Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1111

For the catastrophe, the recent life can be described as calm and pleasant. Especially after solving the Hydra that was secretly peeping, so that the owner was no longer an eyesore.

He worked and lived as always. Calm and happy. Of course, this does not mean that he has nothing to worry about. Like now, he is facing a huge trouble, a very difficult trouble.

The source of this trouble is Natasha. An existence that even if he has the power to subvert the world, there is nothing he can do. And the trouble she caused was also very special, so special that Havoc felt a headache. That is she made a request, a very excessive request.

She wants a child, a child who belongs to her and the catastrophe.

This child can be born oneself by them. Of course, there is a serious problem on this point that needs to be resolved. That is Natasha’s fertility.

Natasha’s inability to have children is a man-made consequence, and this kind of problem caused by human body modification is lifelong. It is not simply causing damage to an organ. Instead, irreversible changes are made directly on the genome. Therefore, even nano-medical technology can’t do anything about her problem. And even if it is oneself, there is no ability to repair her body.

It sounds ridiculous. The powerful man can almost destroy the catastrophe of the universe creation god, and he can’t do anything about the question of a little woman. This is simply humiliating the name of God of Creation that he inherited. But this is the case, and the reason is simple. That is the power attribute of the catastrophe that made him unable to do this at all.

He is the incarnation of a black hole, the most extreme destructive power in the universe. You let him go to any existence in the Destruction Universe, that is a very simple matter. But if you let him create something to heal. That is a fundamentally impossible thing.

Like God who rules the flames, you can’t let him control the flood. It’s like the master of the earth, you can’t let him control the weather. Similarly, a catastrophe with the highest destructive power of a black hole is also impossible to do things that are not within the scope of his ability. Although purely in strength, he is far stronger than the other oneself. But in the comprehensiveness of this ability, he is far inferior to Zhou Yi.

Of course, this is not a very serious problem. As long as he wants, just grab another Zhou Yi and force him to use his own life divine force on Natasha. Naturally, her problem can be solved. However, if he did this, his relationship with Natasha would be exposed. And in the end, he actually didn’t want to do it.

Different from Natasha, whose heart desires for a child has reached an urgent level. He is now simply not ready for that, to have his own child again.

For the catastrophe, his child was actually lost forever long ago. It was a tragedy born out of his fault. This tragedy has been remembered by him until today. That is he can never forgive own things.

Because he can’t forgive oneself, he is even more reluctant to agree to Natasha’s request. He was not sure that oneself’s current ability would be able to protect own child. Because he knows that the existence of own is a huge threat to many people.

Moreover, he doesn’t want a child either. In his opinion, this will allow oneself to transfer the love for those lost children to him. And this may make him forget the past, forget the tragedies that shouldn’t be forgotten at all. That is something that must never be allowed to happen. So, instead of letting such a thing happen, he would rather everything never started.

Of course, this kind of reason cannot be told to Natasha. So the answer given by the catastrophe on this question can only be perfunctory and procrastination. He almost tried every excuse to stop Natasha from thinking about it. According to his knowledge of Natasha, this woman who has always been sensible and sensible should be able to accept the statement of own soon.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Natasha showed extraordinary perseverance on this issue.

She simply doesn’t want to give up oneself’s desire to be a mother. And in this situation that could not be achieved through her own efforts, she thought of another way. A way to make the catastrophe more painful.

“My dear, how about we adopt this child? I have investigated it very clearly. This child has no other relatives, and her father was killed in a car accident a year ago. As long as We went to adopt her, we are her only relatives. And I specifically inquired about her records in the orphanage. Almost all teachers and mothers in the orphanage said that she was very obedient and well-behaved. It was just a little bit older. Although the age of 11 years old is not suitable for others to adopt, isn’t it right for us? You simply don’t have to worry that we don’t have time to take care of her.”

Holding a tablet, Natasha While saying this, he forcibly pulled the catastrophe full of unwillingness. She simply didn’t pay attention, or simply didn’t care about the current thoughts of the catastrophe. It was just forcibly forcing him to shift his eyes to the tablet.

“Look, a beautiful girl, isn’t it? I like her long black hair very much, it makes me feel like you. In addition, her eyes are very beautiful, which is very similar to me .Why, don’t you think we and this child are destined to meet together after seeing this?”

Fate? If someone dared to predestined such a thing in his destiny, then I will definitely pull him out to frustration. Swearing in his heart, Haojiao had to put a stiff smile on his face.

“My dear. I think you should be thinking about it. You have to know that this is not only our business, but also the child’s business. Is she suitable for our family with a special environment. You It must be considered more carefully. After all, we are not ordinary ordinary persons anyway. Maybe there is no problem at first, but after ten or 20 years have passed, when she grows up as an adult We are still the way we are now. How should we explain to her? You can’t hide our identity from her for a lifetime, right.”

If possible, the catastrophe really wants to be oneself now Award a trophy. Not for anything else, just for his current performance.

You know, in the past two days, he is going to be forced by Natasha to despair. However, no one thought that it was the persecution of this kind of everywhere that actually squeezed out his performance potential in a daze, allowing him to show more and more exquisite acting skills under Natasha’s squeeze.

Until now, he has almost played the Emperor level level. This makes his expression at this moment in place to the extreme, it can be very vivid. And apart from anything else, Natasha, who was engaged in the profession of an agent and had almost reached the extreme of human observation and judgment, did not realize that he was just acting now.

Of course, you can also say that this is because Natasha, who is eager, has lost his basic sanity. But even if she is lacking in reason, being able to coax her over is enough to show that the catastrophe is at the current level.

However, despite the catastrophe, this remark is now in deep thought. But this does not mean that Natasha completely dispels this idea. She just wants to solve this problem in another way, just like she changed her mind and wanted to adopt a child.

And soon, she opened the oneself mind, found a seemingly feasible idea, and discussed the catastrophe.

“My dear, how about we adopted her as a hidden Mutant family. Just say that we are both Mutants, because we can’t have children, we want to adopt an ordinary person as a own child. According to the current degree of attachment to Mutant in the society, we only need to say so, and then show a little ability appropriately. It shouldn’t be something wrong. And even if the child has doubts about our identity, we also Can there be a reasonable explanation to cover up the past!”

Is there any worse attention than this? rolled the eyes, the catastrophe couldn’t help being so whispered in my heart. And his expression was quickly captured by Natasha, which made her very unhappy to grab Catastrophe’s ears.

“What do you mean by this expression? Are you laughing at me?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare. How can I laugh at you?” Although it doesn’t hurt, but Catastrophe still beg for mercy in time. To make Natasha unhappy about such small things is not something a smart person should do.

Facts finally proved that his approach is indeed very smart. Because as he begged for mercy, Natasha immediately smiled. She also knew very well in her heart what the catastrophe did so easily for her. This made her feel a little sweet and moved. But this definitely does not mean that she intends to let go of the catastrophe like this.

Although Havoc’s superb acting skills conceal his true thoughts. But Natasha still guessed his inner reluctance from his constant pouring and perfunctory. Of course, this seemed to her only a little reluctant. Not the level of resistance and disgust. So about this, she immediately had an idea in her heart.

“My dear, I have an idea!”

Suddenly, Natasha’s voice became extremely charming. This caused Haojiao to shake immediately, and then asked unaccustomedly.

“Do you have any ideas about what the hell?”

“Nothing! I just decided to leave this to you to solve. I think if you let you If the child is picked up, you must be able to come up with a suitable reason!”

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