Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1170

If you want to establish a true cooperative relationship with someone, it will definitely not be accomplished by threats alone. In the end, only benefits can be achieved. And Smith Zhou has already put the benefits that oneself can give to Rama Mujam.

He gave such a promise as Rama Mujam, the identity of a military magnate. Such a promise, and enough to make people like Rama Mujam’s heart moved. After all, with the strength of the oneself family, Rama Mujam can barely achieve the position of commander of the fleet. And above this position, but also the navy hilltop boss, and the other two arms of the BOSS such existence.

If you want to be a giant, it is impossible not to sit in these positions. And to achieve such a position, with his current rank and status, it will take at least ten years of hard work. He didn’t believe that Smith Zhouhui was willing to wait more than ten years later. So his this remark must mean that he will use his own power to help oneself climb to such a position.

If this is the case, then this has changed from a rude threat to an equivalent exchange of cooperation. Rama Mujam is naturally impossible to refuse. It’s just that he is not sure whether Smith Zhou meant that. And just when he was about to confirm the news further, there was no more news of Smith Zhou before his eyes.

That’s the end of the story. If he believes or not, then it is no longer what Smith Zhou is willing to take care of. If he is willing to cooperate, Smith Zhou will naturally let him get his wish. But if he is unwilling to cooperate, then Smith Zhou doesn’t mind letting him see Hydra’s brutal methods.

The matter here is considered to be over for Smith Zhou. He has more important things to be busy now, that is, he has to find a way to summon Alexia’s soul from the abyss of Death. This is not easy, and it is not anxious at all. Before he did that, he still needed to give an explanation to the people in the Skyhammer Bureau.

For Coulson and the others, the best situation is that the Indian-South Korean fleet and the monster are perish together. In this case, apart from issuing a statement and engraving several medals, they simply don’t need to spend any other effort. But now that Korean is dead, Indians have taken advantage of it. This is not something they want to see.

If possible, they really hope that Smith Zhou and the group can investigate what is wrong with the Indians. Unfortunately, this may only be a luxury. Because of the existence of the inner ghost of Smith Zhou, they want to do something, which is simply impossible. But now, even if they want to remedy it, it is too late.

People like Rama Mujam are destined to become heroes. Under such circumstances, Coulson and the others had to divide a part of oneself’s benefits as the reward for these heroes. Although reluctant, there is no way. Because they didn’t start the Sky Hammer Game. Although he holds the greatest authority, if he doesn’t even leave a mouthful of soup for those small countries, then this game is definitely not going to be played.

How they play, it has nothing to do with Smith Zhou. Because for him, the focus he needs to care about is already not in here. At the moment, his most important thing is to bring Alexia’s soul back from the abyss of Death summon. This is not easy, but it is by no means impossible. Especially for people like Smith Zhou.

The long experience has given him enough knowledge, and using this knowledge, he can completely retrieve Alexia’s soul under the premise of preserving his own. Of course, this does not mean that there is no cost at all. However, there are many ways and different costs. After several considerations, Smith Zhou chose the least expensive one. That is trading, trading with Reaper.

Of course, this god of death does not mean Ms. Death. It is not easy to trade with Ms. Death, and according to Smith Zhou’s knowledge, he does not have this authority at all. Therefore, the object of his transaction was simply not Ms. Death, but the gods of death from all walks of life who represented Ms. Death’s rights, that is, her messengers.

These roles are rare in today’s Earth. Because many gods of death rely on the faith provided by mortals to maintain the power of oneself. In all fairness, how many people nowadays are willing to believe in God, and they still believe in something as evil as the god of death. The answer is of course no, so Smith Zhou is not willing to waste limited time on such a small probability. He must look for a greater goal of probability.

So is there such a goal? The answer is of course. After all, not all Gods in the world depend on faith to maintain the existence of own. Those are just weak Gods, some guys who rely on luck to steal the gods. The real God is born, just like the Asa Divine Race like Thor, or the powerful existence like Heaven and Earth Iori. And the god of death who belongs to this kind of born God will basically be immortal and undying, and will exist forever.

Generally speaking, as long as they don’t do it themselves, it will be basically correct.

