Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1157

Some blunt, but very rushing English made Rama Mujam, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, his ears, his brows frowned immediately. He could hear the very obvious Korean accent in the speaker’s speech. This reminded him immediately of Pu Yantai’s damn straw bag. As for the guy who is dying, he certainly doesn’t have a good impression in his heart. And he hates all the Koreans.

However, although I hate these damned guys. But his mind is still sober. He knew that at this time, the struggle between spirits was actually the most undesirable behavior. Because of everything in front of you, simply is unknown. When you don’t know who has the upper hand, information becomes the most critical decisive factor.

The sound coming from the radio station is obviously the source of the decisive information, so even if there is a big opinion in his heart, Rama Mujam took the microphone and said calmly to the other party.

“I am the supreme commander of the fleet-Lieutenant General Rama Mujam Sen, what do you have to say!”

“Sir, we are the combined fleet of India and South Korea The pilots of the aviation squadron on the Busan aircraft carrier, we report to you, please turn around immediately and don’t move on. There is an abyss in front of you. If you go on like this, you will be wiped out!”

The voice coming from the radio is hoarse and intermittent, but the overall meaning is clear enough. Only after hearing this remark, Rama Mujam was complexion changed, and then said to them gloomy and uncertain.

“The abyss? What is the abyss? Where is your chief? Let the fellow Park Yontae talk to me!”

For the immediate warning, Rama Mujam couldn’t believe it. Authenticity. In his opinion, this should be a slowing strategy used by that idiot Park Yantai. He wanted to use this stupid lie to delay own actions and buy him enough time. In other words, this bastard didn’t even plan to leave him a mouthful of soup.

This is naturally impossible for Rama Mujam to accept, so he simply didn’t heed the warnings of these guys. The fleet is still racing through the wind and waves, or being held hostage by the waves of the waves, their forward movement simply has not changed.

Seeing no change in the direction of the Indian aircraft carrier formation. The group of pilots who claimed to be the Busan aviation squadron became angry one by one. They can clearly hear everyone talking at once on the radio. Although I don’t understand what they mean by what they are saying, Rama Mujam can still guess an idea. It’s nothing more than cursing oneself in a variety of ways.

Seriously, if these pilots are owned by the owner, then he will definitely let them know what the majesty of the chief is. Contempt of superiors is not a small crime in the army, but for Indians who have a well-defined hierarchy, it is a big or small thing. Small, it’s natural. Big, but it can kill people.

Because these people are Park Yantai’s subordinates, he is naturally impossible to do to them. But this does not prevent him from counting all this to Pu Yantai. He and Park Yantai already have an account to be settled, so he doesn’t mind adding some interest to this account.

The dispute between the Korean pilots quickly ended. They have formed a unified caliber, and this makes Rama Mujam hear such words quickly.

“Sorry, Commander Commander. Park Yantae, the commander of our fleet, is dead! So, I’m afraid we can’t let him talk to you again.”

I heard this remark Immediately, Rama Mujam’s first reaction was to look down at his own watch. The calendar on the watch clearly shows that today is not April Fool’s Day. Therefore, these pilots should not crack a joke to him. But, do these words seem like there is no cracking a joke?

Although Park Yantai is a idiot, his strength under his hands is real. That was the Seventh Fleet, American’s strongest overseas fleet. All the equipment is not said to be the best, but it is also Peak. It can be said that just by putting this fleet there, some small countries can become terror-stricken at the news. Now, you actually told him that the commander of such a fleet died under heavy protection? This is not cracking a joke. What is this?

Rama Mujam, who was very unbelievable, or unbelievable, was so shocked that he lost his ability to speak. And until he was silent for a while, after clearing his own thoughts. He reluctantly opened his mouth.

“Damn it, you are not cracking a joke with me. You know, spreading this kind of news will disturb the military’s morale. If I find you are lying, then you must go to the military I walked through the court.”

It was half a threat and half admonition. Ramamujam just wanted to know the real answer. He thought these pilots would hesitate to answer oneself again, but they simply did not hesitate.

