Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1228

“What the hell is going on?”

Looking at what was happening before him, Harry mumbled to himself somewhat incredulously. What happened in front of him was that with the opening of a DNA verification program, the floor in front of him suddenly split and formed a downward passage.

It is hard to believe that old Osborn actually set up such a mystery in the own office. And even if he couldn’t believe it, Harry still had to admit that his own father gave oneself a big enough surprise. If his father is still alive, then maybe he will confront him face to face, also what is hiding from the owner. But because of his father passed away, he can only be oneself to explore everything that his father has left behind.

Harry not at all act blindly. But before entering this passage, he called the own secretary.

“Notify the Personnel Department to transfer Max from the Cyber ​​Security Department to the position of Minister in the Security Department, and then ask him to contact me as soon as possible. I have very important things to ask him.”

“But, sir. What happens to the original security chief, Mr. Harper, if you do this?”

In a panic, I received a call from Harry. Felicia did the first It’s not that you have to give an answer for sure, but that the question is raised with some confusion. Faced with her question, Harry just replied coldly.

“Tell him, either he will be downgraded to Level 1 and become a deputy director, or he will just get out of there. Don’t forget, I am the president of the company and I have the right to appoint and remove any position. Including Yours, Hardy Young Lady!”

“Yes, sir, I know!”

Faced with Harry’s majesty, Felicia, the secretary, was naturally It is impossible to resist again. She knows who gives the own job and who oneself should serve. At this time, it was obviously an unwise decision to offend Harry, so she obediently and honestly followed Harry’s orders.

I have to say that as Harry’s assistant secretary, Felicia is still very quick. She had just issued the order, and the Ministry of Personnel and the Department of Safety in charge had already had a quarrel. Not everyone is willing to accept this order from Harry. Because in the eyes of most senior managers, Harry is just a brat with no hair. Such a brat wanted to destroy oneself’s current status and wealth in one sentence, how could they be willing.

Almost immediately, the former security chief who was sacked of the oneself position was about to rush up to talk to Harry. And before he rushed into Harry’s office, Felicia had stopped him.

“Mr. Harper, please don’t be impulsive. You can’t just break in without Mr. President’s summons!”

“I need an explanation to Mr. Osborn. Why did I get rid of my position? What did I do wrong? Why did he do it!”

As the confidant of a shareholder in the company, Harper, the security chief, is obviously confident. In his opinion, Harry simply, who lost his own father, is a seedling in a greenhouse. He is the president of the company if he gives him face, he is nothing if he doesn’t give him face.

This is also why he rushed to find a reason. He believes that once oneself makes the situation worse, he must withdraw the order of own if he has to end up for what oneself has done. One after another, until he realized that oneself only brought chaos to the company. At that time, he will no longer be able to control the company, because he has no such ability and prestige.

It can be said that Harper played a very good abacus. But Harry didn’t do what he wanted. Because at this time, he was already very tough in front of Harper.

“Do you have any questions about my appointment? Mr. Harper.”

“Yes, sir. I think there is an absolute problem with your order. Please ask me What did you do wrong, why did you want to exempt me from my position? And also put a nobody in this position. What qualifications does he have to replace me!”

Even if I have already felt it Harry’s attitude was a bit wrong, but Harper still yelled at him with his neck. In response, Harry just twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a scornful gesture.

“I am the largest board member of the company and the president of the company. I have the right to transfer any position in the company. As for you, Mr. Harper. What qualifications do you have to question me? Your current status, a vagrant?”

“Vagrant? I am the sect master of the company and a high-level administrator of the company. Of course I have this qualification…”

Harper hadn’t finished speaking before he was already roughly interrupted by Harry.

“You are not anymore. Mr. Harper, your performance has disappointed me. So I have decided to relieve all of your positions. From now on, you have nothing to do with our company. As for the issue of liquidated damages, I will inform you financially and call you the liquidated damages. Now, you can get me out of here!”

It seems to be the worst joke. Harper, who didn’t expect things to develop like this, immediately stiffened his own expression, and then shouted loudly at Harry.

