Sun God Marvel

Chapter 116

Blackbird slowly descended in the forest near Erika Lake. They were not sure how many sentries and eyelines were placed here by Stryker. For safety, they chose the safest way to hide Blackbird in the forest.

The dense forest is enough to hide the Blackbird’s not huge body, and the Mutant is far beyond the human senses, and it can also keep them from the eyes and ears of most humans. Of course, if a bad luck egg accidentally breaks into this place, then these Mutant elites don’t mind letting him enjoy the outdoor scenery for two more days.

Looking at the tall Erika Lake Dam through the layers of woods, someone asked.

“Did you say that the base is really inside the dam? Why can’t I see it at all?”

Magneto closed his eyes slightly, and after a while. He just eyes opened and said.

“There is indeed a huge base under the dam, but I can’t feel what’s inside. I can’t feel either metal or biomagnetic fields. It seems Stryker is well prepared, It even shielded my magnetic field induction.”

“So how do we get in, are we going to knock on the door?” Quicksilver asked a lot of people’s voices, since I heard Professor Charles it is possible Appearing in their hostile camp, courage has begun to gradually drain from them. This is almost inevitable.

Magneto naturally understands this, but he has no better way to deal with this situation. Because even he himself is worried about Charles’ situation. Although he can shield Charles’ psychic interference, the Mutant elites around him don’t have this ability.

And once Charles is controlled by Stryker, these Mutant elites around him will aim at him in an instant. So, anyway. He has to do it quickly, the longer the time delays, the closer the disaster they envisioned will be.

“We don’t have too much time to waste, maybe just one minute slower, it might drag us into the abyss. Mutant can’t stand the storm anymore. Just attack it, use The fastest way to solve all this.”

Almost without hesitation, Magneto said his own idea. In his thoughts, there was almost no mention of the concept of casualties. Perhaps in his eyes, the so-called casualties are just part of the acceptable price.

“Oh oh oh oh. Do you want to attack like this, it’s a military base, and we don’t even know where his door is. Wouldn’t it be too messy.”

Quicksilver hurriedly reached out to stop Magneto who looked impulsive. He pointed to the huge dam and gestured continuously.

“We don’t even know what’s in there, even if it’s a trap. You just rushed in, do you want to die?”

“Then What do you want?” Magneto narrowed his eyes, and there were many things in his eyes looking towards Quicksilver. There is disappointment and anger, but at most indifference. They are father and son, yes, but the relationship has nothing to do with the filial piety of father and son like ordinary human beings.

For Quicksilver or even Scarlet Witch, he may also have a little affection for father. However, compared to his career and even Mutant’s future, this little feeling is completely negligible.

Quicksilver also knows this. It is precisely because Magneto cannot accept Magneto’s so-called career at all costs character that she and her own elder sister left Brotherhood of Mutants and joined SHIELD instead. So, even if he has to come together with Magneto for Mutant’s survival now, he must understand what Magneto is thinking.

“We must figure out what’s in there and what kind of enemies we will encounter. Or, what is your real plan?”

“I have told you I The plan is to fight every second to end this battle that determines the survival of Mutant.” Magneto’s voice remained unchanged, and he insisted on owning.

And Quicksilver sneered, he knew Magneto too well.

“Erik, do you think everyone is a fool? One thing I never believe is that you will have no plans and successors. If you are unwilling to confess, then I will not bring Wanda is going to die. Anyway, it’s all death. I’d rather die to understand.”

Listening to Quicksilver’s crisp answer, Magneto coldly snorted. The invisible power spread instantly. Countless birds startled from the forest. Although no natural phenomenon occurred, everyone present felt the pain spreading in oneself’s body.

That is the pain caused by their own bio-magnetic field being forcibly disturbed, and the metal elements in their bodies rioting.

“Are you suspicious of your father? Pietro.Maximoff.”

“no!” Quicksilver gritted his teeth and said without retreat. “What I question is you, the craziest Mutant leader in the world.”

The anger in Magneto’s eyes grew stronger and stronger. He increased his own power and made the pain felt by Quicksilver more intense. Minute. But Quicksilver still persisted, clenching his teeth, even if it was bleeding gums, he wouldn’t lower his head.

