Sun God Marvel

Chapter 109

Two fully armed special soldiers quietly touched the front of a room door. One of the soldiers took a bomb off his chest and did it at oneself’s companion. Gestures.

His companion understood nodded and made a countdown gesture. With three fingers one by one, they will shrink into fists. He kicked open the door with a sharp kick, and the special soldier with the bomb in his hand took the opportunity to throw the bomb in.

The bomb has just left their hands, and the two of them have not yet made an evasive action. A hand suddenly passed between the two of them, and suddenly held the bomb in his hand. Then, there was a loud bang.

The bomb exploded violently, and the splattered shrapnel under the action of gunpowder was no less than the unloaded bullet. At such a close distance, the soldiers were wearing tactical vest bodies and undefended There is almost no difference. Only in an instant, the shrapnel penetrated their bodies, and the violent explosive impact caused them to fly out like rag bags.

As a result of all this, Zhou Yi patted his hands indifferently, and while tidying up his own clothes, pushed open the tattered door in front of him. As for the two special soldiers, their Death couldn’t move him at all.

As Superhero, he can fight his life to save the innocent. But for these used killers whose professions are massacres, he doesn’t mind pushing them to hell. For guys like this who can face doesn’t change and destroy other lives, hell is their best home.

Opening the door, Zhou Yi saw a messy room with no one on the messy bed. Only the opened window is still blowing cold air into the room.

“What a smart Little Brat!” Zhou Yi, who had already locked all the little children with super vision, was lightly laughed, and he squatted down and looked towards the underside of the bed.

There, two children hide under the bed. The two Little Brat in pajamas covered each other’s mouths, and looked at everything outside from the gap under the bed with vigilant eyes. Seeing Zhou Yi, the two Little Brats instinctively shrank back, and then they reacted.

They rushed into Zhou Yi’s arms quickly, and shrank like two trembling little hamsters in his arms.

“Don’t be afraid, good child. I’ll be there soon!” Zhou Yi touched the twin sister’s head, but the whole person was moving at a high speed from the top floor to the small living room downstairs . There, Pietro, who once had a relationship with him, has gathered a group of classmates there.

Appearing suddenly in front of the group of students, Zhou Yi put down the two twin sisters, while facing the group of expressions nervously, the Mutant students who made a defensive gesture directly ordered: “Bring them, Pietro . Logan and Bobby are in the dormitory, where is there an escape route, leave with them, right away!”

“Mr. Zhou?” Pietro asked involuntarily, about being attacked. , Not just him, most of the students did not react.

“I don’t have time to explain so much. Find Logan. I’ll leave here and talk.”

The soldiers wearing thermal imaging cameras are already in twos and threes. Appearing in front of them, after seeing these Mutant students, they started shooting without the slightest hesitation.

The sound of gunshots caused many timid girls to scream, Pietro immediately turned into a steel body, bending down to protect the two little girls next to oneself. As a man with the ability of a steel avatar, he can completely ignore the damage of this kind of gun shooting. So without any hesitation, he used his own body as a shield for oneself classmates.

However, what makes him strange is that he does not at all feel the impact of the bullet. Even the gunfire stopped. He looked back and wanted to see when and so on happened, but he found out that oneself’s classmate’s big brother, Zhou Yi, who seemed to be just an ordinary person, had already appeared where a few soldiers had just stood, his hands It holds a handful of warheads crushed into mud. And those soldiers, completely deformed, fell to the ground.

Seeing them, Pietro first thought of the dolls that were accidentally pulled and broken by the little child. In truth, even dolls are in a much better position than them. He didn’t even need to confirm, he had already made a conclusion in his heart that these people were definitely dead.

“What are you still stunned, tell me to act immediately.” Seeing Pietro’s silly look, Zhou Yi urged dissatisfiedly. There is no room for anyone to be in a daze at this time. When he heard what he said, Pietro, who came back to his senses, quickly picked up the two children and ran towards the dormitory.

The students quickly left here under his order, and at this time Zhou Yi put his sights on the outside of the manor. In his field of vision, nearly a hundred soldiers had surrounded the entire Xavier Manor. For the safety of these children, he must let these students leave here as soon as possible. In order to allow these students to leave safely, he must delay these soldiers as much as possible.

I walked quickly to the outer corridor of the manor, which has become the front line facing the invasion of soldiers. Zhou Yi looked at all around, as a school, and a school for all ages. Naturally, Xavier Manor will not store dangerous items in places where students haunt. Therefore, Zhou Yi not at all find what he is looking for.

In this case, Zhou Yi can only silently say sorry to Professor Charles who does not know where he is, and hopes that he will be mentally prepared for future school repair work. Because, who didn’t want to show up, he could only use the tables, chairs, doors and windows in these manor houses to temporarily stop the soldiers from walking.

