Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1031

“It’s news X broadcast time, and now I’ll broadcast an important news for you. Japan and United Kingdom have fallen one after another. This is after the extreme terrorist organization Hydra caused huge chaos in United States Another major action. In this regard, the national leaders gave the most severe accusations and denials of this cruel atrocities of inhuman during the multi-national alliance. He said that this behavior is a violation of humanitarian violence. The sinful act of being cast aside and cursed by all mankind. People all over the world should unite to resist the terrorist threat of Hydra. Strive for this evil extreme terrorist organization to have no place above Earth.”

“The United Kingdom of Japan fell one after another. In the terrorist attack in the United Kingdom, a hero came forward. This is a special case of benefiting people, from the disadvantage of oneself, is a general hero. He In the most dangerous times, he gave the most sincere assistance to the masses of people in difficulties. It was also his poor strength of oneself, which benefited the masses and made a powerful safeguard for the lives of countless people. What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of Bethune. The leaders of the country call on all citizens to learn like this hero.”

“Japan was in a catastrophe, and the Emperor of Japan formally requested China for humanitarian relief. Ben In the spirit of humanitarianism and the principle of mutual assistance among all nations, our government has decided to formally enter Japan to provide humanitarian assistance and post-disaster reconstruction work to Japan. I hope that this prosperous country will resume its former glory one day soon.”

As promised by the big brothers, news broadcasts began to report on this aspect. But Tony, who watched this episode exclusively, felt a little weird. Although he knows that Chinese likes to use allusions to say things, but who is it? Who is Bethune? He really didn’t know at all.

Under curiosity, he checked the affairs of ** and Bethune. I have to say that if you describe Smith Zhou with the things of these two people, it is really a bit exaggerated. Because even he is not sure what kind of mind Smith Zhou did to do those things. The only thing he can be sure of is that Smith Zhou definitely doesn’t have the noble sentiments of ** and Bethune.

So from this point of view, his big boss did indeed do it. What’s more, he has done something vivid and colorful, which is simply exceeding his request. It’s just such a thing, are people in that country willing to believe it? Fortunately, the Central News also came to a post-event interview session very intimately, and through this session, Tony finally saw what oneself wanted to see.

“Excuse me, what do you think about the latest news break?”

“I will resolutely run through the thinking of my superiors and learn from the heroes!”

“Excuse me, do you have any thoughts about the hero who appeared in United Kingdom?”

“Yes, yes. This hero can save that many people, it is really amazing Very ah. We all admire him! We all want to learn from him.”


I watched interviews with more than a dozen people. Basically, there is considerable praise for this character who was deliberately promoted. And this situation is enough for Tony.

To build momentum, and public opinion backs up. Everything is to let mankind know this name-Earth Watcher! The purpose is to let mankind understand the strength of this hero, and understand that with the concerted efforts of him and the government, the same thing will never happen again.

For now, his first goal has been achieved. There are probably not many Earth people who don’t know the name of Earth Watcher now. And his second purpose, to calm the social unrest, also began to play a role in the first impression.

Europe is the worst in turmoil and the fastest to calm down. Among them, the more than one million British who fled to Europe for asylum have played a huge role.

Although the influx of British at first brought huge problems to Europe. In particular, it has caused huge hidden dangers to the social order of various countries. However, as the direction of public opinion changed, and the benchmark was erected. Those British have become good helpers in maintaining social order.

British will not deny the salvation of Li’s benchmark.

And everyone is not stupid. Compared to those who can spread rumors and stir up chaos, a witness is obviously easier to believe. As long as it has been such a mind’s eye, I will specifically look for the British who has experienced all this to ask the truth. Naturally, you can know the true or false in the news.

And people often have the psychology of avoidance. When the facts around them are combined with a little truth and it turns into a seemingly good result, most people can accept it. After all, no one wants to live in panic all day long. Whoever can survive, no one wants to force oneself to death.

