Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1231

“What did my father leave for me?” Hearing Tony’s this remark, Harry immediately changed his face. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Your Excellency. Do you think my father will have time to leave me something special in that situation?”

“Why is it impossible?” shook the head, Tony spread his own hands, and said to Harry with a faint smile. “I know your father. He is a person who knows how to plan ahead. Even a three-year-old child knows the truth if he doesn’t put eggs in a basket. I don’t think there is any reason why he would not know. Especially it is such an important thing.”

“But you have to know that the disaster destroyed everything. My home is already in ruins. In that case, what valuable things can you leave behind? Is it?”

“There will be young man, there will be. The place where your father can leave things is not just the place where he lives. His company, or some other Place. There will always be something left. As long as you look for it seriously, as long as you are willing to help me. You can always find something.”

“The question is, why should I go Help you. Mr. President, why should I hand over the things my father left for me to do so-called cooperation with you?”

Harry asked these questions, and these questions made Tony right He smiled brilliantly.

“Why? Because only working with me can help you accomplish everything your father expects. What is your father’s hard work to develop Extremis for? Don’t you just want to achieve it in this special way Do you have a special army, so that he can once again board the peak of power? You know, this requires not only technological strength, but also an army. And which of these two items do you have? Only by working with me can you promote all of this.”

“Extremis? Wait, what is this? I seem to be a little impressed.”

What Tony said was obviously a bit confusing. This confusion made him ask such words involuntarily. Faced with this problem, Tony laughed immediately.

“You don’t know Extremis? Are you kidding me. Your father spent so much time getting this thing from Huiyao City, but you told me that you didn’t know. You Was it your father’s own birth?”

“From my genetic disease, I should be his own birth. Besides, I may know what you are talking about. But I still want to I don’t quite understand. If all you want is this thing, why don’t you get it from the Skyhammer Bureau. Haven’t your people already got all the information from my father? With that, why do you still want it? Cooperate with me?”

“That material is no longer in the hands of Skyhammer. After Skyhammer gave it to Mutant. I have already lost the opportunity to get it. It’s not easy to reach a cooperative relationship with Mutant, so I will definitely not ruin this cooperation because of this kind of thing. But I think I should still have the opportunity to get this information from other places. For example, from you Body!”

“Me?” Looking at the palm of his hand, Harry’s face showed a rather complicated expression. “You are so sure, will I have what you want?”

“Always try it. Maybe Norman Osborn, who is planning ahead, has deliberately left you with any clues? I’m saving people, I guess he will do this. That’s why I will appear in front of you. How about it, young man. Are you willing to accept cooperation with me?”

Shrugged, Tony will show With a frank appearance, he asked him. Faced with this kind of inquiry, Harry still shook the head firmly.

“Sorry, I may not find a reason to cooperate with you. You should know that the best thing I should do now is not to continue my father’s unrealistic ambitions. It’s to settle down, Maintain the stability of the Osborn Family. Cooperating with you is not a good choice for me, and even said that it is too dangerous.”

“Why, did you hear any wind? ?” There was a helpless wry smile on his face, maybe even Tony oneself hadn’t thought that convincing Harry was such a difficult thing. This made him rub his own eyebrows a little bit weakly, and then he muttered for a moment before replying to him like this. “Well, I admit that it is indeed a bit risky for you to cooperate with me. After all, there are still many people who are not pleasing to my eyes. But you must know that this may also be an opportunity.”

“Young man, shopping malls are like battlefields, and even said that everything that involves interests is a battlefield. There are only two terms on the battlefield, winners and losers. The winner is always taking everything from the loser, and Before everything is over, none of us can be sure who will be the final winner. Maybe those guys, but it’s more likely to be me. So, why don’t you choose the more likely side? “

“You are really confident, President Stark. Even after knowing who your opponent is, you can still have such confidence, I don’t know what kind of evaluation to use It’s okay to say you. Is it optimistic? Or…” Before Harry said anything, Tony had already interrupted him in an unusually decisive tone.

“Optimistic? I prefer to use words like winning tickets. How about, this is an extremely rare opportunity. I made a special trip to invite you to catch my war chariot which belongs to the winner. This is Common people can’t enjoy the treatment. So, what is your answer?”

“I need to think about it!” Even if Tony said so, Harry was still reluctant to agree with him with no difficulty. He was saying ambiguous words in his mouth, but his eyes had already started to drift away. Looking at his expression, Tony sighed immediately.

“Damn it. Young man, you are as greedy as your father. Could it be that the conditions I have given are not enough to satisfy you?”

“I don’t Understand, what conditions did you give me?”

“Rights and status, young man. Your father yearn for something even in dreams! When you and I started working together, it was already It means that you are about to achieve the goal that your father is fighting for. You know, your father has completed an amazing work. Once his work is used by us, we can have the power to be ahead of the world. America will stand in the Peak of the world again. This is not a wishful thinking. At that time, as the hero who created all of this, you will have the power and status of the cream of the crop. Isn’t this condition enough? ?”

Tony’s conditions are definitely rich, but such conditions can’t move Harry’s heart. Because for him, power and status are not so attractive. He is not his father after all, not the wild ambition guy. Even said that on the contrary, in his heart, there is simply no ambition for this thing.

He was simply not moved by such conditions, and Tony quickly saw this. This made him distressed again.

“Oh, it seems that I made a mistake. You and your father are not at all like you. He is such a wild ambition person, and in your body, I actually didn’t feel it You have any thoughts on this aspect. This is really surprising, but I have to say, I like you like this, young man!”

Speaking of this, Tony suddenly changed his mind. .

“However, young man. Kindness and harmlessness may be a good thing, but if you do this, will your father be satisfied? Don’t forget, he paid his own life for all this today . And the reason why he did this is not you, also your children in the future? Fathers are always like this, they will consider more and more long-term. And now, it is you who should be your family , It’s time for your offspring to think about it. Are you planning to let go of the opportunity presented to you?”

The shrewd Tony immediately hit Harry’s weakness, in his Under these words. Harry’s face changed immediately. The existence of the family was indeed something Harry had to consider. After considering these premises, he had to decide whether oneself would accept the cooperation with Tony.

Seriously, the choice is still difficult. But it is not as difficult as at first. Because on the balance that measures all of this, it has already started to tilt because of the weight being bet. However, this tilt is not enough to make Harry make up his mind, he needs more things to make oneself make up his mind.

“I have a question, President Stark. Maybe after I get the answer to this question, I can make up my mind to cooperate with you.”

“Wow, finally there is progress Is this really good news. Come on, what do you want to know? If it is the information I know, in order not to delay our time, I will give you the answer as soon as possible!”

“Do you know a bastard who is full of fire and has a skull? I want to know all the information about him?”

Harry asked what oneself wanted to know the most, and listened Tony’s question made him feel a little stunned.

Of course he knew who Harry was asking. But he could not tell him that the person who killed his father was his best friend. This is not only for his good, but also because Little Spider is his friend. He didn’t want to kill two good youngsters because of a correct decision, so at this moment, he was already possessed by the actor.

“Do you know Ghost Rider? A devil whose duty is to judge souls, who enters and exits between hell and the world. Everyone who commits sin will be wary of his coming in the dark, because he The arrival means the sinking and destruction of the soul. Have you seen it?”

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