“You can’t do this. I want to see the board member, you can’t just kick me out of Oscorp!”

“Of course I can. Hardy Young Lady, called The guards come. I will give this gentleman half an hour to pack his own things. If he is still in this company after half an hour, then let those guards go with him to get the dismissal money!”

Waved his hand and gave Harper an expulsion order like he was driving a fly. Harry had already returned to the own office without showing any mercy. And seeing Harper still wanting to go up and pester, Felicia had already stopped him very wisely.

“Mr. Harper, I think you should have heard Mr. Osborn’s order. Please leave, otherwise, I am afraid these security guards will ask you to leave!”

When Harper and Harry were arguing, Felicia had already secretly called the security guard over. And looking at the two big waists, standing in front of oneself like two mountains. Harper immediately converged his own behavior wisely. It is useless to say more, and it may also bring flesh and blood to oneself. Decent people like Harper don’t want this to happen to own.

He could only curse secretly while leaving. And seeing him leaving behind, Felicia showed a disdainful smile. It’s also a fool that’s all to dare to jump out and look for things without knowing anything.

Many people think of Harry as a reckless young man with no hair, but Felicia didn’t have this idea after first contacting the new Sect Master of the Osborn family. All his performances are very organized, the majesty and harsh manners, like the old Mr. Osborn. The old Mr. Osborn was able to overwhelm the management of the entire company, but the current little Mr. Osborn may not be unable to do this. Tiger father will not beget a dog son, simply looking at his ability by age is really stupid.

It can be said that at this time, Harry had already become a potential stock in Felicia’s eyes. She had already made up her mind, taking advantage of this opportunity to stand on Harry’s war chariot. Because now is the time when Harry is unstable. If oneself can take advantage of now to become a member of his camp, then when Harry is firmly seated in his own position, then her future is already guaranteed.

Of course, there is a certain gambling nature in it. But Felicia believed that Harry like this must be the one who laughed last. As for what it would be like if it failed, Felicia had not thought about it, nor was he worried about such a problem. Being young is her capital, and she has the opportunity to start all over again.

With such thoughts, Felicia naturally spared no effort in all that Harry explained. And soon, she told Harry such a news.

“Mr. Osborn, Mr. Max Dylan has taken office. He has taken over the supervisory authority of the Security Department. Now he is on the other side of the phone. Do you need me to connect it for you?”

“Of course, Hardy Young Lady, please help me connect!”

Harry gave an affirmative answer, and soon, he heard Mike from the other end of the phone Sna familiar voice.

“Thank you for your promotion, Boss. I don’t think I will let you down.”

“You are my confidant, Max. I naturally believe in you But now, I think I have more important things that I need to investigate for me. I know that during the construction of the Osborn Building, all blueprints are under the control of the safety department. I need you to help me find out the office of the president Blueprint, and then take a look, the space under the office is used to do and so on!”

Harry said his own idea, and that’s why he put Max up. The security authority is a very important department of Oscorp. It is related to the preservation of many confidential projects in Osborn, and even many invisible things need to be filed in this department. Harry believed that if there was any way to figure out whether the space under oneself’s office was dry and so on, it would only be from the security authorities.

Harper hit the gun. Because Harry would never allow an outsider to sit in such a position. If old Osborn doesn’t care about these clowns, then he must keep such a department in his hands. It was sooner or later to transfer Harper away, but he didn’t expect that this guy would stupidly provoke oneself in person.

But this is fine, it just gave him an excuse. Let him implement Max’s promotion order more smoothly. Next, you just need to figure out whether this place is dry and so on, and that’s it. While figuring out the secret of the oneself father, grasp the legacy of the oneself father completely in the palm of your hand. This is Harry’s purpose now.

Only after finishing all this, can he transfer his own mind to other places. Only by ensuring the continuation of the Osborn Family can he begin his own revenge.

Vengeance, Harry never let go of this. Whether it is now or in the future. The only gap is just waiting.

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