Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1194

The catastrophe can tell that the people who stopped him were Mutant, and they were the young Mutants.

Mutant is not unusual, but it is not everywhere. Moreover, Mutant is now generally organized, which means that they will only come from one place, that is the steel Iron Guard star city in Huiyao City, the city of Mutant.

This kind of origin has more or less caused the catastrophe to give them some fear. Not because of fear of the power that Mutant possesses, but because of fear of attracting unnecessary people’s attention. Whether it’s Jean or the other him, he doesn’t want them to know that own exists. So immediately, he said to these youngsters in front of oneself.

“Youngster, what do you want to do? Robbery? I don’t have much cash with me. And Mutant has now fallen to the point where I need to rely on this method for profit? You do this, Hui Do the people in Yaoshi know?”

He acted calmly, like an ordinary person who has seen all kinds of big scenes. And his this remark also caused a small commotion among the youngsters opposite.

Although Huiyao City is the home of Mutant, it is the Holy Land that protects their survival and reproduction, but this does not mean that they can be completely unscrupulous and unscrupulous to do oneself want Things to do. Because even if it is a real paradise, there must be rules, not to mention a city like Huiyao with a special point.

Since Huiyao City sheltered them, they must abide by the rules of Huiyao City. The laws of Huiyao City have requirements for Mutant, and they can’t casually make threats to those ordinary persons. Therefore, these things they are doing now are definitely not allowed. They also knew this oneself, and because of this, they became agitated by the catastrophe.

But soon, this commotion was interrupted. Because the Mutant who spoke at first, who would release lightning, spoke again. He seemed to be the leader of this group of Mutants. As soon as he opened his words, all the riots were immediately calmed down.

“This is our business, and you don’t need to worry about it. In addition, we are not doing things like robbery. We only need you to cooperate with us to answer a few questions. Of course, the best is Can help us do something. Again, if you are willing to cooperate honestly, we can guarantee that we will not hurt you and your girlfriend! Otherwise…”

“Otherwise Okay? Youngster, can I understand that you are threatening me?” Squeezing his own knuckles, Haojiao’s face began to show a sneer. “You need to know what oneself and oneself are doing? I admit that Mutant is a powerful force, but that doesn’t mean you can act wilfully. This World has never been as simple as you think. Obediently and Leaving here honestly, I can still assume that nothing has happened. Otherwise, I think you should regret all these actions that oneself did. I can assure you of this!”

This remark of the catastrophe makes these Mutants unacceptable. In their view, oneself is the one that holds the initiative, because own holds power. In contrast, what do these people have? money? right? This is worthless in their eyes. So after the catastrophe said so, they immediately became angry.

“Damn guy, what does he think we are? Does he think his dirty rights can scare us?”

“Wishden, give him some Take a good look! Let him know what kind of opponent oneself has encountered now, and let him know that we are not something he can afford!”

“Yes, give him some color and let him know We are great!”

The mutants who are screaming show not only anger, but also their unorganized and undisciplined nature. This made Haojia looked down upon them immediately. Because from this perspective, they are just a bunch of mobs.

But the youngster they called Wiesden was obviously not as impulsive as he thought. Although the people beside him kept clamoring, he was very calm and restrained and did not make any moves. He just pressed his hand hard and used his own prestige to control the emotions of the teammates around oneself. Then he sternly said to the catastrophe with a solemn expression.

“Sir, I don’t know where you have the courage to say this to us. But I can tell you with certainty that since we have done this, it means that we Enough determination has been made. Neither the pressure from Huiyao City nor the police and army of your human world can stop us from doing what we want to do. Your threat is without strength, we must get us Want to know the answer. So there are only two choices before you, cooperation or resistance. You can choose the latter, but we will not be able to guarantee you any results!”

If you can say this, then it means that the youngster has a clear understanding of what oneself is doing and the consequences of doing so. This shows his consciousness and his determination. And what makes Haojiao curious is what he did this for.

No matter how stupid people are, they will not be willing to pay such a huge price for some small problems. He must have made such a choice after careful evaluation, and it must be a very important reason that prompted him to do so. This is probably related to what he wants to cooperate with oneself, and driven by such curiosity. Haojiao immediately raised his eyebrows and said to him on purpose.

“Well, since you said that, then I give up! Let’s talk, how do you want me to cooperate with you!”

For the catastrophe, this is just a Performance. But for these young Mutants, the catastrophe response is the most normal response.

Their identity investigation of Havoc is only superficial. In their view, this very calm man is just an ordinary person in a high position. An ordinary person facing Mutant simply should not be the normal reaction. To be honest, the attitude of the previous catastrophe almost made them a little suspicious of their own life, thinking that oneself is just a fake Mutant. And now that everything returned to normal, they finally felt back to their normal worldview.

Everything seems to be able to proceed as planned. And this caused some of these uncomfortable young Mutants to immediately ask questions like this about the catastrophe.

“You know Norman Osborn, do you have some kind of relationship cooperation with him?”

“I am a businessman. Doing some business cooperation with Oscorp is very Normal. Why, is this also the scope of your Mutant’s jurisdiction?”

The catastrophe feels that these youngster’s problems are a little bit obscure, making people confused at all. So even if he is playing such a role now, he has no intention of speaking to them politely. And after hearing his obviously ridiculous words, the youngster who made the noise flushed immediately, and then yelled at the catastrophe.

“Damn it, don’t forget your identity. You are only our captive now. You are not qualified to speak to me like this.”

“I only said I would cooperate with you, youngster. But this doesn’t mean I’m willing to be your prisoner and treat you all the same. I’m not yet cowardly and stupid enough! So, if I want to be ridiculed and mocked by me, I’ll trouble you to ask something meaningful. Understand?”

The attitude of Haojiao speaks like a stereotyped teaching director who is educating people. Facing his this remark, the youngster who was talking choked first, and then immediately became angry on impulse. He wanted to rush up to give Haojia a good look, so that he could maintain his own face in this way. But as soon as he took a step, he was stopped by the leader of them.

“Enough, Mark. Now is not the time to make such a thing, you can be honest with me!”

The words of Wisden seem to be heavy, plus the surrounding Dissuasion from those people. Even though the person named Mark was still aggrieved, he stopped owning and dispelled the idea of ​​doing and so on to the catastrophe. After this small episode, Wisden, as the leader, could only stand up oneself, and questioned the catastrophe with some caution.

“Sir, maybe my partner’s meaning is not very clear. But roughly what he said is correct. Our target is Oscorp, and as far as we know, you and Oscorp’s Sect Master Norman Osborn has a certain connection. So we hope you can tell us something about him, for example, some dirty things he did in private.”

In this way, Mutant’s The goal became clear, they were not for oneself, but for Osborn. Such a discovery made Haojia raised his eyebrows, and his heart began to follow with surprise.

He doesn’t think these Mutants are deliberately looking for trouble with Osborn. So what is certain is that Osborn must have done something secretly. And this is what is surprising. Because it is really hard for him to imagine that a big company in the world would have the courage to provoke such a dangerous existence as Mutant.

Be aware that the power of these capitalists is based on a normal social foundation. If they are facing enemies in the normal world, they can indeed use the wealth and rights that oneself holds to deal with these enemies with no difficulty, with the resources of the overwhelming majority.

But Mutant is obviously not an existence in this normal world, and their power gives them the right to challenge anyone. And if they are really opposed to Mutant, the rights and status of capitalists simply cannot protect them. Because the government protecting them absolutely dare not make any favoritism. And this also means that they have to face Mutant’s anger oneself.

Only a madman can do such a thing, but will Osborn be a madman? Thinking of this, the catastrophe was somewhat uncertain.

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