Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1077

Phillips wanted Tony Stark to pay the price for what happened to him. It’s just that it’s not at all as easy as imagined. First of all, the first one, external security is not something he can live with.

Relying on seniority to sit in the position of FBI director does not mean that he is the most powerful agent in the FBI. In fact, if he really evaluates this kind of professional ability, he might not even be as good as the aunt at the door. So if these security guards prevent him from entering, even if he is desperate, he may not be able to cross this line of defense.

And will these security guards release him? This is obviously an unnecessary question.

No one will take unnecessary risks for a person who has lost his status. This is not as simple as losing your job. If it is more serious, it will be labeled as treason. So, before he got close to Tony, the security guards stopped him.

“Get out of the way and let me pass. I have something to say, I have something to say!”

It can be said that Phillips rushed here for a while. There is simply no specific plan, so he as it should be by rights cannot break through this layer of interception. But it doesn’t matter, because Tony spoke confidently at this time.

“Let him come over, I want to see. What does our former FBI director have to say?”

After Tony said this, several security guards immediately looked at Each other in blank dismay loosened this Senior who had no strength even to struggle. To be honest, their stopping him was just a symbolic act. Because they are strictly speaking, they don’t believe that this guy can do anything at this time.

Anyone here can subdue him with no difficulty, not to mention that Tony Stark is still a Superhero.

So they are very relaxed, everyone present is very relaxed. Even the reporters are the same. I really want to get involved in Tony’s side so that I can grasp the first-hand news immediately.

While watching these people do not put oneself in their eyes, Phillips only felt that there was a flame burning madly inside the own.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill everyone in the room and break their heads with a gun. But he knew that oneself could not do this. This is not only because he does not have that ability, but also because he also has a more important goal in front of him.

Tony Stark, this is the person he really wants to deal with. As long as he can make him pay for everything that oneself has suffered, it is more valuable than letting everyone on the scene die. And now he actually allows oneself to come in front of him, which is simply bringing about one’s own destruction.

With a sigh of relief secretly in his heart, Phillips directly pushed aside the security in front of him and walked straight to Tony. And looking at the well-dressed influential figure of the past, it has become the one now dressed in embarrassment and expression of vicissitudes of life. Tony grinned, and gave him a playful smile.

“Mr. Phillips, I am in front of you now. Don’t you have something to tell me? Now you can tell it!”

In front of the subordinates, Tony is almost always domineering. And this also made Phillips, who was originally aggressive, when facing him directly, it was as if he had been poured cold water from the beginning, and all his arrogance suddenly disappeared and he could no longer rise.

“Your Excellency Stark!”

When Phillips called this title, even his own felt a sense of humiliation. Obviously, he is the enemy he believes in his heart, but he can’t show his attitude towards the enemy at all. And all this, in the final analysis, is because of Tony’s identity.

Of course, this identity does not refer to the identity of the president. Many presidents of United States have been assassinated, and there are definitely not a few who use the president to crack a joke or even abuse the president in public. With this identity alone, Phillips, who has already lost his family and has nowhere to go, will not be taboo like this.

The reason why he really taboo Tony is because he is the greatest president of United States ever.

Many people call Tony a hero. Not because he really is a Superhero, but because he has taken the heavy burden when the country is in danger, and has taken the country step by step from the predicament.

How hard it has been for the United States over the years because of various disasters, this is something everyone can see. In order to get United States out of these disasters, Tony has worked so hard, this is what everyone sees. No one can deny Tony’s achievements, even the most staunch anti-government activists have to admit that this is a truly good president. A guy who could be carved on Capitol Hill after he died.

In the face of such an existence, as long as you are not the kind of crazy guy, as long as you are still a member of this country, you will inevitably become hesitant and shrink back because of the Evil Thought in your heart.

Yes, at this critical time, Phillips couldn’t help but began to shrink back in his heart. Because after all, he has served this country all his life. It cannot be said that he can give everything for this country, but he still has basic loyalty. So, at this time, he couldn’t help but start to think of the consequences.

