Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1070

The situation is more complicated than men imagined.

He originally thought that oneself was offending the underworld that was black and white and secretly coveted nano-neuron technology. But when he saw that the entire group came to the high seas, he hadn’t done anything to oneself. Instead, he took oneself off the boat and boarded a submarine. Then he immediately realized that it might also be something more. The deep problem is something that oneself didn’t think about.

Be aware that even when the world has not undergone drastic changes in the past, no underworld organization can have such a large amount of energy to build such a large military submarine. Not to mention that the underworld organizations all over the world are almost out of breath from being suppressed.

Since Impossible is a guy on the underworld, it can only be terrorist organizations that are working against the government.

Thinking of this, this bad luck man immediately began to beat his drums desperately. Still that sentence, this time is different from the past. If it was the past when various countries were in intrigue and supported various terrorist organizations to disgust each other, it would not necessarily be a bad thing to have a relationship with a terrorist organization. Even as long as you have a little courage and earn a lot of money, it will never be a problem to become a proper life winner.

But now it is completely different from the past. All countries have cut off their ties with terrorist organizations, and will not give them any secret assistance or shelter at all. And this makes these militants truly become rats that everyone shouts, and there is no possibility of turning over again. At this time it has something to do with them, it is a real act of courting death. It can even be said to be a stupid thing to deny itself from human beings.

Of course, bad luck men are not thinking about whether they will be related to these people. It’s a question of whether oneself can save their lives in the hands of these people. Offending the underworld, in the end it was just a matter of filling cement and sinking into the sea to feed fish. But if you offend the terrorists, you really can’t even guess the specific method of death.

Few people are not afraid of death, and people like him are even more afraid. So at this time, all he was thinking about was how to beg for mercy to save oneself’s life. And just in this thinking, he was already pushed around and came to the inner core of the submarine.

As he judged before, this is indeed a terrorist organization. Because it was already in the enemy’s base camp, this bad luck guy had already seen a lot of armed men in uniform holding standard weapons without fear, and armed men in standard clothing walking back and forth patrolling.

Just looking at the appearance, you can see that these guys are well-trained. And this also explains to a certain extent, they don’t have any cat or dog roles.

This situation has already made the bad luck man’s heart heavier. And when he was taken to a special room, he almost groaned in despair.

The reason why he looks like this is not because of other things, but because he saw the badge hanging in the center of this room. The huge skeleton octopus, I am afraid that there are not a few people in the entire civilized world who don’t know the meaning of this badge.

“Are you from Hydra?”

The only strong Great Influence among terrorists has almost subverted the entire United States and forced the whole world to have to A powerful organization united. Such an identity background really makes this bad luck guy feel unacceptable horror. While watching him scream in shock, the coquettish woman who brought him here immediately sneered.

“Yes, we are Hydra. Now that I know this, do you think it is possible for you to also survive?”

This sentence makes men subconsciously desperate, but soon , But he felt something wrong again. If you really want to kill him, wouldn’t it be very simple to kill him on the boat? Why bring oneself here and show oneself these equivalent to confidential things?

Of course, you can also think that it is the Hydra gang who want him to understand. But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t hold up at all. They are terrorists, not charitable organizations. How could it be possible to show such kindness on this issue! Therefore, there must be a conspiracy.

But this is not a bad thing, but a great thing. As a bad luck egg threatened by Death, he now squeezed out all the brainpower of oneself. And it was precisely because of the stimulus of life and death that his heart became bright and clear.

Oneself should be used for these people also, otherwise they would not spend so much effort to bring oneself here. And since the value of also is used, there is no need to worry about own life safety for the time being. Although I am very unwilling to get involved with the evil organization Hydra. But considering oneself’s small life, he has no more choices.

“What do you want me to do? If you think you can kill me, can’t you do it earlier?”

Just pick the words After I understood, this bad luck guy saw the disdain expression on the face of this glamorous woman slowly converging. Obviously, she was also in her mind by this guy. But it doesn’t matter to be guessed, because some are still in her control. So she didn’t bother to fight for cover, but threw the box in her hand in front of him and said to him.

“For the sake of your kind of eagerness, the money is yours.”

Seeing the money, the bad luck guys can’t control oneself instantly. stand up. He subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab the money into his arms, but as soon as he stretched out the take action, his reason immediately emerged, and then forced him to forcibly stop the action.

“The money should not be easy to take.”

Although his previous performance was stupid enough, his brain has become easier to use now. No matter how good the money is, it will not be more important than life. If there is no life, then no amount of money will be the same as waste paper. After understanding this, he is not so eager for the money. The fatal danger and trouble caused by the money is not worth it anyway.

However, even though he restrained oneself’s greed at this time, it was too late for the current situation. Just like what the coquettish woman said before, since he was brought here, he naturally had no more choices. And it was precisely with such a thought that the coquettish woman said to him confidently.

“Of course it’s not easy to take. But you can also choose not to take it. As for the consequences and so on, you can imagine yourself. Then It shouldn’t be the result you want to see!”

I don’t want to see the result, what else can there be besides death? With a bitter taste in his heart, the bad luck guy sighed after all and picked up the chest of money under his feet. And seeing his move, the coquettish woman’s face showed a gorgeous smile.

“Yes, that’s it. With our money, you are ours. I think you should also be aware of the fact that those who are involved in us are found What kind of end it will be. Then sanctimonious hypocrites will not talk about who doctrine to people like us. So, starting from today, there is only one way before you. You know what I mean. Is it?”

She has already talked to such a straightforward level, the bad luck guys will naturally no longer have any doubts. Although not reconciled, he did not have more choices. And anyway, my life was saved, and also so much money. Just be careful not to be involved in Hydra, then living a life of yearn for something even in dreams is no longer a difficult task!

I want to understand this, this guy’s heart immediately became hot. Even with his face, a gradually expression called greed appeared. This expression is not uncommon in Hydra, because in this situation, Hydra wants to develop, so it can only start from the greed and desire of the person itself.

There will always be some people who are completely desperate for their own personal gain. This person right now will not be the first, and will definitely not be the last. As long as they are used properly, they may not be a useful tool.

Looking at the change in his expression, the smile on the woman’s face suddenly became deeper. She knows how to deal with this kind of people who have been addicted to the abyss of desire. So immediately, she said to him.

“The money is just the beginning, as long as you work with us well. More money, beautiful women, and even myself, you can get it. Hydra will not treat anyone who works for it. Human, all you have to do is to do the mission we give you. And this at first, you do a good job, right?”

She said, smearing brightly colored fingers He began to slide slowly along the curve of oneself’s body. This unusually enchanting action made the man couldn’t help but swallow his saliva, almost uncontrollably wanting to pounce directly on the woman. Fortunately, he still knows where oneself is now. So he could only control his own eyes, lower his head and not look at her, and at the same time asked her quickly.

“What do you want me to do?”

“It’s very simple. I want you to use your current identity to join that company. Then it’s a little for us By little, we will control this company into the hands of own! As long as you do this, no matter what you want, we can give it to you!”

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