Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1057

Looking at the blood spilling out from the sky, I felt that the sticky and disgusting body tissue fluid was dripping with oneself. Tony’s heart suddenly felt a sense of loss.

It’s all over like this? He asked oneself in the heart of own, and for a time a feeling of emptiness swept through his whole body, making everything dull.

People die like a lamp, and Tony deeply understands the meaning of this sentence at this time. The monstrous hatred and endless resentment all flowed cleanly with the water in front of such Death. For him, the name Steve Rogers is no longer an existence of gnashing teeth when he thinks of it, but just a symbol that completely becomes a memory. Thinking back to everything about him now, Tony’s heart was completely devoid of joy and sadness.

It’s over, it’s over. He said to oneself in his heart, and at the same time he stood up and walked straight to the outside. At this moment, he stopped looking at Steve’s corpse, neither had the intention of ruining his corpse to vent his anger, nor did he have the idea of ​​letting him go into the soil for peace. It’s like that has completely become a stranger, no longer has any meaning to him.

He wanted to leave, but he just took a step and realized that oneself wanted to leave is not so easy. Because he was surrounded by a group of people.

these all are those ordinary persons who come to visit the temple. Some of them were attracted by the fire in the sky, while others were attracted by the sound of their previous ordinary persons fighting. The movement in these two situations can not be regarded as small, so under this premise, almost the entire town rushed here. Naturally, they also saw what they were seeing now.

The corpse of the respected temple host just lay on the ground. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as die without a whole corpse. The murderer wanted to go outside so sternly, they simply didn’t pay attention to them.

This kind of thing is simply unbearable. Almost subconsciously, the young and strong in the crowd had stepped forward to stand in front of Tony.

Their meaning is very clear, that is, Tony is never allowed to take off like this. This is not only because of the sense of justice, but also because of the anger at Tony’s profanity.

The image Steve played in this temple is very sacred. This can be seen from the rumours of ordinary persons that he is a contemporary Saint. This rumor is not an increasingly distort the truth, but Steve is actually changing their lives.

Some of these poor Indians can’t even fill their stomachs. Steve brought them food to fill their stomachs. Some people suffer from illnesses that cannot be cured, but Steve gave them medicine and medical assistance. Some people have financial difficulties and life problems, and Steve helped them solve these problems.

It can be said that among the ordinary persons present, few have not received his favor. These people are either ignorant or poor, but they are not animals. They know what gratitude is. They beat the respected and admirer Smith in mind’s eye, the noble Saint who helped them. So they couldn’t tolerate the villains like Tony who desecrated his sacredness and killed his life.

Indians have all sorts of strange problems, but one thing is true. That is they are very religious! This kind of piety makes it easy for them to brew the anger in their hearts into hatred, and this hatred makes their look towards Tony become fierce and cruel.

This situation really made Tony startled a little, because in his opinion, it was like a group of gentle Mianyang suddenly lifting their wool, directly turning into a group of hungry eyes with fierce eyes Like the evil wolf. Although I didn’t fear them, I had to have some scruples in my heart. And under this premise, he could only be shouted, and warned to these ordinary persons who were constantly approaching.

“What do you want to do? I warn you, this man on the ground is the most wanted criminal in the world, he is death cannot wipe out the crimes. You better be honest with me, otherwise don’t blame me. You are welcome.”

Tony knows very well that you can’t be too kind to such an ordinary person. As long as you weaken your tone, they can immediately bully it up unsatisfied. And when the time comes, things will only be more troublesome to solve.

So at the moment, he simply used a threatening tone. He even fired a beam cannon on the side stone pillar. Use this enough violent action to cooperate with own words to play a greater deterrent effect.

I have to say that Tony is already very skilled in guessing people’s hearts. With such a move, he immediately stopped the ordinary persons who were coming up, and then retreated back with expressions of horror on their faces.

