Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1033

Justin is still desperate. If it weren’t for the narcotics, he might be struggling frantically now. But at this time, the reply of a calm doctor calmed him down again.

“Things are not as bad as you said. Turn on the second machine next to me and get ready for debugging. The first injection will be done in five minutes.”

The tight, rhythmic mechanical sound made Justin scared and nervous, but also full of hope. Even he himself didn’t know where oneself’s strength came from, at this time, he asked so suddenly.

“Doctor, doctor! Can my eyes also be saved?”

Imagine a person you think is completely anesthetized, lying like a piece of hard frozen meat The patient on the bed suddenly sat up next to you, how would you react? I’m afraid I don’t have the guts, and I can’t bear such a fright.

As a young bird, whether it is the attending doctor or his deputy, he is not a bold person who can be used to commonplace. Among them, the deputy is particularly prominent. He yelled “mother Mia”, and his voice was almost as high as a beautiful woman. This not only shocked the attending doctor around him, but also shocked Justin.

Looking at the patient who was about to roll off the hospital bed, the attending doctor slapped his own deputy vigorously, causing him to close his mouth. Then he held onto Justin and asked him sullenly.

“Are you not under anesthesia? Why can you sit up? Damn it, do you know how dangerous this is? If you also feel it, the operation will not continue.”

“Sorry, doctor. I’m really sorry!” Justin didn’t understand the situation, so he could only apologize continuously. Feeling the breathing sound of the two doctors gradually calming down, he immediately couldn’t help but whispered to the question oneself most wanted to know now. “Doctor, do my eyes really also help?”

“Did you not listen to what we said before? Of course there is help. So you don’t give me a hurry to lie down.”

The doctor who was taken aback was a little offensive, but Justin didn’t even care about it with him. He just lay down obediently, and said with suspicion.

“But didn’t you say that my eyeballs are completely gone, even if I change my eyeballs, it’s useless?”

“We’re right, but This is just taking the existing technology as an example. You must know that ours is a foreign-funded hospital with the most advanced medical technology from abroad. Your problem is simply not a problem for our nano-neurons. So, rest assured. Okay, we promise to give you a pair of eyes that can see the light.”

patted Justin’s shoulder, the attending doctor gave him another tranquilizer shot. And this time, Justin couldn’t continue to keep own awake, he only felt that the own consciousness disappeared in his body. Then in a trance, oneself seems to have entered an unspeakable world.

It was a dark world, and I couldn’t see the five fingers even when I stretched out my hand. And he was in such a world, but he couldn’t even feel his own body. It was as if the owner’s body had already been swallowed by this dark space, all he could do was float in this endless darkness, floating endlessly. Until, a beam of light suddenly appeared before his eyes.

You can’t imagine how much people in the dark desire the light to shine. Almost the moment he saw the light, Justin desperately pursued the light. However, when he saw the body of this radiance with his own eyes, he suddenly got a cold sweat.

He originally thought it would be an angel, or some other beautiful thing. But when he got closer to him, he realized that it was a huge robotic arm exuding radiance. Exquisite, ingenious, and full of cold mechanical temperament. People can feel its complexity and special at a glance. It’s just that as a human, Justin really can’t have any degree of favor for this thing.

He subconsciously wanted to stay away from this strange thing, but the next moment, this huge mechanical arm was already waving and bursting towards him.

Simply cannot tolerate any dodge, and he is basically impossible to have any dodge ability and space. So seeing that own body was about to be grabbed by this huge robotic arm, Justin could only pull his throat desperately and screamed.

“Help!” There was such a scream in the ear, and the doctor who was still packing medical equipment was so scared that everything in his hand was thrown out. There are many dangerous things like scalpels, and even more dangerous is that these things that were thrown out almost got stuck in Justin’s body.

This shocked both of them, and the doctor yelled at Justin after he came back to his senses.

“Are you sick? You woke up when you woke up, what is your name?”

“Knife, knife, knife!” Justin of complexion ashen pointed strongly With the scalpel inserted in oneself’s face, he was asking the doctor for help in this way. Seeing his reaction like this, the doctor said to him irritably while packing the dangerous goods around him.

“It seems that your eyes are recovering well? If that’s the case, don’t stay here anymore, pack up and leave. Am I waiting for the next patient to be treated?”


For the doctor, Justin is really an unpopular patient. He suspects that if he spends two more days with this guy, oneself can scare out a heart attack. Fortunately, his treatment is over, so soon he won’t need to see this guy again. It is really gratifying, gratifying and congratulating.

However, this is just the doctor’s personal opinion. For Justin, this doctor is a benefactor to bring new life to oneself. He was so grateful to this doctor that he immediately held the doctor’s hand and said to him in a tone that couldn’t even speak completely.

“Thank you, thank you. I really… thank you so much. Doctor, you gave me light again, no! You gave me a second life. Thank you, thank you so much That’s it!”

I seem to have been used to this tone, but the doctor behaved very calmly. He smoothly pushed Justin’s hand away, and then said to him seriously.

“Don’t thank me, thank you for the new technology of nano-neurons. If it were not for this nano-medical device, you would have to wait until a century later if you want to see the light again.”


“Thank you, thank you!” Justin could only repeat the words of thanks to express his gratitude. At this time, the medical staff just brought Justin’s clothes.

That was Justin’s only intact suit, but in the eyes of the doctor, this suit is really indescribably shabby. It’s almost the same as the old clothes he lost when he made a community donation. And through this, he also judged Justin’s current situation.

I am afraid it is very difficult. Although I really don’t like this guy who has brought exciting experiences to oneself several times, but thinking about the purpose of the company’s training, the doctor really can’t watch this guy who has finally gotten a new life so pitiful.

So he coughed twice, and then asked a little unnaturally.

“Mr. Bieber is it?”

“Yes, doctor. This is Justin. Bieber. Is there any question?”

“You Have you heard about the kind of rescue project provided by our company?” the doctor asked. Hearing his culture, Justin was immediately shocked, and then the expression was somewhat sadly replied.

“Sorry, doctor. Although I’m broke, I still have a little self-esteem. I can’t go around begging like a beggar, even if I was once blind, I wouldn’t do this It’s something.”

“Is that so?” Rubbing his head with a headache, the doctor took out a cigarette and lit oneself. Then he said to him in the mist. “I understand your kind of self-esteem. But have you ever thought about such a problem. Although this operation is free, but in order to ensure that your eyes have no problems, you will have to go to the hospital regularly for the next two or three years. Check. That is all for money, and as a bankrupt, your credit has fallen below the bottom line. There will be no banks and insurance companies to provide you with any financial assistance. You simply cannot afford this cost. So why? Don’t look at our company’s projects?”

“We have provided you with medical assistance, so we also believe that you are kind and grateful to us. This is a mutual trust Bridge, therefore, we can trust you with the work in our hands with confidence. It is not so difficult to tell. It is just to provide you with a basic job. You can completely treat this as debt repayment. But we need you to pay it back It’s human debt, not money debt? Do you know what I mean?”

“Is that so?” Looking at the doctor’s sympathy with concern, I thought about oneself. Years of miserable life. Justin took a deep breath and then responded with a smile. “Thank you, doctor. I think I am willing to accept your help.”

“That’s good! That’s good. Please come with me, I’ve helped you contact the relevant departments. By the way See, can I provide you with some help in life.”

In this kind of dialogue, nano-neurons have once again completed a change in a person’s life. For this suddenly emerging company, Justin is not their first guest, and definitely not their last guest. Helping others is a topic that never stops. And nano-neurons absolutely have no meaning to stop this behavior.

Because its purpose is to serve mankind!

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