“Sir, I’m not cracking a joke with you again. Our commander, Park Yeon-tae, has indeed been sacrificed. Not only him, but the entire Korean fleet is dead. We are the last survivors. Because we were in the sky at the time. But we can’t be in the sky forever, so we want to seek refuge from you. Sixteen FA-18 fighter jets request a landing on your ship.”

The request from the pilot is temporary Rama Mujam ignored him, because at this time he was scared by the information the pilot had just revealed.

The Seventh Fleet was annihilated. Such a news surprised him more than the detonation of a nuclear bomb beside him. You know, that is the Washington, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier that American is proud of. Such a huge tonnage and advanced equipment is definitely a battle fortress in this world cream of the crop. To put it an exaggeration, even if a nuclear bomb explodes beside it, as long as its equivalent does not exceed a certain limit, it may not be able to sink the aircraft carrier directly.

This is a weapon that any marine soldier can yearn for something even in dreams, even Rama Mujam is no exception. And now someone told him that the famous USS Washington was annihilated with more than a dozen warships that escorted it. How can this make him believe that this will be true!

Rama Mujam is still hesitating whether to believe what the pilots said, and has not waited for him to give a definite answer. A new voice was inserted.

It was a call of horror, a howl of despair on the verge of danger. Rama Mujam heard it very clearly. It was the voice of his confidant, the captain of a Shivalik frigate. He is now reporting this situation to Ramammujam on the radio.

“Sir, we met a waterfall. Repeat, sir, we met a waterfall. Damn, we have no time to retreat. Our motivation simply can’t rely on these damn ocean currents. Asshole, I don’t want to go. , No, no, no…”

The scream of despair, and then the sound of running water that I have never heard before, the loud noise that shook the sky seemed to come from the abyss, In the continuous reverberation, sublimation makes people trembling in fear horror.

It is impacting Ramah Mujam’s eardrums, and it is also impacting his mind that he thinks is hard. When at first heard what oneself’s subordinate said, he thought it was some malicious joke. Because in any case, it is too unrealistic to have a waterfall above the sea.

That shouldn’t be something that will appear on the sea, but a joke that only appears in the most idiotic joke on April Fool’s Day. Rama Mujam is right to think so. But now he discovered that oneself is the most ridiculous idiot. Because the facts are in front of him, but he has been unwilling to believe it. And now, this stubbornness and ignorance have already cost him. He lost his confidant and an important warship. More importantly, he also brought oneself into danger.

The Shivalik frigate is the first echelon of the aircraft carrier formation he belongs to, and is his pioneer. Although they are pioneers, the distance between them is not far away. After all, the mission of the frigate is to protect the core aircraft carrier. If the distance is too far, then it will not be so easy to respond from end to end. They probably only maintained a distance of less than five nautical miles. This distance in the past has been criticized by Rama Mujam. He thinks this distance is too far. But now, he couldn’t help cursing in his heart why the distance between them couldn’t be further.

Five nautical miles, only five nautical miles away from the huge waterfall, such a distance is too dangerous for the slow-moving, huge-tonnage aircraft carrier space. Therefore, at this time, he also ignored other things, and directly shouted at the radio.

“Everyone, turn me around right away. Don’t worry about the loss, let me run at full power, let us leave this ghost place immediately!”

The radio just came The call is public, so all crew members know what is waiting for them in front of them. Even if they didn’t know, the calls for help, wailing, and deafening splashes from the first-echelon frigates that came through the radio at this time were already clear enough to tell them the truth. .

No one will have a life with own, no one will think of burying oneself in this dense foggy Sea Territory. They just wanted to escape for their lives, and made great efforts for this purpose. And this is reflected on the outside, that is, the huge body of the Vikramatia is like a limped giant, and it rolls around and turned its own body, almost desperately running behind him.

This is of course not an easy task. The billowing waves and ocean currents envelop these warships, making it impossible for them to easily do what they want to do. However, the power of human beings is infinite. In the screams of the annihilation of friendly forces one after another, the crew of the Vikramatia exploded with amazing potential under the pressure of fear and thirst for survival. They led the lame giant. Let it get rid of all the restraints in the most impossible situation, and force it to rush out of this thick fog.

At this time, they suddenly realized that most of the friendly forces around oneself had disappeared. They are already buried in the sea, but they are powerless. Fortunately or sadly, no one can tell.

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