Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1102

The world is always surging.

When Tony was deliberately trying to deal with those consortium tumors. These consortiums are not idle either.

They acted on Tony first, so no matter how stupid they are, this group of people can’t let themselves down under the circumstances of only launching a wave of public opinion offensive. Like Tony, they are also brewing a big move. And the breakthrough direction of this action is the same as Tony’s.

Of course, they won’t hit those Mutant’s ideas. Not to mention that Mutant has always failed to deal with them. The existence behind Mutant is enough to discourage these people.

The cooperation they seek is based on maintaining their own domination of the world. If because of cooperation, an existence completely overrides them. That is something they absolutely cannot accept.

So, under the intention of this cooperation, they found another special existence. One can even restrain the existence of God.

Smith. Zhou! Earth watcher. The most powerful Superhero the human world has. He is also an unruly guy who doesn’t merge with the world at all. Just from what he did on the Modi talk show, most people can dispel the favor of him.

It is also from his behavior. If you take this as a handle, then even if he has countless credits for saving people, he will inevitably be drooled by public opinion. Drowned. However, it is strange that things are not at all moving in this direction. It was unfathomable mystery, and everything gradually subsided.

All the topics about him were directed to the aggression and plunder of the year, and all the contradictions were deliberately pushed to those museums. As Smith Zhou, who ignited this explosive barrel, not only did not receive the attention of public opinion, but even the ordinary persons who had been forcibly suppressed by him with his power were mostly tight-lipped about this matter. Including Modi, who was hit hardest in his career because of this incident, never talked about Smith Zhou in front of others.

It feels like a powerful force has forced everything down.

What forces will do this? Many people are thinking about this question in their hearts, including Smith Zhou oneself. In his original vision, this should be an arrangement made by the government to control public opinion fluctuations and protect the image of the so-called Superhero. But now it seems that this is not the case.

Sitting in a hotel in downtown Los Angeles, Smith Zhou looked at an invitation in front of oneself. There was a playful smile.

This is a very special invitation. There is no superfluous embellishment on the full body white envelope, only the name of the recipient and a rare wax seal letter.

This is something that European aristocratic families love to play, because a special ring is often used on the wax seal to leave the name of the oneself family. Of course, there are not many people who use this in modern society. Because most of the so-called nobles in the past have fallen into a miserable situation. If you use this way of screaming, there will be no more effect than shame. The nobles are precisely the group of creatures who want the most face. So they would rather give up this method than make this choice lightly.

However, such a custom has been inherited by some upper-class families in United States with a long history. Although fighting for inheritance, the descendants of the colonists and prisoners of the United States are simply impossible opponents of the European nobles. But in terms of background and strength, American has threw away the historical garbage in Europe more than one block away. And under such a premise, using this method to show your own identity is more stylish than those nouveau riche who use gold as invitations.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, you can recognize which family the seal represents. This is also the reason why this method is gradually abandoned. After all, you go to send a letter or invitation, with the own seal. As a result, people can’t understand your family logo, and throw it away as a junk letter, which is really embarrassing.

However, since I dared to send such an invitation to Smith Zhou, obviously the sender has no concerns in this regard. After all, it is the famous Morgan. As long as you see JP Morgan’s last name, you can definitely guess his identity.

Rather than such an identity, Smith Zhou cares more about the Morgan family’s invitation to own.

Be aware that the Morgan family now is not the same Morgan who called the wind and summon the rain before. After the death of Peabody, the founder of the Morgan Empire, it is inevitable that the Morgan Empire has gone from a huge monster that controls a quarter of the United States companies. Neither the United States Government nor the other consortiums will tolerate the existence of such a monster that monopolizes the entire United States’ finances. So it is almost inevitable that the Morgan consortium has fallen into a situation of division and reorganization.

Of course, the Morgan consortium after the reorganization and split is still a huge monster, one of the Rulers of this World. But unlike the previous situation that was completely controlled by the Morgan family, it has become an interest group controlled by more people, and it is no longer the territory of the Morgan family.

