Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1061

In the end, Steve watched Thor and Tony calmly leave before owner’s eyes.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to keep these two people. You have to know that at their point, show mercy and so on are already impossible. And the reason why he allowed them to leave so freely was entirely because he had extra heart and lacked energy.

In fact, seeing Thor leave with Tony like this, he let out a long breath. After avoiding the vision of the fools who are about to evolve into mad believers, he hiding in the dark has quietly taken out a gold-forged, gem-inlaid scabbard. Through naked eye, one can see clearly that one after another cracked road like a spider’s web has appeared on the transparent scabbard of Liu Ruo Liu. Although these lines are recovering at the speed that naked eye can see, it is conceivable that if the battle just continued, it might not be the problem of such a crack.

“Is this the power of God? It’s really like what he said, really annoying. Humans do not need this thing, at least for us, This thing shouldn’t exist. You have to think of a way, think of a way!”

Compared with pure strength, Steve cares more about tactical and strategic gains and losses. Although from the current situation, they have secretly occupied a huge advantage. But there are too many uncertain factors in this situation.

The Ultron with self-awareness is already a huge instability factor. Now God got in again. This will only make Steve less and less confident in the overall situation. He can only pray now, praying that all this will not affect Baron too much. Because if even Baron is affected, then their overall layout is really out of control.

Steve is still worried about these issues. Other people have to worry about other things.

Thor took Tony out of his life, but the situation was not at all as optimistic as he thought. Because although Tony was no longer in danger of his life, he was seriously injured.

He is already unconscious. This is not a simple physiological problem, but a more serious and more complex problem. When Thor was rescued, Tony was already on the verge of Death. In that situation, he was already at the weakest point both in body and soul. And for this reason, his body was corroded.

Thor’s lightning divine force, also the golden divine force of the broken steel sword became the most original elemental force because of the hedge, and this elemental force penetrated Tony’s soul because of some accidental circumstances And in the body, it brought him an extraordinary influence.

This is a very dangerous thing, but it is also an opportunity. There are many human heroes in history who have gained power like God because of this situation. In dealing with such issues, Thor, the Thor who has the entire Asgard as a backer, is actually very experienced. It can be said that if this is the case, Tony’s problem simply cannot be regarded as a problem. However, Tony’s problem is far more than this.

While being eroded by the divine force element, Tony also had such a problem. That was his body was invaded by something Thor didn’t understand. If Tony is still awake, then he can definitely recognize what this intrusion into his body is. That is the nano unit implanted in oneself within the body by his own person.

In theory, this artificially implanted Nanominium unit should be absolutely safe. But he probably never thought that when he made this thing, this kind of nano unit would have any special reaction in front of the huge divine force.

Because of the huge divine force perfusion that is completely different from Arc Reactor, Nanominium, which has already entered the overload mode under the energy of Arc Reactor, directly enters the second overload mode. This is a situation that is not within the design at all, and the result of this situation is that the Nanominium, which is only the size of a cell, gradually merges with Tony’s body under the influence of this special energy.

It is no longer a purely implantable fusion, but a thorough and complete fusion. The nano unit that has entered the secondary overload mode is almost proliferating in a crazy blowout mode Infinity. It penetrates every part of Tony’s body, whether it is the internal organs, muscles, skeleton, or every inch of flesh and blood, every cell, They have been completely invaded by this Nanominium.

Under this premise, you can hardly say that Tony’s body is just an ordinary person with a physical body and mortal flesh. Because many functional organs in his body have been replaced by Nanominium proliferated by Infinity. At this time, you can call him Iron Body. It’s just that no one can tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

The consequences of the fusion of human body cells and this artificially manufactured Nanominium have never been precedented. It is difficult to say whether this situation is good or bad for humans. Tony’s unconsciousness at the moment can already explain some problems. And this is not the most serious problem. The most serious problem is, if Tony wakes up, is he still the Tony Stark? In other words, can he still be considered a human?

These all are questions that are not clear, and what the result will be. I am afraid it can only be informed by time.

Tony’s rash move has an unpredictable impact on his entire life. The problems he brings are not only reflected in himself, but more in the entire world.

Tony’s identity is after all the president of United States, which is an important identity related to the safety of United States. Now, the problem facing the entire United States Government is that their president is missing.

According to intelligence, the last place Tony appeared was the underground base where the Ultron server was installed. But when the alarm was issued from the base, until the nearby garrison arrived here, no one found the president, that is, the silhouette of Iron Man. They discovered the biochemical monster made by Hydra. For this reason, the Skyhammer and the United States Army also engaged in a difficult battle, which caused a lot of casualties. However, this is not at all any help for the problem.

Tony is still missing. And according to the current situation, this disappearance and Hydra are probably inseparable. And this immediately gave the entire United States high-level insiders a trembling feeling.

Be aware that the current United States Government is difficult to leave Tony’s control. He personally broke the bloated and complicated government model in the past and created a new government form. The core of the operation of this new government is him, and once he leaves his planning strategies, the operation of the entire government will be greatly affected. And that is definitely a catastrophic problem for the current United States.

After all, the current United States is no longer the United States of the past. Although American is reluctant to admit it, America is indeed going downhill today. When Tony was there, he could still recover the slightest slump, and once he passed away, almost no one had the confidence to hold the rudder and let this large ship caught in the vortex pass its way safely. Various dangerous situations. A little carelessness will overthrow, this is simply not a responsibility that ordinary people can bear.

Moreover, this is not the most serious problem. The most serious problem is that if Tony falls into Hydra’s hands, then the entire world will be turbulent.

As a central figure in the Allied Powers, Tony said that he could not hold the right to speak in the Allied Powers, but he was also qualified to know various confidential matters between the Allied Powers and within the Skyhammer Bureau. These secrets are important and important matters. Once Hydra understands them, it will be a huge blow to the Allies and even the Skyhammer. It can be said that as long as Hydra can be used, almost all of the entire world can be dragged into chaos. This is their favorite thing, so you simply have to guard against such a possibility. And if such a thing happens, what price does United States have to pay?

No one can answer this question, and no one dares to imagine it. Up to now, all they can do is to block all relevant news. And as far as possible to find Tony’s trace.

It’s just that, after all, United States is a huge country, and the national affairs that need to be dealt with every day are definitely complicated and huge. Although not everything needs the president’s nodded to be able to carry out. But there are still some parts that must be approved by the president.

Now that the president is absent, things can only pile up. But this accumulation cannot be said to be a solution. In this case, Maria, who has been working as an assistant, stepped forward.

Although she is very worried about the safety of oneself husband, at this time she is still awake and aware enough. She knows that United States must not mess around at this time. Because this is his husband’s painstaking effort and the ideal he strives for. For this, he has sacrificed that many things, so even for him, she must not let United States have any problems while he is away.

It’s just that, if you want to solve these problems, you can’t rely on her alone. Let alone whether she has that qualification. The fact that she is pregnant now makes her impossible to carry such a heavy burden. So at this time, she could only make such a decision on behalf of her husband.

“Let Ms. Maria Hill temporarily settle in White House to perform the duties of acting president. In addition, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson were exempted from charges in the name of White House. Nick Fury accepted the FBI. The current FBI director needs to take responsibility for the president’s problem. Coulson needs to succeed Maria Hill and become our spokesperson in the Skyhammer. At this time, United States must not be messed up. If anyone wants to While doing something and so on at this time, I don’t mind using extraordinary means. You know, I still have the right to suggest the omnic in my hand, and I believe that the omnic will also support my ideas. So, you should I know what to do!”

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