Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1172

These two strange beings are a man and a woman. Standard black suit uniform, meticulous and serious expression. From the outside, you can tell that they are very serious and rigid people. And such people are also the type that most people are unwilling to deal with.

Haojiao doesn’t like dealing with such people either. He disguised his own identity to enjoy life, not to make his own life uncomfortable. It’s just that he doesn’t want to deal with these people, it doesn’t mean that these people won’t come over and deal with you. Like now, they were sitting in front of Natasha with serious faces, without even saying a word, with an expression of and the others, forcing him to have to deal with them.

“Natasha, how are you? Who are these guys?”

Natasha, who just woke up from dormancy, gave the catastrophe angrily. She obviously knew what Havoc had done, and she naturally disapproved of his reckless and impulsive behavior. Because as a woman, she must inevitably worry about his safety.

But there is no way to disagree, the catastrophe has already returned to her, and this already means that everything is over. So she can only give him such a pair of eyes.

When you are angry, you are angry. In front of outsiders, Natasha will still give this The head of the family some face. So after rolling her eyes, she still replied obediently and honestly to him.

“My dear, let me introduce you to you. This is Molly Young Lady and Mr. Konniss who came from the head office to investigate the situation. They want to know how and why it happened.”

“Sent from the head office?” Hearing this, Haojiao couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows and revealed a playful expression. Strictly speaking, his action is a bit impolite, but there is a reason why the catastrophe will reveal such an action. Because from the very beginning, he discovered the specialness of these two people.

Although these two people seem to be human, they are not human at all. Strictly speaking, they are a bit like the omnics that patrol the streets all day long. Yes, they are robots, robots in human skin.

It is hard to imagine what kind of technological level can make the robot change to such an extent, almost exactly similar to humans, even the breathing heartbeat and pupil changes are imitated vividly and thoroughly. To evolve robotics technology to this level, even those technology companies that are cream of the crop cannot do it.

It can be said that the moment when I saw them, the catastrophe thought it was the government coming to find fault, or Hydra had begun to seek revenge. But when Natasha introduced this, he suddenly remembered that it seems that the company that oneself works for also has the possibility of reaching this level of technology. In terms of technology, it is definitely not inferior to the United States Government or even Hydra, and even in terms of mysterious degree, it is probably not much worse.

I have worked for this company for so long, except for the regional Chief-In-Charge, I don’t even know where the head office is. Such cases are probably unique in the category of the entire world. You know, Nano Neuron is not a triad organization, but a serious high-tech company. Except that it is not listed, it is no different from Stark Industries or Oscorp simply. If you look at the exposure of Stark and Osborn, and then look at the nano-neurons, it is simply not a grade.

This makes people subconsciously ignore the existence of this company in many cases and in many cases. Including the catastrophe, also committed such a mistake. It was only after Natasha’s introduction that he could remember the powerful ability of nano-neurons in the field of machines. Thinking of this, he naturally dispelled those unnecessary doubts.

But after dispelling these doubts, he soon raised new doubts. For example, he is very curious now, what do these robots come to oneself for? Did they find something? Also, why do nano-neurons use such robots to come to consult? What do they represent inside nano-neurons?

There are many questions, so it is natural to start with the simplest one. So at the moment, Haojiao stretched out his hand to these two people and directly asked questions.

“I’m Reinhardt. My lover said that you want to know something. I’m sorry, her body needs to be calm now. So if you have anything you want to know, I think we can Go out and chat alone.”

As a husband who cares about his wife, this is a very reasonable request, not at all something to blame. Of course, after knowing that oneself is facing a robot, the catastrophe actually does not have much hope for how they will respond.

Make a good sense of interpersonal communication and know when to advance and retreat. This is the unique way of getting along with human society. Except for humans, no matter whether it is a robot or an alien, it is difficult to get the right amount of this kind of thing. The difference in thinking mode is doomed to the difference in their way of answering.

