Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1132

Southwest California, all the way deep into the vast Pacific Ocean.

The land is being thrown away at a speed visible to a naked eye, it is getting smaller and smaller, and the small is almost blurred into a thin line. At this time, the only color that filled everyone’s eyes was the blue of the sea.

the sky is high and the sea is broad, endless. This is the most authentic portrayal of Pacific Ocean in the eyes of an ordinary person. The power of human beings is really too thin when facing such things that have lasted forever. So to this day, what is under the blue coat that covers Earth is still an unsolved mystery for humans. In this case, Hydra will hide the real body of own in the unknown, which is not a strange thing.

This point, it is estimated that the Sky Hammer Bureau and even the high-level governments of various countries can guess a general idea. However, for the world of the sea, they are really incapable. So they can only let Hydra’s people hide under their noses like this.

For the catastrophe, although he is not unable to find the location of Hydra from the vast ocean. But such an approach is still too expensive in the end. Sweep all the Sea Territory on Earth with own power, and force Hydra out. This is really not worth the gain. Therefore, he chose to use this method to find the location of Hydra.

Now, he finally saw this huge base that was called a mothership by Hydra insiders. And even from his perspective, this mothership of Hydra is definitely a great generosity.

At this moment, what appeared in front of them was an existence like an isolated island on the sea. Huge protrusions stand on the surface of the sea, and the dark gray surface is blown by the sea breeze, revealing its luster like a rock. In the eyes of any one of them, it was just a deserted island. But the catastrophe can be seen, it is far more than just an isolated island on the sea.

Everything normal people see is just a part of it. And its real body is a huge body hidden under the sea level. This is simply not an island, but a huge living creature beyond any human imagination.

Like a blue whale, but much larger than a blue whale. It can be said that even a huge monster such as a blue whale, with a bare part of its back exposed in front of a huge creature like an island, is just a tiny ant.

It is nearly 2000 metres long, making its flippers as huge as an aircraft carrier. Just shaking it lightly, the whole Sea Territory tumbling like boiling water. Coupled with its huge head, slender figure, and rough rock-like scaly skin all over the body, even if it is called the mountain range in the sea, it is definitely not an exaggeration.

It is hard to imagine how Hydra created such an existence. Because of its existence, it has completely exceeded the limit that Earth’s natural world can accommodate. Apart from other things, Earth’s own biosphere cannot meet its needs just by talking about the instinctive feeding problem.

For such a huge body, if it is to eat, I am afraid that tens of thousands of tons of food can barely fill its stomach, and such an appetite, even with the vastness and fertility of the ocean, is absolutely It cannot be supplied. Therefore, Hydra in this regard can be said to have created a miracle. If they are not in their current status, they can even declare to the world that oneself has stepped into a field called God’s forbidden zone by the scientific community.

Of course, Hydra does not do such boring things. They created such an existence not to boast of own ability, but to ensure that own is secret and powerful.

With such a monster in hand, I am afraid that all navies in this world will not be their opponents. The aircraft carrier manufactured by humans is at best only the length of several hundred meters. For such a monster, it may not be enough to eat a bite. And when it goes deep into the endless seabed, the technology controlled by humans is almost impossible to cause any impact on it.

Advance can attack, retreat can defend. Hydra has already formed such a technological advantage for the entire mankind unconsciously. Under such circumstances, human beings will obviously fall behind one step at a time, one step at a time. Their disadvantages will become greater and greater, and even in the end they may reach a point where they cannot be reversed. For all of this, the entire human race is still confused and ignorant. This is really a kind of luck or a tragedy.

Of course, from the perspective of catastrophe, mankind is undoubtedly lucky today. Because there is already a serious entanglement between him and Hydra. And this entanglement has a good reason for him to destroy these disgusting guys. Take it as a pleasure to help others and to eliminate harm for the people. From his Destroyer’s point of view, this is really a strange statement.

