Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1204

generally speaking, it should be no one will admit his own relatives wrong. The identity that has been determined by fate since birth makes you have to be familiar with such an existence all your life. He may be your father, your mother, and your brother sister. But no matter which one of them, it is an existence deeply imprinted in your life and memory.

In other words, even in the vast crowd. Just see his silhouette and hear his voice. You can identify him at a glance. The ordinary person is like this, and Mutant is also like this.

For example, Wisden, this big brother who travels thousands of miles for the sake of oneself younger sister, does not hesitate to rescue him at his own risk. He is absolutely familiar with oneself younger sister. Her eyes, her hair color, her posture, her voice. Everything is engraved in his mind, simply don’t need to think about it, just relying on subconsciously reaction, he can confirm at a glance whether the oneself in front of him own younger sister.

But now, he is not completely depressed to say so. And the reason for this is completely because of the appearance in front of him now. There are hundreds of identical younger sisters.

The only 16-year-old girl lying inconspicuously in the air-conditioned cabins, each one is exactly the same. The hair, the fat and thin body, and all kinds of small details, all seem to be imprinted in a mold, and simply can’t tell. Even Wisdon, who watched her grow up, didn’t have this ability.

He looked at this, looked at that, only felt that each one was an own younger sister, and each one was an existence connected to him by blood. He hadn’t thought of such a situation at all, and it was precisely because of this that he fell into a panic.

“Why is this? Which one is my Little Yi Fu?”

This sentence like a headless fly made Quake listened and rolled his eyes. This is your own biological younger sister. Don’t you even know who your own biological younger sister is? But before she could speak this mocking remark, she saw that the other Mutants were almost the same, and they made the same cry at other cabins with identical figures.

If a person is confused, it can be said that it is the person’s problem, and if a group of people are confused, it can only be said that the matter itself is problematic. Quake doesn’t believe that every one of such a group of people will admit their own relatives wrong, so this means that there is something weird inside. After carefully examining the Mutants inside, she immediately held the breath cold air.

Osborn is not studying how to clone Mutant.

Human technology has developed to this day, and the cloning of human beings is no longer a particularly difficult proposition. In fact, many large-scale enterprises with a solid foundation in bioengineering technology can do this step. However, no one has ever been willing to take the crucial 1st Step in such a field.

This is not because cloning humans cannot bring any benefits to these capitalists. In fact, on the contrary, the benefits of human cloning are amazing. Whether you are engaged in high-risk industries or used for medical clinical trials, clones are the most suitable choice. The average cost under the assembly line may even be lower than the reimbursement for an accident of an ordinary worker. Such a product says that it has no market and cannot create benefits. It is absolutely impossible.

The reason why such a situation that no one cares about is completely because the negative impact of this technology far exceeds the benefits it can provide. Human is a socially clustered creature, in which each individual is independent and at the same time interrelated. And if under such circumstances, what would happen if another identical individual was added? There is no doubt that that will be the beginning of chaos. From the individual to the family, to the entire social structure, various problems will arise because of the emergence of this clone.

In other words, if you study the technology of cloning human beings, the whole thing is against the entire human race. And as a part of this human society, naturally no one is willing to go to this landmine. Quake certainly did not expect that Osborn would actually go back to this mine, and still use this most special way.

Working on Mutant is more serious than working on humans. After all, human affairs can be solved by money, while Mutant’s affairs can only be solved by military force. Speaking of military force, how can a capitalist enterprise compare with Mutant, which can upset the entire country with Heaven and Earth turning upside down, is this simply bringing about one’s own destruction?

It seems unconscious, Quake put oneself into Osborn’s position. And thinking about it this way, she felt extremely bad. She felt that oneself could no longer make Osborn this wrong. This is not only for the own mission, but also for the future of Osborn. So immediately, she said to these Mutants.

“Hurry up and find your true relatives! Then quickly take them out. Don’t forget, this is Osborn’s secret base. Staying here for even a second is good for us It’s more dangerous. We must leave as soon as possible!”

“We can’t do it!” The expressions of the group of people in Westdon were also very anxious. Because the matter in front of them is simply an unsolvable problem for them. “Everyone here is the same. How do you tell us who they are?”

“Are you cracking a joke with me? This is your own relative!”

“Damn Osborn cloned so many copies of them, what do you want us to do?”

Mutant’s answer argue with the courage of one’s convictions, and this also makes Quake sure These people’s unbearable ideas. It seemed that this kind of thing could only come from she herself, and she started to act immediately after she had made enough preparations.

Finding a freezer nearby, Quake pulled out a cable from his own small computer and plugged it into the port she broke. Then using oneself’s technology at hand, she quickly invaded the main system of the entire base from the entrance of the freezer.

As soon as possible, the old Osborn used the most advanced defensive measures to build this base, but in front of Quake, such a line of defense is obviously not enough. And soon, she found what oneself wanted from the most confidential documents.

First of all, the true identities of those Mutant who were arrested. Perhaps for people like Wisden, it is difficult for them to tell which one is their true relative. But for the computer system used for recording and supervision, all this is backed up and recorded. Just call up the records, and then exclude the duplicates that have been numbered. Soon, Quake found the existences that were standardized as protists.

While manipulating the management system, she turned on the equipment that was standard as the protogenesis freezer compartment, allowing the Mutant held in it to recover from the cold storage state. Commanded to the people like Westden.

“Hurry up and rescue the people, these should be the people you are looking for. Let them wake up, and then take them back out of our way. Be fast! There is no time left for us Too much!”

Quake said that there is not much time, this is not to intimidate these Mutants. But the time left for them is really not very abundant. Although using the technology at hand, the basic operation of the entire monitoring defense physique was suspended. But others are not fools, the longer the time, the greater the chance of finding this kind of problem. Quake estimates that the time left for them is only 30 minutes. After wasting so long, it is naturally impossible to leave too much space for them to operate.

Mutants naturally understand this truth. So they didn’t have any nonsense at all, and they pulled out the real goals one after another. These rescued Mutants just woke up, some could not feel the situation, and some were already crying with joy. But how much, they did not make any extraordinary move.

Everyone knows that right now is a very critical point and needs to race against time. So after understanding the current situation, they are naturally quite cooperative with Quake’s commands. And seeing these Mutant one by one supporting each other, evacuated along the passage when they came. Quake did not at all immediately follow what they meant.

She is still operating, and what she has to do now is to download all the materials of the secret experimental base of Osborn to the own computer. This is Osborn’s evidence and the only way to completely end Osborn’s crazy experiment.

It is definitely not enough to rescue these victims. Only by publishing all this can Osborn continue to search for more victims.

Of course, doing so is likely to bring a fatal blow to the entire Osborn Family. But Quake believes that oneself is not at all wrong. Indulgence may be the biggest damage. Doing so may ruin the entire Osborn Family, but it can prevent them from making the mistake deeper. Regardless of whether Harry knew all of this, if he stopped here, at least he still had a future. As for whether Harry hates oneself after knowing that all this is from own, this is not something Quake is willing to consider.

The download speed is very fast, Quake quickly took the key crimes into the hands of the owner. After finishing all this, Quake immediately cast his own eyes on the remaining clones.

There is no doubt that this is the brainchild of Osborn. But this is also the source of his sin. Quake doesn’t think these things are necessary to exist, even if they may already have self-knowledge and life. But after all, they are also impossible to be tolerated by this World. Therefore, instead of letting them continue to exist, it is better to let them get the news from in this world. Perhaps this is the greatest kindness to them.

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