Father and son are deadlocked until one can’t stand it anymore, and the take action interrupts them.

A faint red mist lingered on Quicksilver’s body. Under the red mist, Quicksilver let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body became relaxed. It can be seen that the force Magneto exerted on him has disappeared invisible.

“Stop it to me, now is not the time to resolve your conflicts.” Scarlet Witch Wanda. Maximoff calmly stood between the two. She is the only person here who is not afraid of Magneto’s powerful ability. The only one who can stop him. “If you keep entangled like this, destruction is our only result.”

“Wanda, do you want to stop my plan too?” Magneto squinted his eyes and stared at own daughter. For this woman, his mood is far more complicated than for Quicksilver.

Because Wanda’s power is far more powerful than Quicksilver, even more powerful than his. That kind of weird and almost unimaginable ability made Magneto always on guard against her. Especially when he knows that this woman runs counter to oneself’s dream of insisting on her life.

“no!” Wanda waved her hand, and the dense red mist almost condensed into a real illusion between her palms. “I’m here to resolve your dispute, or I’ve got information.”

“Information?” Jean, who had been watching from the sidelines, muttered, and she looked all around. However, a figure appeared among them.

It was a soldier wearing a special camouflage. From the equipment on his body, he must be a special soldier. Because the equipment on his body is considered rare even in the active army. It belongs to the kind of stuff that ordinary big soldiers can’t see.

“I found this guy from a hidden spot not far away. He seems to be a very sharp sniper. I think we can get some information we want from him.” Wanda Hooked his own finger casually, following her movements. The elite soldier is like a puppet, step by step approaching her.

Looking at the soldier’s silly look, Jean couldn’t help asking.

“Do you think he is like this, can you tell us any information?”

“I don’t expect him to tell us.” Wanda smiled at Jean faintly, red mist It surged from her hand, and got in through the soldier’s eyes, ears and even mouth as if she had own life. “We can watch it oneself.”

When she said here, more red mist was condensed, floating in midair like a vague mirror. And then, a lot of people began to appear in this mirror, and they were all guys in military uniforms.

“This is, his memory?” Jean glanced at Wanda curiously. She didn’t understand how this woman did this step. Like her, is she also a mental Mutant? .

Wanda quietly raised his own finger, and snarled in the direction of the mirror.

“Hush! Look carefully, our enemy may be in his memory.”

Jean closed his mouth and began to watch the image in the mirror with his heart. It is more important to understand the own enemy than to explore the ability of oneself teammates.

The image in the mirror is intermittent and fragmented. It seems that some unimportant things have been forgotten. Many of them are useless nonsense to these people who watch, but also some mirror images let them get useful information from them.

The most conspicuous one is the two mirror images.

A mirror image shows that in a dimly lit environment, many guys with strange physical features are standing there, like soldiers undergoing inspection. Standing upright, and across from them, a guy with gray hair and a general’s uniform stared at them with a look of animals.

At the same time, a voice came from the mirror.

“Damn it, the general really controls these mutant monsters. What does he want to do, do you rule the world?”

“Shut up, you idiot. Are you too Would you like to try the medicament in the hands of the general?”

“Man, you are right. I should really shut up.”

The controlling Mutant’s face moved away, and at this time. Jean couldn’t help covering his mouth and said in an incredulous voice.


The mirror image does not change because of her emotions. Soon a different scene appeared in the mirror image.

It was a door that was completely closed. It was not so much a door as a coffin. Thick metal and tempered glass are wrapped layer by layer, forming a huge and special grid space. A faint white mist wafted around this thick coffin-like isolation room, and it made people look like a cold feeling alone.

In this huge coffin, through the glass covered with white mist, you can vaguely see a petite silhouette that seems to be frozen in ice. For this silhouette, the owner of the perspective is like seeing a demon.

“The general really wants to control this kind of monster, my God. He must be crazy.”

“Shut up, while the monster hasn’t waked up yet, let’s do it. Hurry up.”

“Buddy, can I quit? Damn, I’m so afraid that this devil will wake up.”

“Be quiet, if she wakes up. We Everything will be over.”

The picture gradually disappeared, and finally it was frozen on a door with a name engraved on it.

“Irisa Odis.”

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