Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1215

“Shut up, I am not in the mood to slap you with this gun!”

The little spider screamed at Deadpool in a sullen mood There was a sound, and then he turned his head, and said something like this in a deep voice to old Osborn.

“Mr. Osborn. We are impossible to compromise with any terrorist. Once you hurt a hostage, then you are absolutely impossible to be forgiven. Even if you are Harry’s father, I can only take you action. You have to understand, this is no longer a possible choice.”

“Thank you for your reminder, Parker. But now, please let me go, I need to bring this cute The hostages leave here. As for the future, let’s talk about it later.”

When I heard this remark, the little spider immediately clenched his fist. For him, what the old Osborn did was already a breakthrough to his bottom line. And if it wasn’t because of Quake in his hands, then maybe he would do something now.

But because of Quake’s existence, he can only watch all this happen. And this is exactly what the old Osborn wanted.

He laughed and didn’t continue to provoke anything. Instead, he simply pressed a button on his body, causing a weird noise to rise under the Osborn mansion, which had become a ruin.

This kind of sudden noise naturally raised the spirit of everyone present. Because of the unknown, none of them is sure whether the thing represented by this kind of noise will threaten oneself. Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years, and can live to this day, whoever of them will not at this time take it lightly.

Just when the little spiders were ready to meet various sudden situations, something like a surfboard rushed out of the ruins. This is the source of the weird sound, flying in midair looks like some kind of transportation. And just when Little Spider guessed that, the old Osborn had already dragged Quake and jumped onto the surfboard in one step.

“I warn you, Mr. Parker. Don’t think about chasing people, after all, the hostage is still in my hands. When I feel safe, I will naturally put this bitch down. But in Before this, you had better not to act blindly without thinking. You know, I have already killed people, so I don’t care about killing more people! Do you understand what I mean?”

With such words in his mouth, the old Osborn has slowly risen into the air. He didn’t think the little spider had the ability to catch up with the flying oneself, but he still warned him with a preparedness. After speaking these words, he immediately turned the surfboard full of technological sense, and rushed directly into the still dense night in a piercing scream.

Looking at the old Osborn just fleeing, the little spider naturally felt unwilling. However, the current environment is really not suitable for him to play. After all, Beverly Hills is not the kind of urban environment where high-rise buildings stand in great numbers. It is almost impossible to use spider web swings to catch up with the old Osborn. Fortunately, Little Spider also has another way.

Quitely awakening the formidable strength belonging to Zatanos from within the body, the little spider immediately burned a layer of blue flame that made people look like have one’s hair stand on end. At the same time, his image became terrifying. The head became a hideous skeleton, and the body slowly became dry. At this time, he definitely has the ability to make a crying child shut his mouth firmly. Of course, what this appearance change brings to him is tremendous power. The power of Ghost Rider!

As a Superhero, Little Spider has never given up on the development of oneself’s power. Unlike the previous Ghost Rider, the guy named Johnny has always rejected the identity and power of oneself Ghost Rider because he was afraid of the deal with Mephisto. It is precisely because of this that he can only be a Ghost Rider that has been controlled by Mephisto.

But the little spider is different. Having witnessed enough disasters and changes in this World, he knows that there is nothing wrong with power itself, and there are people who use power wrongly. So he does not reject the power of Ghost Rider, but instead develops all the potential belonging to this power as much as possible.

This allowed him to find out a lot of profound mystery belonging to Ghost Rider in a short period of time. One of the most important is Ghost Rider’s exclusive mount-Evil Spirit motorcycle.

Knight Johnny’s Evil Spirit motorcycle is based on the Harley motorcycle. Although the performance of the Harley motorcycle is very good, it is a civilian product after all. Naturally, such a product does not meet the needs of Little Spider. You know, after all, he is a member of the Avengers organization. As long as he has a need, the R&D department of the Skyhammer can definitely develop a special motorcycle for him. And now that there is a better choice, then why bother to go back and deal with it this time.

