forget, we are the five great creation gods. They contain all the truth and order of this universe. If we urge us, you will never end well.”

Ms. Death’s words are sensible, calm, and full of threats. She can accept Zhou Yi’s conditions, but that must be on the premise that Zhou Yi’s conditions are within their acceptance range. And if this is not the case, then they will never compromise.

Although Zhou Yi can make these three creation gods helpless, but that does not mean that he is not afraid of the five creation gods of the universe. He knew very well that many of their trump cards were not used. One of the most threatening is the one among the five creation gods that rarely reveals its existence.

Annihilation, the smallest and most powerful of the five gods, this is Zhou Yi’s most scrupulous existence.

It is different from the other four creation gods. If you compare the entire universe to a smart device. The other four gods are equivalent to the necessary system and main frame to operate this equipment. It can be said that without them, the operation of the entire universe will be problematic.

Unlike Oblivion, he is not involved in the operation of the universe. He is responsible for another function of the universe, which is complete destruction.

In this huge device of the universe, his existence is like a self-destructing device installed. And as such an existence, his only purpose is to destroy everything in this universe. Let the universe destroy, then restart. Only in this way can the existence of the universe be maintained in a cycle of birth, destruction and then rebirth.

So, to some extent, he can be said to be the oldest and the only unchanging existence in the entire universe.

For such an existence, even Zhou Yi, who has destroyed the oneself universe, has to feel jealous. So he knows exactly what kind of bottom line oneself should follow so as not to provoke this special guy.

However, following the bottom line does not mean he can compromise casually. Such a huge force was used to make this degree of destruction and destruction. This is no longer something that can be ended casually. He must get an explanation, one that can satisfy oneself.

So, what kind of condition should I put forward? In response, Zhou Yi fell into own silence. As for his silence, the creation gods who had no time concept also stopped urging in various senses, waiting in the same silent way for the moment when he gave the oneself condition.

I didn’t think about how long. Zhou Yi already has a general idea. With such a thought, Zhou Yi already opened his mouth to the creation gods opposite him.

“I only have one condition. If you can accept it, then everything can be calmed down.”

“Please speak! We listen carefully.”

It seems Feeling Zhou Yi’s sincerity, Ms. Death’s expression has become a lot more relaxed. And when she opened her mouth to Zhou Yi so amiable, Zhou Yi’s condition was to make her and the people around her suddenly change color.

“I have only one condition. That is him!”

When Zhou Yi said this, he already pointed his own finger at Galactus far away.

“Since everything started because of him, let everything end because of him. I have no more requests, as long as you promise not to intervene in the battle between me and him, Let us resolve our grievances by ourselves. That’s it!”

Is this request outrageous? It seems to be not outrageous at all, but for Ms. Death and others, it is completely unacceptable.

Although Galactus is unbearable, let them look down on. He is regarded as a member of their five great creator gods, and the brother of their mother and compatriot. Leave it alone and promise not to interfere. This kind of thing sounds easy, but if it is really done, it is equivalent to watching Galactus be wiped out before their eyes.

So, this condition is simply impossible!

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