Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1038

“Welcome, welcome to the Modi talk show tonight. I am your good friend, your good partner, your good mentor on the road of life, and the best in the world The gossip spreader-Modi Raush. I will bring you a night of endless satisfaction!”

Has always been known as a serious to have no shame, and is enthusiastically called by a broad audience of friends The host of the popular talk show for Mr. Modi is already standing in front of the own stage, and presenting the latest episode of his own production to the audience and the camera.

“I believe everyone has a feeling recently, that is all panic. In fact, I am the same. Everyone knows that I am timid. So I was directly at the moment when I heard the truth. I peeed on my pants, and before I even had time to change my clothes, I went straight into my private air-raid shelter. I remember I told everyone that I was afraid of death, so I built a small shelter for oneself. I can I lived there for more than ten years with peace of mind. Yes, I thought I could stay in my little shelter for more than ten years with peace of mind. Didn’t expect my TV station Boss took a whole piece of it yesterday The demolition team came up. They demolished the door of my house and unloaded the wall of my shelter. Then he actually told me. Modi, you are going to work, you also have a program to do.”

“Do you know what my reaction was at the time? Oh, my god, it’s almost the end of the world. I still have to go to work?”

Can be a gold host on TV, Occupying the most golden period of time in the entire TV station, Modi naturally has a considerable foundation.

He speaks witty and humorous, and his expression is natural, not uncomfortable, and he has a natural affinity. In addition, his speech is serious, but in fact he is quite to have no shame. It is very popular with people nowadays.

So as soon as he opened the chatterbox, basically the audience present laughed face-to-face. Seeing such a situation, Modi laughed with the audience for a while, then turned his hands over and made a downward pressure. After the audience was quiet, he said seriously.

“Everyone, everybody. I think everyone here knows what happened to this World. Two countries, hundreds of millions of innocent humans. Unfortunately, they died under the poison of an evil conspiracy. This It is the greatest disaster in the history of mankind, and it is also the greatest threat facing mankind. Although I am only a funny artist, I am also a member of mankind. So, before the show starts, I want everyone to see my attitude. And my attitude is, Hydra, you son of a bitch, go to hell! I curse you, you crazy bastards, I curse you. Go eat shit, go to hell!”

The host of a talk show is not like a host of serious news. And European and American TV programs are not that many in China. The show host basically says and so on what he wants to say, even if there are any indecent words. Anyway, it will be replaced with a “beep” when playing later.

Moreover, although Modi said a lot of indecent words, there is no problem with his position. Scolding Hydra, no one would say anything about him no matter how much he scolded. Maybe also people clap their hands and cheer! So he has no scruples at all.

But the last two sentences are enough, chattering is not his style. And as a gold medal host, if you only know how to curse, then it will undoubtedly drag down own popularity. He is not so stupid to do this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall. So soon, he calmed down the anger on oneself’s face and put on a low and sad look.

“I think there should be many viewers and friends like me who have a deep hatred for this extremely evil inhuman organization. But I want to remind you that before you hate them, you must first I remember those victims. Over 100 million victims! It is conservatively estimated that more than 150 million humans died in this disaster. This is the greatest sacrifice in human history. Among them may be your friends and relatives. , Your love. But now, because of the conspiracy of this evil organization, they will never come back to you.”

“I know you hate those damn Bushwacker! But now, I hope We can comfort those innocent souls who have died unjustly. Here, I propose. All of you, including the audience in front of the TV. I hope that we can work together to mourn these innocents. Even if it is only five minutes , Let us tell these poor compatriots of grief and pity.”

No matter what Modi thinks in his heart, he has done enough on the surface. No matter what kind of painful expression or his pious movements, he has the ability to move people’s hearts. Driven by him, the whole scene was silent.

Everyone was bowing their heads in silence. Some people seemed to be said to have been injured, and they couldn’t help crying now. And this situation has continued for more than ten minutes, and it can be regarded as a slight relief. At this time, Modi cleared his throat immediately after seeing the on-site director’s gesture to oneself, and continued.

“Sorry, everyone. Although I really want to continue this silence. But time does not allow me to do so. So the silence can only end here. Now, let us Let’s talk about serious things.”

“I think you all know who the guest we invited today is? Yes, this is the hottest topic today. He is in the whole world. Around the world, it has caused a considerable public opinion sensation. Here, I can say responsibly, I envy him. Damn, maybe on Earth, you can say that you don’t know Tom Cruise, no I know Leonardo DiCaprio, I don’t know Scarlett Johnson, I don’t know Taylor Swift. You can even say that you don’t know Modi Roush. But you must know him. The most popular Superhero in the world ——Earth Watcher Smith Zhou. Let us welcome this sudden emergence of Superhero with applause, and let us thank him with applause for everything he has done in United Kingdom.”

Modi half-cracking a joke Leads to today’s key figures. In the rush of drums on the scene, Smith Zhou walked in with a smile, and then lightly waved to everyone present.

Unlike celebrities who need audiences to maintain their oneself acting career, Smith Zhou does not need these audiences to be his own parents, so he naturally does not need to flatter them. And it is this plain attitude that makes everyone present feel as they should.

It’s the same sentence, it’s different now. In the past, humans regarded oneself as an absolute protagonist, thinking that this World would not work without their support. And all people naturally need their permission to have a certain status in this world. Otherwise, no matter what Superhero you are, or what president emperor you are. If one is not happy, you are nothing.

And the current situation is not the era when the vast majority of human beings became absolute protagonists. The world’s population has dropped by at least one-sixtieth, and this is only the beginning, and no one is sure that this will be the end. When this happens to you next time, who can you rely on? The government? Of course not, you can only rely on Superhero, and it must be a powerful Superhero. And among the current Superhero, only this Earth Watcher who suddenly emerged is the most reliable and powerful one.

In this World now, human beings are asking for him, not that he is asking for mankind. This whole upside-down situation made his behavior a bit cold, but it still attracted a warm applause. And Modi, who is best at rounding off the field, is even more nonsense at this time.

“Mr. Zhou’s attitude is very humble, which is different from the celebrities we’ve seen in the past. Of course, this should be the case. Because Mr. Zhou doesn’t need to follow you like those people He paid in his pocket to buy movie tickets and peripherals and so on.”

Speaking of this, he waved his hand exaggeratedly, and then bowed down respectfully to Smith Zhou.

“Okay, please take a seat, sir. I think you must have a lot of questions for you now. And I found the most valuable ones. If you don’t mind, you can Can’t you give us some answers to these questions?”

I don’t know why Smith Zhou, who is willing to appear on the stage of this kind of talk show, heard this question, laughed mysteriously, and then He nodded, replied in an elegant manner.

“Of course. Isn’t that the purpose of my presence here?”

“Then, the first question!”

Abandon the past In those ridicules and teasing sessions, Modi looked at Smith Zhou in front of oneself, rubbed his hands nervously, then cleared his throat and asked loudly.

“Mr. Zhou. For what reason do you want to rescue those refugees in the United Kingdom?”

This question is a question At the point, it can be considered a nonsense question. Because if you change to a Superhero here, this sentence is almost as nutritious as why you want to be a Superhero. However, the reason that is here is Smith Zhou, a powerful existence recognized by other Superhero. This answer became especially meaningful. And it is precisely because of this that everyone, whether they are on site or in front of the TV, has their ears pricked up, wanting to know what kind of answer he will give.

There was silence on the court, but the smile on Smith Zhou’s face became extraordinarily playful. He just looked at everyone present, and at the same time he swept his eyes to the camera as if he could see those sitting in front of the TV. The deep eyes made people fidget. And when his answer was said, it directly caused an uproar.

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