Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1054

“Pure?” Hearing such a voice in the Iron Man Armor opposite, Steve raised his brow and showed a slightly disdainful smile. “Tony, you really are getting alive and going back. What a pure place you would think the temple is, don’t you know that since ancient times, no matter what temple it is, it is a place for shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing?”

“shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing? It is indeed a shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing.” With a sneer, Tony stretched out a finger and pointed it at oneself’s opposite, solemn Steve. “Since you know that oneself is a dirt, then I will do something later, you should understand it in your heart.”

“Must do it? Tony, I thought we would be friends.” Smiling and spreading his own hands, Steve behaved to Tony as if he was still the original Captain America, and the relationship between them is still the original kind of friend.

Of course, this is an impossible thing. So immediately, Tony gnashing teeth angered.

“Shut up to me, you are not qualified to say such things. Steve Rogers, don’t you feel ashamed when you say such things?”

“Shame? Maybe? A little bit of it. But you have to know that for the sake of an ideal career, some personal honors and disgrace are really nothing. Anyway, I am already in your heart in an unbearable appearance, so why should I be wronged? oneself, can you accommodate your emotions?”

Steve who answered like this is exactly like a serene. Looking at his appearance, Tony immediately couldn’t help but let Iron Man Armor stretch out his hand and fire a beam of light at him.

until now, Steve Rogers’ combat effectiveness is considered the bottom of Superhero. Except for Natasha and Hawkeye, who are basically on the same level as him, the others are superior to him in terms of abilities. So even if he has a wealth of fighting experience to help, if other Superhero fights, he will definitely be the one who suffers the most and is most likely to fail.

Of course, some people may be unconvinced, and they will come up with the Super Soldier plan. But you have to know that the so-called Super Soldier plan was originally born for mass production of Super Soldier. Its preciousness is precious in this mass production, not precious in a certain individual. Although Steve is the only successful injector of Super Soldier Serum, in the end he is just a soldier.

This is exactly why Tony dare to come so just and honorable. If Steve’s strength is very strong, strong to those top Mutant levels. No matter how stupid he is, it is impossible for him to be so stupidly sent to the door because of his momentary indignation.

In short, strength is the key factor that determines all of this. In terms of his own strength, Tony and Steve have a huge gap. So this shot, as long as it hits the target, it is definitely a deadly threat to Steve.

Of course, Steve was impossible and was hit by him. The moment he raised his hand, Steve dodged aside very quickly, letting the beam cannon hit the floor tile just below oneself in vain, and directly exploded a big hole. .

This swift response was a bit beyond Tony’s expectations, but it didn’t stop him from continuing to attack. Although it was strange to miss a hit, he immediately asked Iron Man Armor to raise his other hand and attack Steve from the left and right with a bow.

Although the Iron Man Armor in the previous combat power has already consumed a lot of energy, it is almost enough for Steve. So for a while, the light beams flew randomly, one after another deadly light beams were almost intertwined into a large tight net, so that the people in it would fall into the state of Death if they were not careful.

In this situation, let alone a Super Soldier-level Steve, even if it is replaced by the flexible skills of the previous little spider, I am afraid that it will feel a little incapable. But in this situation, Steve was step by step, suddenly left, suddenly right, and with a mysterious and unpredictable step, he stunned to avoid all the beam strikes.

This situation made Tony think that oneself was dazzled. But at this moment, he can no longer control so much. Since this kind of long-range attack was useless, he immediately made Iron Man Armor deceive him and rush towards Steve.

With strong power support, Iron Man Armor’s speed in melee combat is also amazingly terrifying. In just a moment, he rushed to Steve’s front, then waved the real steel Iron Fist head, and then waved at Steve’s chest without saying a word.

If this fist is hit, I’m afraid it’s not going to punch his entire chest through. However, just like the situation just now, when he punched it like this, he was actually closed directly by Steve in a shaky posture.

