Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1206

Norman Osborn remained silent. Because he didn’t know how to answer Quake’s question.

For him, everything that happened today was unexpected. Before such a thing happened, he simply hadn’t considered what the consequences would be after all this was exposed. And now, he had to consider such a problem. As soon as he considered this question, he suddenly realized that Harry had been unconsciously involved in him.

If you want to regret now, it must be too late. So he naturally didn’t bother to answer Quake’s question. And in his opinion, Quake simply has no right to ask questions like oneself. Obviously, he approached his own son with a non-simple purpose, but now he wants to show that he cares about him. Who is this made for? Anyway, he despised Quake’s behavior.

Old Osborn showed the contempt in his own face, and this naturally made Quake’s mind who was watching his face change. Of course she knew what this expression of old Osborn meant. But suffering from her own identity, she is basically impossible to show what oneself is thinking. Anyway, what oneself said was nothing more than a misunderstanding by old Osborn. If this is the case, then why force an explanation?

Quake, who recognized the reality, continued to put the cold color on oneself’s surface, as if it were a charity from a winner, she said to the old Osborn.

“Mr. Osborn, you know how unforgivable what you have done. And now before you, is your last chance. Tell me, Harry has something to do with all this. It doesn’t matter. If not, maybe I can help Harry get out of all this. You should understand how important this is to Harry!”

Old Osborn admits that Quake’s words have some truth. , But he understands better how impossible it is to achieve all this. As a realist, he simply has no expectations for such things. So at the moment, he responded to Quake like this.

“Harry didn’t know these things I was talking about. But what is the point even if I told you all this? These things I did were enough to destroy a family. Once exposed, even if Harry didn’t know at all, he would definitely be involved in me. Therefore, your guarantee simply has no meaning, and you have no right. Moreover, based on what you did before, you Do you think I will believe you?”

Osborn didn’t believe everything Quake said. Because Quake’s identity is so shameless after all. If not for her, Osborn would simply not fall into such a desperate situation. Faced with the culprit who caused oneself to be such a culprit, he didn’t believe that she simply meant it.

Quake understands Osborn’s reasons for doing this, but she doesn’t agree with him. Norman Osborn is undoubtedly a bad person in the standard sense. In the eyes of such a guy, everyone in this world may be as selfish and evil as him. Under such circumstances, he conceived the consequences according to his own nature, and he naturally got the worst answer.

But Quake doesn’t think so. Because she can be sure that oneself does not exist like this. In the same way, Coulson and others would not have such thoughts. Since Harry was innocent, they would naturally give this innocent man a fair trial. Implicating the innocent as old Osborn thought, this is simply impossible.

With such thoughts in his mind, Quake gave up his plan to convince Osborn. Anyway, he had already revealed that Harry had nothing to do with this matter, so she was actually relieved. What we have to do now is to rescue the two hostages from the hands of old Osborn, and then make him bow his head to confess his guilt. Although it seems that a guy like the old Osborn is almost impossible obediently surrender, she still wants to try and see if she can end this matter in the most peaceful way.

So at the moment, she said to old Osborn.

“Mr. Osborn, everything you have done has been thoroughly exposed. This also means that you will be facing a trial from the law of this World. Because of the Mutant’s sake, No one will be able to excuse you in any name. The privileges you have in the past will also become a piece of white paper. At this time, the more you resist, the more your crime will become deeper. Heavy. So, why don’t you let go of the hostages in your hands and make everything better?”

“You want me to voluntarily surrender. Give up all resistance and accept your so-called justice Judgment?”

Old Osborn had a sneer on his face, and looking at his expression, Quake just replied calmly.

“This is your last chance. Doing this, maybe in your lifetime, you also have a chance to meet Harry again!”

“Why, do you think so? “Old Osborn was not moved by Quake’s words, he just wandered away from his own line of sight, continuously observing Quake and the group of Mutants in front of him. After a while, a grinning smile appeared on his face. “However, I don’t think so.”

“You think this is my only opportunity, but I think it’s just the opportunity you think. For me, there is more than this opportunity. Just put You, also all these waste Mutants stay in this place. Naturally, no one can know what I have done. I am the Norman Osborn, and no one can shake the influential figure. What do you say!”

“Wishful thinking!” Before Quake could respond, the Mutants who had been forced to the extreme by the threatening behavior and arrogant words of the old Osborn were already angry.

“Norman. Osborn! Don’t think that you can act wilfully if you get any power by some dirty and evil means. Don’t forget, we are Mutant. You have power, and we have it. And we There are more than a dozen people here. You want to destroy us. It’s just a pipe dream. If you have the ability, just let it go! Let us see, who can destroy whom?”

“Only you mob?” The grinning smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and great changes began to happen around Old Osborn. The muscles in his body bulged piece by piece, and at the same time every blood vessel in his body within the body began to become brighter.

It’s like the blood in his body has turned into hot lava. The dazzling color caused by the high temperature makes his whole body become transparent from under the body surface. . It felt like he had become a huge human-shaped light bulb, but this change was not ridiculous, but rather dangerous.

Even at such a long distance, Quake and Mutant can feel the billowing heat wave from Osborn, and it is conceivable that the hostages controlled by oneself are now What kind of torment is being endured. From what they saw alone, the two hostages may have reached the most critical moment.

Old Osborn’s palm is a fatal high temperature, and this temperature is obviously beyond the limit that the two of them can withstand. Even Mutant does not mean that they can withstand such extreme temperature damage. Unless they have the ability to control high temperatures, they are at best only a little better than ordinary persons. Unfortunately, they are not at all of this ability. So in just that moment, they were already screaming, and the whole was lit up like a torch.

Death came so fast, so suddenly, something that no one thought of. What these people didn’t expect was that the old Osborn would actually kill them like this, and simply didn’t mean to leave oneself with a retreat.

This caused all Mutants to become angry from the ground when they were unexpected. Because what Osborn killed was not someone else, but their relatives and friends. They came here all the way to Life and Death Together, thinking they would be able to return home together at the end. I just didn’t expect that at this last juncture, everything would fall into nothingness.

Pain and hatred, almost like a prairie fire, spread in their hearts. And this made these Mutants no longer have any other scruples, completely like crazy, and attacked the old Osborn.

The first to start the action was Wisden. He operated the lightning, causing the dazzling electric light to form a gorgeous long whip in his hand, and then, with the phantom radiance that could not be recognized by the eyes, fiercely struck Osborn fiercely.

Because it is lightning, even artificial lightning, the speed is fast to the extreme, far beyond the reaction speed that old Osborn can handle. And this made Old Osborn simply didn’t have any resistance, and was beaten fiercely by this lightning whip.

The destructive power of lightning is extraordinary. That kind of explosive force acted on the old Osborn’s body, causing him to have terrifying scars on his special body immediately. Deep into the bone, you can even see the internal organs. This is fatal enough for an ordinary person. But for old Osborn, this was not the case.

Almost at a recovery speed that is not inferior to that of any Vajra wolf Logan, the wound on his body began to heal naked eye visibly. Faced with such a situation, Wisden could only wield the whip in his hand desperately to cause as much damage as possible to old Osborn.

But the result is still the same. No matter how hard he works, he can’t have a decisive influence on the old Osborn. It seems that at this time, he has become an undying monster, which is daunting!

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