Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1079

The late doctor, also Maria’s getting worse and worse, brought Tony’s mood directly to the brink of collapse.

He knew that oneself couldn’t wait any longer. In this situation, the most important woman to him, also their unborn child, will leave him forever. So he has to take them out of here and go to a place that can help them. At this time, those reporters who act recklessly, who just want to make a big news, have become particularly odious in his eyes.

He was holding an evil fire in his heart and wanted to explode. The best target of the explosion was undoubtedly the assassin of Phillips. But Phillips’s decisive action to death was more decisive than anyone else, but Tony didn’t have time to do anything to him. And at this time, these reporters who didn’t have long eyes got together like this, and he immediately wanted to vent the evil fire in oneself’s heart at them.

Of course, this is an impossible thing. Reason more or less at this time played a key role and prevented him from doing such crazy things. Of course, the reason to stop him from going crazy at this time was not because of the ridiculous sense of justice and responsibility. At this time, this thing is like shit to him. He did this entirely because he knew that if oneself was delayed here for even one second, Maria and child would be in danger for one more second.

So he just cursed fiercely fiercely, then hugged Maria and flew out directly.

Yes, fly! Without going through the clothing that was chanted by countless tech hobbyists in the past, he directly flew out in a human form. Such a situation really surprised many people.

In fact, even Tony oneself didn’t think of it. Oneself can actually fly in this form, and it feels like he is driving in nano armor without any difference.

He can feel that continuously power is continuously surging out of his body. It felt like his body had become a huge energy reactor. This surprised him very much, but he knew that it was not the time to be distracted, so he immediately flew towards the only place in oneself’s heart in this form.

Huiyao City, Zhou Yi! This is the only person in his mind who can save Maria and the child in her stomach. Because he is God, omnipotent God. The ability to revive from the dead is in his hands, not to mention that Maria is also a glimmer of survival now. So, as long as she can get there, she can have hope of living.

“Hold on, Maria! I will bring you to Zhou Yi soon. I can let him treat you soon. Hold on, don’t leave me!”

Tony’s mood is very flustered. In other words, when the gunfire sounded, Maria threw himself on oneself without any consideration, his whole person was already completely in a state of being unattached. For him at this time, everything is no longer important. Only Maria, only the woman in front of her, is everything she has.

But now he can clearly feel that Maria is leaving him little by little. There is no blood on her face, and her breathing has begun to stop gradually. Seeing all this in Tony’s eyes, he immediately felt the pain as if his heart had been cut apart.

He already felt hopeless. But it has not yet reached the limit of despair. Because at this time, he has put the little hope that oneself has left on Zhou Yi. And this made him fly faster in the sky.

Half an hour later, he went from Luffy, Washington to Huiyao City. And without any notice, he just rushed towards Zhou Yi’s private territory with his head stuffed.

Such a blatant move made many people take action as it should.

A city that gathers Mutant and dark races, apart from anything else, the external defensive power must be strong enough. So Tony just broke in. Immediately, more than a dozen blood-red silhouettes rushed up and directly surrounded him.

“Who you are? You dare to break into the territory of Huiyao City, don’t you know this is the territory of King Ming Your Majesty?”

these all are Lilith Vampire underneath. They are also secretly maintaining the existence of this city’s order. Just facing such a group of guys, Tony didn’t care about them at all. Just roared and issued such a warning at them.

“All get out of my sight, or don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

These Vampires are old bastard that have lived for hundreds of years, not in Europe yet When I got rid of my ignorance, I became a nobleman who didn’t know how many years. And such identities made them feel dull right away when they were scolded by Tony. In such an angry situation, they are naturally impossible and indifferent, so they are angry roar right now. These Vampires immediately turned into dark blood shadows, and flew towards Tony.

Seeing these Vampires so unable to tell good from bad, Tony, who was worried about Maria’s safety in his heart, became even more angry. Although he has not yet become accustomed to the way this power works in oneself’s body, he already subconsciously regards oneself’s power as a weapon, and stretches toward those few black shadows that rushed forward.

And this immediately made his body completely covered by golden lightning, and then, like a radiance sword across the sky, it instantly penetrated the few bloody shadows that came over. .

These Vampires are all the existence of Elder Level, and they hold a lot of inhuman dark magic in their hands. Coupled with being sheltered by God, they are not afraid of damage from the sun. Even in this kind of broad daylight situation, they can show their full strength.

And is Vampire easy to kill under such strength? Blade, who has been against Vampire all his life, can tell you, absolutely not. They are agile and can interfere with magic, and can turn into shadows to escape when they can’t beat them. As long as the head is not cut off, the heart will not die at all. The characteristics of these disgusting people are concentrated together, so that they are almost like cowhide.

But with this kind of existence, under the power that Tony showed, there was simply no room for showing off. In just an instant, the blood shadow they had transformed was torn to pieces by the golden lightning on Tony’s body, and they themselves were immediately reduced to ashes in a miserable howl.

Compared to mortal people, Vampire’s abilities may be considered powerful. But once faced with the existence of divine force, they are just trivial ant existence. This is vividly and thoroughly embodied in Tony’s body. Because what he just showed is the divine force.

The appearance of this power can be said to be like pouring a scoop of cold water into a pot, just for a moment, it makes this originally peaceful city immediately seem to be a awakened giant. Just like beast, the whole building stands up.

Tony hadn’t taken a step further, as seven or eight powers appeared in front of him and stopped him directly. And in his special situation with the addition of divine force, he turned out to be unable to move a single step in this force. This made his whole body cracked and his veins violently howled like beast-like.

“Let go of me, let me go. You bastards, let me go, get out of my sight! Let me pass!”

The surge of emotion drives his body The power inside was also frantically restless, countless golden lightning rushed out, almost turning his whole person into a dazzling light spot. And more importantly, this power also stimulated his unstable physique.

Almost naked eye is visible, and his body began to change towards a metallic texture. It’s not the shiny metal color like Colossus, but it’s more like the Iron Man Armor that he wears into the overload burst form, flowing with lava-like metal particles.

This peculiar change derives layer after layer on his body, and soon, a layer of armor that is no different from the appearance of Iron Man Armor is put on him.

Such changes made his power stronger, but in the face of the power that prevented him from moving forward, this change was still too weak after all. He still couldn’t move forward, and this made him beast-like like a wounded falling into a trap, howling desperately.


He screamed desperately and struggled madly. It’s just that the more you struggle, the stronger the force that binds him. The end result of such a struggle is only to bruise himself all over.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this picture of him is not stable. Because the one after another trace of lava on his body is becoming more abrupt with his struggle, just like a crack in the ground, but it is getting bigger and bigger. And every time such a change appeared, Tony couldn’t help but scream.

Finally, someone couldn’t stand his crazy and self-abusing behavior. Then a voice came to his ear.

“Stark. Stop it, you are not welcome here! Please leave here!”

“Are you Jean Grey?” He was tormented by despair and pain Tony, who was about to collapse, distinguished the source of the sound with the only remaining consciousness of oneself, and he immediately yelled at the sound. “Let me see Zhou Yi, let me see Zhou Yi! I have something to ask him, I have something to ask him!” He said the same thing twice in a row. But this seemed to have touched a switch, filling the air with a feeling of freezing.

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