Western countries have made a concerted voice, Europe can settle down, and the Americas will naturally soon return to calm. Coupled with the increase in the number of omnics and the increase in public opinion offensive, the social problem that was originally on the verge of collapse was finally slowly pressed down by the group of Tony.

Among them, you really have to admit their efforts and wisdom. But for this result, not everyone can feel satisfied. It was like Tony oneself, he already felt the threat of the big tail he had said before.

“Look at this news. Don’t any of you inform these media people, how to write this kind of news?”

Throw away a freshly published newspaper In front of the director of the FBI just appointed by oneself. Tony pointed to the conspicuous “Savior” above and yelled at him.

“Can this kind of word be used here? Don’t you know what this kind of public opinion will create in the end? Or do you want the Captain America thing to happen again? “

The director of bad luck glanced at the newspaper, quickly took out a towel and wiped the sweat from Oneself’s face, while carefully replied to Tony.

“Your Excellency, I have warned the news media and asked them to exercise sufficient restraint on this issue. But you know, these guys are never afraid to make things big. For them, just They can hype things up and make oneself have better sales, so they don’t care what oneself said!”

“Do you mean to let me let this kind of thing go? Mr. Chief!”

Looking at this subordinate, he dared to quibble. Tony, who already had the reputation of a tyrant, immediately yelled.

“Listen to me, I don’t care what you do. Before tomorrow, I want to make all news papers like this disappear. Tell the bastards, if you can’t hold this limit, then They don’t want to live a good life anymore. I will let people from the tax bureau stop at their door and let them from now on don’t even want to sleep for a good night! Do you understand what I mean? If you understand, don’t do it.”

Use the tax bureau to intimidate those media tycoons, this is also Tony by fair means or foul’s behavior. And seeing that his boss has become like this, the newly appointed director of bad luck dare to stay longer, and almost ran out of his office by crawling on the ground.

And watching Tony’s anger still remained. The wife of the president with a big belly had already moved up quietly, and then said to him in a gentle voice.

“My dear, is it necessary for you to have such a big temper? Don’t you mean you are not sure what kind of person this guy is? So why treat him with such a harsh attitude? Maybe? He may not be as bad as you think!”

“You don’t understand, Maria.” Although Maria has gently rubbed Tony’s frowning eyebrows, this does not make His mood eased. He looked at the newspaper on the desk, and the expression on his face became more abrupt and savage. “For this guy, the only safest thing to do is to raise ten thousand points of vigilance. Because he is different from Rogers, completely different.”

“Rogers’s thing is worse than his 70s. The amount of mental ability accumulated in the years. Since World War II, he has represented the spirit of the United States, and he has been haunting the comics for 70 years. So when he was exposed, he hit the spirit of the entire United States Level.”

“The biggest difference between this guy at the moment and Rogers is that his Owner is far more powerful than Rogers. General Ross reported clearly that this is an unprecedentedly powerful guy. Can and He is probably only Zhou Yi and the others. If he breaks out, an entire country will suffer. If he is given the symbolic power of the spiritual level, his damage to mankind will become even greater. This is definitely something we cannot accept. So we have to limit him.”

Tony’s meaning is very clear, but Maria does not understand it.

“In that case, why did you push him to the front of the stage at first? Wouldn’t it be better to block his information directly from public opinion?”

“At the time, we had no more choice. Only through him and those British things.”

Reluctantly shook the head, Tony already tasted the bitterness in his mouth. .

“I just didn’t expect that the situation would become uncontrollable so quickly. I now finally understand what it means to be a cocoon. This feeling is really terrible!”

Oneself husband’s expression, Maria touched his profile lovingly. Then she expression moved, but suddenly smiled at Tony.

“Actually, I think things may not be that bad. Maybe things also turn around?”

“Turn around? What do you mean.” Tony knows that own wives have always been many Zhi, so he immediately asked her humbly. Seeing the eagerness in the eyes of oneself husband, Maria immediately whispered in his ear.

“It’s very simple. Didn’t he say that oneself is Zhou Yi’s father? Maybe we can use this to make a fuss, let them contain each other?”

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