This is more than that, and I don’t know what method Steve uses. Under this fist of Iron Man Armor, he actually took the opportunity to borrow some power from the power of its punch. This makes the own body like a kite borrowed from the wind, and directly flutters backwards.

The situation is really unbelievable. Even with Tony’s head that is going to be dazzled by anger, he already feels something wrong. But at this time, it is really impractical to quit. So he immediately clenched the teeth, driving Iron Man Armor to rush towards Steve again.

Steve’s retreat was not a meaningless retreat. The reason why he had to retreat that many with his strength was to get the shield he placed on the edge of the door.

Having a shield in his hand and not having a shield in his hand are completely different to him. The latter can only be beaten passively, while the former can mean that he will have so much power to fight back.

Of course, this power is still not in Tony’s eyes. He didn’t care what Steve got, he just made the Iron Man Armor motivated and pounced on it again.

How fast is the fully powered Iron Man Armor? This is not a good thing to describe. If judged by the vision of a normal person, then Iron Man Armor at this time may have no visible form in their eyes. What they can see is only a vague red light shadow. That’s it.

Speed ​​is power, not to mention Iron Man Armor itself has a huge destructive power called terrifying. But in front of Steve, who had already raised his shield, all this became futile.

Vibranium’s shield received the impact brought by Iron Man Armor intact. At the same time, this shield also produced an incomparable counter-shock force, allowing Iron Man Armor to fly back at a faster speed. Speed ​​is power. The Iron Man Armor flying backwards has huge impact and destructive power. All the buildings that blocked him along the way were smashed to pieces by the steel jacket.

This is definitely not a good thing for Tony. Although it is not he himself who bears this kind of counter-shock force. But through the monitoring of the instrument, he could still see the damage caused by the counter-shock force inside the Iron Man Armor. Not only the damage to some parts, but also the main structure of it. It can be said that if you recklessly get a little bit more. The bad luck egg inside is going to be fatal.

Looking at this, Tony immediately moved his own action towards a steady and steady attack. He drove the Iron Man Armor to stand up from the rubble, and then approached Steve with just a high speed. This time he didn’t use his fists anymore. Instead, he let Iron Man Armor grow his palms and grabbed directly at Steve’s shoulders and thighs.

He intends to use wrestling to solve Steve. Although the technique of wrestling does not seem to be as direct and violent as the fist, it is more terrifying than the fist in terms of lethality. After all, how powerful a fist can burst, the biggest is also impossible to exceed your personal weight. But wrestling is different. It is to bring a person’s weight with inertia and gravity to make intimate contact with the earth. The pressure it brings is far above the fist, but if the earth don’t give face If you face on the floor, then a perfect heavy fall can break the bones of a person’s whole body.

With the power of Iron Man Armor, if he really catches it and throws it hard, let alone breaking the bones, even if the whole body is smashed. Tan meat mud will not have anything strange. So at the moment, facing its movement, Steve pulled his posture straight away, and the shield in his hand rushed toward the Iron Man Armor who was pouring over.

His movements are light and swift. The Vibranium shield in his hand immediately becomes an obstacle that hinders the operation of Iron Man Armor everywhere.

Tony can only see a shield flying around from the remote control, not stuck in the Iron Man Armor’s elbow joints, making its two hands simply unable to move. . It just advanced directly to Iron Man Armor’s chest, restricting its entire upper body. It is impossible to kick him away by lifting his foot. As soon as he lifted his foot, the knee was immediately restricted by the shield, and the shield stuck in the body made the foot unable to stretch even if it stretched. Not to mention attacking Steve.

For a while, the original awe-inspiring Iron Man Armor was restricted everywhere, and his movements were as awkward as a drunk man who was drunk, and he was a little unsteady even standing. This situation really made Tony a little unacceptable. He didn’t even think that Steve would also have this ability. This forced him to temporarily pull the distance between Iron Man Armor and Steve, and then questioned him.

“What is your skill?”

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