Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1074

Because of a small provocation, Hydra, the huge monster, became restless again. This is an action that will change the world to a certain degree. But for the culprit who caused all this, he is not very concerned about this issue.

Just because it is not needed. Old Hu would not stare at the lice on oneself, and the elephant would not care about the grasshopper on the foot. For the catastrophe, it doesn’t matter what Hydra is, because he can crush such an existence easily. In comparison, it is some other talents who should really react to Hydra’s actions.

It’s just a pity that the most important one doesn’t know all this now. Because he is simply not above Earth now.

Asgard World, within the reconstructed Golden Palace. Tony Stark was telling something to the woman sitting on the throne in front of oneself with a serious face. And after listening to everything he said, he kept a current Divine King with his head supported by his hand-Martial Goddess Brunhild slowly tapped oneself’s fingers wrapped in silver armor, thinking slightly After a while, the own answer was given.

“Sorry, Mr. Stark. That is the internal problem of your human owner. I am impossible because your relationship with Thor brings my people into the internal disputes of another race. This is not the case. Moral!”

“Immoral? Help your own friend and get rid of the robbers from your friend’s house. What’s the immoral?” Tony was puzzled, and maybe it was because of what happened to oneself. His tone is far from polite.

Such a tone and enough to be regarded as offensive to Brunhild who is a king. So after he finished saying that, he stood by the throne, and Goddess Sieve, who had inherited the status of oneself’s brother, scolded Tony almost immediately.

“Insolent! What you are offending is the dignity of King Asgard, immediately apologize, otherwise I will punish you in the name of upholding the king’s majesty!”

Sif is the Goddess of fertility, and now after inheriting the position of her brother Heimdall, she has become the god of fertility and guardianship. The change of priesthood has brought her more powerful strength, plus she is also an elite fighter herself. So when she threatened Tony in this way, Tony could obviously feel a heavy pressure.

Of course, with Tony’s strong temper, it is obviously impossible to give in under this kind of power. He almost wanted to resist subconsciously, but before he could say anything, Brunhild, who was sitting on it, shook his hand and persuaded Siff.

“Forget it, it’s just a small matter, there is no need to make it so grand. Also, regarding your question just now, Mr. Stark, I think I can give you a suitable answer!”

Speaking of this, Brunhild has a playful expression on his face.

“First of all, there is such an old saying in Asgard. Brothers played Heaven and Earth turning upside down in the house, and outsiders are not qualified to open the door and blend in. For us to come Say, the internal conflict between you is like the brother dispute in this old saying. As outsiders, we don’t have to get involved at all. This is not in our interest, and it will not be in your interest. Because I think, You should not be able to pay the price of hiring us Asgard.”

“In addition. Asgard can indeed go through water and tread on fire for friends, but obviously, Mr. Stark! You still Without this qualification, we are regarded as friends by Asgard. If you don’t like to hear something, even if it saves you, it’s only because of Thor’s pleading. We don’t owe you anything, on the contrary, you still owe you something. We. So you don’t have the qualifications to make such a request to us.”

Brownhild’s remark was very direct and embarrassed Tony. But he couldn’t refute anything about it, because the facts were indeed what Brunhild said.

Anyway, Thor really brought him to this World and gave him a full range of treatment. This allowed him to stand here and speak freely to them. However, when he was rescued, he actually dragged Asgard into the muddy water of Earth in a secret plot against at this time. This approach is not kind at all.

I thought that most of Asgard’s people were hard-headed like Thor, and it seemed that they were not without smart people.

Tony sighed secretly in his heart. Now that his mind has been seen through, he naturally has no need to stay here anymore. So immediately, he said to Brunhild above.

“In this case, Queen Your Majesty. Then please send me back to Earth. I am there also very short-term responsibilities need to be borne, so I really don’t have time to stay here to thank you Life-saving grace.”

“This is just a small matter. You and Thor are friends, and you are friends with that person. With such a relationship, we should provide you with these help. In addition, since you want to If you want to leave, we will naturally not force you to stay. I will let the goalkeeper use Bifrost to send you back to Earth!”

Brownhild is swift and decisive. The decisive action made Tony too late to say anything. While watching him being taken by the guards, Loki, who had been standing aside like a clay sculpture of wood and plastic, couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“Did you let him go back like this?”

“Why, do you think I would do something to him?”

Look With the invisible expression on Loki’s face, Brunhild frowned oneself golden eyebrows, tightened his sculptural face, and asked her questions.

At this time, Loki’s identity in Asgard is equivalent to a role like a chief of staff. Even many people don’t like her gloomy and deep plans and distant thoughts. But they have to admit that Loki can always think of something other people can’t think of, and it is always very beneficial to them.

That is, relying on her ingenuity, Asgard can return to a basic stable state in such a short time. Not because of the previous upheaval, God of the other world would take advantage of it. It can be said that Loki contributed a lot to Asgard’s return to its former glory.

It’s just that Brunhild, who is the current Divine King, is very clear. That is, Loki’s ability is like a dangerous double-edged sword, and it can’t be used for wanton misbehavior. What she holds in her hands is the destiny of a world and a kingdom. Dignified is the basic principle for maintaining the stability and prosperity of the kingdom. Although crafty plots and machinations are not indispensable, they must never be used as the foundation of one’s life. So, until now, Brunhild is listening to Loki’s advice very carefully. Just like now, she heard Loki’s off-string meaning. So he immediately asked her back.

Listening to Brunhild’s rhetorical question, a smile suddenly floated across Loki’s eyes.

“My Your Majesty, haven’t you always wanted to find the opportunity to go to that world to see the person you most want to see? Using Tony Stark’s identity is actually the best excuse.”

“He is the ruler of a country on Earth. With his name, we can just and honorable station Asgard’s power in that world. This will not only expand Asgard’s territory, but also Let you travel to that world with enough name. Isn’t this what you want?”

Brownhild has to admit that at this moment, own is indeed a little bit because of Loki’s suggestion The feeling of heartbeat. Don’t take so long, she actually really wants to meet that person and tell him sincerely. However, the responsibility she shoulders made her have no reason to do so.

She is the queen of Asgard, the Guardian of this land and all the creatures on it. As a Guardian, oneself really has no reason to leave here. Especially, Asgard has just eased from the disaster.

Even now, Asgard has become more stable. She can’t do that either. Because the current Asgard is actually very fragile. Having lost several main gods including Odin, they can be said to be in the weakest moment in the history of this kingdom. If she leaves without authorization, then it will be used to put the kingdom in danger. And that is something she must not do. Not only she herself would not agree, even the main gods who were in the position would not agree to her.

However, if you really do what Loki said, stretch your hand to another world and establish a stronghold of Asgard in that world. Then the situation is different. The king cannot leave the own territory, but no one will say anything to patrol an enclave within oneself’s territory.

Most of the main gods who were present on Brunhild’s matter were very clear in their hearts. For the idea in her heart, most of them held an attitude of approval and blessing. If things really develop in this way, they would close one eye when they think about it.

Only after thinking about it, Brunnhild rejected Loki’s suggestion.

She didn’t want to do this, because she knew that people in another world would definitely not welcome their existence. If you really want to go its own way, it may even anger the people of that world, causing them to conflict with Asgard. It’s not just them who are stuck in the middle, but also anyone who is related to them. This even includes him.

Brownhild also knows something about him. He was not treated particularly well in the other world. So oneself really does not need to cause him more trouble. And besides, if you want to see him, must you use this method?

Of course not. She is very confident. As long as oneself does what’s on hand, they can meet again soon. And that will not be too long-term.

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