The power that Tony showed was beyond the imagination of these ordinary persons. This is a small town in North India, remote and ignorant. Most of the people have never gone to school, and basically live a somewhat original life. This allows most of this town to retain a simple worldview. In such a simple and original world view, Tony’s performance can be said to be no different from Demon.

It’s not a problem to attack a murderer. After all, they are crowded and powerful, and they can kill the old Master with random punches. Naturally, they will not be afraid of a strange-looking murderer. But Demon is different, no one dares to challenge a terrible Demon. Because it will kill people, and no one is not afraid of death.

Seeing these people start to shrink back, Tony breathed out immediately. He is preparing to leave as soon as possible, lest there be any problems. He didn’t expect to wait for him to start, but suddenly such a voice came from the crowd.

“This person killed Saint, and we want to avenge Saint!”

“Don’t let him run. This is a sinner who desecrated Saint. If you let him run away, we But God will be to blame!”

If you are a person anywhere in the civilized world, you will not make any extra moves when you hear this. There is no other reason. In the current world, people have impetuous hearts, and everyone has all kinds of selfish thoughts in their hearts. Let them abandon their own safety and risk their lives for God who can’t fight oneself. That is simply the biggest joke in the world.

But Indians are different. This is a magical country, and a large part of its magic is reflected in their faith and piety.

Don’t think that there are thousands of Indians, and God, who can’t even tell them oneself, thinks they are random believers. That is a wrong idea. If you really want to say it, Indians can be said to be the most pious type in this world.

Cite a few obvious examples. For example, when the United Kingdom colonized India. At that time, the Indians were resigned to the own colonial rulers. Even if the guys from the East India Company stuck the knife in their necks, these harmless to humans and animals Indians did not have any thoughts of resistance at all. Most people almost regard being colonized, or even being used as an animal, as a matter of course. When all kinds of revolutions are going on all over the world, only Indians are happy to enjoy the colonial life of own. That submissive look makes the United Kingdom colonists who have always been cruel and ruthless a bit sorry.

And such obedient citizens have also barked their teeth and made troubles against the owner. The reason is that it appears in a small religious practice.

The Indians regard the cow as a sacred thing. The overwhelming majority of Indians dare not hurt any cow in their entire life, not to mention the taboo things like eating beef. And British offended the faith of the Indians on this point.

It was during the deployment of weapons to an Indian servant army. Because the weapons at that time needed to be used by opening the bullet bag, and in order to prevent moisture, most of the bullet bag was coated with grease such as butter. The Indians were unwilling to accept this blasphemous practice. There were several incidents at one time, but they were all suppressed by the East India Company and forced them to accept this incident.

But wherever I thought, this kind of thing could not be suppressed at all, until later because of this, a very rare Indian national uprising broke out. Although this uprising must have ended in tragedy, the lessons of this history can also tell the importance of faith to the Indians and how pious the Indians are.

It can be said that in terms of faith and one’s own piety, personal life counts! But just under those two encouraging words, the Indians who had already flinched gave a violent pause, and then approached Tony again fiercely.

This situation made Tony’s heart suddenly startled, and he had already seen it very clearly. It is impossible to scare this group of ordinary persons who have gone crazy just by being scared. And he is naturally impossible to be obediently surrender, let these foolish people at the mercy of them. So in the final analysis, I am afraid it is really necessary to use violence to solve the problem.

Although I am not reconciled, but it seems that there is no other choice at all. So immediately, Tony was ready to use military force. However, he had just made preparations, only to find that the situation had changed beyond understanding.

The menacing Indians didn’t know what was going on, suddenly stopped owning and knelt down one by one. At the same time, their expressions have become extremely pious. Many people still knock their own heads on the ground forcefully, even if they knock out blood, they don’t stop at all.

“What the hell is going on?” Tony, who was dumbfounded by the sudden change, couldn’t figure out his head. But at this time, the movement after coming to himself made him feel like have one’s hair stand on end.

There is movement behind you? How can this be!

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