Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1201

Quake’s words are capable and point to the core of the problem. Faced with her series of questions, these Mutants who turned up without being invited naturally looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some of them still don’t believe that Quake will be an agent, but judging from her performance, I’m afraid this is pretty close. The ordinary person may not think about this, but as someone who already knows her identity, these Mutants can associate Quake’s performance with the profession of an agent by just a little thought.

This is an agent, and this also means that the woman not at all teases them. She might really point out a clear way for oneself, but is it really possible for this agent to help them? They really don’t have this confidence in their hearts. But when things came to an end, there was really no way out. So simply in my heart, Wisden, as the leader, made a statement to Quake.

“We are Mutant, we are here because someone pointed us and said that we can get help from you?”

“It’s ridiculous!” Wisdon hasn’t said yet After that, Quake interrupted his speech with a sneer. “A group of Mutants actually ask a human for help, don’t you think it is funny? Get out of here, immediately. Otherwise, I will let the omnics come and throw you out.”

Quake’s words are ruthless, She simply didn’t mean to help these Mutants. She even said that she didn’t even have the idea of ​​exploring the purpose of these Mutants. She herself is already troublesome enough, how can there be the trouble of caring about other people, especially a group of Mutants? Finding things is not such a way of finding things.

It’s just that, although she wants to stay out of the matter very rationally, these Mutants don’t give her the opportunity to stay out of the matter at all. Because just when she expressed the attitude of oneself rejection, Wisden had already said this directly to her.

“Johnson Young Lady, someone told us that you are an agent of the Skyhammer and said you are looking for Oscorp’s conspiracy. What I want to tell you is that we may know about Osborn’s conspiracy, and we also I can provide you with some help. As long as you are willing to do us a favor, I think we should be able to reach a certain consensus on cooperation!”

The hidden identity of oneself, Quake’s face was broken by someone so suddenly Suddenly, a surprised expression emerged. And after this surprise appeared, her face quickly became complicated again. This complicated expression represents her equally complicated mood, and because of this special mood, she never clamored as before to drive these guys out of here.

People cannot be an ostrich for a lifetime. Similarly, she is also impossible to hide her own identity in the dark for a lifetime. She came with the mission. If the mission’s situation is not very urgent, then maybe she can get by. However, when the mission has reached the point where it is imminent, she can only make the last choice.

It is to choose Harry, choose this false oneself. Still choose mission, choose the most authentic Quake.

Very difficult choice. But it is not a choice that cannot be decided. Quake may have hesitated before, and hesitated. But at this time, she seems to have figured out something and wants to understand something. So soon, she converged on the own expression, and then said seriously to these Mutants in front of her.

“Tell you who is the guy I am an agent? Why are you so sure that that guy didn’t lie to you?”

“I don’t know the lady’s name. But I do. The identity of the man next to her, he said his name is Reinhardt. And why is she sure she didn’t lie to us? It’s all because you behaved too much like an agent. Moreover, we can only believe that you are an agent because There is really no more choice in front of us.”

Westden’s answer is very helpless, and Quake, who is deeply concerned about his helplessness not at all, is just nodded, as if he Said like to himself.

“I guessed it, it was her. I guess only she would do such a thing.”

These words made her show a bitter expression, but Soon, this bitterness was wiped out by her. She already knew exactly what oneself should do now. So immediately, he changed his indifferent face and said to these Mutants in front of him.

“You said you know about Osborn’s conspiracy? So what is this conspiracy?”

“Oscorp kidnapped our relatives.” It seems to be seen from Quake’s answer. At dawn, people like Westden immediately accused her of gnashing teeth. “He must be planning to use our Mutant body to do some evil experiments. Just like what the government and big companies did in the past. This damn bastard, he must have some ulterior ambitions and conspiracies. !”