To sum up, the prototype of the Evil Spirit motorcycle prepared by Little Spider for oneself is such a customized version. The body over four meters is equipped with magnetic levitation wheels that can rotate 360 ​​degrees in all directions. Coupled with the vector jet engine used on the Kun-style combat airframe. With its own performance alone, it has been able to reach 600 kilometers per hour and an acceleration of 1.3 seconds per 100 kilometers.

After getting the bonus of Ghost Rider’s power, this motorcycle has reached a kind of exaggeration. Let’s make a comparison. When the original Ghost Rider drives the Evil Spirit motorcycle, no matter how fast it is, at most it can only cross the ground, while the spider brand Evil Spirit motorcycle can really take off on the spot. .

This is not an exaggeration. Just look at the appearance of the car and you can see a general idea.

The original Spider-brand motorcycle is huge and full of muscles. Although the whole body is sci-fi style, it can still be seen at a glance that this is a motorcycle. But now this thing that came to him with the summon of the little spider, it is hard to imagine that it is a motorcycle.

The two spherical wheels have become two large blue fireballs, and as the blue flame spreads, all the car body lines seem to have been refined, showing a special Monster style. Of course, what is more magical is that this special motorcycle is floating in the air. And it can be seen from its introverted but not violent tail flame. It is definitely not all it can do now that it is just floating in midair.

Like light like electricity, this is the limit that such a motorcycle can do. With this ability, the little spider has the confidence to chase the old Osborn who has already started.

It is also a high-tech product. Oneself is buffed by the most magical magic buff, so there is no reason to lose. With this thought, the little spider chased in the direction where the old Osborn had escaped.

His speed is very fast, but he can’t reduce the anxiety in his heart by one point. It can be seen from the words and actions of the old Osborn that he must have a great hatred for the woman named Quake. Once he is out of danger, whether he will do something terrifying to Quake is a question no one can tell.

Little spider hopes that the answer is no, but this answer is actually the one with the least chance. Attitude is the key to determining a person’s behavior, and old Osborn’s attitude at this moment is vicious and cunning. He is more cruel than a wolf and more vicious than a snake. So what he will do is actually something that has already been set out.

As a hostage, Quake also understands this. So from the time she was held hostage, she had already begun to figure out how to escape from the hands of old Osborn.

Of course, this is not easy. Because the old Osborn was very clever to hold him with his hands in Green Goblin armor. The armor’s ability to neutralize shock waves makes it impossible for Quake to use the own ability to do something. Although old Osborn had not a lot of things exposed, she could use shock waves to attack these body parts. But the result of doing that is likely to be that she hasn’t done anything to old Osborn, and old Osborn has broken her neck first.

This is an uneconomical idea, and Quake has no reason to do it. But apart from this, she really has no other way. You can’t do nothing, just wait for old Osborn to choke oneself to death. So in the end, it is still necessary to make a final strike.

Quake is already secretly accumulating own power. The old Osborn was like a nether shadow, and led her into the city quietly.

The surfboard he is stepping on has an unimaginable concealment when flying. Whether it is sound or appearance, it has reached the limit of concealment. And this also made him quickly mixed into the bustling metropolis, just like a drop of water mixed into the river, and he could not be noticed at all.

It can be said that the old Osborn has this confidence. In a short period of time, whether it is Skyhammer or any other forces, it is impossible to find him. At this time, it is natural to understand the grievances.

Summarizing the current situation, the old Osborn said with certainty that oneself will fall to such a point, completely because of the damn woman in front of him.

It is no longer simply to treat her as a hostage, but as an enemy who has caused oneself to destroy oneself. Old Osborn’s eyes became vicious and dangerous in an instant. He had already decided to kill, and Quake seemed to realize something. So immediately, she took the lead.

The shock wave broke out! It was aimed at old Osborn’s head. With a determination to become benevolent without success, Quake squeezed almost every bit of strength and every potential in oneself’s body. The result of this was that the entire head of Old Osborn was devastated.

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