If oneself really killed Tony Stark, what a serious matter. Will this country get worse? Will Hydra take advantage of it? Will United States perish?

Though these thoughts can be said to be very ridiculous. But at this moment, Phillips really became hesitant because of these thoughts. It was as if there were two completely different ones arguing in his brain, making him simply unable to make an idea.

He fell into silence, and his silence made Tony even more dissatisfied.

It was obviously an aggressive posture to come to the door, but in the end, he just called him and said nothing. What does this mean? Not much else, his kind of indecisive is already vividly and thoroughly embodied. Letting such a person sit in the position of FBI director is definitely the biggest mistake.

Tony became more affirmative of Maria’s previous decision, so he immediately spoke to Phillips unceremoniously.

“Mr. Phillips. If you want to return to your own position, then I am afraid I can only say sorry to you. Judging from your current performance ability, you are simply not up to it. Your position. So it is a very correct decision to let you resign from your current position. I am responsible to the country, and I think you, who once swore allegiance to the country, should understand my decision.”

Understand? Phillips, who hadn’t said a word, was flushed immediately by Tony’s robbing. And in his heart, the hatred is also overwhelming, completely crushing all reason and guilt.

Under the circumstances that no one can understand, or it is a completely different understanding. Phillips had already turned his own face and looked fiercely towards Tony. And he asked him very hard, word by word.

“Your Excellency. Are you afraid of chilling your heart like this to me?”

“Chilling? Are you talking about favors with me?” Hearing Phillips’ words, Tony An icy expression immediately appeared on his face. “This is the White House. It is the center of this country. Here, we only talk about ability, not about feelings. If you want to talk about feelings, Mr. Phillips, those charity organizations are waiting for your presence. as for here , Please forgive us for not having that many time to waste with you!”

“Ha, a waste of time? What a waste of time! Tony Stark. Is this how you deal with us heroes?”


Phillips laughed so furiously that he immediately started drinking. Regarding his statement, Tony immediately lowered his tone.

“What exactly do you want to say? Do you think you can change anything at this time?”

“What to say? What to change?” Oneself came to mind With the tragic death of his daughter’s relatives, Phillips’ eyes have been quietly clogged with bloodshot eyes and turned blood red. He uttered a oneself voice, almost hissing at Tony in a low voice. “Tony Stark. I almost gave my own for this country. It has been more than 30 years since I was a soldier when I was 20 years old. I have shed countless blood and suffered countless injuries. Step by step to this position, I How much shameful work has been done for this country, and how many innocent people have been infected. I can’t even tell myself.”

“I’m not a good person, I admit. I never thought about it. , People like me can have a day in heaven. But I don’t regret all this, because I always feel that all I do is for this country. Even if I die in this position, I have no complaints. No regrets. But, what does this have to do with my family!”

“Because of an unfathomable mystery, you just kicked me away. Have you ever thought that I am for this country What are the consequences of doing dirty things for me? You don’t care about anything, and the result is that all my relatives, my wife and children, and my two little grandchildren all died in the hands of those damned bastards. This Do you know everything? I just want a fair, to apologize. But you gave me such an attitude. Do you know what it means?”

Phillips yelled desperately . As for what he exposed, it was not just the reporters who fell into absolute silence. Even Tony Oneself became a little bit open due to shock.

He really didn’t think about all this. I never thought that because of a small decision in his eyes, it would cause such a great harm to such an old man who has worked hard for the country. And this immediately made him bow his head, and then sincerely apologized to Phillips.

“Sorry, Mr. Phillips, I really didn’t expect such a consequence to happen. I promise, I will give you an explanation. I will definitely give back to your dead family a fair. “

“It’s too late, it’s already too late!” Phillips shook the head, and then a terrifying light suddenly appeared in his eyes. “Tony Stark, I want you to pay!”

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