But this does not mean that the Morgan family has fallen. In fact, the descendants of JP Morgan have always been bundled with the Morgan consortium. Although they are no longer the principals of the consortium, they are definitely one of the representative figures of the entire Morgan consortium. It can be said that the invitation in front of Smith Zhou is not so much an invitation from the Morgan family, but as a temptation for the entire Morgan consortium.

And what do they want to test? This question really made Smith Zhou’s curiosity inevitably stirred up. He really wanted to know the answer, so he just sat here steadily, waiting for someone to pick him up.

The invitation only said that the Morgan family wanted to invite him to dinner. Neither the time nor the specific location was mentioned. It seems very irresponsible, but the Morgan family should not be that stupid. So if you think about it, you should know that they should have arranged everything.

And just as he thought. Just as it was five o’clock, a knock on the door rang from outside his room. After opening the door, Smith Zhou immediately saw a well-dressed middle age person who looked like a well-educated middle age person standing there, and bowed his own body respectfully to him.

“Mr. Zhou. I am the person sent by Mr. Morgan to invite you to dinner. Do you have time now?”

I have already found the door, I also asked if I have time, which is obviously a compulsive meaning. However, the attitude of this middle age person is gentle and very cultivated, but to some extent it greatly weakens the compulsive meaning in his words. In addition, Smith Zhou has a certain curiosity in this matter. So he simply ignored these insignificant things and nodded to him.

“Of course, we can set off now!”

“Please follow me!” I checked Smith Zhou’s clothes and confirmed what his clothes are not at all unsuitable place. The middle age person directly swung back a waiter with a dust bag beside him, and made an inviting action to Smith Zhou. And following the guidance of this middle age person, Smith Zhou strode downstairs without hesitation.

His power allows him not to fear any existence in this world. So naturally, even the well-known Morgan family is impossible to let him have any concerns about gains and losses at this time. He strolled around in a leisurely manner, even looking at his surroundings with great interest. And looking at it this way, he immediately realized what the strength of consortium is.

The hotel where he temporarily lives is a very famous 5-Star level hotel. Business is booming, and under normal circumstances there are a lot of guests. It is almost impossible that there will be no people in the corridor. The current situation is that the section of the road from the floor where Smith Zhou is located to the lobby has all been emptied. Except for the waiters standing on both sides in uniform uniforms, there is not a single person. Obviously, they have been settled by the Morgan family with a magical thing.

And it seems that this is not grand enough. The Morgan family also specially used the softest Persian carpet to re-lay the section of the road to meet Smith Zhou.

Smith Zhou can feel that this is the best alpaca carpet based on the touch under his feet. This kind of carpets, which are famous for their soft texture, bright lines and mixed with precious metals, are top luxury goods. The average rich are only willing to put them in the most private places like the study. And now, the entire several hundred meters of roads are covered with such carpets. In addition to being flattered, all that is left is the jaw-dropping luxury and luxury.

Of course, this is the feeling that ordinary persons will have. Like Smith Zhou enjoying all the prosperous old ghosts in the world, he will not be moved by these things. However, he did understand what the Morgan family came from. They are obviously using this method to show him their strength. Power from money!

This made Smith Zhou sneer secretly in his heart, but on the surface he didn’t have any changes in expression. This makes the middle age person who has been observing him secretly anxious. However, he still maintained his own demeanor and upbringing, leading Smith at a moderate pace. Zhou got into a customized version of the extended Lincoln, and personally sat in the driver’s seat, leading him and the front and back. Five luxury cars on the road drove toward the suburbs far from the city.

Los Angeles is a big city, and it’s not surprising that there are more luxury cars. It’s just like now, it’s obviously rare to take a luxury car to open the way and escort a more luxurious Lincoln.

In response, Smith Zhou immediately smiled, and then asked the middle age person who was driving in front of him.

“I want to ask, does your host always do with attendants crowding round every time he goes out?”

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