Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1059

Will he hold the legendary king’s sword?

At this time, even with Tony’s temperament, he couldn’t help but start to become scrupulous. People who don’t have a certain sense of belonging to the United Kingdom culture will not understand the meaning of this sword. Just like the meaning of Xuanyuan Sword in the Chinese nation, the broken steel sword has almost the same status for people in Britain and the United States. And to be an enemy with someone holding such a sword, Tony would have such a guilty conscience inherently.

But soon, he cleared away this kind of thought that shouldn’t have been. And regarded this as Steve’s bluff, making Profound Void.

Because that is the sword of the king after all. Although it is different from the sword in the stone, which represents the choice of fate, at first. But no matter what, it is also a divine object gifted by a female fairy in the lake with an extraordinary position in Celtic mythology. The fairy in the lake gave it to King Arthur. When King Arthur was seriously injured and dying, he also sank this divine sword into the lake and returned it to the fairy in the lake.

Different from the scabbard Avalon left in Human World, the Broken Steel Sword will only be awarded to a noble king like Arthur and a depraved character like Steve Miscellaneous, how could she have given such a thing.

He would rather believe that Steve obtained Avalon through some ugly and despicable means than that he would have the sword of the king in his hand. That is simply a kind of destruction to his inherent worldview.

Steve can easily see what Tony is thinking now. And he immediately said to him like cracking a joke.

“I think you must be guessing in your heart now whether the thing in my hand is that thing. My advice to you is that you can try it yourself. Feel it with your body , Is this the legendary existence in the end!”

When he said this, his tone was inevitably becoming vicious. The clay figurines are also angry. Having just experienced that kind of death and being attacked, even a true friend will inevitably be a result of antagonism. Not to mention that the relationship between them has long since broken into a life and death situation like that.

For Steve, he can’t do Thor and Loki’s, let him abuse me thousands of times, but I treat him like first love. So now he is full of murderous intentions towards Tony.

Because of this, after saying this, his hands immediately moved.

He raised the invisible sword in his hand and slammed him at Tony like a heavy hammer. This caused Tony to subconsciously cross his arms in front of his body and make a defensive movement. And this is indeed useful, because when he just made this action, a heavy and huge force suddenly uploaded from his arm.

It’s like a huge hammer violently falling on him with gravity acceleration. Even with the power of his nano armor, it’s difficult to resist effectively, and this is immediately He smashed him into the ground hard.

The huge power vented into the ground, making the whole ground roar like an earthquake. But this kind of situation has made those fools who have been watching become more and more crazy. Some people began to pray loudly because of superstitious beliefs, and some people even knocked their heads on the stone bricks under them, and they still kept their enthusiasm.

In the eyes of these people, resurrection from the dead is the place of Steve’s divine grace, and causing such an earthquake-like situation is a symbol of his divine might. As the saying goes, divine grace is like the sea, divine might be like prison. This is what a great God saint should have. And since Steve showed everything he should have, they should naturally show a corresponding attitude to worship him more religiously.

It’s really a bunch of damn fools. Tony, who had just crawled out of the messy ground, saw this situation, and immediately couldn’t help cursing in his heart. He has already seen the psychological changes of these people. It can be said that at this time, as long as Steve orders one word, they, who have been completely brainwashed into mad believers, can even do anything crazy.

In this case, their identities can no longer be said to be innocent civilians. Instead, they have become terrorist reserves with potential threats. It is not an exaggeration to even say that they are enemies that threaten the entire human race. If possible, Tony wants to mobilize the army now to suppress all these possible threats. But now he doesn’t have this ability at all, because he simply can’t take action to solve this problem now.

Steve’s threat has always been there. He can’t even guarantee his own life. How could he have spare time to care about other issues?

The current situation is completely reversed from that of at first. Now Steve is in control of his life and death, not he can control Steve’s life and death. This was something Tony could not accept at all, but in the face of the harsh reality, he had to learn to compromise.

If you don’t learn to compromise, there is only one dead word. Although it cannot be said to be afraid of death, Tony also knew that oneself also had unfulfilled responsibilities. So he can’t die here anyway.

You must leave here. Only by leaving here can I save my life. Only by leaving here and getting more support can we deal with Steve who has this kind of terrifying power.

Tony, who was very sober in his heart, knew what oneself should do is the right choice, so he immediately broke free from the shackles of a piece of masonry waste soil, and he vacated the ground and planned to evacuate from this place. .

As soon as he moved something, Steve immediately saw his intentions clearly. This made him say to him with a sneer.

“Do you want to leave like this? This is not the kind of aggressive when you came. There is a saying in China called it’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives, since you Let me feel the feeling of Death, then I should also let you try that special taste. I promise, you will fall in love with it! Because once you get caught in it, you are absolutely impossible from the inside Pull it out. Go to hell, Tony!”

He raised the invisible sword in his hand again. This made Tony think he would repeat the same tricks, but the truth was not exactly what he thought. Because following his movements, the invisible gust of wind immediately rushed like a tornado.

The violent wind that plunged into the sky stood there like a pillar of cloud, and the violent wind made the sky darken because of its stirring. This force can change even Celestial Phenomenon, let alone Tony who just took off.

The whole person is already swaying before the others rise to a certain height. This made him immediately increase the advancement of the power system, because he could see that if he didn’t do this, he was simply impossible to control oneself in the air.

In this case, if you can’t control your own body and actions, then you really deserve to die. He didn’t dare to take this risk, so he could only lower his own position and in this way to counteract the squalls Steve released.

Now he can only take a risky gamble, betting that Steve can’t control this kind of power well, betting that this kind of hurricane control power can’t last.

This is not taken for granted, believe oneself infallible gamble. Of course he has an own reason for betting this way. Although a bit exhausted, he was still watching Steve’s movements. In his opinion, Steve’s actions are really weird. The movement of raising the weapon in his hand was very stiff, and it didn’t look like it could be used freely.

This may be an opportunity. Tony, whose mind is always complicated, thought that if there is an opportunity to erase Steve directly, he would never mind killing him with a sudden thrust. It’s just that, at this time, he found a little different situation, a similar situation that was beyond his imagination.

A little golden came out of Steve’s hand, and then this little golden began to become more and more conspicuous and brighter. People simply can’t remove own eyes.

What is that? Tony, who was paying close attention to the golden radiance, saw it very clearly. It is a sword, a sword with golden light. The handguards and hilt made of gold and gemstones look extremely gorgeous and noble, and the sharp sword body seems to have a sharp edge that can tear everything. golden light Ye Ye, rippling on Xue Liang’s sword like flowing water. The complex and mysterious words engraved on the sword spine are as bright as the stars in the dark night.

Such an image made Tony immediately think of the incomparable weapon in Myths and Legends, and the meaning of it itself made him scream.

“This is impossible! How can the broken steel sword be in your hands! This is absolutely impossible!”

“There is nothing impossible, Tony!”

The wind gradually extinguished, replaced by a dazzling radiance like a blazing sacred fire. Steve, who is holding the sword of the king high, seems to be holding a dazzling flame at this time. The endless golden light is gathering and flowing in his hand, making him look like an invincible holy king. .

“I said, your life ends here. Feel your last moments, and then enjoy the embrace of Death. This is the end between you and me, and the most complete break. It’s over, Excalibur, the broken steel sword!”

The endless light turned into a bright blade and flew directly toward Tony in midair. Heaven and Earth are instantly bright, and then there is real silence.

After a thousand years, the sword of the king finally once again showed the true edge of oneself!

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