But since I said that, it actually means that even the god of death will be finished. There are many reasons for this, and among these reasons, the most important one is that most death gods who live long enough will die unconsciously because they are tired of owning life. In most cases, this kind of death will not succeed. But once they succeeded, even if they were Death’s agents, they were impossible to escape the constraints of the Law of Death. But if things go on like this, there are really not many death gods who really live to the present.

Smith. Zhou broke his fingers and counted. The landlord in the Eight Lords of Heaven and Earth was considered one, but he was killed by oneself. Hela in the underworld of Heim is considered one, but it has disappeared with the retreat of Asa Divine Race many years ago. Then Hades, the king of Ming Sect, was said to have been killed by Hercules. Counting all the way down, there are only two or three options left to truly make this transaction with him. Among them, Anubis is probably the most suitable choice.

Anubis is the god of death in the Egyptian mythological world. As the watchman of Yellow Springs, the mission of the God of the wolf head human body is to protect the soul of every deceased and lead them to trial.

He is holding a divine tool called the scale of judgment. When a soul is brought to him, he will take out the heart of the dead and place it on a section of the scale. On the other end of the scale, there is a feather. In myths, people with a heart heavier than feathers will go to hell, and people with a lighter heart than feathers will go to heaven. Anubis will use the behavior of the dead to uphold justice and maintain the order of the underworld. In fact, this was just wishful thinking of the ancient Egyptians.

Although Anubis did use scales to weigh the hearts and feathers to determine the fate of these dead souls, he did not necessarily judge them based on their behavior before death. Really speaking, this god of death likes gold more than good deeds before his life.

Be aware that the time when Anubis was active was a time when gods and people lived together. In that era, Pharaoh and his Ayesha even had the ability to communicate with God and pray to God for divine force and blessings. As the price of praying to God, they often offer gold and slaves as sacrifices.

Slave Needless to say, in any mythological system, the human soul can be used as currency. And gold is the unique hobby of the Egyptian gods. Although the precious metals born from the earth cannot bring any benefit to them, depending on the amount of gold that mortals admire, the gods of Egypt can see the piety and awe of these believers.

So the basis for Anubis’s trial of the dead comes from this. The Egyptian nobles regarded death as life. They brought gold and treasures into the tomb of Owner, in order to let Anubis see Own’s piety and give oneself a chance to ascend to heaven in the trial. If Anubis’ trial was based on good deeds, who would bring the gold into the tomb instead of leaving them to the descendants of own?

The statement of trial is false, so this statement of ascending to heaven is naturally false. Although Anubis did decide whether or not to leave the soul through trial, it did not mean that there was really such a thing as going to heaven and going to hell.

Be aware that although every acting god of death holds a certain power of reincarnation in his hands, this power of reincarnation is not deliberately abused. Compared with the almost endless souls, the overwhelming majority are to be sent to the real Death world. This is the same as the principle of company operation. The agent can eat and drink, but it is absolutely impossible to devour all the resources that maintain the company’s existence. Unless you don’t want to do it anymore, you want to try the anger of Big Boss.

Like Hela, with the backing of Thanos, there are few death gods who can act recklessly. And death gods like Anubis, although they can’t have a specific understanding of the level existence rules like Ms. Death, but when they were born, they had enough awe for Death itself. They were born because of this, and naturally know the rules that oneself must follow.

And putting this statement on Anubis’s power of trial is like this.

Those who can take out gold can pass the trial. They represent the aristocracy and the rich class. Anubis will use the own authority for these people to allow them to be reborn in his place through reincarnation. In the ruling world, recreate new wealth for them.

And those guys who can’t even dig out the gold are naturally impossible to pass the trial. They represent the civilian and slave classes of the overwhelming majority, and such people can naturally be charged and sent to the Death world.

The truth about Death is actually that simple, and what Smith Zhou has to do is to search for gold. Summon, the god of death who has fallen asleep with the fall of Egypt, uses his soul to trade with him and let him Alexia’s soul was brought back from the abyss of Death.

As for the long-lost god of death to agree or not, at this point, Smith Zhou is very confident.

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