Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1213

Hearing what the little spider said, old Osborn silently crawled out of the hole that was hit by oneself.

In such a short period of time, he has recovered from oneself’s physical trauma. Of course, the cracks in the Green Goblin armor are difficult to repair in a short time. But this does not affect his current situation, because he will not change in any situation because of the quality of his armor.

The power of the little spider made him feel palpitations. Although it was only the first contact, he still had the most profound experience of this kind of power. It was precisely because of this experience that he became more cautious.

This kind of caution is because he still has not given up the idea of ​​running away, he is still thinking about feasible countermeasures. Of course, on the surface, he did not show the slightest meaning of this, but after a period of silence, he gave out a hoarse, wry smile.

“Sure enough, I still couldn’t hide it from you, Peter Parker. For us, this meeting was really embarrassing!

“Really you? Mr. Osborn, why is it like this? Why did you become like this! “

When he heard the old Osborn admit that he was own, the little spider immediately became surprised. In his impression, the old Osborn was a generous elder and a man worthy of oneself’s respect. A billionaire, who has never been arrogant to oneself, is always so friendly and gentle, which makes him really hard to imagine that he will one day become oneself’s wanted criminal.

At this time, he even thought that something was wrong. But the old Osborn’s opening made him forcibly suppress such an idea.

“There is no that many why Yes, Mr. Parker. I have already explained what I did, so I don’t want to explain second time anymore. There is a saying among Chinese called winner is the king, loser is the villain! Maybe I have failed, but this does not mean I will regret it. It’s just bad luck, nothing to regret! “

“What you can say is really nice. Did you just come out of the confession room in the church?” “The little spider is still silent to the old Osborn’s speech. The deadpool who has recovered is also walking up with a knife. “I appreciate your open-minded mentality, so I think you must also Don’t mind changing back what you just owed me. Don’t worry, my knife is very fast, as long as I can make your head fly! “

Little spider and old Osborn have an old relationship, but it doesn’t mean that Deadpool also has an old relationship with him. They have never had any friendship before, but they have old grudges. Although Deadpool’s brain has never been normal Yes, but it doesn’t mean that he can forget everything just now, and then laugh and grudge with the guy who has blown up oneself’s brain.

He is a guy who will pay for it, so nothing else Said, he was already carrying the knife and slashing at the old Osborn.

The long knife, with the whistling wind, slashed at the old Osborn’s head. It was almost instinctive. Yes, the old Osborn has already raised his own arm and made a parry.

Of course, this is impossible to withstand Deadpool’s blade. Adamantium’s steel knife is definitely no stronghold one. A weapon that cannot overcome. Although it is not impossible to truly no stronghold one cannot overcome, it is absolutely impossible to withstand a guy like Osborn.

So immediately, old Osborn One of his arms was already cut off by the elbow. Fortunately, he subconsciously deflected his own head so that his head avoided the sharp blade. Otherwise, it might not be just an arm being cut off now. .

Although the head is already wrapped by Adamantium containing Vibranium, he doesn’t want to try the feeling of being cut above the neck. And judging from the sharpness of the knife, the result is What will happen, I’m afraid it’s still an unclear thing!

After a knife, not at all has the result that oneself wants. This makes Deadpool naturally impossible to be happy. So immediately , He yelled.

“Hey, Buddy. Are you shameless? Don’t forget, you owe me a head. Don’t think that if you cut the other half of own to me, we will be able to get things done. Little Wade has always said one, and the other said two. What you owe me, you must give me something back. There is no room for bargaining! “

Old Osborn not at all pays attention to this crazy guy. He just looked at Deadpool and the weapon in his hand in amazement, and then thought about it again.

I have to admit that Deadpool has given him too many accidents. The previous near-undying ability was one of them, but now this kind of terrifying weapon is the second. He originally thought that the Green Goblin of oneself The armor was able to withstand the slashing of his long sword. But the result was told clearly that this was impossible. Even if it was just a cold weapon, this cold weapon had the ability to threaten him. He slashed the owner’s head, even if he only had a half chance of being cut through the alloy in the skull, then oneself would die. He didn’t want to die like this, so he could only give up oneself’s previous one that was unchanging. Plan.

