Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1023

After enjoying a hearty French meal, we bid farewell to the enthusiastic old French man. Clarice embarked on the own journey again.

Even though the old man had already told her, Mutant now enjoys a different treatment. But she still hid her own identity and came to the own destination like an ordinary passerby.

After Natasha retired, she has become a typical urban woman. She got a job as a good fashion magazine editor, and at the same time, she drwsily lived like a cat in her own villa near Beverly Hills. Live a life of shopping, work and rest that a normal woman should have. She even said that she has a blue cat and a French bulldog.

As an agent, it is best not to keep any animals as pets. Because you will have concerns, and once you have concerns, it is easy to have a mentality that you shouldn’t have and make mistakes that shouldn’t be made during mission. Natasha is using this way to tell others that she really wants to retire. And it’s better not to disturb her again.

For now, this statement has a certain effect. Skyhammer will not oneself hit own face. And the United States is also impossible to harass an outstanding Old Senior. However, Natasha is absolutely defensive, but he can’t prevent Clarice, who is not afraid of tigers and does not follow the rules at all.

So, when Natasha was preparing to follow oneself’s usual habit of drinking a cup of coffee in a nearby coffee shop and writing some manuscripts, she had to accept this uninvited guest.

“Clarice, why are you here?”

For this visitor who disrupted the rhythm of oneself’s life, Natasha was a little bit more ominous while surprised Hunch. And looking at the beautiful woman in front of oneself who wrote amazement on her face, Clarice showed a bright and bright smile.

“I made a special trip to visit you. Why, don’t you ask me to go in and sit down?”

Facing Clarice with a special status, even though he has ignored the world Natasha, who had the idea, could only get away from her body and asked her to go in and talk in detail.

“What do you want to drink, coffee or tea. I can make it clear in advance, I don’t have any wine here. So if you want to drink, I can’t help it!”

With a strange feeling, he invited Clarice to sit down. Natasha asked Clarice as he was busy at the bar.

As for this kind of polite words, Clarice smiled slightly, and said familiarly.

“A cup of coffee is good. Besides, please, don’t say this. Your tone of voice is almost like the tone that Ida teaches me every day. Is this a common problem in your profession? ?”

“I think I’m much easier to talk than the fellow Ada.”

He smiled and brought a coffee to Clarice. Natasha sat across from her in a lithe and graceful posture, then smiled and asked her.

“Can you tell me what happened to you when you came to me? Seriously, from the moment I saw you, I felt a bad feeling in my heart. So tell me, it’s not something How are things at work?”

“Are you really planning to retire?” Hearing this, Clarice’s face was a little bit surprised. She at first thought that Natasha was politically persecuted because of the Skyhammer Bureau. Because from the own channel, that is, from the mouths of Mutant who broke into the inside of the Skyhammer, she learned a lot about Natasha being excluded. And it was from their mouths that she learned about Natasha’s retirement.

In her opinion, there should be an inevitable connection among them. Otherwise, with Natasha’s identity as a trump card agent, no matter what he did, he would not be reduced to the point where he would retire during the golden years of his career as an agent. It is precisely because of this that she has this idea of ​​profiting from somebody’s misfortune. But now it seems that the situation is not what she thought.

Looking at the surprise on Clarice’s face, Natasha twitched at the corner of her mouth, revealing a disdainful smile.

“You don’t really think that a spy is a good job, do you.”

She asked the question, but she didn’t want to get Clarice’s affirmative answer.

“Of course. What a great job as an agent. It’s just cool. Think about James Bond. Think about Ethan Hunter. Which of their missions isn’t that exciting, then. Thrilling! If it weren’t for my big brother and Ada and they stopped me from joining, maybe I was the one who joined the Avengers!”

Clarice’s words can clearly be heard. Resentment. But for her resentment, Natasha could not hear her. Only then did she discover that oneself simply did not understand this Princess girl. Her thoughts loop, simply innocent is not like a normal person.

