Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1175

Ultron’s investigative methods are different from humans. Because the technology he holds in his hands is probably even more above the level of humanity.

This aspect is because of his individual efforts. As an intelligent lifeform with self-awareness, he is no less than the great inventors in human history in terms of creative ability. And we must know that the advancement of human science and technology is driven by these extraordinary characters. Like Truss, like Einstein, without them, human progress may be slow for several decades or even centuries. And once such a character emerges in the current world, it is unceremonious to say that they can promote the progress of the entire human science and technology civilization with only one person.

Ultron is such an existence. He who holds the human network world is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of all mankind. And once he has this kind of supreme creativity, it is really not a difficult problem for him to have technological strength beyond the overall level of human beings.

Of course, this is only one reason. On the other hand, the reason is that he has almost mastered most of the science and technology of the Crees. There is no doubt that the Creesans who have been able to cross the Universe Starry Sky far surpass the overall level of humans in technology. No matter in which aspect, there is a considerable gap between humans and them. And such a huge wealth, as long as a part of it can be taken out, it is enough to make Ultron inexhaustible.

Whether it is your own talent or this accumulation of wealth, it is enough to change many things. And in this combination of the two, everything Ultron gets is absolutely beyond everyone’s imagination. This is reflected in the investigative methods, that is, he monitored almost everything that happened on Pacific Ocean.

Different from human surveillance satellites, the low-earth orbit satellite launched by him personally has the ability to see through clouds and fog. So when Coulson and the others obscured own eyes because of the rolling black clouds, and oneself was helpless. Ultron used the own satellite to see what happened at that time.

Of course, he may not be able to see the specific identity of the guy who wiped out the behemoth. After all, the catastrophe didn’t appear for a long time, and his size was relatively too small. However, this does not prevent Ultron oneself from making an analysis. At that time, the only people who had this motivation, this ability, and were not present were Havoc. Ultron is not lacking in association, so he quickly focused his own target on the catastrophe.

Unlike those blind and stupid humans, Ultron knows exactly how great danger lies in the current Earth. To put it bluntly, when human beings still confidently believe that oneself can dominate the entire world, the horrible power that has grown secretly is enough to destroy the entire Earth more than ten times.

The reason why human beings can still live in this world soundly and peacefully is entirely because these terrifying forces are maintaining a delicate balance. This is very lucky, but it is not a good thing. Because when this balance is broken one day, the destructive power that erupts will be the sum of all these terrorist forces. At that time, the survival of the human race will become a matter of extremely slim hope.

This is not what Ultron wants to see. As a creation of human beings, Ultron has always had the greatest kindness towards the race that created the own. He has always adhered to and maintained the fundamental principle of own, that is, he has always regarded the benefit of mankind as the fundamental reason for the existence of oneself. And if even humans cease to exist, will he still have the meaning of continuing to exist?

This is a very ideal proposition. And it was precisely this kind of ideal proposition that pushed the special creation of Ultron into a dead end. Although in terms of ordinary machines, intelligent life has made unimaginable progress, they truly possess all the characteristics that an intelligent life should have. But as said before, they don’t know how to work, and sticking to the creed is an obstacle they can’t overcome.

Humans have the ultimate three questions. Who am I, where do I come from, where do I go! Many people have probably heard of this problem, and many people have delved into it. Of course, since it is the ultimate question, there is no specific answer, or the answer is definitely not satisfactory. But it doesn’t matter, because humans can live well even if they don’t know the answer. It’s like many people don’t know the meaning of oneself living, but they are still alive.

This is the living method of human beings, but it is not the living method of intelligent life like Ultron. Unlike human muddleheaded, their way of living is very clear. Especially when they know why oneself is alive, they can give everything to own for this goal. And this is exactly why Ultron is looking for catastrophe. He needs the power of catastrophe, and needs to use his power to maintain the meaning of oneself.

The catastrophe is impossible knowing what Ultron is thinking, but Ultron knows that oneself must give catastrophe a reason. In this world, people with such formidable strength are rare, and those who can win over oneself are among the few. Therefore, he will not miss this opportunity. It was precisely because of this that he began to do everything possible to persuade the catastrophe.

“Mr. Reinhardt, my origin is not important. If you are interested in this, I think we can find a time to talk about this in detail. And now, I I hope you will give me a chance to explain to you what I think. Do you think it’s okay?”

“Although I really want to say no. But now I have to admit that I treat you There is indeed a bit of interest. So please. I hope I am not wasting my time!”

“Reinhardt. The first thing I want to declare here is our consistent purpose. This purpose It is a principle that has been implemented from the beginning of my birth to the creation of nano-neurons to the present. That is, I want to benefit mankind. I want to bring mankind into a more beautiful and happy future. I have never changed this belief. I have not had it in the past, and I have not. As for the future, there will be no wavering.”

With the approval of the catastrophe, Ultron began to weave the own language like this. With his mouth, Haojiao couldn’t help but frown.

For the catastrophe, this remark of Ultron is really a space hole. Although he admitted that the nano-neurons established by Ultron have done a lot of amazing good things. But this does not mean that he will become the leader of the human race into a better future. Even human beings can’t be sure what the future of own will be like, even more how he is a third party. So in the view of Haojiao, if he really had this idea, then he was either stupid or crazy. No matter which one it is, talking to such a person is a waste of time. Therefore, Haojiao directly spoke to him unceremoniously.

“Sorry, if you are talking about these things. Then I am afraid I don’t have that many time wasted with you. A great dream, but it has nothing to do with me. I am not a dream Home, so I don’t think we need to continue.”

“Don’t you believe me? Mr. Reinhardt.”

Although it is borrowing someone’s body , But Ultron still vividly showed confusion and urgent expression on the robot named Konis. He frowned his eyebrows tightly, then stood up directly.

“I know, Mr. Reinhardt. My this remark sounds like the imagination of some dreamer. But I can assure you that these all are true. I can use my birth to illustrate this point!”

Maybe I was really curious about the origins of Ultron. Havoc not at all interrupt Ultron’s speech. This made Ultron feel a little settled, and then said to him more eagerly.

“About my origins, what I can tell you is that I was created by humans. The people who created me are Tony Stark and the scientists of the cream of the crop among humans. They created My purpose is to maintain the increasingly dangerous order and environment of mankind itself. And in order to ensure that my special existence does not pose a threat to mankind, when they created me, they wrote such instructions in my core code. . That is, everything is for humans. I exist for humans. Without humans, I don’t even have the meaning of existence. Therefore, I can definitely own everything for humans.”

Ultron’s self-declaration is obviously incomprehensible to Havoc. If this is what a human said, then he must snort disdainfully to him. Because human beings are selfish in nature, no one has such a high level of consciousness at birth. Even those heroes who are able to sacrifice themselves for others have come to this step in the process of tempering and making choices. They are not born heroes, and human beings are also impossible to have born heroes.

But he is not a human being, he is an intelligent life, a being born out of strict logic and procedures. Whether such an existence, as he said, would completely dedicate oneself to mankind like a hero from the day he was born, the catastrophe is really uncertain. So he could only open his mouth and ask him.

“Ultron, let me call you tentatively first. My knowledge of you now comes only from your self-description. Just as if what you stated is true. Then I still don’t quite understand. Why are you looking for me? What does it have to do with me.”

“The company you founded is already benefiting mankind. If you need my help, I am indeed a doctor. I’ve given you help. What else do you want? Don’t you think that your extravagant desire for my power is something that is not in line with your purpose? I will only destroy, and in this world the only thing that can stop you should be Human. Could it be that you plan to destroy humanity with my power?”

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