Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1105

Facing Smith Zhou is almost a pressing act. John Vince simply has no other way besides losing out.

The dependence of the two people is inherently different. Smith Zhou’s support is oneself’s extremely powerful force. He relied on the wealth and status symbolized by the oneself family. This kind of reliance comparison between two people is actually not equal. And once his support was cut from the foundation. Then this unequal relationship was immediately increased to the extreme and became a one-sided situation.

Smith Zhou has the absolute initiative. With his temper, in this case he is naturally impossible to give up the pursuit of John Vince. So immediately, he said to John Vince, who had been suppressed by oneself, who was about to lose oneself’s position.

“Think about it. Those who used to rely on your family’s breath have turned into beings who can breathe you around. In the past, you who dominated almost half of United States finance, now But you can only succumb to their orders for a little bit of petty gain. Are you willing to accept these? Or do you intend to admit your fate like this?”

If all the conversations are reorganized, John Vince must be able to find that oneself has been misled by Smith Zhou. They should have talked about cooperation, the rise and fall of the Morgan family. Rather than talk about the topic of unwillingness and resentment.

It’s just that John Vince is not at all aware of this. Smith Zhou’s words have a fascinating magical power, and when he talks to this point. John Vince was completely plunged into own memories.

That is not a good memory. Anyone who falls from the glorious Peak to the bottom of the valley will definitely give birth to the feeling of falling into hell. And in this process, due to the influence of subjective assumptions, even a small thing will be distorted to cause oneself to fall into hell.

John Vince did not think of anything else, he just thought of the various encounters oneself encountered in the consortium. Those bad, unpleasant memories, at this time, have expanded hundreds to thousands of times, and they have directly become the strongest negative emotions, deeply entrenched in his heart.

The ultimate resentment was brewing and growing in his heart, making his face become hideous. Seeing such a change, Smith Zhou smiled slightly and whispered in his ear.

“Think about it. If those who stood on you giving orders passed away. If their things become yours. What you should be like now, and what the Morgan family will look like now Haven’t you ever thought about such a thing? Let your offspring be proud of you. It’s like you add your grandfather’s name in front of your own name. Don’t you want your offspring to take your own Are you proud of the name hanging on the front?”

“I think, of course I do…”

John Vince’s face is abnormal Flushing. People at his age are already impossible to be influenced by other desires. But the only thing he can’t let go of is his reputation. Having been a hidden person behind the scenes for a lifetime, he certainly wanted a Great Accomplishment to be remembered by future generations. However, he has never had such an opportunity. Not in the past, and not now. Unless, someone is willing to help him.

Although my mind has started to be stimulated by various cravings, the whole person is abnormal. But John Vince’s current thinking is very clear. He knows very well that it is impossible to get everything by oneself alone. Let alone let the Morgan family embark on Peak again, it is to let the Morgan family maintain the current situation is impossible. Therefore, he must find someone who can help him. And in this situation, who can help him? You don’t need to think too much, John Vince has already put his own eyes on Smith Zhou.

This is a completely different world that has changed from the past. In the original world, money is the power that can determine everything. As long as you have money in your hand, you can buy anything you want. Now it’s different. Although the status of money is still important, it is no longer so Supreme.

In today’s world, the most important thing is power! Real power!

A Superhero that can move mountains and seas, all its power is definitely more valuable than a whole golden mountain. And as long as such a person is willing to stand on oneself’s side, then all these things become possible.

Smith Zhou is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. And from his words and his attitude can also be seen, he does seem to have this meaning.

For John Vince, this is simply his only hope. So no matter what is appropriate or inappropriate, he opened his mouth directly to Smith Zhou.

“What do you mean by that? Are you willing to help me?”

For this question, Smith Zhou not at all gave a clear answer. He just smiled and looked at the old man in front of him who had become troubled because of waiting for the answer from own. After a long while, he said to him.

“It depends on your performance! If your performance can satisfy me, then I may not be able to give you some help within my ability!”

“You want me How to behave?”

After swallowing, John Vince responded to him like this. He knew that if he opened his mouth like this, he would completely put oneself in a position under Smith’s body. He will be under his control and may even have to pay a huge price for it. However, as long as he can get all that he has yearn for something even in dreams, then he will never regret the choice of own.

And his choice, in fact, was simply what Smith Zhou expected.

The words he just said to John Vince were more than just one or two simple persuasion. Mixed there is a special power that deceives people’s hearts. It is the evil ability that can evoke the deepest desire in human beings and make them completely dominated by this desire.

Maybe for some people who stand firm and have a strong mind, this kind of power may not be able to play any role. But for people like John Vince who was born with a golden key in his childhood, enjoyed a lifetime of high position and great wealth, and simply did not encounter any setbacks, this kind of power is enough to evoke the most terrifying things in their hearts. They are incarnate like demons.

Nine-tailed Fox relied on this ability to reverse sentient beings. And now, Smith Zhou uses this ability to confuse an ordinary person, it is really not difficult at all. He can be sure that John Vince has become the slave of desire. And oneself, who holds his inner desires, is almost the same as his master.

Smith Zhou is very positive about this. So he patted John Vince’s shoulder boldly and said with a smile to him.

“It’s very simple. First, you can tell me who asked you to come and find me, and what kind of deal they plan to talk to me!”

swallowed saliva and said, John Vince seemed hesitant. However, he finally did not resist the impulse of oneself desire, so he quickly told Smith Zhou the answer.

“I am the principal of the Morgan consortium and Rockefeller consortium. In addition, it seems that the First Citibank consortium and Boston consortium have also stepped in. They provide me with resources and let me win you as much as possible. If If possible, they hope you can establish a reliable and realistic relationship with us.”

“A reliable and realistic relationship?” Hearing this, Smith Zhou raised his eyebrows and revealed A somewhat confused expression. And about this, John Vince explained to him immediately.

“They want you to accept the money, resources and status we provide you. If you want, you can hold any position you want in any company under our consortium name . For them, only if you accept the money and status provided by us and treat them as own interests completely. Then the relationship between you and them can be considered reliable and strong. Because at that time, your interests Just being consistent, helping them is the same as helping you yourself!”

“Clever way. Sure enough, those consortiums can develop to the point where they are now, not by temporary luck. Wisdom, vision , They are not bad at all!”

Smith Zhou continued to lower his head and looked towards John Vince.

“Then, why did they buy me like this? I know an old saying is that no merit is not rewarded. There is no suitable reason to give up such a large sum of benefits to me. I think even the internal executives of several major consortiums would definitely not agree. What the hell are they thinking?”

For the first time, the remaining betrayal is where water flows, a canal is formed as a natural thing. There is no need to hesitate, John Vince said directly to him.

“Their purpose is the Stark government. You have to know that because of the Stark government, the interests of the consortium have been greatly impacted and traumatized. It is conceivable that if he is allowed to continue in this way, then in the past The United States dominated by us will no longer be something we can control.”

“Consortium has controlled this country for more than 100 years. For us, this country is our development And the cornerstone of survival. What the Stark government has done is tantamount to digging the roots of the consortium. So in any case, we will not allow the Stark government to continue to exist in this way. We need to launch a revolution to restore the order of the past United States The revolution. And in such a revolution, only people like you are the power that consortium needs the most.”

“Very good! Interesting ideas.” Hear what these people plan Something, a special smile appeared on Smith Zhou’s face. He lowered his head, reached to John Vince’s ear, and whispered to him. “Tell them that I am willing to cooperate with them. But I have a request!”

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