Anyone who spends a period of time in this complicated world to go through arduous training or hard work, but whoever recognizes the cruelty and cold-blooded hidden behind this World. A normal person will not say that the job of an agent is cool, exciting, and thrilling. Only children who are naive enough to regard the world in the movie as the real world will have such unrealistic ideas.

In her opinion, Clarice is such a child. Although she seems to be grown up. But she has never seen the darkness and coldness behind this World.

This should be the reason why her big brother gave her a very good protection site. Natasha thought so, but there was a little more jealousy in her heart. But when she thought of that person’s identity, she could only gradually feel sad in her heart. There has been no news of that person for a while, and I don’t know what he is doing.

Natasha suddenly became absent-minded. This makes Clarice look unfathomable mystery from the side. With a woman’s instinct, she felt that Natasha must be thinking of a man. It’s just that at this time, is it a bit inappropriate? Especially when her guest is still talking to you. So immediately, she coughed twice at Natasha and woke her up.

“Are we still talking about business? Natasha.”

“Sorry. I don’t understand very well, what do you mean?”

Natasha came back to His senses, he smiled at her immediately. But her eyes have become firm and unchangeable. She already had an idea of ​​owning it, and Clarice was already aware of it. But she still took a deep breath and said to Natasha seriously.

“I want to hire you as the chief consultant of the Huiyao Special Police Team. You should know that we are short of important talents like you. I promise, as long as you are willing to join us, we can give you Provide the best benefits and the most excellent treatment. It will definitely not be worse than what you enjoyed when you were in the Skyhammer game.”

With such a promise, Clarice has already used oneself the most Permissions. Although she also holds a part of the shares of the Corona Group, she does not have that much right to speak at the decision-making level. It can be said that given Natasha everything she promised, I am afraid it will take some time to be obediently and honestly.

But if someone like Natasha can really get a talent like Natasha, she doesn’t care about the price at all. A thousand troops are easy to get, and a general is hard to find. Such a thing is the same for Clarice, who is only in charge of a small police team.

It’s just that she thought very well, but the result was not satisfactory. Because she hadn’t finished her words, Natasha had already given her a definite answer.

“Sorry, I have no idea of ​​changing jobs. I am very satisfied with everything I have now. So I may have to let you go on an errand for nothing.”

” Don’t you need to think about it anymore?”

The straight refusal made Clarice’s face become bitter. This is not the same as she imagined. It can be said that what she hopes most now is Natasha’s change of heart. But obviously, this is an unrealistic luxury.

“Sorry, I have already considered the past. So, if possible, please let me live as an ordinary person in peace, okay?”

Natasha has already Speaking of this level. Clarice sighed and started to get up and leave. Her purpose has been defeated, so naturally there is no need to stay. So, accompanied by Natasha, she left here soon.

And less than an hour after the front foot left, she immediately noticed a serious problem. That is, she forgot her own shoulder bag in Natasha’s villa. That is the limited edition shoulder bag that has just been released recently, and it is also her favorite one. Therefore, even if it is somewhat sorry, she can only touch it back quietly without the owner’s permission.

“Maybe Natasha has something to go out? Maybe she simply wouldn’t know that I was back.”

With such a fluke, Clarice quietly returned to Natasha’s villa. Then successfully found what oneself was looking for.

It made her take a breath, and then she wanted to leave as soon as no one found oneself. But with a subconsciously glance, she saw something that she shouldn’t have seen.

The high-heeled shoes thrown everywhere are like clothes torn apart by brute force, and also some women’s private clothes. This is Natasha’s stuff! Clarice, who has just met Natasha, is very sure about own memory. And seeing this, curiosity immediately became like a cat scratching, and began to haunt her desperately.

Natasha has a boyfriend? Are they doing shameful things now? Driven by curiosity, Clarice has become a sneaky little thief. With the already clear and audible low groan, she began to sneak up towards the source of the sound.

She wanted to see who actually took away the heart of that beautiful and alluring woman. But when she saw it, she was shocked by the unimaginable.

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