Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1052

Timur was still excited about the achievement of own, but didn’t know that an invisible existence had quietly come behind him.

Tony looked at the smug Timur so coldly, he hadn’t forgotten the bloody murder this guy caused in Washington. In addition, today, new hatred and old hatred rise in the mind together, he simply does not have any need for his subordinates to intercede. So immediately, he aimed at Timur’s shoulders, slashed down like a knife with his fingers.

Under the control of his mind, the Nanominium on the edge of his palm immediately changed into the sharpest blade, and this made him almost unimpeded, so he took Timur’s two arms from his The arms were unloaded.

As an enemy, Tony naturally knew where Timur’s power came from. His ten rings seem to possess great magical power and difficult to deal with. But after all, it is just a foreign object. Once he left these things, the seemingly invincible Timur was just an ordinary person after all.

So his take action is directly attacking the key point, leaving Tamerlane simply without any room for counterattack. To this, Timur did not even have time to react.

He just felt that oneself suddenly lost control of his hands, and then a burst of heart-wrenching pain swept across his body. Before he turned his head back, his eyes could already see the blood spurting out. And the two arms of oneself that fell off.

This sudden situation is no different from a bomb that suddenly detonated in his mind, causing him to fall into collapse and madness. However, he soon controlled his mood and started desperately rushing towards the two broken arms of own.

He knew very well in his heart that oneself at this time must have been conspired and ambushed. No matter who the enemy is, he can’t deal with it now. Not to mention dealing with the enemy, just wanting to survive, for him is already extremely difficult. The two broken arms on the ground, or the ten rings on the two broken arms, are the only vitality for his life now. Therefore, for the sake of his own life, he simply can’t take care of the pain and the little embarrassment in his image. Even if he could only wriggle little by little like a dead dog rolling on the ground, he desperately crawled towards oneself’s only hope.

However, this hope was quickly extinguished. Because a big foot had already stepped on him suddenly. Just like stepping on an insect, the heavy force directly drove his body deeply into the dust.

The skeleton is groaning, the muscles and internal organs are howling, and the blood on the shoulders is like a pillar of blood that is emptied of all the strength in Timur’s body by little by little. This feeling is definitely the most terrifying torture for an ordinary person. For Timur, this torture is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the disillusionment of oneself’s only remaining hope.

As his body is completely controlled by this heavy force, he has already lost any possibility of survival. And this also caused him to transform all the hopes of oneself into the deepest hatred in an instant, and then all poured into the body of the dark calculation behind it.

At this time, he can no longer care about oneself’s next ending. He desperately lifted owner’s head from the dust, then twisted his neck and looked towards behind owner. He wanted to see whose plot oneself had suffered, and wanted to remember his appearance, remember this deep hatred, and then even if he died, he would turn into a ghost and come back to him.

It’s just that he turned his head so desperately, but he only felt the most incredible shock.

“Stark? You, how could you appear here? Impossible, impossible. You are obviously controlled by me, and you are obviously my prey! Why do you still appear here? Here!”

There is nothing more shocking than finding that oneself believe oneself infallible hunter, only to be just a ridiculous prey. He is a very arrogant person, thinking that oneself is a well-deserved person in this world, whether it is resourcefulness or strength, it is the temporary choice of this world. It’s just that the cruel reality completely destroyed everything he regarded as faith.

As the guy who destroyed his faith, Tony would not have any sense of sympathy for him now. He sneered and increased the strength at oneself’s feet, and stepped directly into the mud with that unbelieving face. Then he said ruthlessly to Timur.

“Why wouldn’t it be me? Stupid guy, what do you think you were just facing? Do you think it’s me? It’s ridiculous! You think oneself is a Smart man, you didn’t even confirm in advance whether it was me or not! So it seems that your death is not wrong at all, Timur. You didn’t die at Steve’s hands, but at my feet. It’s your luck. Of course, now your luck has come to an end!”

Tony, who unscrupulously spread salt on Timur’s heart wound, said this, and raised his left hand. , Pointed the beam cannon in his palm directly at his head. It is conceivable that when the radiance bursts out, Timur, who is just a physical body and mortal flesh, will definitely only have a dead end.

As a self-esteem, even self-centered guy, Timur did not have the courage to go to death generously.

He watched the little by little light beams that almost amount to death gather on Tony’s palm, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly began to shrink desperately. At the same time, the muscles in his body began to tremble desperately, and his teeth fought involuntarily. Under the threat of Death, Timur immediately put all the so-called dignity and principles behind him, and directly yelled at Tony.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me. I have important information to provide you, as long as you don’t kill me!”

“Important information?” This statement made Tony The brow hidden behind the visor instantly frowned, and then involuntarily stopped the movement of oneself’s hand. Of course, his tone was not so gentle, but became even more cool. “You need to know, not all news can buy your life. I want me to show mercy. This news doesn’t have any weight, but it won’t work!”

“I know, I know. I promise, this news of mine is definitely what you want to know the most!”

For Tony’s current words, Timur didn’t care anymore. What he cares about is his movement, and the obvious slow-up and slow-down movement really made him breathe. However, he himself also knew that this was only a temporary matter, so he immediately made sure that it was busy.

It’s about Timur’s life, and he shouldn’t have any room for trickery. The news that can be bought by him must also be an extremely important secret within Hydra. And if it’s the secrets in Hydra, there is something Tony wants to know, then it’s definitely it.

“Do you know the true identity of Baron? If this is the news, then it can indeed save you the little life of own!”

Baron’s identity is for Tony, even It is a huge unsolved mystery for everyone who stands on the position of the allies, and it is also a question that needs to know the answer. Because once you know Baron’s identity, you can do everything possible to decapitate him. And once he is cut off, then maybe HYDRA, which is frequently putting huge pressure on mankind now, can be thrown into chaos, or even to fall apart.

Although it is a very hopeless thing, even if there is only 1/10000th of hope to achieve success, it is also a huge boon for the entire mankind. Under these conditions, letting go of a small Timur, who is destined to be a useless person, is not unacceptable. Of course, even in that case, there will only be one fate for him, and that is to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Baron’s identity is undoubtedly the most powerful asylum, but it is a pity that Timur did not know Baron’s identity. Although he claims to be Baron’s loyal subordinate, in fact, he can’t even enter the innermost circle of Baron. So, he simply cannot answer Tony’s question now.

The scene fell into silence in an instant, and Tony, who was good at observing words and expressions, quickly saw something in Timur’s ugly face, which made him sneer again. Raising the palm of his own, he said to him sympathetically.

“It seems that you are not as important as it seems? I don’t even know the identity of Baron. To me, you no longer mean to exist, so it’s time to say goodbye! “

The shadow of Death once again hung over Timur’s head, and this time Timur could only shout desperately.

“Wait, wait. I have another message. I have another message.”

“Say!” Stopping his hand again, Tony looked Said to Timur gloomily. “This is your last chance. If you can’t even grasp this opportunity, then you can really disappear!”

Before the gates of hell this way in and out twice in a row , Timur’s psychology is on the verge of collapse. He dared not talk any more nonsense, and immediately took out the trump card that oneself relied on to save his life.

“I know where Steve Rogers is now! I know where he is, and I know the grievances between you and him! As long as you are willing to let me go, I can take you to find him and let you Revenge against him! What I said is true!” Steve’s name immediately made Tony’s heart boil. The surging hatred and anger made him immediately stop the movement in his hand, and pulled the Timurian stick-like body from the ground. At the same time, his low voice, like the cold wind of midwinter, followed.

“Where is he!”

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