From the personal point of view of the catastrophe, the request of own will definitely be rejected by these robots who only know to execute the order. He even said that he was ready to be slapped in the face. But to his surprise, the two robots simply had no idea of ​​slapping them in the face.

Just after looking at each other, the two robots in human skin seem to have reached a certain consensus. They stood up, walked to the side of the catastrophe very politely, and then said to him.

“Of course, Mr. Reinhardt. It is our fault to interrupt your wife’s rest. We can go out now.”

The answer is very decent, and the decent is almost a bit wrong science. If it hadn’t been able to detect the existence of all kinds of electrical signals, the catastrophe would have thought it was someone remotely controlling them to make such an answer. He even said that he began to wonder if oneself had misread it before, and regarded the two living humans as robots.

This made him stare at the two robots again for a while. After making sure that oneself was not mistaken, he nodded and opened the door.

“Thank you for your cooperation, sir, and Ms. also. My office is here. I think we can talk in detail there.”

Although expression is blunt, but the performance really has no choice. When Haojia said so, they immediately followed him towards the office, without any extra hesitation. When he arrived at the own office, the catastrophe aroused tentative thoughts.

“Sorry, two. I only have coffee and tea here. Would you like to have some? Please don’t refuse my kindness. After all, you have come all the way, if you don’t even have a mouthful of tea. , Then according to the customs of my nation, my master is a bit too rude!”

In front of the two robots, Havoc put out a tea set. He did this, not that he still wanted to test it out to see if they were robots. Rather, he wanted to study how intelligent these two machines are. After all, they are now wearing a human skin. If they don’t have the performance that a normal human should have, wouldn’t it be too weird. Of course, what happens when the robot drinks something that shouldn’t be drunk, this is not something he should worry about.

It can be said that this is definitely harboring malicious intentions. But the two robots did not know. In their view, Havoc is indeed just a kind of hospitality. And as guests, they are indeed not very good at rejecting the kindness from the host. This makes them very embarrassed, and after a glance at each other. They seemed to have made up their minds, and responded to the catastrophe.

“Just give us some green tea, Mr. Reinhardt. We are also busy with a lot of things, so it won’t delay you too much time. You don’t have to be so polite!”

“Don’t, sir. We have a Chinese saying that we have a thousand miles to meet by fate. I can see that you and my wife have a very good chat. This shows that we are very fond of each other. It just so happens that it’s almost dinner time. So if the two of you are willing to reward you. If you don’t, why don’t I be the host and invite the two for dinner?”

The catastrophe is getting worse, and naturally, the faces of the two robots are harder to look on. Haojiao didn’t understand whether the two robots understood the embarrassment, but the expression he saw on the faces of the two robots did make them very embarrassed. This made him amazed at the technological level of nano-neurons, but he couldn’t help but want to see how far these robots can do.

When he wanted to continue to embarrass the two robots, the two robots suddenly straightened their faces.

“Sorry, Mr. Reinhardt. I don’t think we can accept your invitation. In fact, I think you should have guessed our identity, right?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t quite understand?”

I didn’t expect that the robot would suddenly make such a move. While the catastrophe was astonished in my heart, his face was directly Vice unfathomable mystery expression. He was obviously pretending to be innocent, and his disguise had no effect at all for these two robots. Because these two robots directly made such an action.

Like what would appear in a horror movie, their two cheeks suddenly bloomed like petals. The organization like human flesh and blood showed a hideous appearance on the exposed face, which was so terrifying that it was impossible to look directly at it. And only when you really observe them with your heart, can you see that there is a mechanical component.

Steel skeleton, Blink with bright radiance electronic components, and also various indescribable complex structures. On the surface, they seem to be similar to omnics. But if you look carefully, you will find that they are much more complicated than omnic. At the very least, the omnic will not add hundreds of special structures to the face in order to simulate expressions.

There is no doubt that they have used this method to show their own identity to the catastrophe. And then, they even directly explained Own’s purpose to the catastrophe in words.

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