Thinking of this, Haojiao couldn’t help showing a smile on his face. And this smile seemed to the woman next to him who was extremely good at observing words and colors, but it obviously meant not to see Hydra in his eyes. This made her foreboding more and more serious. As if to make oneself feel more at ease, she began to talk to the catastrophe.

“Have you seen the island? We will land on that island later, and through there, you can enter our Hydra base.”

“Of course I saw what you said. But, did you tell me that this is an island? You treat me as a fool. Can’t you see what is under this island?”

With a slight smile, Haojiao retorted with a stabbing voice. And listening to his this remark, the expression on the woman’s face suddenly changed.

She was surprised, surprised by the meaning of the words of the catastrophe. You know, although this biological mothership of Hydra is huge and unimaginable, it has extraordinary capabilities in terms of concealment. It’s not the first time that they have used such tricks that bare half of their backs are disguised as an island. And so many times, the catastrophe was the first to see through its true body. This in itself can show his strength, and ordinary goods can’t see such a disguise.

Of course, if this is the reason, she doesn’t have to be surprised. After all, she is also Alexia’s adjutant, a high-level who can be counted in the entire Hydra. If she only ordered the city mansion, then she would not be qualified to climb to this position. So, she was surprised simply not for this reason, but for other reasons. This reason is the calmness and composure of the catastrophe.

Imagine a person who goes deep into a tiger’s den alone, at first glance, the enemy of own secretly possesses such a powerful strength. Should he be surprised or scared? But Haojiao didn’t have such emotions at all. Although he saw through the mothership, he acted as if he had seen the neighbor of the next door raise a Teddy who could be kicked to death with just one leg. This kind of performance clearly shows one thing, that is, he is simply confident.

Why is he so confident? Could it be that there is something Great Influence hidden behind him? As soon as the female adjutant had this idea in her heart, she directly suppressed it.

Their movements are very fast, coupled with the surveillance channels they have deployed in all corners of the world, what organization and power are simply impossible to escape their sight and hide behind this man, Go and provide him with any assistance.

So, does his self-confidence come from oneself? Thinking like this is even more unbelievable than the idea just now. He is just a person, why is he so confident that oneself can fight Hydra’s biological mothership. Where does his courage and confidence come from?

No matter what you think, this female adjutant can’t find a reason to explain everything. So she can only hold her heart and pay close attention to every move of the catastrophe.

The plane landed very quickly. And the location where it landed is a bit strange. From the perspective of an ordinary person, it clearly landed on a place like a volcanic crater in the center of the island. Although it looks like an extinct volcano with no movement, in any case, such behavior is no different from courting death.

From the point of view of the people surrounding by this Havoc, things are not at all what they thought.

From his perspective, this place like a volcanic crater is simply a place of charm and beauty. This is simply not a volcanic crater, but a wide corridor. All around what was supposed to be a rock is replaced by something like a biological tissue. These squirming biological tissues make people just look at it, and it will produce a kind of intestinal cavity of a living esophagus. Illusion.

Most people are afraid that they can’t accept such weird things at all, but the catastrophe is seen with keen interest pleasure. Because he can clearly see what is behind this organism. That is Hydra’s biotechnology, a new path that combines biotechnology and electronic technology, which is definitely different from any technology that human beings have.

This huge biological giant ship is a special existence of mechanical devices based on biological bodies. It can already be called an astonishing technological masterpiece. And such a crystallization of wisdom, even if you look at it as a catastrophe, you can’t help but admire it. It’s just a pity that they appeared in Hydra’s hands. And this is equivalent to giving it a judgment of fate.

Destroy! This is its destiny. Although it is a pity, the idea of ​​catastrophe will not change in any way because of this little insignificant feeling. Blame it, Hydra provokes him.

shook the head, the catastrophe pressed the pity of own. At this time, the aircraft had landed on a steel elevator platform, and as the elevator platform operated, it slowly entered the body of the biological mothership.

Hydra’s mothership, one of their greatest secrets, was revealed in front of the catastrophe.

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