The door of the classroom was removed directly, and the heavy oak door was held in his hand like a piece of paper. Then he glanced at the several military jeeps that surrounded the manor at a distance, shook his arm directly, and threw the entire gate there like a flying disc.

Perhaps for Zhou Yi, such a thing is no different from a paper origami airplane. But for the soldiers under General Stryker, this is nothing inferior to any bomb.

The solid wooden board slammed into the distant jeep like a shooting star. Under the influence of huge force, the hard jeep was like paper paste, from the place where it touched the wooden door. Start. The whole car collapsed inward, and the broken body of the car was splashed with countless broken parts. These parts were like bomb shrapnel, which shot out at the same time and caused the surrounding soldiers to collapse. A large piece.

And this was just the beginning, as the wooden door hit the target, more things were thrown out. There are huge wooden tables and also a lot of light chairs. These things were like cannonballs, with no difficulty destroyed Stryker’s convoy and caused huge casualties. At the same time, he also asked his soldiers to keep quiet out of fear and dare not go any further.

Looking at the scene of the wounded screaming and howling, General Stryker’s gloomy face almost condensed into ice. He stared at the adjutant own, gritted his teeth and asked.

“What the hell is going on, our advance team?”

Looking at General Stryker’s ugly face, his adjutant swallowed involuntarily, as the most effective As an assistant, he knows too well about General Stryker’s methods. And it is because of understanding that I am afraid.

So he didn’t dare to conceal the slightest, and directly replied.

“We have lost contact with the advance team, and maybe their mission has completely failed.”

“Trash, everything is trash.” Stryker groaned. But still restrained oneself’s desire to do something. “Why didn’t anyone report this to me!”

“General, there is no warning. We suddenly lost contact. We at first thought it was a communication failure and didn’t think about other places! “The adjutant defended oneself slightly. This is the most common situation in wars. In many cases, special forces will lose contact with the command system. He has no reason to take responsibility for this kind of thing.

“Don’t you know that our enemy is a group of monsters, do those damn battlefield regulations work in this place?” Stryker pressed the shoulder of oneself adjutant and whispered in his ear. “Because of your mistake, I lost the most elite subordinate. If it weren’t for the fact that you were my deputy for many years, I would really like to put you and the Mutant trash into a cage.”

Be locked in a cage with the stubborn Mutants who were tortured by them, and don’t have to think about what will happen. The adjutant’s face suddenly turned pale, he quickly nodded and responded.

“Sorry, sir. I promise that there will be no next time.”

“If there is another time, you’d better solve oneself by oneself. Now give me the order, I blasted the manor directly with rockets. I’d like to see how these mutant monsters stop me.” Stryker waved his hand indifferently, now he doesn’t have much leisure to waste time in this place.

The adjutant conveyed the order quickly, and then soldiers immediately took out the shoulder-mounted rocket from the intact vehicle and aimed it in the direction of Xavier Manor. When they lined up in a line, the adjutant immediately gave the order to shoot.

A dozen rockets spewed dazzling fire, and rushed in the direction of Xavier Manor. Stryker, who didn’t want to waste his manpower at all, chose the most violent way to open the way to his destination. The problem is, he doesn’t know. He is not only going to fight against Mutant, but also a more terrifying opponent.

Looking at the roaring rockets spewing flames, Zhou Yi, who stood by the corridor window and watched silently, had a disdainful smile on his face. As long as he is there, the soldiers outside can’t think about going forward.

I saw him close the five fingers outside the window, and the invisible force field was immediately attached to the rockets that were flying.

Zhou Yi, who has experienced soul sublimation and awakened his divinity, has made great progress in his own talent ability. If he had exhausted all his power by opening a force field of several hundred feet before, now he can spread the force field controlled by oneself to several times as far away. Not only is the distance improved, but it is also a qualitative leap in the strength of the force field.

The powerful force field directly controls the movement of rockets remotely, causing them to breathe flames in midair in vain and consume the kinetic energy of oneself’s movement. When the kinetic energy is exhausted, the firing device is activated. The way those rockets exploded became weird.

Stryker’s soldiers all know that their weapons are definitely the best equipment in the active US military. This kind of rocket that has just been installed on the formidable power is enough to blow a heavy tank into a The pile of junk, the explosion radius of 20 meters is definitely not cracking a joke.

But now they see faint flames blooming in midair. Compared to the flames on a torch, these flames are at worst, and even such faint flames are still little by Shrinking little. Soon, everything fell into darkness.

Under the gravitational force controlled by Zhou Yi, the force of the explosion was reduced to a certain range by Infinity. The light and heat emitted by a rocket that can only vent its energy within this range is of course no more than the most common torch.

And these, the soldiers don’t know. They looked at this strange situation, this time stopped oneself from moving forward.

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