Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1094

“Coulson, I have something I want you to help!”

Looking at Maria Hill who suddenly opened the door, Coulson’s face suddenly showed something Surprising expression.

This is on the Helicarrier of the Skyhammer Bureau. How did she come up? You know, this is not the time of SHIELD, and the Skyhammer is not run by the American family. Maria can bypass him, the highest deacon person, and appear in front of him silently. Does this mean that if they can, Hydra’s people can do the same?

Thinking of this, Coulson has already made up his mind to reorganize the defense work of Helicarrier. He doesn’t want to die so unclear, so this work must be as fast as possible. Of course, before starting this work, he doesn’t mind using a little tricky approach. So immediately, he said to Maria.

“Don’t tell me what you want me to help! Tell me first, how did you get in? I’m pretty sure I haven’t received any disappearance from you, and there are no guards outside. Give me any notice. So, if you can give me a reasonable answer. There is absolutely no problem if you let me help!”

“Are you a squad captain of a prison? Confused?” Looking at Coulson weirdly, Maria sat directly opposite him and said seriously to him. “Don’t forget, I was sitting in this seat before you! You have only been in office for a few days? How could the agents outside who were almost all pulled up by me with one hand be more loyal to you than to me?”

Maria’s words made Coulson’s face stunned, and then he suddenly realized that it seemed to be true. This made the expression on his face suddenly become awkward. In order to conceal this embarrassment, he immediately raised the water glass in front of him, pretending to be drinking water, and then said to her in a loud voice.

“Okay, okay. What did you just say? You asked me for help? What is it that makes you work so hard to come to me so far?”

“It’s a very important thing!” One sentence set the tone for the matter, and Maria directly placed a small signal shielding thing between the two.

Let’s not say if there is any equipment in this office to shield this little thing, just Maria Hill’s cautious attitude has already scared Coulson. At this time, he was really worried about whether she would make any excessive demands on oneself. So immediately, before Maria could speak, he spoke to her one step ahead.

“There are some things I have to declare in advance! If it is something outrageous, such as letting me blow up this aircraft carrier, or find a way to assassinate the other two principals, I miss you Don’t say anything. Everyone is an adult, so be sensible. This kind of thing is not good for me or you.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not like this!” Seeing the tension on Coulson’s face, Maria moved in her heart and immediately said to him with a sullen face. “I am looking for you this time because I want you to help us clear the soldiers stationed in other countries in the United Kingdom, and then find a way to keep it in our hands.”

, Coulson, who hadn’t swallowed the water, immediately took a sip and sprayed it all out. But in his almost shocked eyes, Maria Hill calmly put down the folder blocking oneself, and then smiled at him.

“Don’t worry, I lied to you.”

Hearing these words, the expression on Coulson’s face suddenly became extremely complicated. It seemed that for a while, he didn’t know what expression to face Maria with. However, he is the kind of social elite after all, so he soon put on a helpless expression and said to Maria.

“I haven’t thought that you would have such a childish innocence and use such sensitive things to entertain me. But that’s okay, I’m really afraid you will let me do this kind of things. Seriously Yes, if I really do this kind of thing, let’s not talk about the internal contradictions here, just the complaints from Europe can kill me.”

“I know, so I said yes cracking a joke. You just sat in this position, how could I let you do this kind of thing?”

A gentle smile hung on the corner of her mouth, Maria Hill at this time behaves like a considerate gentle beauty. But Coulson is not at all confused by this illusion. Having been a colleague for so many years, how could he not know what kind of woman Maria Hill is.

And just as he thought, before this expression remained for half a minute, Maria was already sullen and turned into that iceberg again. And he told Coulson word by word his own request.

“What I want you to help me is to make a secret trip to Huiyao City to open up that guy’s relationship. Let him not interfere with Mutant’s internal affairs. Then you can find a way to contact Professor Charles. , Tell him that Tony Stark has a major deal to talk to him.”

If the fake request just now is just shocking, then now, Maria Hill’s this Remark simply made Coulson feel desperate.

Huiyao City! Since the Mutant War was ended by Zhou Yi as King Ming, there has been a restricted zone equivalent to the United States Government. Except for Tony’s ability to enter that territory by relying on his past friendships, no other government personnel dared to set foot in the land controlled by God.

This point, even Coulson is no exception. Although most of the time is spent in prison. But this doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what it means for people like them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. It doesn’t matter if ordinary people go in. If people like them with a government license go in, I’m afraid they didn’t touch what oneself wants, and they will immediately be entrenched in Mutant and all kinds of dark in that city. The creature was torn to pieces.

Coulson believes that guy will not do anything to oneself. But he knows better that with his own ability, I am afraid that he didn’t touch that guy, and he was already twisted into slag by the layers of strength outside the city.

How big is the belly and how big the bowl is. Coulson obviously didn’t mean to make a swollen face to be fatty, so he immediately said this to Maria Hill.

“Maria, you’re not cracking a joke with me again. You let me do this kind of thing, and do it secretly? I shouldn’t offend you! “

“You did not offend me!” shook the head, Maria said to him with a constant expression on her face. “If you have offended me, you won’t be sitting here now. Instead, you are squatting in a cell full of rapists who have been imprisoned for more than 20 years. Believe me, that will definitely make you desperate for life. .”

“Of course, I didn’t crack a joke with you either. This is something that Tony and I discussed, and it is related to the future of United States! So, do you want to consider it?”


At this time, even Coulson, who has a high level of social skills, felt a little difficult to deal with. He began to frown and squeezed his own face, then sighed again and again. The look of helplessness and helplessness makes people feel anxious when they look at it.

But Maria Hill is very patient. She just leaned on the seat, looking straight at Coulson, waiting for him to give a final answer.

Dragging is definitely not a result. Coulson oneself knows this in his heart. So he could only converge all his expressions in the end, and then made the final effort with a wry smile.

“Can we talk about the previous joke? The thing about the occupation of the United Kingdom?”

“Unfortunately, we don’t have any thoughts on this for now. Of course, if If you are interested in carrying out the two missions together, we can also use some of the manpower and resources to cooperate with your actions.”

It is already terrible at the moment. Coulson really has no courage. Put such a heavy weight on the shoulders of own. So soon, he said to Maria as if resigning.

“Okay, okay. I see, you have to go secretly to that guy also Mutant to talk about the deal, don’t you? I’ll do it. But before I act, you must take me The reason for this action tells me. Maria! You should know that I believe I missed someone and committed the most serious mistake. I am very happy to have such an opportunity to make up for it. And this also means that I I must be responsible for every action I do. If you can’t give me a proper reason. I’m sorry, even if I had to go back to the cell and squat, I wouldn’t do such a thing.”

If Coulson had been led by Maria before, then now, he is almost like a rock, his stand firm and almost unshakable. And seeing his statement like this, Maria immediately sighed.

“That thing is over! Have you not forgotten it?”

“I made such a mistake, indulge him in doing that many terrifying things. If If you can forget it so simply, are you too sorry for the innocent people who have been killed because of all this?”

Under the plain smile, it is only Maria who knows him like this The hatred that can only be understood. The damage caused by betrayal was already deeply imprinted in Coulson’s heart. I am afraid there is only one way to let him get out of it. And Maria, who thinks that oneself cannot do this, can only give up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade him and instead answer the previous questions.

“Our reason is very simple. It is to reshape the order of the United States. I believe you can also see what kind of attitude the people hiding behind the scenes are already mad at. We have already endured the limits, so whether it is to stop being restricted by them or for the future of this country, we are all ready to give it a go.”

“Coulson, You only have to tell me one thing now, which is which side you plan to stand on!”

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