The irritable words vividly and thoroughly highlighted their inner anger, but apart from this, their explanation simply didn’t help Quake any obvious. Aside from knowing that Osborn kidnapped some Mutants, she didn’t get any useful information at all. This made her start to have certain doubts about the things Mutant said could help own. So after thinking about it, she asked.

“Since you know they were kidnapped by Oscorp people, why not go to your Huiyao special police to handle this matter. Mutant and Huiyao will support you as long as you can If evidence is available, even Oscorp is impossible to make any resistance.”

“We don’t have evidence in our hands. If there is, we will not seek your help in this place. Johnson Young Lady, I know you must also want to get evidence of Osborn’s crimes. All we want is to save our loved ones. So we can join hands as long as we find Osborn’s secret base where they are hiding. Our goals are all It’s achievable, isn’t it?”

Wishden, who is unwilling to continue to communicate with Quake in verbal communication, directly explained his cart. As for what he said, Quake just thought about it, and then nodded.

“You’re right. I really need evidence of Oscorp’s crime. But what I need to confirm is that you have the ability to help me. From your situation, you just The most ordinary Mutant. You who have not received any special training are not as good as the most ordinary agent. In this case, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?”

Quake from a This is the most objective analysis, and for her analysis, almost all Mutant became angry.

In the last two days, they have experienced too much ridicule. First, the catastrophe under the alias of Reinhardt, and then the agent Quake in front of him. If they were taunted by the catastrophe because the power gap between them was so huge that they didn’t even have the qualifications to refute, then Quake’s taunt was a fundamentally impossible thing to be accepted for them.

In the eyes of these Mutants, Quake has no qualifications to mock own. Because she is just an ordinary person, and they are Mutant. Compared with ordinary persons, they are definitely expert first-class existences who are born with extraordinary abilities. This so-called expert first class is not based on any false status, but on the most authentic biological level. So if you look at it with a more extreme perspective, it is that a lower creature dares to look down on a higher creature. This is simply unforgivable.

As a member of higher creatures, Wisden is also very dissatisfied with Quake’s questioning. But he knew what she meant, and he also knew that this time was not a time for arrogance. So he could only suppress oneself’s inner dissatisfaction, and then said to Quake word by word.

“Johnson Young Lady. We are Mutant. We are born with extraordinary abilities. Trust me, if we help you, you can save a lot of trouble. Because we can use our abilities, Help you settle these troubles!”

“Really? In this case, why don’t you rescue your own relatives by yourself, but come to seek my help instead?”

These Mutants who asked were speechless. They naturally refused to admit that oneself came to seek her help because they were afraid of Osborn’s strength. So they just argued hard.

“That’s because we don’t know where to find our relatives. Osborn blocked the connection between us, so that our abilities could not reach his labs. We just don’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake, so we came to seek your help. This is definitely not the reason you imagined.”

“Is it?” sighed, Quake not at all continued to argue with these Mutants Go down. She already understood the nature of these guys, but they were just a bunch of flowers that hadn’t experienced any setbacks and hardships.

Although her age is similar, she has experienced the upheaval of SHIELD and all kinds of chasing lives. In terms of psychology and ability, she is undoubtedly much stronger than these Mutants. This gap made her realize the fact that these Mutants are not reliable. However, she decided to cooperate with them because she did not deny that Mutant’s abilities can indeed play unexpected roles sometimes. However, she must first guarantee something.

“I think we can cooperate, but there is one thing you have to promise me. That is you have to obey my orders in cooperation. I can promise not to betray you, and I will not treat you as What an abandoned child. But you also have to assure me that you will not act arbitrarily and will not violate the order. Is this condition okay? If possible, I think we can continue talking!”

Strict requirements, but for Mutant, it is not at all more choices. Knowing that every second of oneself’s delay will make their own relatives more dangerous, they just glanced at each other and made up their minds.

“Yes. As long as you can do everything you guarantee, we can agree to this request.”

“Very well. Then we need a plan for the next step. Before that, I need to know your capabilities!”

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