Originally, he was thinking that when Deadpool cut Oneself all over, oneself would pretend to be pitiful to win sympathy from the little spider, and then find an opportunity to seize who as a hostage. Threatening these two guys by taking hostages to get a chance to get out of here. But now it seems that this plan is too risky and must be given up.

He has already done a good job. Prepared, planning to use brute force to rush out of a way out. But just when he was about to do it, the little spider stood up first.

“Wait a minute, Wade. There are some things I need to talk to him, for the sake of my face. Can you let him go temporarily? “

“Can I ignore your face?” “Wade rolled over his own dead fish eyes, and issued an innocent rhetorical question. For his question, Little Spider only responded very directly.

“Yes, you want to owe me Then come back for 200,000! “

If you can beat Little Spider, then Deadpool will definitely turn his face and refuse to admit it, and kill him will not admit the 200,000 thing. But because he can’t beat Little Spider, he can only suffer. , Made a gesture of surrender.

“Okay, okay. Who told me that I was the understanding little Wade? For your sake, I will let him go temporarily? Well, just an hour, what do you think? “

Little spider not at all pays attention to what he meant. He just looked at the old Osborn who had his arm cut off and showed a lava-like color from the wound. Then he asked in a deep voice.

“Mr. Osborn. If you are willing to obediently surrender, I think I can fight for you a more lenient approach. You know, this is a very rare opportunity. So I hope you can cherish such an opportunity. “

“You want me to do nothing and just surrender?” “Old Osborn grinned, showing a playful smile. “Do you know what I’m doing?” Mr. Parker, everything I do is something that will never be tolerated by Mutant. Once I surrendered, it meant that I would be torn to pieces by those Mutants who knew my behavior. Do you think I will not even struggle and let this happen to me? “

“That’s better than you were killed here because of resistance! “The owner’s voice was lowered, and the little spider’s tone became heavy. “I can assure you that you will survive.” No matter how bad the result is, I will definitely save your life. So, for Harry’s sake, surrender, Mr. Osborn. You don’t want Harry at this time to lose his own father! “

“Harry has found a good friend! “

The smile on oneself’s face was reduced. After a long silence, old Osborn made such a sound. Then, he took off the own helmet with oneself’s only hand, and then took it off Throw it at the feet of the little spider.

“You convinced me, child. I surrendered! “

Such behavior made the little spider let out a long sigh, because he was really worried that if old Osborn died in oneself’s hands because he refused to surrender, how would he explain to Harry. But fortunately, Osborn is not at all stubborn to that extent. And this prevents him from becoming a oneself friend’s homicide. The result is good, at least, it is a blessing in misfortune.

The kind little spider not at all thought of the problem of fraud. The same is true for Quake, because for her, this is also the best situation. Although this may still make Harry hate oneself, but This kind of hatred is probably the slightest amount of hatred compared to being his father-killing enemy.

The inherent fluke of humans prevents her from having any more ideas, and she is satisfied with the status quo. A gratifying smile hung on his face. This smile was really dazzling to the old Osborn, so after shrinking his pupils, he opened his mouth to Quake again.

“Johnson Young Lady, can you come over? I want to explain something to you! “

Such words made Quake a little surprised, and he seemed to realize that the words of own were a bit sudden, so Osborn immediately explained to her pretendingly.

” Don’t worry, I have nowhere to go now. I called you here, just to tell you some secrets. About Harry’s secret. You should know that if I were arrested, everything in the Osborn Family would probably disappear. This is a pity for me, but it is not a big deal. It’s just that Harry is innocent after all, and I can’t let him live on the street because of me. So, I want you to help me give him these things. At the very least, these things allow him to live in this world without any worries. “

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