Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1096

“There will be no next time!” His eyes answered flatly. Wanda didn’t mean to comfort Coulson’s injured heart. This can be realized from her next words.

“If you can’t find a way to pass the next level, then I can assure you that you will never have any chance to enter this city. If so, Then I will definitely let you stay here forever!”

This is a threat, without any cover-up threat. In response to this threat, Coulson’s face suddenly twitched, and then he said to Wanda bitterly.

“Wanda, anyway, we were once friends. Are we really going to be like this?”

“Friends?” Hearing this title, not only Only Wanda, even Quicksilver, which has always been a fair and reasonable character, sneered. “Since we were betrayed, we have understood a truth. That is, you can never talk about friendship with you people. In your eyes, we are always just Mutant. It is a tool you can use. When it’s useful, it’s a friend, and when it’s not useful, you can kick it away. Oh, really, we can’t afford such a friend!”

Facing the brother and sister Coulson’s cold words, although Coulson wanted to argue something. But in the end, he still didn’t say a word.

Because he knows that oneself at this time is useless. Some people hurt them too deeply, and their prejudice against people like oneself is already deeply ingrained. So no matter what else is said, it is useless. Even more how, their attitude towards Mutant is indeed not simple.

As they said oneself, in the eyes of humans, Mutant is just a tool. The saying that the non-self race must have different hearts is equivalent to the universal truth. And even if someone like Coulson exists, it’s just a drop of water in the torrent. Their opinions cannot change mainstream thinking, so at this time, it is better to remain silent on this issue than to say that oneself will not believe in lies.

Of course, only on this issue.

Although Coulson is very guilty of what happened to the brother and sister, this does not mean that he will give up his own mission because of this guilt. After all, this is a major event related to the future of the country. Above such a major event, personal feelings are simply not worth mentioning.

So soon, he said to them.

“You just said the next level? What do you mean?”

Coulson is not a fool, even if he almost became a real fool. He still relied on oneself’s keen sense of smell to perceive the meaning contained in their words. This seems to mean that they agree with own’s purpose, and this is really good news for him.

Seriously, Wanda actually has a very complicated attitude towards his intentions. In her eyes, the conditions Coulson brought this time had both good and bad sides for Mutant.

The good news is that if these conditions brought by Coulson are true, they can be thoroughly implemented. Then Mutant’s position can be completely improved. It’s not the false sight at the moment, but it’s really being able to live like an ordinary person.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what this thing is. What is really important is the meaning behind this condition.

Coulson’s condition is to give all United States citizens of Mutant the rights that they can enjoy, including legal prosecution rights. For Mutant, this right means that they can seek justice for the owner in the past.

This justice includes not only asking for an argument for a certain Mutant being discriminated against, bullying, etc., but also letting those who get dirty benefits on the premise of sacrificing Mutant And pay the price. The price is judgment, jurisprudence.

Wanda knows very well that although Mutant can make these guys pay with violence, it is actually a very cheap thing for them. Because once they use violence, they put oneself in a position that violates axioms. And in this world where human interests are the fundamental values, they will only be denounced even more as heretics, and then they will attract even more intense hostility from the entire human race.

This is a very unworthy thing, because no matter how powerful Mutant is, it is impossible to fight against 1 billion humans with less than a million. If it really fell out completely, then even in the best case, it would be nothing more than perish together. This does not meet Mutant’s interest requirements, so until now, Professor Charles only condemns and cannot really do anything to those people.

But now, it would be different with government support. Once the government characterizes Mutant as a legitimate citizen who can enjoy all rights and interests, then those companies and organizations that capture Mutant to do various inhuman experiments will be liable for a very serious crime. This charge will ruin them, and when the time comes Mutant, no one will have the qualifications and ability to accuse them.

This is what Wanda is happy to see, and it is also in line with the inner needs of overwhelming majority Mutant. However, this is only on the good side, and this kind of thing is also on the bad side.

First of all, this will destroy the peaceful life Mutant finally got. As a Mutant who was once displaced, a dark person who knows the secrets of this World. She doesn’t think Mutant can fit into this World well.

They are the kind of people who are excluded, they are aliens living in this human-dominated world. Even with the promise of the Stark government at this time, it can be temporarily integrated into this World. But in the future, if the next government is changed, who can guarantee that they will be able to maintain this covenant in this way?

Rather than entrust everything to this uncertain future. It is better to manage this harmonious small home with peace of mind and take a longer time to create a more stable future. It’s just a pity, this is just her personal thoughts. And she knew very well that her own father and Professor Charles would never give up this opportunity.

This is a helpless thing, and because of this, she agrees to let Coulson try to persuade the city to dominate.

If he can convince that person, then even if she doesn’t want to, she must cooperate with other Mutants during the operation period of this plan. And if they can’t, then even Professor Charles, no matter what they are, they’re impossible to bypass that person and cooperate with the Stark government.

Although nominally that person does not interfere with Mutant’s internal decisions. But all Mutants are very clear about who is the one who speaks the most in this area. He is the Ruler here, the master of all the creatures in this land. Unless Mutant has the consciousness to abandon everything right now, no one will ignore him.

Coulson naturally understood this in his mind, and this immediately made him realize what the next difficulty Wanda said was.

Convince Zhou Yi! This is not an easy task, because Coulson doesn’t know whether he has changed differently from before. He has no research in this area, so naturally he has no corresponding confidence. But this does not prevent him from being full of fighting spirit.

Because he knows very well, this one is the only difficulty in front of oneself. Wanda’s attitude is very clear, that is, as long as Zhou Yi does not oppose their plan, then Mutant fully agrees with the cooperation with the Stark government. He didn’t even need to talk to Professor Charles and the others, he could directly reply to Tony. This really saves a lot of trouble. It’s just…

The restless Coulson thought for a while, then took a deep breath, and then said to Wanda.

“Well, I think I know what you mean. Could you please inform me about it? I think I can talk to him now!”

“You seem to be very sure!”

Coulson’s changes can be seen in the eyes, and for his changes, Wanda is immediately unavoidably curious. Faced with her curiosity, Coulson just smiled, and then said firmly.

“I’m not at all too sure. But I have confidence in that person.”

“This is a real good thing, whether it is for humans or for Mutant , Is the best choice. I believe him, as a former hero, a God who saved the world, he still has enough goodwill for this World itself. He is not at all reasons to stop us, not Is it? As long as we can clarify the stakes in it, with his vision and position, even if he doesn’t support us, he will never oppose us!”

“You only have such confidence Okay, I hope you can still be so confident when you see him!”

With a sneer, Wanda waved a red mist at Coulson. This mist entangled Coulson’s body like a living creature, making him feel that all kinds of bizarre and motley illusions began to appear in front of his eyes. However, this illusion comes quickly and goes quickly. Soon, all his senses became normal. But when he aimed his gaze in front of oneself again, he found that oneself had already appeared in a dense forest.

Behind you are the gloomy mountains and the kind dense forest. In front of him is a splendorous and majestic mansion. The huge change made people subconsciously think that they were dreaming, but he knew very well that this was only caused by Mutant’s powerful ability.

But think about it, Wanda shouldn’t use hallucinations to deceive oneself. Then oneself should be the destination of oneself’s trip. Thinking of this, Coulson couldn’t help taking a deep breath, because he knew that oneself’s biggest test was coming.

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